RP Section

The Ice Child

She ran, a smile spread on her face and her arms out wide, as if running to hug an old friend. Soon, she came to cliff, overlooking a frozen lake. No life was in sight, and the blizzard only thickened. Her smile quickly faded and she fell, sobbing in the snow and looking into the distance.

Vaeril Zincrec - The Stampede

Vaeril pulled the hood off of his head, running a hand through his blonde hair, and pushing it back behind his elven ears. He scoured the area with his Dark Eye, bird, deer, and other animals' auras would appear in orange, and everything else a dull grey. He couldn't spot any threats, so he let his guard down for a few moments. While using his Dark Eye to watch a buck with large antlers ahead, he used his Trainkiller and his steam shooters to move to it at insanely fast speeds, faster than most any steam jet could move. His body would break straight through trees, as the Trainkiller's aura and wind pressure protected his body from being pulverized by running into things. This way, he could blaze a straight path to the deer. He then used the steam shooters on his calves to shoot him up many feet into the air, and he pulled out one of his daggers. Steam shot out of the hilt as the dagger moved right for the head of the deer at the speed of a bullet. It was a clean slice, and Vaeril enjoyed it. He was happy he was able to kill the animal without it feeling any pain, and he admired his handiwork before skinning it.

He put all of the harvestable meat into a sack, and threw it over his back along with the deer's fur. He used his Dark Eye once more, making sure no one was around besides tbe wildlife.

He headed for town, to sell his gains and to have it cooked.

Kyns turned to Echo and smiled. " Did he now? Well i'll be sure to stay in line then. Kyns said laughing. "I thought you'd like him. He's a sweet old geezer." Kyns said, finishing adjusting his bandoleer straps. "So, you wanna see the city? Spend some of this new gold? Maybe I could get you to try some famous Binbig banana bread!" Kyns exclaimed, stretching himself out. "Come on! You have so much to see!" He said, grabbing Echo's arm and practically running to the door.

Elizabeth applauded Vinn while laughing, seeing him riding Soma. When he approached her, still sitting on the griffin, Elizabeth accepted Vinn's stretched out hand, which helped her to get onto the saddle behind him. She took a few moments to get comfortable in her seat before she stretched out both of her arms so that Fenrir could easily jump onto them. She then held him in her arm, patting his half-wooden half-metal head. She knew that he hated these rides as much as she did. "It's supposed to be a relaxing ride." The shopkeeper said smiling."Haha... yeah sure, a relaxing ride...", she replied to the dwarf in a sarcastic tone. She sighed. Only sitting on the griffin and thinking about the flight made her already feel dizzy. She looked over Vinn's shoulder. "Don't expect me to be as talkative as now, once we get going.", she said, pouting. She almost felt sorry for him to be stuck with her on a mission.

"Binbig banana bread?" she asked with a quirked brow before the was pulled out the door, "You're going to rip my arm off you baffoon!" she yelled as she tried to gain her footing. Once she did however she matched his pace and followed him into the city. There were shops and bakeries, and she could see large buildings in the distance. It was just so.. Spacious there, "So where are we going first? That shop over there looks cool."

Continuing to chase after the girl Statera and Pӕngo plowed through the mounds and drifts amongst the snow. Suddenly breaking through a drift bank the boy had to reign in his pet as they almost crashed into the girl as she fell crying. He quickly ran over to her, noticing the pale blue seeping into her face, he picked he up the best he could with a busted arm “Pӕngo I am going to lash her to you okay? I’ll just have to walk beside you, we need to find shelter.” Doing as he had said Statera quickly bundles the girl the best he can in his silvery blanket from the lab and walks along beside them.

He notices a small stand of several large ancient trees which sit close enough that they almost appear to be one plant, going ahead to check the area Statera slides inside the thick branches, inside there is a depression where the tree roots had broken into a shallow cave, a cavern really it seemed, but they would have to go down to see. Thanking his luck the boy slid back to his pet and the girl, he picks her up and takes her into the trees while calling his pet with him.
“Pӕngo can you shift to large form in here for me? I need to use you as an anchor, I don’t trust the ground under here for climbing yet with only one hand And the girl to carry.”

Pӕngo shifts, the saddle they had been using changing into scales which slid into the pet’s body, he slowly grew, pushing branches up allowing them to stand better, then the pet dug into the ground and it’s long tail extended, wrapping the two of them up and carefully lowering them into the cave. Once inside the glare was much less and Statera found he was nearly blind, only a little patch of glowing slime mold coating a few hanging roots gave any light at all, and there was a strange gurgling sound. So using one of his few remaining sense cores he activated echolocation, suddenly the slight sound he heard before made sense, they were in an underground riverbed, the tree roots trailed down until they touched the small stream of crystalline liquid.

As they landed at the bottom the boy took them to a corner well away from both water and the opening then called to Pӕngo to make his way down. The creature nimbly climbed the roof, roots, and walls, making its way to them. Laying the girl in as comfortable a pose as he could Statera prepared to use a spell, he knew that he needed to make sure that his limited supply of mana would work as well as it could so he decides to do a little prep work first.
“Pӕngo can you weave those roots into a mat at the entrance? We need to cut this draft down; I will try and weave the roots to block the paths by the stream.” They worked quickly, well as quickly as they could in the circumstances, and managed to make the room fairly well blocked off visually. Next Statera activated his final sense core to see magic and formed Knot spells in the roots and filled them with a little mana, all 4 paths becoming solid wood walls apart from a few small holes for clean air, water flow, and sight.

With the prep work done Statera gathered the glowing slime and created markers along all the edges and structures in the room so they could see when his senses reset. Now ready for his re-boot that was going to happen after a spell of this size Statera moved next to the girl, he cleaned the floor so that he had an area or a 50 foot circle, after all, if he was going to reset from this he might as well go big. Once this area was polished smooth he began to etch in various runes and lines of power, he would occasionally drip in a bit of raw mana to for an elemental gem node in a key point, being smart he used the natural river as a ley point and amplified the coursing mana before writing down the spells in the correct points of the diagramed double pentacle.

Like his symbol it showed the basis of all the elements, but this one only needed a few points engraved, namely fire (in this case the second meaning of heat), air, life(the fourth meaning of safety), creation (in this case it’s second meaning of light), and earth. Returning to the center and bringing the girl and his pet with him, making Pӕngo into a pillow for the girl, Statera activated the spell. As he felt his systems turning off to reset and recharge the room gained a light glow (much helped by the slime outlines) and warmth began to flood through them, it was cozy as the darkness fell in his eyes one pixel at a time. As he drifted
“At least the girl will be safe.” was the last though through Statera’s head.

SpookySpecter said:
The butcher said nothing, and stared at Cat for quite some time."Weren't you just at the school house? A boy just came in and asked for ribs so he could bring them up for Jimmy...does the kid really need more?" The butcher looked at Cat again, slightly fazed by the effect gravity currently had on her shirt. "You know Ms. Killamet, you have quite the hefty tab going on....I don't know if I can afford to give you anything else until you pay me back." The butcher said, scratching the back of his head.
"A boy? I don't suppose you mean Lecoro?! He's a thief! The fool keeps coming in here spout lies and scoffing the items spent with my money! Those ribs were never delivered to the party" the image of Ms. Killamets said with a pout, straightening up once more and her shirt falling back into it's average place. "Do me a favour and let me have this one for free? I mean, it's not exactly fair if I have to pay for products I never recieved!" The illusion complained. Meanwhile, Cat was getting awfully tired having to keep up such a detailed illusion for a prolonged period of time

As Vinn helped Beth up into the saddle, he threw his backpack on the ground for the shopkeeper. Who strapped the pair's bags onto the saddle. As everything began to get situated, Vinn looked behind himself at Beth. "That's fine if you don't talk. You could even take a nap while I fly us there I won't mind one bit." He said smiling. Vinn tightened his grip on the reigns and Soma moved about the sable, unhindered by the additional weight. "Alright, you're good to start flying!" The dwarf said, walking over to a red button and pressing. A latch on the ceiling opened, and Soma looked up instinctively. She began flapping her wings and flew through the hole. "Well...here we go Beth. HOLD ON!" Vinn yelled, as the griffin flapped it's wings, rising higher and higher into the air. Then she took off. As Soma glided through the air she screeched, her majestic voice echoing through the city and deafening her rider's ears. Vinn tightly gripped the reigns as they rocketed through the air, passing over the the ruins of a crashed airship.

@Capricornus @GrieveWriter

The butchered narrowed his eyes. "Lecoro aye? And I trusted that boy..." The butcher said, walking to the back and bringing back a large plate of ribs. "Here, take this. Sorry I doubted you." The butcher said smiling. Before grabbing his cleaver and returning to his work.

SpookySpecter said:

The butchered narrowed his eyes. "Lecoro aye? And I trusted that boy..." The butcher said, walking to the back and bringing back a large plate of ribs. "Here, take this. Sorry I doubted you." The butcher said smiling. Before grabbing his cleaver and returning to his work.

"I won't forget this" the image said with a smile and a flirty wink while taking the second plate of ribs and walking back to Lecoro. As soon as she returned, the illusion disappeared and Cat stood there, placing the plate down beside her and sitting down, panting slightly and appearing rather frail. "I'm too tired" she briefly explained before munching on half the ribs and passing the other half over to Lecoro. "I have a small proposition... If you become my servant and help me in my rise to glory, I will take care of you, you are, after all, still a child, even if you are a capable one" she smiled brightly at him, her green and blue eyes gleaming in the darkness of the alleyway
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Kyns looked over to the shop Echo was talking about. "That one?" Kyns asked, pointing to a large wooden basic goods shop. A metal sign out front read: The Rowdy Rhino. Suddenly, a griffin flew overhead and screeched, causing Kyns' ears to ring. Kyns watched the griffin for a moment before returning to reality. "Uh...sorry...yeah sure! Let's go in!" Kyns said to Echo, making his way over to the shop. As he entered, Kyns quickly understood the origin behind the shop's name. All about the shop, huge rhino kykdren moved about, browsing all the goods. Dotted about the shop were barrels of fruit, crates of vegetables and a case full of assorted weapons.

Raven was already one step ahead by keeping an eye out on the rooftops and listening closely to his surroundings, already hearing the familiar sound of wings beating and raising his cane up at the two as if it were a club and knocked one of them away while also wacking the second from hitting Silverstein, missing the third. What was unexpected though was the random guy jumping down and grabbing Nisha then putting a gun to her head. There wasn't much Silverstein could do at the moment, they had a set ambush and he had been distracted by asking questions. Seeing the man grab her Silverstein went to lift his pistol up at the man's head, or so he would have him think, and instead shot at the Kykdren's foot with his other pistol aimed at his head but he didn't shoot, not yet anyways, for there was the elf in the way and until he had a clear shot he would remain still not letting his guard down. The two stood nearby each other, ready in case the bird men would make a counter attack.

Joseph followed Veda into the small room in the back, closely looking around the room for traps, though there doesn't seem to be any, or at least, Joseph didn't spot any signs of one. He waited for the old man to leave the room, and made sure that the door was tightly shut before speaking again. "John's dead, Veda." His eyes dropped towards the ground, he clenched his fists tightly as he gritted out the sentence, "He's been dead for as long as the time you've spent hiding in the west." Joseph's words were hash, almost as if he was mocking her. It wasn't as if she just didn't want to be a part of the gang anymore; in Joseph's mind, there had to be a more significant reason for running away that Veda is hiding from him.

@Drakeel @Fawnking
here is the cave (roughly drawn) that i described (after everything was done)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc471e34d_StaterasCave.png.6d9a49b2145bb0e917bcc7924920f010.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146569" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc471e34d_StaterasCave.png.6d9a49b2145bb0e917bcc7924920f010.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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At first there was just an opaque blackness. Then colours formed, deep hues of red, purple and rouge swirled in and out of vision. Moments later light rushed into his eyes as the dark hues disappeared from the corners of his vision and the real world rushed up to meet him.

He was falling from a little ways up onto some kind of boat. Kypher spread his hands out before him in panic and crumpled into a large cargo hold of fine silks and linens.

When he'd picked himself off the now indented fabrics, he saw that the boat he'd found himself on was actually on fire still, or at least partly smoking in some areas.

An elder man was across the deck, probably putting the first out, Kypher assumed. He raised a hand and called out to the man, "Greetings! I am Kypher, The Grand Creationist Praetorian, Bearer of The Multi-House! And who might you be, good sir?" He spoke in an old-timey kind of way that suggested the evolution of modern dialect had eluded him for a while. The magical human stood there, confused, sceptical and in slight pain from the fall. Narrowly escaping death sure wasn't a fun pastime of his.
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"Alright, you're good to start flying!" The dwarf said. "Yaaay..." It was Elizabeth's only sarcastic answer to this. She put on her goggles before they started, shifted a little around in the saddle, before being ready. The griffin started to slowly flapping its wings, which got faster and faster as she slowly rised higher into the air before finally taking off. Elizabeth closed her eyes at the griffin's screech which left her almost deaf for a few moments. She opened her eyes again when she felt the rush of the wind in her face and her hair. Looking down she felt overwhelmed, seeing almost the whole city from above, but she soon looked up again as she started to feel slightly dizzy again. She tried to ask Vinn if everything was okay, but her voice was buried by the rushing wind in their ears.

Veda rolled her eyes at his hesitance to enter the room, glad he at least was being safe. At the younger’s words, however, she looked him in the eyes. “John…died?” She was shocked. “He died when the police came into our building? I didn’t see his body!” Veda grabbed his arms, “This whole time I thought he was alive..?” She almost wished she did see his body along the other deceased members of the Enigma so she didn’t have to go through a phase of mourning for her lost lover. She hung her head, arms lowering to hold the others forearms. “Joseph, I didn’t run away to leave him specifically, you can’t hold this against me.” Veda wanted to cry “It’s not my fault he died!”

@Aine @Drakeel
Zoey walked to Veda and put a comforting arm around her, and in a softer tone said. "We aren't blaming you for this." She turned her head to Joseph "She couldn't have known Joseph. How could she have? This wouldn't be the reaction of a murderer." she said trying to reason with him. She turned her attention back to Veda letting her go and placing a hand on her shoulder. "It'l be alright. We all loose people." she paused "Be strong. For him." she said with a light smile and removing her hand.

@Aine @Fawnking
Echo nodded as Kyns pointed at the goods shop and she walked inside ahead of him. As she entered she noted... Rhino Kykdren all about the shop? She gaped for a few seconds until a large grey foot nearly trampled her own and she stumbled back, watching the oblivious Kykdren walk towards a table covered with clothing. She looked down at her foot and laughed quietly to herself before trekking forward, inspecting the piles of goods. Fruits, vegetables, clothes and weapons all suited for... Rhino Kykdrens. She took one last look at the ginormous clothing before walking over to where Kyns was, "As interesting as Rhino sized shoes are I'd prefer to look at something a tad more... Edible? I'm hungry, want to grab something to eat?"

"Why does it matter to you if he was alive or not?" while still visibly angered, Joseph has calmed down significantly and spoke with a cold tone in his voice, much like the one he greeted Zoey with the first time the two met, he slowly walked away from the girl, prying himself from her grasps, "It's already been 8 years, Veda" he pulled out a small, aged tin box from his jacket - the edges of this container were bent almost out of shape, and the pictures which were once printed onto the top of the lid had long been faded into nothing more but a few splotches of color atop a vast background of brown rust. Joseph tossed over the box towards Veda. "Better late than never, right?" he laughed maniacally before suddenly stopping and continuing, "I kept that piece of shit with me for 8 years, Veda. Never looked inside it." Though he doesn't really know why, Joseph began to feel an immense sadness creeping up on him, "John wanted you to have it. It was his last wish."

@Drakeel @Fawnking
Trust said:
"I won't forget this" the image said with a smile and a flirty wink while taking the second plate of ribs and walking back to Lecoro. As soon as she returned, the illusion disappeared and Cat stood there, placing the plate down beside her and sitting down, panting slightly and appearing rather frail. "I'm too tired" she briefly explained before munching on half the ribs and passing the other half over to Lecoro. "I have a small proposition... If you become my servant and help me in my rise to glory, I will take care of you, you are, after all, still a child, even if you are a capable one" she smiled brightly at him, her green and blue eyes gleaming in the darkness of the alleyway

Leco slid his portion of ribs to Cat. "Here, yeh still look pretty tuckered. I don't need any more." Leco said, patting his stomach and smiling. "I'd be happy to help ya rise ta glory. Does...that mean..." Leco looked up to Cat, his eyes shimmering with hope. "Would you be like ma Momma?" Leco asked excitedly after a short period of silence.

SpookySpecter said:

Leco slid his portion of ribs to Cat. "Here, yeh still look pretty tuckered. I don't need any more." Leco said, patting his stomach and smiling. "I'd be happy to help ya rise ta glory. Does...that mean..." Leco looked up to Cat, his eyes shimmering with hope. "Would you be like ma Momma?" Leco asked excitedly after a short period of silence.

"I... Suppose that's... A way of putting it" cat mumbled, never having even considered children before, she thought she would've been a terrible parent and now suddenly she had just obtained a son. She took the rest of the ribs and munched on the greedily, not wanting to look at Lecoro for fear of catching his eye. Car hoped he wouldn't get too atached, her plan for tlory involved alot of stealing, and that means alot of risks.

The bird kykdren keeled backward. Firing off all four shells in his shotgun out of pure anger. "YOU STUPID FUCKING HUMANS...AH MY FOOT!!!" The man yelled, as he fell backward. Now free, Nisha turned around and drew her pistol, firing four shots into the fallen kykdren's head. "NOW YOU FEATHERED BASTARDS KNOW NOT TO MESS WITH ME!!!" She yelled, firing the rest of her pistol's clip in an adrenaline fueled rage. The surrounding bird kykdren backed away, exclaiming how: 'that bitch just shot up their leader' and: 'let's get these fucks at the train station'. The kykdren flew away, and quickly dispersed into the distance. "Come on, let's go to the train station. AND KEEP YOUR GUARD UP THIS TIME, I almost just got my head blown off thanks to you."

@Veyd Sahvoz
Veda was a bit startled with the elves touch but eventually accepted the gesture. “Why wouldn’t it bother me if John was alive or dead? I loved him!” She grits her teeth, angered by the brothers’ word. “I know it’s been 8 years joseph, but if I returned what would you all have thought of me a coward?” She said, eyes puffier and red. Her eyes widened however when he pulled the box out. She gave John that box when the two brothers first joined, though she didn’t remember why. Veda heard the laugh and desperately wished she grabbed her rifle before they entered the closed room. “You kept it all this time?” She said in a quieter voice. She stretched her palm out, wanting the small tin box the taller was holding.

@Aine @Drakeel
"And who was it that just saved you?" Asked Silverstein, waiting for a response. "Exactly." He answered and walked on to the train station. If they hadn't have been there she would have gotten her head blown off, but she didn't and that's what mattered. Following along with Nisha along with his friend, Raven watched the others fly away which for some reason made him start think of a song he once heard but that memory soon faded away like every other memory which hardly bothered him any more. If it were important then he'd remember it sometime. Arriving at the train station, Raven walked up to the desk to buy the three of them tickets while Silverstein stayed with Nisha, both of his pistols out and constantly looking around for any sketchy people. You would think that a few birdmen would he noticeable but if they were able to ambush them a while ago then there was no reason he should lower his guard now. Raven soon came back with three train tickets for the next train and when he came back he had a little bit of a grin "What a nice lady, she was kind enough to let me have the tickets for half price. Talk about my good looks and charms, eh?" Laughed Raven.


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