RP Section

In one of the back alleys sat a small shop. The wooden sign that hung over the doorway creaked with old age in the gentle wind. The paint peeled, curling away from its wooden surface. The faint words could still be made out; "Turner Healing Center." The tattered shop had been in kept in the family from the day it was built. Danielle was told stories of some old, distant relative building it and then how it was passed down through multiple generations.

Danielle had spent a good percentage of the morning sorting through potions and restocking shelves. It wasn't the most exhilarating thing, but it was a part of her everyday, normal life. After completing her daily routines, Dani left the dirty alley and headed towards the inner part of Pitfum, hoping for some kind of entertainment.
Echo stood in the middle of the room watching with quirked brows as she tried to figure out how Kyns even stood in that armour. It couldn't possibly be that effortless, she was about to ask about it when a sudden commotion and as quick as an asp men came bursting in and immediately took fire. She managed to avoid any bullets before Kyns threw himself in front of her and blocked the bullets with his armour. She swore as white gas crept into the room and her mouth started burning, eyes stinging and it became difficult to breath. She heard him mention something about returning fire and she tried to do so but found herself weak and unable to see her targets.

In frustration she fired blindly but only hit 1 of the men. In frustration she threw an illusion of pain forward, but knew by the fact they didn't yelp it wasn't strong enough. The gas burned at her eyes and she instinctively slammed them shut, only to stumble into the line of fire. Echo screamed as bullet met bone, her shoulder aching as she slammed into the ground right beside the man she killed. Seeing her opportunity, she took his mask nearly crying out as she took a breath of clean air.

Even though it hurt like hell she raised her arms and fired at the men, her body shielded by the dead in front of her. As she shot at the last of them in that area she scurried over to Kyns with one of the dead mans masks. She blindly shoved it into his hand before getting up, closing the door and blocking it with a chair under the handle. It wouldn't last for long but they needed a minute to gain composure. She looked at him with watering eyes and managed to rasp, "Are you okay?"
As the small town was sent under siege of The Crimson Witch's fleet, another unmarked airship began approaching from a completely different direction. Flying no indicative colors beyond large Green and gold C's drawn on the sides, this massive mess of an airship drifting along completely out of place in the chaos which occurred below.

At the same time, channel 76's common reruns of advertisements shifted to the title of every civilized individuals most hated illegal television program.

"Evening lads and lassies you know what time it is!" came the now familiar voice of Golden Gore as the title melted away to reveal what appeared to be a tropical island with a simple reclined chair next to a purified spring of water. Before the surprisingly large number of viewers the golden jester spun onto the screen and immediately lounged in the chair as several other individuals dressed in green jester outfits offered him some drinks.

"Now I know what many of you are thinking..." he said as he accepted a glass of suspiciously blue fluid and began speaking in an overly enamored voice "What has the brilliant and roguishly charming Golden Gore supplied us with to entertain ourselves now? I'm positive it's something life-altering, eye-opening, panty-moistening, and more."

He paused to pour some of the suspicious blue fluids into the mouth of his mask before continuing "Well hold on to those expectations darlings, because we're putting some distance between us and the good old ground today."

With a wave of his hand the scene changed to give an aerial view of the same Airship Arena. Images swapped as it revealed the plethora of variously armed contestants aboard waiting in anticipation, pausing several times to cinematically reveal the more well known figures.

"Today our enamoring ensemble of bloodthirsty beauties will be partaking in a good old death match aboard one of our patented Airship arenas." Golden Gore spoke as the footage rolled "Oh, but what's this?"

At that, the footage changed to show a bombardment currently taking place. Footage of innocent civilians perishing under a merciless chemical bombardment played as Golden Gore gave what might have been the fakest gasp of worry to ever have been uttered in history.

"Oh no!" the scene shifted back a bit to reveal the Airship Arena heading directly for the attacking fleet "It would seem our valiant contestants are heading directly for this catastrophic happening, oh dear oh dear. And there's no time to correct its pre-set course!"

On the deck of the Airship Arena, Champion Thander watched all of this on a screen built onto the wall of one of the random buildings assembled there. He immediately understood what Gore's game was here, if anything there was probably a hidden piloting room where someone was purposely piloting them towards the Crimson Witch's fleet.

Before him he watched as the scene cut back to Golden Gore... holding the corpse of some random green jester he had apparently strangled to death off screen.

"Oh but our contestants are of the finest breed of battle-savvy individuals. So watch on lads and lassies! Watch and see if our daring, desperate, deviants can defend this dangerous tradition from this dastardly division and their damaging deadly destruction of delightful decadence."

With that statement of alliteration complete, Gore tossed the body, reacquired his glass of strange blue fluids, and went over today's rules "Death match is like always, there's a certain number of enemies a contestant must kill to acquire a reward. Those who've signed up under group names will have higher requirements and will need to split earnings amongst themselves. Any who flee the arena before time is up will be disqualified from acquiring their reward. Destruction of our wonderful clockwork Cameras will count as negative deaths, and will decrease your kill count depending on damage done. Besides that, all matter of weaponry and attack methods is permitted. Now get to killing you beautiful bouncing bastards!"

With that, Thander heard the sounds of various weapons go off within the no doubt cluttered confines of the Airship Arena, which continued picking up pace as it blindly swam closer and closer to the Crimson Witch's fleet.

He didn't have time to worry about the dangers that Gore was no doubt planning on deriving from this little of course he's set them on, because he soon spotted several clockwork humanoids approaching him.

No doubt a crafter variety of Contestant too wary of him to come on their own. No matter, clockwork soldiers weren't much harder to kill than the average contestant anyway.

@MsPolite @ Anybody else near a television/radio
"G-get back here! Thief! Someone stop her!" An angry shopkeeper yelled at a fleeing, white-haired girl wearing nothing but a small shirt and pants with an apple in her mouth and carrying a box filled with an assortment of different fruits. "I won't be paying for these!" Fran called back. "You deserve it! I saw where you were looking!" She laughed, her voice ringing through the air before she rounded a corner and disappeared from sight. Everyone who looked at said corner would see nothing but a wall blocking the alleyway it led to, and behind that wall was a green and blue eyed cat girl sprinting off with her freshly stolen goods. She stopped after about a 10 minutes jog away from the village and began munching on her fresh goods
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Once Clair had left the college grounds she set about looking for Bugsy and in doing so Aurora too. Oh yes Clair spent what must of been an hour , possibly more, just wandering around aimlessly looking around in keen tourist areas. Needless to say this was all for naught for the two in question were imprisoned , so having decided that the two must have retired back to there room Clair did so too.

However upon her arrival at the inn there was still no sign of the two , 'how strange'. Having come to this discovery Clair decided to set out and search again. Which as you guessed served her no good. Now Clair repeated her travel around the city and back to the inn several times before reporting to a guard. Now the guard obviously hadn't seen the too before but he did take there descriptions from Clair and promised to inform her should he find them.

Before the time skip:

Surprised by the bombardment of Pitfum by the Crimson Witch, Serqet fled, hiding in a bomb shelter. After waiting for a few hours for everything to calm down, she went back to where she first planned on going: The DeWitt blacksmiths. She entered the shop, and like most of the time, no one was at the counter. She called through the whole shop, wondering if there was anyone, she was there mainly to visit them, wasn't it?

"Cecile? Owen? Lizzy? Anyone?", after a while, two people emerged from behind the curtain, their faces petrified at the sight of Serqet. "Cecile! Owen! There you are! So where is Lizzy huh? It's been a long time since I've seen her...", a malicious grin spread across her face. The man walked towards the counter, putting himself between his wife and the girl. "We've told you to not come back... What do you want here?" The tone he talked in seemed angry, yet one couldn't overhear that he was frightened, much to Serqet's delight. "Oh that's not a very nice way to greet me...", she extended the blades at the tip of her fingers and walked towards the counter, holding them against the man's throat, "If I were in your spot, I wouldn't even try to annoy me. So tell me now, where's your daughter? I still need Liz to improve some of my weapons, she told me the wrist blades wouldn't break, but apparently she was wrong.", she added, gritting her teeth in slight anger and annoyance. Out of a sudden, the woman behind Owen walked towards the counter, her eyes were teary. "Please Serqet don't do this. I will improve your weapons but please don't hurt El-" "SHUT UP WOMAN", Serqet snapped and yelled at her, "If both of you want me to not hurt your dear daughter, you better tell me where she is. Else I'll find her myself and she will end just like you two will." Without further ado, Owen told Serqet about Elizabeth leaving the city and heading to Binbig by airship, so Serqet decided to do so aswell and flew to Binbig.

After the time skip:

After arriving in Binbig, the first thing Serqet did was roaming around the market. She was looking mostly at the multitude of people around there instead of the ware, but still managed to steal one or two things from every stand without anyone noticing. She had figured that Elizabeth would probably go towards the market first, but then again, Serqet knew that her orientation skills were pretty lame. She continued looking around, when all of the sudden, she saw a familiar figure standing right next to a guy which was at least two heads bigger than her. "Bingo.", Serqet mumbled to herself as she kept following them at a certain distance, unsuspiciously.
Kyns Arvo

Kyns watched as this commando of a woman shot down all the men that just assaulted the storage room. All he could do was stand there and choke on the tear gas, he couldn't move in this damn suit under these conditions. When Echo placed the gas mask in his hand, Kyns quickly tore off his helmet and put the mask on, filling his lungs with clean air. "Are you okay?" Echo asked in a raspy voice. Kyns stood and breathed heavily for a moment, regaining his strength. The suit got so demanding on him when he couldn't regulate his breathing. "Yeah, peachy....thanks for the mask. Are you alright?" he asked with a concerned voice, placing a metallic hand on her shoulder where she was shot. "Gimme a sec, I wanna get patched up. I'm starting to feel a little funny with all this blood draining from me. " Kyns locked the suit and jumped out, untying his tie and looking at his arm, the white sleeve of his shirt was almost completely red now. Quickly, Kyns wrapped his tie around his shoulder wound as a tourniquet. Then tore off his other sleeve and handed it to Echo while smiling. "Here, this might feel better than my tie. It's eastern silk, the good stuff." He said as he adjusted his gas mask and bent over to the guards and unscrewed two filters from two of their masks, placing them in his satchel. "Just in case I need a spare." He said, turning back to Echo. "So how do you feel? Need me to set any bones back into place? I saw you take quite a fall when you got shot in the shoulder...wait! We're twinsies now!" Kyns said, laughing, pointing at his shoulder.

@MsPolite @PurpleTurtle
Vinn Arvo

Vinn looked a little sad. "I was there, I saw him get taken." He said in a low, gruff voice. "But I got a shot in at the man he was fighting, got'em right in the spine after Kyns got taken." He said, with a proud smile on his face. "The barracks is this way by the way." He said, pointing to the left. "By the way, I imagine you met him, as you mistook me for him...did he say anything about me? Because if he did, I assure you, nothing about the stealing....or...lying or midnight sneaking out of the house with him just to go to the nearby bar and get into a drunken brawl stuff is true at all." He said, scratching his beard and donning an awkward smile.

@Capricornus @IronManatee
The Genocide of the town was complete, and the Crimson Witch was quite pleased with herself. As she turned back to enter the bridge from the outside one of the outside xonophones yelled out, "My lady we have a problem or two..." It was an officer on the lower deck.

Blume walked over to the side of the outside deck and spoke into it with an ice cold tone to her voice. "What is it Officer?" She asked glaring to the phone.

"Well the first is the dragon slayer and his companion is proving to be quite difficult..."

Blume's frown deepened not pleased with the situation.

"And two there is an unknown vessel headed our way, with what seems as the intent is to ram our Ship."

Blume yelled out a roar as her blood boiled.

Nothing was going her way and she was loosing control of the situation. Finally Blume let out a defeated sigh and spoke to the phone once more.

"Officer, listen to me very carefully. Your incompetence has been dully noted, and will be rectified at a later date." Blume took a deep breath trying to contain her rage. "I want you to withdraw your men and Lead the Two to where the aircrafts are and allow them to depart. And second get all cannons ready to fire. I will be expecting you in my Dorm as soon as this ordeal is over." Blume walked away heading to another xonophone on the outside and spoke. "First mate! form a bull-horn formation to combat the unknown vessel. Then fire on my mark." Blume walked away without waiting for a reply and watched as her vessel began to slowly come to an even altitude and make a "U" shape formation with her flag ship in the middle. As the rampant vessel crept every closers Blume drew her Captains saber and yelled at the top of her lungs "FIRE!!!" a chorus of artillery and cannons rippled threw the sky, booming like thunder that could both be seen. After the initial United volley the canons decent Into a ripple of blasts. Blume's eyes glossed over and her lips curled into a grin as she thought "I really should of become an Admiral.."

@PurpleTurtle @SpookySpecter @GrieveWriter


Eurydice grasped her wrist, which was shaking. She hadn't been able to eat in a while, so this occurrence became more frequent. She had created more arrows in her spare time, but hadn't seen anything recently. It was against her morals to kill female creatures, as they might have been with young. She never killed the young. That left a small group she could hunt, and she had yet to find anything.

There was a city nearby, as she had gone in circles around it for a few days. Nothing.

Though she didn't have any money, her family living off the grid, she could most certainly find something. If not, stealing was an option. Though, she heard, it was frowned upon.

Letting go of her wrist, Eurydice stood up, Akuma strapped onto her back. The girl headed toward the town, the path clear save for a few fallen logs. There were old paths worn down, that lead to the houses. As more people began to appear around her, she felt increasingly out of place. Her armor suggested that she was a hunter, or rogue of some sort. Which, she was.

It was uncomfortable, as the place was crowded. Less noticed her than she expected, fortunately. She realized how different everyone appeared, which made her fit in well.

Eurydice felt increasingly comfortable, and eyed the street food scattered around the place. Her heart thudded suddenly, as she realized how starving she was. She could just...

No one was watching, and everyone was. She would be seen, she would be yelled at. And she might be caught.

Rubbing her arm by reflex, she jumped at the metal on metal clinking noise.

Aurora was silent for the longest just staring at the ceiling until the gates her cell were open. The rusty noise of the bar can be heard and without a chance to even turn around, the girl was viciously held by her arm making her wince in pain. That was gonna leave a bruise on her right arm. It was the same elvwn guard she attacked. "Hey easy will ya?! You're hurting me." She pulls away and huffs. The elven guard didn't even flinch at her shouting. Bugsy stands feeling uneasy about what's about to happen. He glares at the guard.

"Tell your bot to stand down." Aurora glares at him then uses her hand as a sign to stand down by lowering her hand. Bugsy sits down a little unsettled just eyeing the guard. After that. The elf guard drags the woman into the interrogation room. "Ouch! Rude! You're hurting me!" The elf grins not caring for her pain. Once in the room, she gets thrown onto the chair forcing her to sit. The door closed behind them keeping her locked up with this ruthless bastard. She pulls on her chains enraged by how she's treated. "Don't bother. Now you're going to tell me everything you did. Misfit."

Aurora snaps at that. "Misfit?! Listen bub I didn't do anything wrong and I sure as hell didn't kill anyone. I'm tell'n ya mista I'm innocent." She pleads and her eyes soft staring at the man. The elf kept a stern look not believing her. He leans in closer with a scowl on his face. This wasn't good. She had a bad feeling and a shiver went down her spine as she leans back the closer her got.

"You're not fooling anyone wench. I know your game. I've heard it a million times by people. Seen it from others. Why did you kill those innocent people! Answer me!" He snarls only making Aurora flinch and cower with fear. She has never been treated like this and the feeling made hee uncertain of what to do. She was breaking down and the longer this man kept shouting and torturing her, the more she is reminded of those men. How cruel the world is. Aurora was punched, kicked and pushed back into the wall. She was speechless seeing how angry and sick this man was. What made her cower more was how he grinned from ear to ear out of pleasure from hurting her. Her mouth dry, eyes bulging out and quivering. Flashbacks returning as she sat in the corner of the wall. Tears dripping from her eyes and violently shaking. What should she do? What should she say? Should she snap and kill the guy? Is that what he's doing?

The second he slaps her was the moment she snapped. Her hair covering her face and her sudden shivering stopped. She grins from ear to ear and starts laughing hysterically in the corner like a crazy woman. The elf was taken aback. Aurora stands up and grabs the guard's shirt. "I said I don't know...if you're not gonna listen to me then it's time for you to learn buddy. My turn to teach you a lesson." Aurora lifts the man off the ground and tosses him against the wall then grabs the chair and bangs it on hia head. The elf dodges the second time only for the chair to break since it was wood. Aurora continues laughing as she throws the sharp steaks made from the broken legs of the chair and stabs the guard into his shoulders on the floor after tackling him. She punches and starts counting.

"1,2,3,4,5..." Her knuckles bruising as she cackles and the elf's face becoming distorted until he shouts for help. This made Aurora snap out of it and stare at the man in fear of her actions. Fist held in the air shaking. "HELP!! HELP ME PLEASE! Get this crazy chick off me!" He cowers and weeps. Foot steps can be heard and three guard barge in to find Aurora in chains beaten up and blood on her face. "N-no....please...I...it's not what it looks like. He was abusing me. I was only defending myself. Please." She sulks. The guards just drag her away while the other tends to the scared, bleeding guard on the floor claiming she was crazy. "You're lying! Im not crazy! I'm not! I'mnotcrazyimnotcrazyimnot! I didn't....mean to....please help me. I'm monster."

Aurora was thrown back behind bars except it was more like a solitude room with a door. They lock it keeping her inside. She weeps and slides down holding her head rocking back and forth crying. "What am I? It happened again."


Eurydice observed her surroundings carefully, dropping her arms to her side. There were several education buildings, where citizens were to learn... things. She didn't really know what they did, just that they did things.

The girl inhale sharply. They wouldn't take kindly to people like her. This was Binbig, if she was correct. There were schools everywhere.

What kind of person am I? She had been standing there so long that people began to stare at the motionless figure, in thick armor. She stood up straighter, taking one last glance at the food before heading into a small inn. There was a human male at the desk, facing away from her. She went up to the counter and said, "Excuse me."

Her voice was muffled behind the mask, so she quickly pulled down her hood, and took the hard plate off, pulling the hood back up.

He was looking at her already, and seemed a bit surprised that she was female, despite the figure of the armor.

"Yes?" He asked.

She suddenly grew afraid, though her face remained calm. He was talking to her. He was talking to her.

She said evenly, "I was looking for a room, and possibly food."

"Yeah, well, we have both."

"Ah." She paused, coming to the realization that she was supposed to ask about the cost. "I can pay in other ways."

"Oh?" He looked at her suggestively, which she ignored. "Really? Just for a room? I happen to be paid very well."

"I like girls," She replied, shutting him down. She did, technically. The elf was indiscriminate, though, she hated everyone. "But," she said quickly, "I have arrows."

"You can't pay me in arrows. The bow can get you a couple of months... Beautiful."

She assumed he was talking about the bow, to keep calm, and said sharply, "I'm afraid that's not an option." The bow was hers. Coming to a conclusion, she offered, "I can work here, if that's an option."

His face changed to one of less intensity, and he nodded. "Sure. Sure. You work, eat and sleep, with four hours of free time, got it? Leave when you want, and don't come back. Start tomorrow. Return them before you leave." He dug under the counter, and suddenly tossed a set of keys at her.

Eurydice caught them with her open hand, and gave him a nod, putting them in a pocket attached to her belt.

"Appreciated," she muttered, feeling proud and shaken at the same time. The girl left the inn and went to the front of the building, sitting down on the stone staircase. She realized she was still hungry.

While Clair searches for Bugsy and Aurora, a cloaked man follows her and stops in front of her. He wore a mask and a cloak. Nobody knew who this person was. But he seemed to be keeping an eye on a certain group. It simply stood there staring at Clair.

@Mr Swiftshots
"I'll live." She muttered then watched as he made a tourniquet, "People lose arms when they do that wrong Kyns." She muttered before nodding a thanks for the sleeve he handed her a rioped off piece of her sleeve. She simply wrapped it around the wound and rolled her eyes as he practically yelled "Twinzies!" Someone suddenly burst through the door and looked at the pair, "Lady Blume sends her farewells, you shall be departing by airship within the hour." The man swinging his arm in the direction to leave. Echo frowned not trusting that at all.

"I'll live." Echo muttered. "People lose arms when they do that wrong Kyns." She noted, looking at his shoulder. "I'll be fine, I've done this plenty of times before. It's only gonna be on there until I can get some real bandages. WHich hopefully will be soon." He said, walking over to his armor and getting back in. He unlocked it and put his helmet on, it was a little tight, being that he had a gas mask on already. Suddenly, a man burst in saying they could leave. "What? Come on! You're just gonna let us go? Just like that? I'm calling bullshit on that." Kyns said, as he walked over to the man, grabbing him by the throat and looking outside the room. All the pirates were gone. "Okay...this has to be a really elaborate plan of some sort..." Kyns pondered, confused on what was going on. He realized the man he had grabbed was about to die so he let him go. He collapsed on the floor and Kyns lifted him up by the collar. "Okay, lead us to our airship." Kyns ordered, throwing the man back onto the ground. Slowly, he picked himself off the ground and pointed, showing the pair the way to their aircraft out of here. "F-follow me." The man stammered out before he began walking.

@PurpleTurtle @MsPolite
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She caught herself every so often, looking less than completely scared. The pub was boring. She was scared, or supposed to be.

This often made others think that she would be easy game, and some tried to touch her, expecting her not to cut their goddamn knuckles off.

She wasn't too fond of the drunks, but hey, they were easy game, too. Maybe once she was ready to leave, she could-

"Two Face."

She was used to the name. It was code for "Zyztris" and also, apparently, "B*tch." According to Rias, it meant the same thing.

It was Rias who spoke. Few people used that name except him.

Be a girl.

A stupid, silly girl.

She twirled her hair around her finger, biting her lip simultaneously. "A-are you talking to me, Rias?"

"You're goddamn right."

She let out a slight gasp, bringing her hand to her heart. She hoped he was used to her behaving like this, but it was still humiliating. "Oh. Okay. What did you want from me?"

"Money. Do you have money?"

Looking like he had just asked her for illegal drugs, she looked around and nodded, quickly digging into her bag, and pulling out a few pieces to hand over to him.

"Just pay it back, please."

"I'll pay it back." He mocked her, his voice high pitched. She shot him an "I guess you don't like your pulse" death threat look.

She sank into her stool, and looked at her red nails, her hair falling over her face, so she wouldn't have to look innocent anymore. Like hell.

She looked up suddenly, and touched Rias's arm.

"I have to leave. Meet me back at the inn if you can't find me." She added, "Little sh*t."

The woman pushed through the sweaty people, going through the twin swinging doors to the crowded street.

"There you are."

A contestant on a hovering platform which puffed out steam spun around as Thander spoke out to him, blanching physically before tapping at a controller built onto the platform. Thander cleaned some oil and blood from his sword as he stepped forward, several Clockwork automatons running to intercept him as the controller began making an escape to another part of the deck. Thanks to the random buildings, the deck was just as crowded as the inner ship. After tearing through a number of clockwork soldiers, he'd finally found the gangly techie controlling them.

Thander grunted and raised his sword, which pulsed once before a blast of electricity arched out and slammed into the back of the platform. It wobbled and slowed, but continued flying for the nearest larger building.

Thander darted forward to intercept the swing of a large edged wrench before gripping the mech tightly and pushing forward, using it as a shield to intercept the fire from the others. Chunks of its body were blown off with each blast, until finally Thander tossed it away and climbed onto another nearby building. Getting out of range of the other C-Soldiers, Thander got a running spot and leaped onto the fleeing platform, much to the techie's surprise.

Before he could draw the steam-powered rifle set aside on the platform, his head was already firmly in Thander's free hand. The Pistol built into his wrist fired twice before Thander released the Techie's remains, turned and sliced the control panel of the platform before disembarking. Landing at the edge of the small shanty, where the deck was relatively devoid of obstacles besides the various corpses, Thander rose to his feet as the platform crashed into one of the shanty buildings.

As the Clockwork-soldiers began jerkily slowing to a halt, other contestants rushed them before immediately tearing them apart for resources and weapons. Ignoring them for a moment, Thander turned to check on the status of that fleet they were heading for to see if they were firing...

Yep, they were firing..

Thander sighed as he watched the oncoming projectiles swim closer at high speed, maybe he could make it deeper into the ship and hope to hunt the-

"Thandy Thandy!!!"

Thander turned to see that the scavenging contestants had cleared out, replaced instead by a number of randomly dressed contestants, the only unifying feature they had was the visible glow of green in their eyes.

-Ambrosia addicts. Those who succumbed to the dependency of that damn drug Cash Carnage provides in small quantities, not completely at the point where they could be considered Carnage Berserkers but well on their way. Thander could usually fill kill quotas with them alone, but usually he wasn't under fleet bombardment.

"Metal man, crack like walnut!" another yelled out as she ran her hands through her hair and straight up purred.

Welp, he's seen worse situations, so he reluctantly held up his sword and gestured for them to attack... right as the bombardment hit.

Not caring at all for the sudden explosions, the Ambrosia addicts leaped from the shanty roofs and ran along the deck towards Thander yelling all manner of madness. Thander blocked the swing of a woodcutter's axe and grabbed hold of the weapon before repeatedly shivving the man before him with his sword and kicking him back, another addict leaped over his fallen body swinging a mace over her head. Slicing above her with his sword, the mace landed behind her with both ofher hands still attached to it. If she was supposed to care about the sudden lack of her arms, she didn't show it, instead she lunged forward and tried biting him armor be damned.

Thander kicked her back just as a random explosive landed between them sending the girl's giggling upper torso flying off as the rest of the Addicts continued their charge. Thander covered his face with one arm during the explosive and raised his arm to see that the next guy was swinging a primed grenade at him, uncaring of the significant risk of dying with him if it were to connect.

Thander was forced to back out of the mad swing and raised his free hand again to fire several shots into his torso, staggering the addict only slightly before the Ambrosia flooding his system forced him to continue attacking with a dazed smile.

As the various battles occurred all over the Airship Arena, the continuous bombardment from the Crimson Witch's fleet began leaving noticeable marks on the overly thickened Arena's hull. Besides the extreme damage to the shanty and various holes blown into the sides, the Arena began noticeably losing altitude faster and faster the more damage it received.

@MsPolite @ Anybody else near a television/radio
"Oh so you saw it all... Hey at least that was a pretty good shot.", Elizabeth tried to kind of cheer him up a little..

She chuckled at what Vinn told her. "Well yes, I met him, but he didn't tell me too much about himself. He told me about being a dragonslayer, but that's pretty much everything I know about him. Well actually he didn't even tell me the story about slaying the dragon, he just told me that he was Kyns The Dragonslayer, that's why I didn't notice that you were brothers when you introduced you, he never told me his last name.", she explained. "But hey, if you have any story to tell me, I'm listening. Nothing is better than a good ol' story.", she added while following Vinn into the direction of the barracks. While following him, she had the uneasy feeling that someone was watching her, following here. She looked around quiet awkwardly, but didn't see anyone suspicous. She shook her head slighlty. "Probably just my imagination.", she mumbled to herself under her breath.

@SpookySpecter @IronManatee

"Awwww, that's real sweet of you to say, you know how to make a man blush." Vinn said laughing heartily. Vinns smiled at Beth's request to tell a story. "I don't have many to tell. Kyns would have a ton." He said, trying to think of a story to tell. "Well, I was kicked out of College Oonbin for building a sentry turret that well...kinda saw everyone as a target...it didn't end very well for my peers." He said as he walked. "I destroyed it with my teacher's wrench, and then I kept the wrench. It's a REALLY nice wrench see?!" Vinn said excitedly un-clipping his wrench and flipping it in the air, and catching it. "It's so freaking light! Here, take a gander." He said smiling, offering the wrench to Beth. But her attention seemed somewhere else. 'What's wrong? You look distressed." Vinn asked, making sure his new friend was alright.

@IronManatee @Capricornus
"Ah, oh, it's nothing really I... just thought I heard someone calling my name... Probably just my imagination.", she said, waving it off. But hey, that's a pretty nice wrench indeed.", she replied, taking a closer look and trying to change the topic.

"Hey, at least you were in the college. When I applied... Things didn't go as smooth. My inventions tend to, you know, randomly combust or explode, but hey everything looks better with lasers, even if they're faulty... Also, a sentry turret that sees everyone as an enemy is still better than a sentry turret that doesn't see anyone as a criminal, I guess?" She chuckled at her own words. The feeling of being followed didn't disappear, but she tried her best to ignore it.

@SpookySpecter @IronManatee
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"Yeah, I suppose this is getting pretty boring." Joseph said, brushing the dust off his hands, the rubble he was supporting up with his hands crashed down onto the floor as he does so, sending a cloud of dust into the air to the right him. He turned around towards one of the goons who were also searching through the rubble alongside the two, "Tell Al that I'mma be gone for a while, alright?" he pats the guy's shoulders before walking away, turning around towards Zoey and nodding his head, asking her to follow him. Joseph walked towards a small gap within the rubble as a metallic vehicle, which resembles a helicopter, landed onto a small clearance in the rubble, its blade slowing down as it landed on the ground.

"Binbig, and make it fast." he shouted towards the pilot, making sure he heard it over the sound of the spinning blades.


(Sorry for the late reply, to Binbig we go!)
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Dearwolfy said:
While Clair searches for Bugsy and Aurora, a cloaked man follows her and stops in front of her. He wore a mask and a cloak. Nobody knew who this person was. But he seemed to be keeping an eye on a certain group. It simply stood there staring at Clair.
@Mr Swiftshots
Clair was rather quick to jump when the cloaked figure appeared before her , now while most would deem this kind of person a criminal on sight , Clair did not. Heck very few people in Binbig would do so , seeing a criminal nowadays was extremely ,extremely rare. Well a part from this one guy Clair had heard of , apparently some guy had been repairing items for gold in the town square and well didn't inform people they were timed bombs. Yeh and as expected things took a turn for the worse , especially for those wearing necklaces he had 'repaired'.

Anyway that sick bastard was now in jail and so the streets were safe once again "Hey there buddy , have you ever heard of personal space ?"

Zoey followed Joseph into the airship looking around. "Well, I'm impressed." She smiled as they took off for Binbig. Once they were at full height she stared out the window, she had travled by air before but it didn't stop her from loving the look of flumi from up high. She dragged herself away from the window once they had touched down in Binbig.

Zoey stepped off the airship where they had landed. She looked around taking in the massive city of Binbig. "This is Binbig!" she said in a chipper tone while smiling and turning to Joseph after he stepped off the aircraft. "Well, we've got a whole city to explore." She said turning the Joseph. "Maybe we should blend in?" She said while changing shape into that boy from the alley who she fought and slipping on his stolen Jacket. "Don't want to call uneccisarry attention to ourselves right?" She added.


(Typed on phone sorry for any and all typos and other mistakes)


Eurydice shifted on the stairs, uncomfortable. She'd developed a discomfort of being stared at in the last forty seconds, apparently. The girl finally stood up, clutching her stomach as best as she could. She made her way through the crowd of people, staying as far away from the street as possible. There were a few people alone, some of which were female, and looked vulnerable. There was one, specifically, that wasn't much taller than her. Eurydice was slim, which gave her an athletic appearance, but she was short in truth, around five feet, four inches. Or roughly one hundred sixty-three centimeters. That wasn't terribly tall or frightening.

Forgetting about height, she approached her at an I-Know-What-I'm-Doing pace, like everyone else. There was an alley nearby. She could just... Or maybe she could actually use her knif-

Before she knew what she was doing, the girl swept behind the woman, pressing her index finger into her back.

How harmless. A child could do it. The logic behind this wasn't so childish, really. The glove was metal. Kind of like...

Her voice was low, and quiet due to the mask. "Turn around, and I'll blow your damn spine off. I have six bullets. Plenty." Her heart raced at her own words. No, no, no. It should have been, "Please, I need some food." Just a slip of the tongue. Oops.

Maybe next time she would use her nice words.

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The cloaked man simply stares at her then pulls out something familiar. It was Aurora's pocket watch which turned into a weapon. How he managed to sneak it out of her frame, no one knows but it waa hers and recognizable because of the same symbol that is placed on Bugsy's chest is also on the watch. He steps back as if telling her to follow if he wishes to see their friend.

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