RP Section

Veda gulped at the confrontation, a tad nervous. She knew she shouldnt have ran and hid. She wasnt the type, and now she let fear run her, making her a coward. Veda glanced at the few bystanders that were staring and grit her teeth. Veda glared at the hand Zoey had offered. " Yes we should move." She let go of the mahogany counter and towards the room Gabriel dissappeared to. She gave a hesitant knock and opened the door. " Hey old man, we need to borrow the room for a bit." Gabriel set the book he was repairing back down and glanced at the trio. " Alright, just dont cause any trouble.." He said a bit hesitant to leave Veda alone, but he walked back to the counter despite his uneasiness. Veda urged the two into the room and locked the door. " Joseph, you dont have to tell Al and John you saw me. Im dead to them and lets keep it that way." She said firm, demanding something from the unknown Enigma leader.

@Aine @Drakeel
SpookySpecter said:
Leco looked up at Cat, smiling as usual. "I was gonna give ya da half anyhow." He said, putting it down and breaking the rack in half. He put one half in his mouth and handed the other half to Cat. "Teh butcha's name is Jork Wilbof, has a ting for smart elf girlies. Like Ms.Killamets! N' I gotsa picture of 'er right here." He pulled a picture out of his pocket. "Mailman Hofkins gave me package to deliver to her from some cameraman. It was her portrait she had taken by him the previous day I 'tink. I stole the package, not knowin' it was jest a stupid picture. But..I never throw anthin' out. So I kepts it." He pulled out a large folded up paper from his pocket and handed it to Cat. Then, he sat down, gnawing on the ribs.

Cat didn't say anything and ate the ribs before running away for a short moment, disappearing from view after eating and regaining some of her strength. She psyched herself up for what she was about to attempt and made herself appear as similar to Ms. Killamet as possible. She looked almost identical as she walked back, towards the butcher shop. "If the butcher touches me... I'm screwed... I can pass the voice off on a cold or something" Fran mumbled as she returned to stand in front of the bear-child. "Now, tell me about her, does she have any quirks? Like an eye twitch or something?" The illusion of the elf asked with a smile. The edges of her appeared slightly fuzzy on closer inspection. "I'll admit, this isn't my best illusion, but I'm super tired and practically still starving"
Blume turned back as the fighting soon got came to an end. Going back to her "Throne" in the bridge, she took a phone from a stand by the side and Called. "Attention Attention, all ships disengage and set course for Binbig. Officer Grulkna of the Lower decks please Report to the bridge room. Thank you." Blume leaned her head on her upright arm. she was exhausted from the day. To many things happening at once, and the dragonslayer got away. she let out a sigh and dozed off... Sometime later Blume was suddenly woken up by a loud bang from a gun. Blume gasped then yelled as pain coursed threw her body. Blood began to soak her clothes as she lifted her hand to find her hand bloodied. "Oh god..." she whispered as her vision was blurring. tears began streaming from her eyes as she looked at the attacker. It was the Officer Grulkna, the one she had summoned. Blume tried to stand while the assasin watched. She lost balance and fell to jer knees clenching her her wound in the abdomen. "Why?..." She asked coughing up blood. The officer just glared at her. "Tsk, it was either you or me, and i dont wanna die yet." He pointed the gun getting ready for another shot. Blume quickly made the plants surrounding her to rapidly grow and form a shield to absorb the the assault. Multiple shots went off when a bullet finally penetrate her cover and embedded itself just right of her chest, barely missing the heart. Blume yelled in pain as she began to cry. "Ready to die Witch?" The man said reloading his revolver. But as soon as Blime heard the click she lashed out all the vines surroinding her impaling the man in multiple places killling him. instantly. Blume began trying to stand, needing the vines to support her up to her Captians chair. Her vison was blurring. Fear struck her for the first time since she was a child as death crept ever closer... Death, she felt its cold tendrils grab her heart. Wainting for her soul to depart. "Oh, death my old friend." Blume said looking at a cloaked figure that only she could see. "Have youve come to take you most dutiful disciple?" Blume grinned as tears streamed down her frosty white skin. Blume moved to get the phone but began fumbling it. It was getting hard to move anything. She pressed the button for her First Mate. "First mate.... Help." and with those final words she passed out from the loss of blood.

@ GrieveWriter @SpookySpecter (i wanna propose a two day time skip or something)
Dearwolfy said:
Aurora was far away talking to Vinn and Elizabeth when she noticed Bugsy missing. She sees Bugsy talking to Clair. She makes her way over to the newfound couple and on the spot is asked a question. "Wait what? You? And Bugsy?! Well I kind of figured though this is a surprise and cute. Well he is my baby brother. Hurt him and you will be scoldes Clair. Other than that I'm happy for the two of you. I'd you wanna program romantic stuff be my guest but let me know first." She winks behind her goggles. After it was all settled, Aurora realizes something. Her face was covered in bruises and Clair can visibly see them. She hoped Clair would not ask and just focus on a blushing Bugsy.
"S-so...where have you been?"
Clair smiled widely and held her hands behind her back as she answered "Hmm , well first off all I went to check on one of my contraptions then I unwillingly delivered my project and well then I made my way here and bailed you two out ! It's been quite an eventful day actually.". After giving Aurora her reply Clair turned and looked to Bugs briefly before turning back to Aurora "So what exactly did you two do to get wrapped up in this mess ? I mean your bail wasn't exactly cheap by any means...... not that it matters now but."

Aurora nods then nods and walks out with her out of the barracks. "You bailed me out? Oh Clair! You truly are a gals best friend. I'm so glad I met you and dragged ya with me. Although, I really am in debted to you also." Aurora hugs Clair then Bugsy joins in and hugs both of them before nuzzling Clair's head since she was much taller than a human well Aurora at least. "I was caused of murder and now I gotta love my innocence. I can't leave this place until then." She sighs and hangs her head. "Hey, how didja find me anyways? You didn't report me missing didja?"

@Mr Swiftshots

Kyns looked over at the woman and her son, waving and smiling. "I only get a lot of attention here. I made quite a spectacle when I dragged the dragon's head through the streets." He says nostalgically. They soon hit Binbig. As the pair walked through a giant bronze gate, a guard pointed at Kyns, whispered to another guard who pointed at Echo. And the two ran off, disappearing into the crowd of scholars, Pitfum refugees and merchants. "The first thing we'll want to do is find a doctor." Kyns said, beckoning Echo to follow him. He looked about the streets, than moved quickly to an old worn-down building. He opened the door and looked at Echo. "The man inside here...is very crazy. He's an old dwarf named Vimba. He was kicked out of Oonbin for being an annoyance. He'd correct the professors constantly and he's still upset about the ordeal after three hundred years. Whatever you do, do not mention anything about Pitfum. He lived there a few years ago and had a bad run-in with a gang lord. That's why he's here now. I'm afraid if you say anything about Pitfum he might snap and go ballistic. Maybe even have a heart attack..." He said, then locked on his helmet and entered the house. A bell rang, and a hunched over graying dwarf entered the room, scars disfigured his graying bearded face, and he was missing a foot, making him hobble about with a cane. "KYNS ARVO, you bloody bastard, get over here and hug this old man!" The dwarf said, nearly charging at Kyns and hugging him. "Hey Vimba, how are you? Kyns asked. "Doing as well as an ugly old dwarf can. How about yourself, you looked plum tuckered out. Is that a bump on your head? And you're armors all dented up! Damn it boy! I told you before I left that damn city that if you came back with any dents in your armor i'd boil your head in cyanide! I made that stuff almost dent proof, how do you manage to bang it up?! What am I gonna do with ya....get out of that shit, lemme have a look at'cha and your suit." Kyns obeyed and climbed out of his gear. Vimba finally noticed Echo, his eyes widened as he looked her. "Hello deary, what's a girl like you accompanying a train-wreck like Kyns.....?! Now I owe the bastard four hundred gold!" He said hobbling over to a chest in the corner of the shop and digging through it, throwing a sack of gold at Kyns, who caught it with one hand. Smiling happily. "Told you next time I saw you i'd have a woman with me." He said sneering, tossing the gold to himself. "Kyns, go sit over there. I'm too angry to look at you right now." Vimba hobbled over to Echo. "You need to get patched up dear? Those bandages on your shoulder look a little bloody Hon. What's your name? I'm Vimba, Kyns probably never told you about me...damn kid is probably embarresed of me anways. " He sais, eyeing Echo's wound and grabbing a large satchel from a bloody table.



"My house is in Binbig you big oaf. Didn't you read the contract at all? Or can you just not read?"
She said, walking down the street. "It's just a short trip by train. The depot is this way. Come on, I want to get there by the time i'm at least forty!" She said. In the distance, a hooded man watched, hunched over on a rooftop. He looked over to the left, nodded, and jumped off the building. Out of sight.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"Did you really have to waltz down the streets with a dragon head in hand? Ever heard of bags? They're quite useful." as they continued down the street Kyns proceeded to lead the pair to the door of who she hoped was a doctor of sorts and proceeded to warn her about how mad the man was, "He surely can't be that bad." as the door was kicked open she subconsciously took a step back as the one footed dwarf pounced on Kyns and she laughed as the dwarf scolded Kyns for banging up his face. And armour.

As Kyns hopped out of his armour Vimba caught sight of her and his eyes widened, "Well he is a trainwrack, I've had to save his sorry ass... Twice now?" she asked with a smirk. As Vimba ordered Kyns around the dwarf hobbled over to her and inspected her arm before asking a few questions, "Uh, yes please." She responded and watched him hobble over to a table to grab a bag, "And my names Echo, nice to meet you Vimba."


Vinn followed the man out back. The back, was essentially a large caged in dome with a straw covered floor. Large snow griffins walked about freely. "This is the griffin stable, don't worry, they're sweet creatures." The shopkeep said, petting a griffin as he walked to the back. He bent down and heaved, as he picked up two bags, stuffed generously with supplies. "Here ya go lad and lass. Inside both backpacks you'll find a lighter, two pounds of dried fish, heavy coats, heavy pants, snow hats, snow gloves, face masks, a flare gun with ammo, cigars, two hand grenades, a reinforced rope, folding ice picks and bedrolls." The man plopped the bags on the ground at the pair's feet. "And now, to get there, you'll need a snow griffin! They can get you places possibly no man has gone before. And they're fast too! Faster than any airship around. Can get you to the north within an hour if the sky is clear!" The dwarf said, moving over to Vinn and Beth. "I only have one double saddle, so the two of you will have to share one. Over here, her name is Soma." The dwarf said, walking over to the second largest griffin in the stable. He pet her, and she purred quietly in response. "Now, Soma here is the mother of almost all these Griffins, except for the father. That monster of a griffin over there." He said, pointing at the largest and most intimidating griffin. "Soma is a gentle creature, and gets attached to her riders very easily. She's a jealous bird as well, so make sure you give her plenty of attention. Now, let me saddle her up." The dwarf walked out of the stable. Leaving Vinn and Beth alone. Almost immediately, the griffins began walking up to the two, curiously looking at them. Pecking them gently with their beaks and cooing. A very young griffin, barely reaching Beth's knees in height, walked up to Beth and stared up at her. It's icy blue eyes, beaming with curiosity. After a moment it began purring affectionately and rubbing it's face on her leg, begging to be given attention. All the younger griffins noticed this, and soon followed, purring and cooing as they begged to be pet.

The majestic snow griffin!


SpookySpecter said:
"My house is in Binbig you big oaf. Didn't you read the contract at all? Or can you just not read?"
She said, walking down the street. "It's just a short trip by train. The depot is this way. Come on, I want to get there by the time i'm at least forty!" She said. In the distance, a hooded man watched, hunched over on a rooftop. He looked over to the left, nodded, and jumped off the building. Out of sight.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"I wasn't asking where your house is, I already know that, I was asking what your estimate was on how long it would take to get there from here." Explained Silverstein in a slightly annoyed tone, though her response was still vague to him. If she was going to sit back and call him an oaf then he'd reply with something rude to match it, possibly annoy her too like he did to Raven on a daily basis. She could've replied without the snide remark but no, people these days had to be rude as hell. As they followed her on to the depot Silverstein kept at least one of his pistols on hand in case anything were to be out of the ordinary and Raven did the same by keeping his cane by his side like always. He noticed a figure nearby, a shady mad hunched over, but saying something wouldn't help. The best plan at the moment would be to just get on the train and to keep low, it was better than nothing.

Cradling his recently broken arm, which really would need a proper workplace to fix fully, Statera rides along on Pӕngo while they look for safety or help. As they slide through the snow, making only the quiet *fush* of churning snow and the *chlink* of fracturing melt ice the boy searches like he did during his tests, looking for areas that held a pocket of dry air, hoping for a glow of warmth from an animal or hot spring. As they travel less and less of the plants seem to be ancient, few even seem fully grown, so the boy assumes there must be people here somewhere close, or perhaps there had been a recent disaster which wiped away the terrain.

Slowing down to look more closely Statera noticed some small footprints leading away in the snow, they were much too small for an adult, but they were most certainly human, however they were all alone out here. He couldn’t just leave a child if they were lost, so he decided to at least check on them before continuing his mission, besides, maybe the child or their guardian would know something… or at least of a place he could rest.

With his decision firmly in mind Statera urged Pӕngo to follow the small path through the snow. Pӕngo didn’t mind, after all this meant less work for him thanks to the broken snow. Sliding along at a good pace Statera noticed the small girl huddling in her jacket as she trudged along shivering, he tried to call out but remembered that his voice was not yet set today; he only had the voice he used to talk to Pӕngo,
PAPA , and some machines in the lab. What should he do? What language would she speak? He decided to try his luck with PAPA’s words, he spun the core in his throat and spoke in Ancient Royal Dwarvish “Hello? Little one? Art thou okay?”

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"Why the pleasure is all mine Ms.Echo" Vamba said. "Hey! I'm not that much of a train wreck!" Kyns yelled from the corner stool. "Boy, shut yer yap! Nobody is talking to you." Vimba yelled to him. "But to be honest, the mans only a train wreck because he's distracted. He's a bloody good warrior. He's killed more men than I can count...and believe me Sweetheart, I can count pretty damn high." Vamba said, gently taking Echo's arm and unwrapping her bandages. "When I first met him, he had just come back from the north. Kid was a real mess. He had terrible PTSD. I imagined he's told you he trained with the Hilingrove monks...well after that he was in a war for them. The Alamansa Tribe despised the monks, and waged a short crusade against them. It lasted a year, and he had to do a lot of regrettable things...I won't go into detail for you lass. Now, the reason Kyns had to go was because the Alamansas tamed ice dragons for war. And since the boy's title was the sole reason he was trained in the first place, the monks sent him in with the warriors. Telling him that it was his way of repaying them for the time they had spent training him. " Vamba threw the bandages to the side and reached into his bag, grabbing a vial of red liquid. "Kyns would cry every night when I first took him in. Yelling at people that weren't there...begging for forgiveness from allies long gone.." Slowly, Vamba poured the viscous liquid on Echo's wound. "Mind the goop, that'll sting lass. Now where was I...oh yes, it took him a year of therapy from yours truly before he started getting better. Now, he's just distracted in his own thoughts, hiding his depression with jokes and smiles. But that's fine." Echo's wound lit up, and quickly began to heal. "The reason i'm telling you this is because I want you to keep an eye on him for old Vamba. I can't really travel with him anymore..." He said, looking at his stump leg. "There, that should be all healed now. The stinging will fade soon as well." Vamba said, turning to Kyns. "Alright you bastard, sit back and let me have a look at you!" Vamba yelled at Kyns, before turning to Echo again. "If you'd like some clothes without blood and holes in them, I have a change for you in the closet over there." He said, pointing to a closet in the corner. "Help yourself to whatever you find." The dwarf said, before hobbling over to Kyns.

The Ice Child

Quickly, the child turned to see a man standing in the snow and speaking a language she did not know. She tilted her head in curiosity as she stepped closer. Then stepped closer again, she put her hands to her face and breathed in them for warmth as she inspected the stranger from a short distance. Suddenly the snow around them became denser and the wind howled. She smiled excitedly, but not to the stranger, as she turned around and looked out in the distance. She looked behind herself and waved goodbye, before turning back around and running. Quickly vanishing into the looming blizzard.


Leco gazed in wonder at Cat's illusion. "She has one arm. Is dat a twerk? Kerk? Quak? Whatever it is you just said." He said, continuing to nibble on his ribs. "You look just like'er doh Miss Cat. Deh butchas gonna be swoonin' all over ya!" He said giggling and finishing his meal. Leco stood up and stretched as he walked over to the butchers shop, waiting to watch the action.


"Don't you give me y-"
Is all the business woman could say, before out of nowhere a winged bandit dropped from the rooftops behind her. Grabbing her and holding a quad barreled sawn-off shotgun to her head. "NOBODY CHEATS THE FLYINGFISTS AND GETS AWAY WITH IT, YOU EGOTISTICAL BITCH! The bird Kykdren screeches. Then from the sky, three assailants swoop low, attempting to slash at Silverstein and Raven with their talons.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Echo smiled at the dwarf and Kyns, finding the way they interacted a tad amusing. As Vamba carefully took her arm and got to work her pointed ears caught interest as he started spilling Kyns life story at her feet. Kyns hadn't told her any of that she looked over at him and flashed a sympathetic smile. He had only told her of excitement and adventure, not fear and sorrow. As Vamba grabbed a Red liquid and poured it in her wound she jerked and hissed before biting her lip. She continued to listen but was quick to be stunned by the light dancing around her wound as it healed. Once she snapped out of it she smiled at Vamba, "Can we make a deal? I'll keep an eye on him if I can get a few tips on how to keep his damn ego in check." She asked, albeit halfheartedly. As she pointed at the closet she smiled and walked over to it, grabbing hold of a random lilac top, "Uh, where do I change?"

Elizabeth followed the dwarf into the stables, where all the snow griffins were situated. As the dwarf gave them their bags with all the supplies they needed, Elizabeth fell almost over due to its weight. "That- That's a lot of... things.", she sighed. Then the shopkeeper proceeded to introduce them to the snow griffin that they'll be riding. Elizabeth nodded to everything the shopkeeper said. She had never before had the chance to ride on a griffin of any sort, and to be honest, she was totally okay with it since she had a hard time with traveling of any kind.

The shopkeeper left the stables to get the saddle to set Soma up, and as he did so, the other young griffins started approaching Elizabeth and Vinn. Elizabeth felt a light pecking at her legs, so she crouched down and started to pet them and to scratch their heads lightly. "Who's a cute little griffin?.. Yes, you are." She started to talk to them as if they were dogs. She had always loved animals of any kind and thus was mostly unaffraid of them. She tried to pat each of them equally. "I want twenty of these...", she sighed. Fenrir gave out a little whine, to which Elizabeth turned to him, to console him. "Don't worry Fenrir, you'll always be my number one.", she said chuckling and giving him a pet on the head.


Before Vamba set to work on Kyns he turned to Echo. "His ego? Oh yes, just slap him around a bit with a stick. That's what I do." He said smiling, picking up his cane. "Where do you change? Oh yes...I forgot...uh..head up into the attic." He said, using his cane to pull down a chain, which revealed a ladder. He turned to Kyns, setting down his bag. "Take off that stupid vest and dress- shirt and lets get this over with." Kyns obliged, revealing a heavily nicked and scarred torso as he removed his vest and shirt. The largest scar being a single giant scar running across his chest. A pitch black tattoo ran down his spine, depicting several symbolic runes. Each rune being earned during his training in Hilingrove. "How's the shoulder old man?" Kyns asks, surrendering his shoulder for Vamba to look at. Vamba unraveled the bandages. "It looks like you got shot. That's what it looks like boy." Vamba said grimly. "Oh, thank god, I thought I misplaced it for a bug bite, doctor." Kyns said sarcastically. Vambo stared at him, then applied the red liquid to the wound without saying anything. Kyns winced in surprise. "Don't be sarcastic with me Kyns, i'm being serious. What the hell were you doing that got you shot again?!" Kyns' smile faded. "I was doing work in Pit-" Vamba placed a hand on Kyns' shoulder. "DON'T lie to me boy.I know when you're lying." Kyns sighed, leaning on the wall as he spoke, watching his wound light up and heal. "Echo and I got captured by The Crimson Bitch." Kyns said quietly. Vamba raised an eyebrow. "What'd you just call her?" He asked rhetorically, holding back a chuckle. "And the two of you escaped? Impressive." Vamba said, rubbing his chin. "You expected any less?" Kyns asked sneering. Vamba narrowed his eyes and smacked Kyns in the bare chest with his cane. "Go to the closet and put on a new shirt. Then you can leave and come back after a little while. I'll have your armor fixed up then." Vamba looked at Kyns, a smile spreading on his face. "Gimme another hug boyo, it's been nice seeing you." Vamba said, hugging Kyns, a tear running down his scarred cheek. "Now get ready and get out, I have work to do." Kyns nodded, walking over to the closet and grabbing a rugged, sleeveless white shirt. He walked over to the bloody table and set his satchel on it. He put on the shirt, then re-equipped his bandoleer and shotgun. He picked up his satchel, placed the four hundred coins inside it and buckled it back onto his waist.

SpookySpecter said:

Leco gazed in wonder at Cat's illusion. "She has one arm. Is dat a twerk? Kerk? Quak? Whatever it is you just said." He said, continuing to nibble on his ribs. "You look just like'er doh Miss Cat. Deh butchas gonna be swoonin' all over ya!" He said giggling and finishing his meal. Leco stood up and stretched as he walked over to the butchers shop, waiting to watch the action.

The image of the one-armed Ms. killamets moved towards the butcher's shop and walked inside, Cat had already decided on what to say and knew it made perfect sense. "Hello Mr. Wilbof... I need a rack of ribs for my darling Jimmy's birthday if you don't mind, and if you can, put it on my tab" Cat said with a small, flirty smile while leaning on the counter and looking at the butcher. "You know... I've always seen you as one of the nicest men around in this city, you're just so kind" she added, her clothes slightly slipping down her chest

Vinn laughed and watched Beth get bombarded with attention from the griffins. Soma walked up to Vinn. Standing as she did now, the griffin stood a good two heads above Vinn. But, despite being intimidating, Soma soon began rubbing her head on Vinn's chest, cooing all the while.. "I didn't think griffins would be so docile!" Vinn said happily. He looked at Beth, who was being showered in griffin chicks. "We could both buy twenty of these when we're done with the mission, I wouldn't mind one bit!" Vinn said half jokingly, day dreaming of owning a griffin farm; as Soma cooed for attention. Vinn obliged by scratching behind her ears. Soon, the shopkeeper came back, holding a large double saddle and reins. He dispersed the flock and walked up to Soma, strapping the saddle onto her back, and equipping the reins. "Now, which of you is driving?" The dwarf asked, looking at Vinn and Beth.

"Yesss, and then we'll have our own griffin farm.", Elizabeth replied chuckling, almost forgetting about the mission. She stood up, patting her clothes, when the shopkeeper came back. He swiftly strapped the double saddle onto her back. "Now, which of you is driving?", the dwarf asked, and before any of them could answer she pointed at Vinn. "He will!.. Well I mean I could as well, but the chances of us dying before we even arrive would be higher.", she answered the dwarfs question with a sheepish grin while scratching the back of her head. She turned towards Vinn. "I hope you're okay with it?", she asked him, which seemed more like begging him than asking.

The butcher said nothing, and stared at Cat for quite some time."Weren't you just at the school house? A boy just came in and asked for ribs so he could bring them up for Jimmy...does the kid really need more?" The butcher looked at Cat again, slightly fazed by the effect gravity currently had on her shirt. "You know Ms. Killamet, you have quite the hefty tab going on....I don't know if I can afford to give you anything else until you pay me back." The butcher said, scratching the back of his head.


Vinn smiled and walked up to Soma. Who lowered herself and allowed him to climb up. " Beth, I feel so powerful right now!" Vinn yelled, as the griffin walked around the stable. "That's it man, get a feel of the saddle, try to drive her around! Pull on the reigns!" Soon, Vinn was in full control of Soma. "Now that you can control her, let the lass get on too." The shopkeeper ordered. Vinn moved Soma next to Beth and held out his hand smiling, offering to help her up into the saddle. "Now, make sure you get your little metallic companion settled in on top as well. Soma needs to get used to all of your weight." The shopkeeper ordered. "And drop your backpacks and everything else you don't want to hold while you're all saddled down, i'll strap them onto the saddle so you don't have to carry everything on you. It's supposed to be a relaxing ride." The shopkeeper said smiling.


Statera watches nervously as the girl moves closer. He has never been confident around new people such as “Intern” and “Transfer” as they called them in the lab. He sees her trying to warm her hands and is about to offer a rune to help though he doesn’t know how to speak with her, after all if he runs out of ways to speak he will have to re-boot. Just as he thinks about activating a display to show fire or blankets or something she smiles and runs into the storm that has whipped back up.

Knowing that unlike himself or his buddy Pӕngo that most people get more than stiff movement or faulty color readings he decides to chase after the girl,
“Is she just trying to play a game with me?” he thinks, as he goes he realizes that though he can see her heat running off that she can’t see him, thinking quickly he tells Pӕngo to turn on his fog lights, and watches as his pet’s eyes slowly glow until they are two beacons ahead of them, he then decides to activate a display mode so when they find her he can attempt to talk again, after all *maybe she knows where somewhere safe is… either way he wants to make sure she is safe.

As they follow her into the waves of frost, ice, snow, and hail the two sound somewhat like bags of coins being shaken lightly. Statera yells out
“Little girl?” hoping to maybe catch her attention. However he isn’t sure if she can hear him over both the storm’s windy gale And his own calamitous clanking. He tries his best to catch up and signal to her, noticing his injured arm has begun to grow ice sickles, something he would love to look at more in depth later, after all normally his runes would keep that from happening, so this is something new, and mildly worrying.

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"Was that there the whole time?" She asked as Vamba pulled on a chain and a ladder to the attic came flying down. She was surprised she hadn't noticed either the ladder hanging out in the roof or the chain. With a shrug she climbed up the latter into the attic, it was dark and a bit cold with a large mirror and a few other things scattered about leaving it looking rather uncredited for. She walked over to the mirror and looked at herself. Still pale. Still awkward. Still Echo. She frowned at her shoulder in the mirror before peeling off her shirt, revealing near perfect skin.

She again frowned she had 3 scars -4 now- and she didn't like any of them. One small scar at her waist from being stabbed, a wicked looking slash running across her back from a man who tried to assault her friend and a small burn scar on her arm from a failed attempt at baking. She put the shirt on and climbed back down the ladder quietly before sneaking up beside Kyns, "You know, I like Vamba, He gave me permission to slap you around with a stick!"

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