Nikolaus Kirchner




Nikolaus didn't like using his power to avoid people. Alright, correction, he did, but he didn't like that he liked to. When he had been younger, he had used it as often as he wanted, but as he had grown older, he had decided that not all problems could just be vanished away. So he tried to stay invisible in the theoretical sense instead.


Alright, so he had promised to his parents that he would make some actual friends, but... everyone was already paired or grouped up, and as much as Nikolaus wanted to defy it, he was intimidated. Not to mention the rioting group of people right outside of the school doors. That really gave him a boost of confidence.


He had said goodbye to his parents (as well as his brothers, who had actually taken the day off to bid him farewell), and waited for them to drive away before hesitating in front of the entrance. When he had heard about the Academy, all he had wanted to do was go, but now it was starting to seem like a really bad idea. 


At least he was good at staying out of sight, powers or not.


He slipped by the crowd of protesters without much word from them (at least, not to him directly), and made it inside, running his fingers absentmindedly up and down the straps of his leather backpack. He kept his head low and tried to keep away from the hustle and bustle in the hallway, trying to find at least one other person who was by themselves. He really hoped he wasn't the only one.


After checking in and getting a room card, he decided to try exploring the school grounds a little, and see what there was to see. He wandered around on his own until he came across what seemed to have been the cafeteria, or mess hall, or lunchroom, or whatever you wanted to call it. The place with food.


Regardless of the room's formal title, everyone still seemed to be buddied up, and Nikolaus didn't want to be "that guy" who ate by himself on the first day. He wasn't even strikingly hungry to begin with, anyway.


@Mane @twilight sparkle Maybe? ^^;
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(I don't mind ^^)

Nichole blinked seeing a guy standing by himself. She gently waved him over giving a soft smile. Nichole made room for him after moving her backpack and stuffer animals. She then waited for him to sit finishing most of her burger and fries."h-hello." Nichole said softly placing her stuffed animals in her lap.

@TheFlyingWriter @Mane
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Rowanna had closed her eyes in hopes of tempering the pain. She was not one to cry or scream when under agony.  As a child, her father would scold her for having overly emotional reactions to different animal injuries. From the grizzly bear event, she learned that any intense emotion could cause a domino effect and force her into transformations she didn't intentionally initiate. So, no matter how bad the injury or the pain, she couldn't let emotion overwhelm her for fear and transforming again and worsening the situation. 

"Are you alright Rowanna?" she heard Akio say. Rowanna opened her eyes and looked up at him, meeting his gaze. She could detect a look of slight concern there, but knew better than to point it out and risk annoying him. Instead Rowanna gave him a weaker-than-normal smile and nodded. "I'm ok, I'm pretty much used to the pain now," she responded with a tone that wavered ever so slightly. Realizing the wound was beginning to swell, she knew she had to cut it open somehow to release the pooling blood. 

Rowanna met Akio's gaze once again with a slightly embarrassed expression. "You wouldn't happen to have a knife on you, would you? It's bleeding internally and, though I am able to heal fairly quickly, wounds like take more time and tend to pool blood. But, um... because my cells regenerate so quickly, it will have to be cut over and over again until the deeper wound is healed." Rowanna shrugged sheepishly, used to having to perform procedures like this on herself as well as having her father conduct them. When he found out about her regeneration abilities, he would spend hours in the lab slashing cuts across her body in variable depths and measuring how long it would take for them to completely heal. She was barely nine years old at the time, and couldn't ignore the pain as well. But her father simply ignored her screams.

"Sorry if this is weird. You don't have to help if you don't want to. I just need to find something sharp to cut this open with," Rowanna concluded, gesturing to the now apparent swelling of her forearm.


Rowanna smiled at him, claiming she was used to the pain and he couldn't help but wonder how many times had she drawn herself to this level of exertion for mastery over her abilities but at the same time he knew what she meant. Hadn't he taken injuries like that pushing himself to the absolute limit, perhaps under different circumstances but in many ways it was much the same. Around the time he noticed her wound starting too swell Rowanna asked him an odd question, causing him to listen closely as he analyzed the problem. Her increased healing rate could indeed be an issue if he blood pooled as it wasn't simply gonna disappear. "Self inflicted wounds on both counts, yet despite this she still does not cry out, she had quite a pain tolerance." Almost unwillingly he felt his admiration for her grow. She had certainly proven tenacious and was not much of a delicate flower compared to many girls he knew, even if in some ways she was still soft she was unlike anyone he had ever met. 

"There is no need for a knife, my ability will work as well as anything." He claimed simply, taking her arm and bending it out gingerly to pull it a bit towards him. "Ill cut open your arm, try to hold still and tell me when the injury is healed." He didn't tell her not to scream though he figured she wouldn't nor did he offer any more words of comfort as his hand became more blurry and indistinct as he vibrated his molecules in his hand, making his hand as sharp as a sword as like lighting his hand lashed out and cut through skin and muscle without even a pause, splattering blood on his hand which seemed tto roll off like oil on a duck with the speed he vibrated as the grass began drinking her blood eagerly as it fell dripping, dying the green stalks red as Akio removed his hand back.


Headmaster Alexander Masters


Alexander stood on the stage looking out at the students as they poured into the great hall. They were so young and had no idea of the dangers that they would be exposed to in the outside world. They had come here for safety and to master their powers. Alexander had recently been appointed the Governor of Mutant Rights in the senate and he was a famous figurehead for Mutant rights. He had been given permission to found this academy even though he knew the government was mainly interested in keeping Mutants away from the average population. Alexander continued to wait as more students poured into the great hall and began to take their seats.



Rowanne was taken aback when he mentioned his abilities. She was happy they didn't need a knife, but found herself to be extremely curious. What could his mutation possibly be to be able to cut through my arm as well as kill all those men years ago? she wondered. She watched as he gently took her arm and examined the swelling mass. Though her didn't offer words of comfort, she was comforted simply by his touch, which was a strange sensation to her. Ignoring it, Rowanna watched with wide eyes his hand began to shake into an utter blur. It was so interesting, so impressive, Rowanna didn't even blink when he cut into her arm. Shaking her impressed expression away Rowanna examined the bloody wound, sticking her fingers into it to feel for the membranous tissue regrowth as well as deeper wound healing. "It's ready to be cut again," she stated, looking up to meet his gaze. Doing so, she saw the sun and could estimate the time fairly well. "We might want to hurry, however. We're suppose to meet in the Great Hall fairly soon."

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Rowanne was taken aback when he mentioned his abilities. She was happy they didn't need a knife, but found herself to be extremely curious. What could his mutation possibly be to be able to cut through my arm as well as kill all those men years ago? she wondered. She watched as he gently took her arm and examined the swelling mass on her arm. Though her didn't offer words of comfort, she was comforted simply by his touch, which was a strange sensation to her. Ignoring it, Rowanna watched with wide eyes his hand began to shake into an utter blur. It was so interesting, so impressive, Rowanna didn't even blink when he cut into her arm. Shaking her impressed expression away Rowanna examined the bloody wound, sticking her fingers into it to feel for the membranous tissue regrowth as well as deeper wound healing. "It's ready to be cut again," she stated, looking up to meet his gaze. Doing so, she saw the sun and could estimate the time fairly well. "We might want to hurry, however. We're suppose to meet in the Great Hall fairly soon."


As expect there was no scream of pain, rather she didn't ever even close her eyes, instead seeming very curious of his hand as he cut into her within a single moment, causing no unnecessary pain or discomfort, planning to get this over with as quickly as possible. When she mentioned it would have to be cut again he decided to try and take her mind off thier current actions, as more of her blood spilled on the greedy dirt, eagerly drinking her life blood he could offer her some small comfort to distract her. "Curious about my ability?" he asked calmly. once again gently pulling her arm to him so he could prepare to cut again. "its called Seismokinesis." He said as his hand once against lashed out to cut through he skin. "It allows me to control vibrations, much like the kind that create earth quakes. I can do this by using the vibrations to make the molecules in my hand move at high speeds, having them act like a blade to cut other molecules easily, with enough effort i can even cut through steel with relative ease since im cutting at a molecular level. You won't even feel much pain as i cut as such a precise level. Its one of the many applications of my ability." He claimed, letting her blood leak out as her wound heals.
Nichole threw away her trash and said"w-we need to go to the Great Hall guys. There's gonna be an assembly." Grabbing her stuffed animals,backpack and purse. She then texted Luna to head to the Great Hall. Nichole then waited for the mystery guy and Abigail. She wondered what the headmaster/headmistress would be like.

@TheFlyingWriter @Mane

Luna blinked as her phone buzzed and read the message. "C'mon Julian, we gotta go to the Great Hall, there's gonna be an assembly soon." She said dusting herself off and walked to the door waiting for him. Luna messaged Nichole they were on their way.

@King in Yellow
Rowanna was entirely astounded as he told her about his abilities. She did not even notice the second cut until she looked down to find the wound open once again. Reaching inside, she felt the tissue of the deeper wound to have fill in the massive hole caused by the broken bone. With the final drops of blood leaking out into the pool below her arm, Rowanna looked back up at him with a smile. "That's absolutely incredible. How large of a scale can you control vibrations on? How big of an area?" As she spoke, the wound on her arm healed over, leaving behind only a light pink scar. Another one to add to her collection.

After healing completely and asking her questions, Rowanna wiped the blood from her hands and arm on the grass and stood so they could head back to the Great Hall for the announcement. Rowanna put out her hand as a gesture to help him up, if he so decided to take it.

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Nikolaus Kirchner




Nikolaus was already wary enough when he saw someone waving in his general direction. Then he realized that it was a girl, seemingly a bit older than he was, waving at him directly. She was smiling gently, like she'd known him, and Nikolaus had a mild internal crisis before realizing that he hadn't met anyone from this school yet, and so it was impossible that they'd met before.


The girl with the glasses moved her things (a backpack and -- were those stuffed animals?) aside to make room for him to sit, and he awkwardly sat beside her, being sure not to be too creepily close.


"H-hello," the girl said, moving the stuffed animals into her lap as she continued to eat what looked like a hamburger. Nikolaus hoped he hadn't made her uncomfortable enough to stutter; she had waved him over so invitingly before, and he did tend to have the look of a wounded animal most of the time (no offense to those with animalistic mutations, of course).


"Um, hallo," he obliged, trying not to act as nervous as he felt. He wondered if he should ask why she waved him over, but then figured that might be rude, so instead he settled for a more basic question. "I'm Nikolaus. Nikolaus Kirchner. Danke for zeh, ah, seat."


Ask for her name, dummkopf! he chided himself, but his other side told him to wait for her to tell him herself. Would it be weird to ask now? It had been a few seconds. And what about the other girl, the one she was sitting with? She hadn't even acknowledged him yet. Would it be weird to ask for one girl's name and not the other? Or should he ask for both? Was the other girl even friends with this first girl? Maybe they were just sitting together out of pure coincidence and lack of seats. 


Ach, why did conversation have to be so hard?


Before either he or the girl could figure out her name, she stood up, throwing away her trash. "W-we need to go to the Great Hall, guys," she said, and Nikolaus wondered if maybe her stutter was just natural, and he hadn't made her uncomfortable. That made him feel a little better. "There's gonna be an assembly." The girl gathered her things and tapped around on her phone before moving away, and Nikolaus guessed he was just supposed to tag along with her and the other girl -- she had to have been her friend; she had said "guys", after all.


The boy stood up and moved to where the girl with glasses stood, and decided that now wouldn't be too weird to ask. "Ah, vhat is your name, by zeh vay?" He was all too self-conscious about his accent, but it really couldn't be helped. He hoped he wasn't coming off as creepy.


He also wondered what the assembly was about. Granted, it could just be a big orientation or something simple, but like it or not, Nikolaus had a weird feeling about the whole ordeal. Besides, knowing that this was literally a Mutant Academy, it really could be anything. 





(for those who don't know or are just wondering uwu)


Danke = Thank you

Dummkopf = Dummy/Blockhead/Idiot

Ach = Oh/Ah/Argh


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"M-my name is Nichole Kudo.  It's nice to meet you Nikolaus." Nichole said softly and waited for Abigail to come over. She then checked her messages when Luna texted back and nodded. Nichole then flinched adjusting her necklace when it caught on her neck a little.  Her butterly pendant had three peridot stomed for the body and tiny ones on the wings, she also had her Ying half on the small chain necklace as well.  Nichole let out a soft breath keeping herself calm. "I-I apologize for my stutter Nikolaus." She said softly rubbing her arm.

@TheFlyingWriter @Mane
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Rowanna was entirely astounded as he told her about his abilities. She did not even notice the second cut until she looked down to find the wound open once again. Reaching inside, she felt the tissue of the deeper wound to have fill in the massive hole caused by the broken bone. With the final drops of blood leaking out into the pool below her arm, Rowanna looked back up at him with a smile. "That's absolutely incredible. How large of a scale can you control vibrations on? How big of an area?" As she spoke, the wound on her arm healed over, leaving behind only a light pink scar. Another one to add to her collection.

After healing completely and asking her questions, Rowanna wiped the blood from her hands and arm in the and stood so they could head back to the Great Hall for the announcement. Rowanna put out her hand as a gesture to help him up, if he so decided to take it.


His plan to distract her with his ability was more then successful, as at first she wasn't even aware that he had cut into her arm, seemingly amazed by his ability which he had long gotten used to. "Its a powerful mutation, meant for war and conflict, as i was always told. It made me a good weapon for them till i escaped and kept me along. I don't know how much i could do if i released all my power at once. But when i escaped i remember shaking the entire building and destroying part of it in order to disable the security systems and and create an opening to escape. Even them im not sure that was my full potential, and its been five years since then so im not sure how much my limit might have grown ethier." He said with an off handing shrug, taking her hand without really tthinking of it, allowing her to help him to stand up. "Lets get going to the great hall, we should be able to make orientation on time." He stated, starting to lead the way, knowing after his previous observations.
Abigail smiled, finishing her food and looking at the newcomer.
"Hi, I'm Abigail. Don't worry about the accent, I don't mind~"

She got up and threw her tray's contents away, setting the tray down and joining Nichole.
"Care to join this adorable little thing and I?"
Without waiting for an answer she set off, only to realize again she had no idea where she was going. 
"And I think your stutter is cute~"
It occurred to her she was poor at making small-talk without flirting. 
Dami inwardly winced as the girl responded to his torrent of questions and informations. While she hid it well, it was obvious she was surprised by his 'assault', especially so soon after she had arrived. It was just in Dami's nature to be immediately friendly, and the fact he was hyped up on adrenaline didn't help. However, she seemed to recover quickly and responded as well as anyone could to his speech. She seemed nice, just had the face, you know? Of someone you feel like you can trust. Or, to him anyway. And so, he attempted to stretch his cheek muscles even further and responded, slightly calmer this time.

"Really? Teleportation, that's so cool! My power is super over done, just telekinesis. You know, wibbly wobbly mind stuff," to further his point, Dami wiggled his fingers. He took a breath to continue, but paused. What else was there to say? So he let it out, and hung awkwardly.

Eventually, though, he realized it was practically only them left in the yard, everyone else had either disappeared or entered the house apparently. They were probably already late to something. Great start.

"So...yeah. Uh, nice to meet you! You seem nice, i'm like 100% sure we are gonna be great friends. But...yeah. Introductions are over, I suppose we better get inside?"

He let the last bit of his sentence tilt up questioningly, he really didn't want to run the show and appear bossy.


Mira Teller


"Oh, Telekenesis, that's so cool!" Mira replied enthusiastically, giving the boy a wide smile. She looked towards the crowd of students that were entering the great hall and then an idea hit her. She grinned at the boy "Wanna feel what it's like to teleport?" She asked mischievously, picturing a spot inside the great hall that she could see from afar. Mira could only teleport places she had seen, it could be in a movie or a simple picture, or what was more common was what she could see with her own eyes.


"Ah, right." Julian had completely forgotten about the assembly. He got up and followed Luna back inside. "I think the great hall was this way? Oh, and to answer your question," he said as they walked, "I adore anything sweet. I wonder if the cafeteria has any good desserts."
Nichole bit her cheek and followed Abigail before looking around then followed the other students that were heading to the Great Hall. She sighed trying to keep herself calm really not liking big crowds. 'I'm definitely getting lost on my way to my classes.' Nichole thought solemly as it was a big place, it would be easy to get lost here.

@Mane @TheFlyingWriter

Luna said"you snd my sister are the same way." Smiling and giggled  a bit. She went into the building with him and followed the others to the Great Hall. "I might have to find a map for nikki...She get lost very easily then she gets frustrated and breaks down." Luna said with a small sigh.

@King in Yellow
Ouch. Yeah, he probably shouldn't have said that - he could tell that he'd brought back some memories that weren't all that pleasant. Even so, in a way it was nice to know that he wasn't the only one with those kinds of experiences. Heck, maybe that was pretty normal here - maybe mutants in general just weren't treated all that well. Or maybe it was just a coincidence. Either way, it wasn't a topic he needed to pursue right now; the last thing he needed was to make the first person he'd met all sad.

"Yeah, I'm sure it won't be boring, at the very least. Not with this many people with this many powers all in one place."

Matt finally reached the reception they'd come through earlier, with the woman right where she was before. He glanced around nervously, before approaching the desk.

"Hi, uh... could I get my room key, or whatever it is I need here?"

The woman looked up from her computer, and asked him a few simple questions - name, age, address (which he'd just used his parents' one for). After he was able to give her his details, she handed him a plain silver keycard, with a small printed room number on one side, and some writing he couldn't read engraved into the other. It pretty much echoed the rest of this place - modern, but really trying to hide it. He thanked the woman, and stepped away to let SIlva get what she needed.


Silva O'Connor


The girl did the same as Matt, and answered the questions. Fo an address, she gave...well, she actually decided so skip that question, since she didn't plan on going back to Vermont. She was also handed a key card, and thanked the lady before stepping away form the desk. 

"So, wanna explore more?" She asked looking up at him.
Abigail smiled, taking one of Nichole's hands and holding it comfortingly.
"It'll be okay, alright? I'll protect you~"
She gave the quick kiss on the head as additional reassurance, leading her among the crowd and taking great pain to keep her close. It was indeed a large building, and Abigail decided to take initiative; shoving past the crowd but keeping Nichole by her side she managed to get past it into the Great Hall, searching intensely for something resembling an auditorium and indeed finding one, taking a seat. Then she turned to Nichole and winked.
"See? Not so bad with me to look out for you~"
Nichole blinked a few times a dark blush on her cheeks at the hand holding and head kiss. 'what's going on?! Why is this happening! ' Nichole thought a bit scared from the display almost clinging to abigail in fear when she basically pushed everyone out of the way. 'please don't hurt me!' Nichole thought terrified and shook a bit.

Abigail sat, watching her with a look of confusion.
"What's wrong, Nichole? We're away from the crowd now..."
She let go and moved over to offer her a seat. 
"Sorry if I freaked you out there, I figured if the crowd was scaring you then you'd like it if I got you out. It's okay now!"
Crap crap crap I don't want her scared of me she's too cute for that please don't let her be scared of meeeee
"So, wanna explore more?" She asked looking up at him.

"Yeah, sure, let's--"

Matt was abrupty cut off by the sound of a wave of footsteps, which seemed to be coming from... well, everywhere. Stepping slightly into one of the hallways, the source became immediately clear to him - a crowd was steadily forming around what he assumed to be the center of the building, people trickling in from all directions. Looking closer, the 'front' of the crowd were heading through a very ornate set of double doors (which were nowhere big enough to deal with this many people) into some kind of hall. Interesting.

He looked back down at Silva.

"Actually, looks like something's going on over there. Lots of people heading that way, anyway. You wanna check that out, or you got something else in mind?"

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Rowanna nodded and began to follow him back to the school. She smiled slightly that he actually took her hand this time unlike last time when he entirely ignored it. She jogged a bit to catch up to him before walking at his side. Rowanna wasn't sure if she should ask who "they" were in terms of his story. She had not heard the whole thing yet and didn't know how to ask. Rowanna just kept the question to herself and thought maybe she could ask of "them" and his scars when she got to know him a bit better. When they reached the Academy, Rowanna hopped quickly up the stairs and through the door, holding it open for Akio to enter as well. "What do you think the orientation is gonna be about? Just talking about the school and all that?" she asked him with a small smile.


[SIZE=14pt]Delilah Konner[/SIZE]




[SIZE=12pt]A small light blue sedan drove up to the large building that was the school. An emotionless small, pale girl sat in the passenger’s seat beside a grinning older man who was the driver. “Now you will call every day, won’t you?” the older man asked her, a grin still plastered on his face. The girl began to unbuckle her seat belt and nodded with a neutral expression. “Yes, Uncle,” she answered, wanting to get out of the car quickly before he asked any more questions. He smiled and it faltered. He pecked her cheek quickly, saying, “Love you, Delilah,” before she opened the car door and walked out without saying a word. He waved to her and she didn’t notice, but watched the sedan drive off into the distance.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]Wisps of her curly auburn hair fluttered around the pale girl’s face as she walked up to the large building. She pictured it to be smaller in all honesty and she sighed, looking down. They were all mutants, so Delilah could use her powers. But her powers were exactly why she ended up the way she did – a disgusting freak of nature, terrifying and deadly, being disowned by her own aunt and without parents, even if she still had her uncle. She went into unexpected fits of rage in her hellhound form, which was rather unfortunate since she actually liked her powers, but preferred not to show them off, for fear of disgusted remarks or even someone being violent towards her. But still, they were supposed to be in this together and they were all the same. At least she had some family. Maybe she was being ungrateful. Yes, she was being ungrateful. Some people had no one at all. They probably all had similar backstories of tragedy and disownment. She had to be careful, though, and rethink her impression on people. She was usually rude and could often get away with it with humans, who posed no threat to her and if they tried to harm her, she could simply unnerve them with a frightening transformation into a beastly Cerberus. But with other mutants, who may be thin-skinned and use their powers even with the slightest insult towards them, she would have to be careful.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]She aimlessly wandered around the campus, taking all of this in and looking up into the sky. It was bright and Delilah winced as the sunlight burned her sensitive hazel eyes. She hated brightness, being able to transform into a Cerberus, a creature of the Underworld who loves darkness. She kicked her feet in the dirt and heard loud shouting. A rock was thrown and landed near her feet. She gazed towards where the rock came from and saw angry ranting protestors. Glaring at them, she finally walked inside the school before another rock could be thrown. Hopefully, this would not be a long year.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]Gita Patel[/SIZE]




[SIZE=12pt]The protestors’ shouts got louder and louder. A bulky white Jeep drove up to the school and the driver, a tall, pale older woman with long black hair who was startled by the shouts filled with immense hatred for mutants, looked worriedly at her daughter, who slouched lazily in the seat next to her. The girl straightened her powers and scratched her head absentmindedly. She was rather sleepy and was disturbed by the protestors. Seeing her mother’s troubled face, she immediately knew something was wrong. She just didn’t pick it up quickly. Was it because she would be gone the whole school year? She frowned as she began to feel uneasy. She didn’t like to be far from home, but the world was now a very dangerous place for mutants and the academy was here to help them. Unfortunately, there were these protestors and agitators, shouting profanities and making obscene gestures towards the mutants. She now realized why her mother was so worried. It was very upsetting towards mutants and their family, having to be concerned about your safety every day and a school that was also a safehaven for young mutants being surrounded by demonstrators. The dark-skinned girl ran a hand through her hair, which was straightened with a flat iron, and sighed. She smiled, trying to be optimistic during these tough times. It was hard to look at the bright side when you were routinely pessimistic, however. It didn’t seem like humans would begin to act warm and welcoming towards mutants anytime soon. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]“Don’t worry, Maman. I’ll be fine,” [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]she said in a convincingly positive voice and she kissed her mother on the cheek.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]As she opened the door and got out of the car, her smile faltered. She looked at the protestors, who were visibly furious. Why were they so angry? Didn’t they realize that they didn’t ask to get these powers? She stared at her own palms, which were facing upwards and grunted. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]‘Ignorant. They’re just incredibly ignorant humans. I’m sure not all humans are mutant-hating ignoramuses,’ [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]she attempted to reassure herself. She had a disliking for humans herself. It seemed like no humans, besides family, were good and kind towards anyone. Strands of her off-black hair were blown in the wind and used her hands to straighten her hair. She looked down at her jean pocket and took out her iPhone and white earbuds. She searched for a lyric video of her current earworm, “Stressed Out” by Twenty One Pilots, and plugged the earbuds into her phone, humming the melody of the song as it played. She walked into the school building, ignoring the now muffled voices of the still chanting and bellowing protestors. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt](Wow, I’m so late. Anyways, both Gita and Delilah are open for interaction.)[/SIZE]
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Rowanna nodded and began to follow him back to the school. She smiled slightly that he actually took her hand this time unlike last time when he entirely ignored it. She jogged a bit to catch up to him before walking at his side. Rowanna wasn't sure if she should ask who "they" were in terms of his story. She had not heard the whole thing yet and didn't know how to ask. Rowanna just kept the question to herself and thought maybe she could ask of "them" and his scars when she got to know him a bit better. When they reached the Academy, Rowanna hopped quickly up the stairs and through the door, holding it open for Akio to enter as well. "What do you think the orientation is gonna be about? Just talking about the school and all that?" she asked him with a small smile.


"Explaining things and introducing most of the teachers most likely, after all who the teachers are will determine the success or failure of this school." He said plainly. He had already met the head master who had convinced him to come here but he did not know the rest of the staff. "This school is a big project and created a lot of controversy in the outside world. People fear what they don't understand and mutants with all their different sizes and powers in many peoples mind are not human. It doesn't help that certain people are calling mutants the next genetic step in human evolution, meaning that our existence in their mind makes regular people obsolete. What kind of person would want to believe that thier time is over?" He said, not really adding his own opinion on the matter, but rather as stating it as simple fact.
Rowanna nodded, her face suddenly solemn. She knew very well the feeling of fearing she may die. Her father wasn't really worried about her dying when attacked by animals or under one of his experiments. If anything, he hoped she would so he could autopsy her body and show his discoveries to the world. It would have made him famous, and his previous glorious reputation would have been restored. She followed Akio into the Grand Hall and sat in an empty row near the back. Rowanna absolutely hated being noticed or called on in large crowds and thus tended to stay towards the back. She turned to Akio and stated very stoically, "I hope this doesn't take too long. I need to keep training."


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