RP Section

XXXIwolf said:
(meh screw it I will start in my group)
Aurora fell asleep on board the Madeline working on Bugsy. She woke up and stretches seeing the sun rising. She turns to the groaning Bugsy.

"Morning buddy." It wasn't long before she started working on him then starts making a few parts here and there for Bugsy's bike form. She screwed a few bolts and wires into a small square part. It started getting bigger. It won't be long till she has to make an engine. Her tongue sticking out as she works intently on the parts with the blue prints laid out. She approaches Bugsy and opens a compartment on his back starting to attach the new parts inside. Her goggles and gloves on meaning she was a hard worker and working intently on her project.

@XXXIwolf @Vultz (sorry broham xD )
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Joseph looked towards Zoey, wondering if he should really be telling her about this or not. "That's because they are." he said quietly, almost whispering it to himself, though loud enough for the elf to hear him, "Funny really. We fucked so many people over, selling half diluted drugs and never thought that something bad might happen to us,." he laughed after finishing the sentence, though a hint of sadness could be heard in his voice. "Turns out the cops had their sights on our gang for a very long time. Turns out, karma catches up pretty quickly. One of us ratted out the location of the base, and we got fucked harder than you can believe it." his fists clenched into a ball as he recalled the memory, though he tried to force a smile after saying it, "Albert and I were the only ones to survive, I think the cops 'accidentally' killed their own double agent as well." he laughed sarcastically before continuing his search through the piles of ruined buildings.

"How about you?" he looked back up towards her, "Why were you in this pitiful city? Apart from 'a dwarf told me to come here.'"

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Zoey looked at him shocked by his story. "I'm so sorry." she look down at the ground but was caught off guard by his question. "Well, I was born in the north. My dad was obsessed with finding Stemiin's workshop hidden away in the mountains. Basicly since i was born ive been climbing mountains, sleeping in caves and hunting." she sighed at the memory of her father. "The years went by and with no luck, my father got a job opportunity back here somewhere and so him and my mother moved back and i stayed, vowing i wouldn't give up." she gave a slight laugh. "I started mercenary work as a way to make ends meet, i never traveled far. Then one day, I met a dwarf 'Come with me!" he said, 'We'll be swimming in wealth!' he'd go on and on about the money to be made here." She smiled in amusement, holding back laughter. "I think you two met but, i went with him as you can tell because well..." she paused and thought for a moment. Not sure of what to say next. "I got bored of climbing mountains in solitude." After a brief moment she added. "I do hope to go back someday, i miss the cold air and the snow." she smiled and looked back to Joseph. "I don't think i ever thanked you for not executing me that day so, thank you." she said before turning back to the next heap of rubble.
@Vultz[/URL] (sorry broham xD )
(Lol burning our only transport. Dick jk xD also you broke the 4th wall first. I was planning on doing that myself. Damn you.)

Aurora jumps, startled by the sudden appearance of her excited pal. Both the bot and Aurora glance at Clair.

"Oh! Morning Clair. Didja sleep well? Speaking of which....where didja sleep anyway?" She tilts her head confused then looks up remembering she fell from above. She shakes it off.

"On second thought never mind. Anyways, I'm creating parts for his bike transformation. As for the flight mode, don't that's not a half bad idea but I'm not quite sure how to build one. We'd have to make a bunch of calculations and print the blue prints before we just start working. Well at least I'd like to do. I like to be organized. Maybe we should stick with making a simple voice box. For some reason I think of square and bronze for his box." She snickers.
XXXIwolf said:
(Lol burning our only transport. Dick jk xD also you broke the 4th wall first. I was planning on doing that myself. Damn you.)
Aurora jumps, startled by the sudden appearance of her excited pal. Both the bot and Aurora glance at Clair.

"Oh! Morning Clair. Didja sleep well? Speaking of which....where didja sleep anyway?" She tilts her head confused then looks up remembering she fell from above. She shakes it off.

"On second thought never mind. Anyways, I'm creating parts for his bike transformation. As for the flight mode, don't that's not a half bad idea but I'm not quite sure how to build one. We'd have to make a bunch of calculations and print the blue prints before we just start working. Well at least I'd like to do. I like to be organized. Maybe we should stick with making a simple voice box. For some reason I think of square and bronze for his box." She snickers.
Clair moves to the railing and rests her back against it as Aurora spoke. After Aurora had spoken though Clair began to frown , sure installing a voice box was her original intent but now all she wanted to do was make the bot fly. Alas she had to go with what Aurora wanted , she couldn't work on Bugsy any other way. "Voice box , bronze and square , on it..... Say Aurora this bike mode your installing , it's been bothering me for some time but have you taken into consideration the heat Bugsy will be producing. It could destroy him from the inside out."

Aurora turns to Clair as she works on the bot. She hops off of Bugsy and keeps one eye shut trying to screw something small.

"Whadaya mean? Bugsy maybe a steam bot but doesn't the steam help cool it down or at least let the heat leave somewhere. Besides it's not like I'll be using it all the time. Well actually I might. I'm sure he will be fine. Unless I make some sort of fan mechanism to cool the inside and it won't destroy him." She starts rambling on and over thinking things.

She hums and comes to a halt. "Well what do you want to do to him? What should we do? We need a ride when we're on land we can't just keep hitching a ride from old man Bellfast here." She places her hands on her hips raising her goggles out of her face and on her head.

@Mr Swiftshots
Joseph listened to Zoey's story, slightly grinning at some parts of her history while continuing his rummage through the ruined streets. "So now we're even." he looked up towards her after she thanked him, not wanting to directly thank her back. "Say," Joseph suddenly started, "didn't the dwarf say something about Bigbin?" he stretches his back, making a deep groaning sound. "Jesus Christ, this thing is bloody annoying." he said, feeling his spine.

Zoey smiled when he spoke, she turned back to him at the mention of Bigbin. "Yeah, i think he said that's where he got the job from." she said as he was feeling his spine. "Spine not treating you well?" she asked, tossing a broken picture frame from the rubble. "We heading there? I'm board of sifting through rubble." she grinned

XXXIwolf said:
Aurora turns to Clair as she works on the bot. She hops off of Bugsy and keeps one eye shut trying to screw something small.
"Whadaya mean? Bugsy maybe a steam bot but doesn't the steam help cool it down or at least let the heat leave somewhere. Besides it's not like I'll be using it all the time. Well actually I might. I'm sure he will be fine. Unless I make some sort of fan mechanism to cool the inside and it won't destroy him." She starts rambling on and over thinking things.

She hums and comes to a halt. "Well what do you want to do to him? What should we do? We need a ride when we're on land we can't just keep hitching a ride from old man Bellfast here." She places her hands on her hips raising her goggles out of her face and on her head.

Aurora listens to Clair and frowns. "I know what I'm doing but...I know she's right. I don't want you to explode like everything else I make. I don't know what I would do."

Bugsy frowns and pats her head and toots from his steam pipes. Aurora gives a fake sniffle and looks up at her buddy. "Maybe we should ask her to help. You should though. She can't resist you." The girl grins widely only making the bot blush or heat up a little. The bot gets up after closing the flap behind him and being screwed shut. He notices the fire along with Clair and rushes over to her a little worried you could say. He picks Clair up helping get a higher view of the fire to put it out. "Need help hot stuff?" Aurora shouts since they were up high and gives a thumbs up.

@Mr Swiftshots
XXXIwolf said:
(meh screw it I will start in my group)
Aurora fell asleep on board the Madeline working on Bugsy. She woke up and stretches seeing the sun rising. She turns to the groaning Bugsy.

"Morning buddy." It wasn't long before she started working on him then starts making a few parts here and there for Bugsy's bike form. She screwed a few bolts and wires into a small square part. It started getting bigger. It won't be long till she has to make an engine. Her tongue sticking out as she works intently on the parts with the blue prints laid out. She approaches Bugsy and opens a compartment on his back starting to attach the new parts inside. Her goggles and gloves on meaning she was a hard worker and working intently on her project.

@XXXIwolf @XXXIwolf
XXXIwolf said:
Aurora listens to Clair and frowns. "I know what I'm doing but...I know she's right. I don't want you to explode like everything else I make. I don't know what I would do."
Bugsy frowns and pats her head and toots from his steam pipes. Aurora gives a fake sniffle and looks up at her buddy. "Maybe we should ask her to help. You should though. She can't resist you." The girl grins widely only making the bot blush or heat up a little. The bot gets up after closing the flap behind him and being screwed shut. He notices the fire along with Clair and rushes over to her a little worried you could say. He picks Clair up helping get a higher view of the fire to put it out. "Need help hot stuff?" Aurora shouts since they were up high and gives a thumbs up.

Aurora was usually the one to cause trouble but this made he face palm herself from trying to explain. She takes a few steps back following her orders. Elves burn too don't they? They have flesh. Nonetheless the snow haired girl shakes it off and watches Bugsy assist Clair. It was a cute pairing she couldn't help but want to capture this moment.

Bugsy brings Clair down and looks over her body lifting her arm up, checking her face and legs even tugging her shorts to see if the injuries were in there. It was all clear until he lifts her shirt to examine her belly. He huffs in satisfaction that Clair was fine.

@Mr Swiftshots @Vultz
XXXIwolf said:
Aurora was usually the one to cause trouble but this made he face palm herself from trying to explain. She takes a few steps back following her orders. Elves burn too don't they? They have flesh. Nonetheless the snow haired girl shakes it off and watches Bugsy assist Clair. It was a cute pairing she couldn't help but want to capture this moment.
Bugsy brings Clair down and looks over her body lifting her arm up, checking her face and legs even tugging her shorts to see if the injuries were in there. It was all clear until he lifts her shirt to examine her belly. He huffs in satisfaction that Clair was fine.

"Oh you like my eyes do you?" Blume smiled as she directed her attention to Kyns. "You flatter me kind sir." The Chef and three servers came in from the kitchen while the trio were talking as they set a bowl on a plate with half a loaf of bread in each plate. The bowl was served with a creamy potato and white cheddar soup with fresh crisp Kayle floating around the broth. As they left Blume began speaking again. "Now I would have to say no to the tour for obvious reasons." Blume loomed towards Echo for a moment giving her a frown. "But I would gladly show you the bridge, and after dinner I do have a show I would like to show the both of you. But to a more important question, Lady and Gentry. How would you feel about joining my crew? the pay is good, the work is exciting, and it is not as strict as it may seem. You would get to see far away lands and have a life of adventure, as well as slay mighty beast for sport! I would absolutely be ecstatic if you join..." As Blume finished talking she too a spoon full of the soup and delicately blew to cool the spoon down before taking it in. He smiles widen as her taste buds went alight with joy from the hearty flavor of the soup. the flowers around the room began to react to the emotion pouring out from the Witch. The room began to smell better, with a stronger scent of roses as well as the colors of the orchids began to brighten.

@Ghost Hunter
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Cyrus decided to go back to his old town, and pay his respect to the fallen people, along with his family that was there. He reached the gates, and took his face mask off and clipped it to his belt. "I'm back Amy...mother..." he said, as he believed that the sprites of the ones you loved the most stay by that loved ones side. He walked to where the old general store was, and took a seat on the step. 'What flavor is the candy big bro?-Watermelon, better eat it before I do!-No! It's mine!' the voices of the past ran through his head, he shed a slight tear, then made his way to the old house, not going in, as he did not bury the bodies, and couldn't bare to do so. He took out a flower, and laid it on a window seal, that was his sisters room, and left one on the doorstep, as his mother always stood there, making sure Amy was safe. Then he looked up, and smiled, "I'm sorry, I was late...I'm sorry that I didn't die with you two, no family should be apart, even in death...I'll be back next year...Happy birthday Amy..." he said, putting his face mask on and walked away from the town, the sound of grass and dirt under his boots. 'Just have a cry.' came a voice. He spun around and aimed his gun, not seeing anyone, 'Have a cry...big bro', came the voice, he shook his head, and kept walking, up a hill, as the cold air blew, his trench coat flowing in the wind, it sounded like a flag as it went. He took a seat on a rock, over looking the town. 'Wow! Look there's our house Cy!-Don't lean too much, you'll fall.-No I won't, you'll protect me!-Now and forever.' . The voices of the past coming back. He took his mask off, and let the tears drop, he didn't sob, he didn't make a face, his simply sniffled and blinked, making the tears run faster. "Well, looks like that day was the end of forever, huh Amy...I'm sorry..." he said, now sobbing.

After Cyrus saw his old town, and said some goodbyes, he made his way to Pitfum, going to a tavern for a quick drink was nice. He walked in and took a seat in a corner, ordering some food and a drink. He sat there, the sign of 'merc' written all over him, silent, emotionless, and just enjoying a break, his gun sat next to him, and his mask sat on the table. He looked through his notes on a bandit camp not to far from Pitfum, he was planning on burning it to the ground after a quick nap, "...Gonna enjoy killing these freaks of nature..." he said quietly, taking a sip of his drink, and eating a slice of steak, rare, just the way he liked it. "Oh, can I get some of your hottest sauce? This is kinda, bland to me." he asked the waiter, he laughed and walked to the bar, and came back with a small bottle of it, Cyrus dumped the whole thing on his steak, and took a bite, not being fazed by the heat, as he can take the heat, and give the heat too.
Kyns smiled as the food was set before him, taking in the aroma of the soup. His stomach grumbled, and Kyns had to resist eating the food sloppily all at once, as it might be drugged or even poisoned...and he was terrified to think of what would happen if he didn't use proper table manners in the Crimson Witch's company. He listened to Blume's offer and Kyns' polite smile receded to a frown. "My apologies madam..but i'm not yet convinced to join your crew. And...i'm most terrified of heights. Even being on your airship now I feel a tad ill." Kyns said, lying through his teeth. "Say, did you happen upon my armor when you found us? I'd feel much better knowing it was on board. It's my prized possession." Suddenly, the room smelled much sweeter and the flowers about the room brightened. Kyns smiled again, picking up his bread and dabbing it in his soup. "I'm so delighted your chef served bread with this delicious soup, I just love to stab-" Kyns coughed into his hand to hide his face from Blume, looking and winking at Echo, making jerking head movements towards Blume whilst he "coughed." "My apologies madam...where was I...oh yes, I just love to dab the bread in my soup." He said smiling at Blume whilst holding his breath and taking a bite of the bread, hoping to god it wasn't drugged or poisoned. It seemed fine, and he let his guard down a little.

@PurpleTurtle @MsPolite
Echo barely paid attention to the casual and tense conversation happening around her as her mind ran through about ten plans. She was however, thrown back into reality when an assortment of food was placed in front of her. She warily looked at the soup, her eyes trying to decipher if it was safe or not. It certainly looked delicious. She looked up as "Lady" Blume frowned at her, and she almost felt like laughing. Had she really gotten under one of the most dangerous person in the west that easily?

She looked at Kyns, who appeared to be trying to signal for her to Stab Blume and she raised her hand to her head as if to scratch it, then wiggled her finger back and forth as a way to communicate No. Then, of all things the witch asked if they would work for her and Echo nearly choked on the piece of bread she took a bite of. She blushed then murmured a quiet apology, Well she still looked frazzled she moved her shoe just in front of the knife Kyns had slid over to her. She quickly leaned down and grabbed it, tucking it into the skirts of her dress before prodding at the shoe, "Lady Blume, these shoes are gorgeous, where did you get them?"
Dearwolfy said:
Bugsy was baffled and looks at the woman. He wanted to apologize or argue back it he couldn't speak. He turns to Aurora settling Clair down. He was trying to sign to her and tell her he needs the voice box now more than ever. Aurora places a hand on her chin and nods.
"Hmm, yes, I see..." The mechanic looks to Clair. "Bugsy says to put aside the bike working and start making a voice box. He wants to...." She raises a brow at Bugsy then turns back to Clair. "Well Bugsy wants to talk to us. Mostly you. Wow. Ya really got him caring for you. That's a first. So whadaya say?"

@Mr Swiftshots
Clair was busy correcting her outfit when Aurora began speaking. So Bugsy wanted a voice box installed asap and he wanted to talk to Clair more so than his life long buddy. Needless to say hearing this made Clair blush even brighter and wonder deeply about what exactly the bot wanted to say , the thought of what he wanted to say quickly prompted her to quickly reply with quite a high pitched voice "He wants to talk to me ! W.What does he want to talk about exactly ?".

Aurora shrugs. "Dunno. Big guy is very secretive for my sake. He won't even tell me why pops won't let me go out and explore in the beginning." Bugsy at that moment shakes his head as if saying, 'sorry I'm not authorized for your safety Aurora.' Aurora huffs and crosses her arms on her chest. "Well buddy I have a few secrets myself involving you and I ain't tell'n how does that make you feel? Curious huh?" She grins at him. Bugsy simply stares at her for the longest and just straight up telling her with his blank stare. "Oh that's right, you don't have curious feelings. Damn your robot half!" She shakes her fist in the air. "Well enough chit chat. Guess I'll go work on the voice box if he wants it so badly. Better now before we land on Binbing." She walks off humming and Bugsy turns to Clair and smiles at her flustered face then follows like a duckling.

Aurora whistles and makes Bugsy sit in the center while she works on the voice box. It won't be done until they land. That's how quick she will get it done besides it's not like it will be a huge machine to act as a voice box.

@Mr Swiftshots
Pulling through the skies was a single, massive warship which seemed to be some ungodly fusion of two completely different Airships bolted together. Despite its Frankenstein-like appearance the ship's insurmountable endurance would be obvious to anyone with even a basic knowledge of ships. Despite its massive size and bulkiness, there was not even a single sign of offensive weapons on board, save for several small clockwork machines which flew around the entirety of the ship recording everything.

Even the main deck was odd, instead of a natural looking airship deck there were a multitude of oddly shaped buildings built on top, making it seem like some kind of shanty town was being built there.

On board the airship arena figures milled about in anticipation, many wearing masks or other identity-withholding forms of clothing. Besides that they were a very varied assembly of individuals, some with animalistic features openly hanging out and others followed by mechanized followers and several groups in similar colors going over battle plans.

Inside the massive ship was a similar scene, as the place was basically a playground of clockwork proportions.

Among these figures was a large man covered head to toe in armor, one hand on the hilt of his blade while watching from the helm of the ship as they traveled to what he assumed to be the next location for battle.

Thander kept his helmet on at all times when performing, even before the match even starts. The clockwork cameras were part of the reason yes but another was the constant threat of one of the other contestants attacking him too early. It wasn't necessarily against what few rules there were in these war games, and the Ambrosia coursing through many of them made them unpredictable in terms of violence.

As he pondered the possibilities of the game they were about to play, one of the Clockwork Cameras buzzed by. He didn't pay too much attention to it, as one of the Champions it was to be expected, but that changed when a familiar voice emanated from it.

"Aww, don't look so down little lizard!" the annoyingly cheery voice of Golden Gore rang out "I need one of my favorites to be ready and roaring by the time battle comes."

"I am not down, Announcer, merely contemplating which battlefield you'd have us partake in next."

"Oh you." Golden Gore said before chuckling through the Camera "Let's just say we're going to have a blast with this one."

Thander could practically feel Golden's shit-eating grin through the camera.

"Is this ship rigged with explosives?"


Thander's eyes narrowed under his mask, well... at the very least he now knew he'd have to be ready for some kind of explosions during the match, whatever they may be. As he thought of the scenarios that could result in such things, he noticed the persistent clockwork Camera still hovering near.

"What do you want, announcer?" Thander spoke

More cryptic chuckles wafted from the clockwork camera before Golden Gore responded "Oh nothing, we'll be coming upon our target location soon, darling, just want you nice and ready for when the magic happens."

With even more laughter the Clockwork Camera flew off, most likely to another part of the ship. If it was true that they'd reach their target soon, then the cameras would probably start broadcasting to television soon.

As he continued silently contemplating he heard a familiar set of footsteps, heavy thick footstseps that surpassed even his with their sheer weight.

Turning, Thander caught sight of another Champion passing by. Dressed head to toe in heavy reddish-brown steam plate armor, with what was easily identifiable as a steam-powered grenade launcher strapped to his back.

"Double B?" Thander said, causing the heavily-armed champion to pause and glance in his direction.

"Oh, Thander." Double-B's glum voice lulled out of the thick helmet which encased it

"I thought you weren't going to be taking part in this Arena." Thander pointed out as he turned fully to address his peer "Something about your crew needing you for demolitions in a ruin or something?"

"Yes, however I was assigned a job that seemed just easy enough to squeeze in." Double-B mentioned in an underwhelming, bored tone

"On this ship?"

"Exactly, my job is done so... I'll be leaving aboard one of the transport ships docked here." Double-B stated before turning and continuing on his way to the flying Airship Arena's makeshift hangar.

This encounter drew even more pieces together for Thander, Double-B was just a friendly way of saying Boom Boom, a misleadingly cutesy name for the Champion Explosives Expert. Double-B was capable of putting together explosives capable of sinking armadas, so hearing that he had a quick job to do on board this ship they were supposed to be having a Blast on sent up all kinds of warning signs.

Thander decided to go over the Airship Arena's escape routes just in case Golden had been lying about rigging the entire place to blow.
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Just as richard got down from the flaming balloon, a before unseen rainstorm darkened the sky and poured down heavily. This caused the present fires to die down and be completely extinguished. Though the flames may have been produced by magic, they are still subject to thermodynamics. After this happened, rick immediately took to the helm and put the engines into full drive, booking it to binbig in order to prevent further mishaps, especially lightning when this high up.

A couple hours later, the airship docked in binbig
"I'm sorry to hear that you get airsick dear Kyns. perhaps some water would do you good " Blume raised her hand and Snapped signaling one of her servers to aquire some water. "And your suit? I'm sorry but I haven't the slightest clue as to the whereabouts of your suit. Perhaps we can look for it in Pitfum when we are through..." Blume lied, smiling after she finished dabbing her lips with her cloth napkin. After a brief awkward silence the servers came again with Kyns water setting it in front of him and then setting the main course for the evening. It was a Sow Drowned in wine, then glazed in honey and roasted of a spit. The Sweet and Savory of the Honey and pork mixing filling the air. The sow was resting over a bed of Jasmine white rice; a delicacy to those in the western region, and had a red gala apple in its mouth. "Oh how delightful!" The witches exclaimed while the Chef came in and began cutting chucks of and serving it to each of the guests.

"Lady Blume, these shoes are gorgeous, where did you get them?" Echo asked. Blume looked down to her shoes then looked at Echo's. She smiled as Echo giving her a nod of approval. "Why thank you Ms. Echo it is very kind of you to say so, but if you are referring to mine, My cobbler had made them and I designed them. But if you are referring to yours I had gotten them at one of the few cobblers left in the west. you may have heard of him, Mr. Gallentries Shoes? He has quite a selections."

Turning back to Kyns Blume eyed for a moment but then continued to speak. "Now it is rather... upsetting? For you to decline my offer, but do you know why I brought you aboard my mighty vessel Mr. Kyns?"

@Ghost Hunter
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Aurora hums a tune as she works then falls almost off the rail. She windmills her arms and catches herself guving a relieved sigh. "Hey what gives Mista Bellfast?!" She barks then notices they have have docked at Binbig. The girl widens her eyes with awe at how many people there were and so much technology. "Wow cool! I bet this is where I can fetch the rest of the parts for my bike. Soon you will be a bike Bugsy bot bud!" She chirps. The bot nods. "Come on they may have a final piece of the voice box."

Quickly. Aurora gathers her things in a tool box and was about to rush off until she remembers something. She sees Richard and runs toward him were they meet face to face. She hugs and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for the lift Mr. Bellfast. Keep in touch so I can ramble about my adventures and I can hear yours. Take care of your kid too okay? Bye." She giggles and walks away. "Sorry about burning ya ship too I'll make it up to ya next time!" With that, Aurora and Bugsy were off to town calling Clair to follow. She was to excited.

It was almost three hours later walking around and admiring everything from tech to magic even herbs and schools. The snow haired girl settled at a simple inn and hums as she works back on her desk fixing the voice box. It was simple and adding the last piece she bought in town made it all well put together. Lastly, Aurora installs the box inside his wired vocal cords inside his mouth then flips the switch. She puts her hands on her waist looking Bugsy up and down in satisfaction.

"Okay speak." She starts. The robot hums and hums but nothing comes out. Aurora frowns at this. "Damn it! I thought I had it. Hmm maybe you need a little.." "No I'm fine." Said the new voice. Aurora jumps. Hia voice was masculine suiting him and not to mention a bit nerdy yet enough to make Aurora blush. She giggles then laughs and hugs him. She finally did it! She made Bugsy speak all thanks to Clair's idea. Speaking of which she must have wandered off to deliver her so called "order".

"You talked! Ya actually talk! Ha! Take that people who never believe in me! Quick Bugsy say somethin else." She gestures. Bugsy hums then speaks slowly. "Like what Aurora?" Aurora squeals and chuckles. "That'll do. Well now that you have a voice you can speak what you have always wanted to say and as a victory to me let's go exploring." Both friends walk out of the inn for the day and head out to explore some more.

@Vultz (I added somethin sweet for ya :D )

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