Nichole's eyes went wide as saucers as her cookie fell to the floor at the kiss. Her entire face red as she covered her mouth looking at her lap in shock.  She shook a bit tears brimming her eyes before a large sphere of water covered her.

Luna shot abigail a look that said she was going to kill her for stealing her sister's first kiss.

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Nichole closed her eyes tight and the sphere of water moved quickly rolling out of the Great Hall. She continued rolling until she made it to the garden and hugged herself shaking as the sphere froze.


Mira Teller


"Yep" Mira replied when he asked if she could bring people along with her, she grabbed his hand "Ready?" She asked, not really waiting for an answer before they suddenly disappeared, less than a split second later they appeared inside the Great Hall, at the front of the mob of students, some people flinched with surprise as the two appeared in front of them. Mira looked to Dami, to see his reaction on teleporting. The first time you teleported it usually felt like butterflies were in your stomach and you felt slightly off balanced, but Mira was used to it so she barely felt a thing.

Abigail swallowed and leaned back, crying a little.
God damnit, I haven't even been here for a day and I already made the cutest girl I've ever met cry. You had her in your lap woman, how the HELL did you fuck up so bad!

She gave a pleading, sad look to Luna before giving up and burying her face in her hands.
Akio was waiting for the speech to end when he started to notice a commotion 3 lanes in front of him. He saw 3 girls sitting together, one in the others lap, seemingly just watching the headmaster speak when suddenly the girl who had one in her lap suddenly leaned forward and kissed her, making him raise an eyebrow at the public affection. However he seemed it was more unwarranted then he expected as suddenly a sphere of water erupted from her and she disappeared from the great hall, turning in a blue sphere that he thought might be water. He found himself half standing as she left. He was curious in her ability and the reason why she ran so suddenly, it couldn't be only the kiss could it. He looked at Rowanna as he stood. "Mind telling me what he says later, ill be back shortly." He said striding out, following the girl who had run away. 

@twilight sparkle @Eternal-Weekend
Nichole hiccuped huddling in her ice sphere shaking in fear. She shouldn't have these kinds of feelings, they were wrong. Nichole shook her head and pulled at her hair biting her lip rubbing at her tears before lying in the bottom of her ice sphere. She stayed there for a while gripping her pendants tight. Her mother would kill her if she found out.

Nichole hiccuped huddling in her ice sphere shaking in fear. She shouldn't have these kinds of feelings, they were wrong. Nichole shook her head and pulled at her hair biting her lip rubbing at her tears before lying in the bottom of her ice sphere. She stayed there for a while gripping her pendants tight. Her mother would kill her if she found out.


It wasn't hard to track the girl, and he got to confirm something he was curious about. She indeed controlled ice or water, leaving drips of water or small bits of crushed ice from when she rolled away from the grand hall, leaving him a very easy path to follow which he jogged along gingerly to find out where she went. He soon found her, huddled in a corner, sheathed in ice as he approached, his steps echoing on the marble floor. "Girl, why did you run away from the main hall." He called out, his black eyes looking at the ball with no emotion visible in his eyes.
Nichole looked up at him in fear shaking more hugging her stuffed animals tight for comfort. "I-I'm hic i'm scared." She said her voice cracking and trembled rubbing at her tears. "I-I'm sorry I hic made a scene.' Nichole said softly looking down at her lap.

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Abigail sat her arms on her legs, hands hanging limply from her knees as she emptily watched the headmaster.
"....should I apologize to her later, or stay away from her...?"
Her jaw was shaking, and she struggled to maintain composure.

@twilight sparkle
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Luna said"you stay away fron her until she calms down. Then you will apologize." Her voice holding malice as she was worried for her little sister. She then sighed and wanted to let her sister try to calm herself dowm. Luna knew she couldn't always be there to comfort her sister all the time.

Abigail nodded.
"I...figured as much. I'm...sorry. That was awful of me. I'm just...not used to people actually trusting me. She was so little and precious and...she actually...whatever, I'm just justifying something awful I did, which I can't. Sorry, for what little that's worth."

@twilight sparkle
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Rowanna was still lost in thought so she just shrugged at what Akio said. She stared at her hands, focusing. Maybe she could partial transform. In her mind she envisioned a wolf, focusing on its claws. She felt the burning catalyst that usually begins a transformation. But she quenched it, forcing on the tingly feeling to go to her hands. There was some light cracking of bone, and her fingertips on her right hand felt on fire. When Rowanna opened her eyes, she almost fully formed wolf claws at the tips of her fingers on her right hand. "Wow..." 

Open for interaction
Luna nodded and sighed looking ahead. "Everyone says that about her. Though most of the time they want something from her or they are telling the truth. But it's mostly the first." She said keeping her voice calm but she wanted to bash abigail's head in.

Nichole looked up at him in fear shaking more hugging her stuffed animals tight for comfort. "I-I'm hic i'm scared." She said her voice cracking and trembled rubbing at her tears. "I-I'm sorry I hic made a scene.' Nichole said softly looking down at her lap.


Reaching over Akio tapped the ice and there was a brilliant ringing sound and suddenly a vibration ran through the ice, highly controlled but powerful which caused the ice to crack and start to shatter, turning into shards and breaking away till she was sitting on the floor in a pile of shattered ice. "Thats not what im concerned with." He says simply as he looked at her, uncaring about the supposed scene she caused. "Whats your name?"
'N-Nichole k-kudo." Nichole said her voice cracking as it was barely above a whisper as she tried to hide despreately scared of this mystery person. His eyes scared her the most. She bit her lip hiding behind the tree for protection and hugged herself.

'N-Nichole k-kudo." Nichole said her voice cracking as it was barely above a whisper as she tried to hide desperately scared of this mystery person. His eyes scared her the most. She bit her lip hiding behind the tree for protection and hugged herself.


Akio sighed, after Rowannas reaction to him he forgot this was how people usually reacted to him, fear and hate. "You don't need to be afraid of me." He said simply, stepping a bit closer to her so they stood next to each other as he looked down at her and offered his hand. "My name is Akio, good to meet you." He said attempting to remember his courtesy's, to allay some of her fears. He spoke clearly, but surprisingly soft for him, trying to calm her down. 
Nichole sniffed and wiped at her tears with her shirt before shakily shaking his hand. She then sighed softly apologizing for her rude behavior. "M-my apologies for my behavior akio.." Nichole said softly pulling her knees to her chest. "Y-you can sit if you want to.."

Nichole sniffed and wiped at her tears with her shirt before shakily shaking his hand. She then sighed softly apologizing for her rude behavior. "M-my apologies for my behavior akio.." Nichole said softly pulling her knees to her chest. "Y-you can sit if you want to.."


Shrugging, he sat down next to her, glancing at the scared young girl. She was attractive, in a cute sort of way and he was beginning to feel her shyness and fear were not only because of him, but rather her own personality. "You ran out pretty quickly earlier, i saw a bit of what happened earlier, did that girl assault you? Or was there another reason?" He asked calmly watching her as he waited for a response.
"I-it was really surprising....s-she took my first kiss. And now I don't know how to feel....these feelings t-they confuse me." Nichole said softly. "If my mother finds out I'm dead." She said hugging herself tight shaking in fear. Nichole bit her lip terrified of what her mother might do to her.

"I-it was really surprising....s-she took my first kiss. And now I don't know how to feel....these feelings t-they confuse me." Nichole said softly. "If my mother finds out I'm dead." She said hugging herself tight shaking in fear. Nichole bit her lip terrified of what her mother might do to her.


Somehow he found it kind of surprising that this girl had never been kissed before this moment but given her overall feeling of innocence he supposed that was not too surprising. He found it kind of odd that other girl kissed her so quickly and was quick enough to put two and two together. "This may be harsh but your mother is not here, and what she thinks right now is no longer important." He said simply, shrugging his shoulders as if the concerns of her parent were not important. "You've come to this school and put yourself in the care of the state so you will have to make your own decisons right now, what others think is not important. Are you angry that she stole your first kiss?" He questioned, seeing it as triviel though it obviously meant something to her, from the way she spoke she may even like the girl.
"Yeah, sure, let's--"

Matt was abrupty cut off by the sound of a wave of footsteps, which seemed to be coming from... well, everywhere. Stepping slightly into one of the hallways, the source became immediately clear to him - a crowd was steadily forming around what he assumed to be the center of the building, people trickling in from all directions. Looking closer, the 'front' of the crowd were heading through a very ornate set of double doors (which were nowhere big enough to deal with this many people) into some kind of hall. Interesting.

He looked back down at Silva.

"Actually, looks like something's going on over there. Lots of people heading that way, anyway. You wanna check that out, or you got something else in mind?"


Silva O'Connor


The girl shook her head, "Yeah, let's check whatever this is out. It might be important." She replied, though there was a slight change in her voice. 

She never did very well in large crowds, soemthing she found out pretty young. Around the age of 8, if she remebers correctly, there was a feild trip for school, and the only one she was and looked to go to. But, there was so many people, and looked nd she began to panic a little, but kept it mostly under control. Until...well...let's just say there was a story in the news about a large electrical surge in Manhattan, originating from a museum with six differnt elementary shool touring it.

It was ok in the end, she wasn't caught. But her parents knew, which made for an unpleasant night and weekend. Let's just say, she was really looking forward to school that Monday.

But, she refused to let that stop her curiosity, and agreed with Matt. "Yeah, let's go," she repeated herself, her voice now back to its normal tone. 

(I am so sorry I didn't get to this sooner, today had been kinda weird.)
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"I-I don't know anymore." Nichole said softly her head in her hands as she bit her lip hard. She got up and began to pace quickly hugging herself worried." I don't know what to do! I'm scared I don't know how to process this!" Nichole said panicked as she pulled at her hair crying. It was easy to tell she was frustrated at herself and by what happened to her. She didn't know how to exactly feel after her first kiss was stolen.

"I-I don't know anymore." Nichole said softly her head in her hands as she bit her lip hard. She got up and began to pace quickly hugging herself worried." I don't know what to do! I'm scared I don't know how to process this!" Nichole said panicked as she pulled at her hair crying. It was easy to tell she was frustrated at herself and by what happened to her. She didn't know how to exactly feel after her first kiss was stolen.


Akio found himself getting slightly impatient, not really know how to make the teenage girl stop crying and obviously being ill equipped to take care of this issue. He honestly debated just walking away or getting Rowanna to see if she could help her but when she said she didn't know how to process the kiss he sighed in an annoyed fashion and stood up and as she turned to face him while pacing suddenly grabbed her shoulders and stopped her, and without hesitation leaned forward and kissed her. This was far different then the kiss the Abigail gave her, which was little more then a light peck, but a full on, deep kiss that for someone of his attitude seemed to have a surprising amount of practice behind it. He pushed himself on her a bit, pulling her towards him as his lips gently parted hers with his own for a few second, his hand on her shoulders slacking as if letting her decide what to do.

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