Dami's own smile changed to match Mira's, mischief mixed with enthusiasm, and nodded heartily. 

"Oh, gosh yes." He breathed, eyes wide, "you can bring other people along?"

Now he was exited. If he was reading her words right, he would soon be teleporting. How awesome was that. Imagine, being somewhere and then somewhere else. He wondered how it would feel.

Rowanna nodded, her face suddenly solemn. She knew very well the feeling of fearing she may die. Her father wasn't really worried about her dying when attacked by animals or under one of his experiments. If anything, he hoped she would so he could autopsy her body and show his discoveries to the world. It would have made him famous, and his previous glorious reputation would have been restored. She followed Akio into the Grand Hall and sat in an empty row near the back. Rowanna absolutely hated being noticed or called on in large crowds and thus tended to stay towards the back. She turned to Akio and stated very stoically, "I hope this doesn't take too long. I need to keep training."


Akio followed her to the back row, not really caring where he sat and half following her for the moment. Orientation didn't mean much to him, though it would give him a look of the people who would 'have him in their care.' When she mentioned her training he paused for a moment, looking over at her considering. "You have to learn to refining your training method, while you have advanced healing abilities, damaging yourself over and over like i saw back there is not ideal, all it would take is one instance of your healing ability connecting two things that aren't together for you to lose use of your arm. Why do you insist on being able to transform that fast anyway, it might give you the element of surprise in close quarters but most people don't fight hand to hand regardless anymore and very few humans can deal with a single animal several times their strength and speed." He questioned, still looking at the front as if waiting.


Joseph Aguilar 

As he made his way up the academies front entrance Joseph couldn't help but wonder what kind of others he would meet here. Would they share the same beliefs? Would they attempt to stand in the way of his goals. He shrugged, it didn't matter, even if everyone stood against him he would climb to the top, it was after all his destiny. 

When he Entered the school he couldn't help but smile, in this place he could use his abilities, he could see just how far he could go. The very thought filled him with joy. Where he was from the usage of ones abilities was tantamount to suicide, all the different groups preaching mutant hate created more than just a few extremists who wished to see the world free of those like him. 

He paused in the crossway of the hall, "now where am I supposed to go?" He muttered to himself. Thinking about how his bag seemed a bit more heavy than when he first set out on this journey. 
"I'm not worried about humans or any enemies ," Rowanna responded without hesitation, her tone still stoic. She gestured to the room full of other mutants, each with their own abilities and power levels. "When worst comes to worst, I'm not worried about myself. I need to protect them if they can't protect themselves. I need to be at my strongest," Rowanna said with a slight shrug. "Besides, if something heals wrong, I can just break it and fix it. Who knows, maybe you'll need my help in battle one day," she finished, with a light joking tone, gently punching him in the arm as a friendly gesture. Rowanna didn't care to mention the weaknesses that drive her to be stronger. The worst of them all was her inability to transform after sustaining a life-threatening injury. In situations like this, Rowanna would be stuck in her human form for as long as it takes to completely heal. If that happens, Rowanna wouldn't be able to protect anyone.

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"I'm not worried about humans or enemies," Rowanna responded without hesitation, her tone still stoic. She gestured to the room full of other mutants, each with their own abilities and power levels. "When worst comes to worst, I'm not worried about myself. I need to protect them if they can't protect themselves. I need to be at my strongest," Rowanna said with a slight shrug. "Besides, if something heals wrong, I can just break it and fix it. Who knows, maybe you'll need my help in battle one day," she finished, with a light joking tone, gently punching him in the arm as a friendly gesture. Rowanna didn't care to mention the weaknesses that drive her to be stronger. The worst of them all was her inability to transform after sustaining a life-threatening injury. In situations like this, Rowanna would be stuck in her human for for as long as it takes to completely heal. If that happens, Rowanna wouldn't be able to protect anyone.


Akio glanced around at the people she mentioned, the room full of mutants, many children, who she now had promised to protect. "So you want to protect them? Whats the point of putting that burden on yourself. I don't fight for mutant kind, i fight for myself. And when I fight I never need help." He said simply, without a trace of arrogance, making it sound more like his outrageous was simply fact. "Besides if you want to learn to fight your animal forms while powerful, can be limited and leaves you vulnerable to ranged attacks, if I wanted to fight with your power I would try to learn to fight in my human form and use my powers as an element of surprise, or see if i could do a half transformation to bring animal features to my human form, like claws on my hands, so I could keep human coordination along with animals physical poweress. Have you ever tried to do something like that?" He questioned, leaning back seeming relaxed.
The thought if partial transformation had never even crossed her mind. She pondered it for a second, looking down at her hands, wondering if she actually could bring out her claws without a complete transformation. Rowanna wondered if it was at all possible. "It's my nature to protect. I don't expect you to understand," Rowanna replied, dropping her hands back into her lap. She looked over at him and said, "As far as transformation goes, no, I haven't thought about it before. Maybe you could train me."

The thought if partial transformation had never even crossed her mind. She pondered it for a second, looking down at her hands, wondering if she actually could bring out her claws without a complete transformation. Rowanna wondered if it was at all possible. "It's my nature to protect. I don't expect you to understand," Rowanna replied, dropping her hands back into her lap. She looked over at him and said, "As far as transformation goes, no, I haven't thought about it before. Maybe you could train me."


Akio grunted, indeed he couldn't understand. Why should he care about those he did not know? Never the less it was not his job to make her think otherwise and her other offer intrigued him more. "Wouldn't i be taking the teachers job would I not?" He questioned before continuing on with his answer. "I can train you in hand to hand combat easily enough, i know many forms and can probably find one that fits your style, as for training your transformation I can help a bit but without having the same power I can't give you exact guidance but i can provide the pressure needed to help you make it happen. So yes I could probably train you." He clarified, waiting for her response. 
Rowanna nodded, not really sure how to respond. On one hand, she was slightly overwhelmed by the thought of him training her. She knew he would push her to her limits and it would be exhausting. On the other hand, Rowanna wanted to protect the others as much as she could. To do so, she needed to become stronger, and Akio couldnt definitely make that happen. As an appreciative gesture, Rowanna put her hand on top of his and responded with a simple, "Thank you," before removing her hand from his and placing it back in her lap.

Rowanna nodded, not really sure how to respond. On one hand, she was slightly overwhelmed by the thought of him training her. She knew he would push her to her limits and it would be exhausting. On the other hand, Rowanna wanted to protect the others as much as she could. To do so, she needed to become stronger, and Akio could definitely make that happen. As an appreciative gesture, Rowanna put her hand on top of his and responded with a simple, "Thank you," before removing her hand from his and placing it back in her lap.


Akio looked over at Rowanna where thier hands met, a little surprised at the affectionate gesture and not really knowing how to respond. Kind of unsure of himself for the moment he felt his cheeks get a bit warmer for a moment, before controlling himself and turning away from her, not looking at her but not drawing his hand back ethier as he was kind of unsure how to deal with it. "Its no large matter." He said after a moment, refocusing on the front till something else would grab his attention.

Joseph Aguilar.

After a few more moments of wandering aimlessly, Joseph made it back to the front of the school. Letting out a sigh he sat on the steps to the main entrance and waited. 

"I guess this is what I get for showing up late..." he grumbled. He began rifling through his bag finding his fathers tungsten watch. It didn't fit him but once he got it fitted it would, and besides it was one of the few comforts he had brought with him. The cool metal felt good in his hands. A drop of rain fell onto the face of the watch which he immediately pocketed. He looked up at the sky with a scowl before placing his hand on the stair railing. As if it were water spreading up his body the Iron slid over his skin and clothing turning both into the dull grey color. He sat in the drizzle waiting it out,at the very least when he reverted his clothes would be dry. 
Rowanna nodded, giving him a soft sweet smile. "When would you like to start then?" she asked with a slightly excited tone. She had just caught the faint blush leaving his cheeks when she looked at him, but thought better than to acknowledge it.  Rowanna watched him for a moment as he refused to meet her gaze and smiled to herself, laughing internally. She looked forward again. 

    Julian nodded, sympathetic to Nichole's plight. "I'm sure they'll be able to get her a map. Or if not, I think I could map the building out in about ten minutes." Ten minutes for her, anyway. Julian looked around the room, a bit surprised at the number or people then. "So many mutants... I hope they're friendly."

@twilight sparkle
Luna nodded and thanked him.  She then went to find a seat. Luna eventually found one with Abigail and Nichole. She placed her purse in her lap waiting for the assembly to start.

@King in Yellow

Nichole slowly took a seat by abigail and sighed softly as she looked around the Great Hall. She then blinked seeing the headmaster. Nichole hoped he wasn't too hard on them. She then began eating some chips getting a few crumbs on her cheeks.

Abigail leaned back and relaxed, before noticing the crumbs on Nichole's face.
"Hey, let me get those."
She gently and softly wiped them off, smiling non-aggressively before turning back 

@twilight sparkle
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   "Nice to meet you," Julian said to Luna, before leaving to take his own seat. Not wanting to impose on anyone, he sat alone for now. He looked around again at the strange decor in the great hall, in the whole building, really. This building was newly constructed, right? So it was weird that they'd choose to decorate it in such a old-looking manner. It looked more like a Victorian manor than a modern building. Finding no good answer beyond "poor aesthetic choices." Julian turned his eyes to the front of the room, and waited.

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Nichole blushed faintly and relaxed thanking her softly. She then waited for the assembly to start taking out her stuffed aninals. Nichole swung her legs a bit and messed around a bit with her hydrokensis. She made a few shapes and made a small kitten making it meow then posed it freezing the water making a nice sculpture.


Luna looked to the front and ate a bit of her cheese stick relaxing a bit. She blinked seeing the headmaster and rose an eyebrow before shrugging. 'Everyone here is a mutant I guess.' Luna thought letting her hair out of its ponytail to breathe. Her long hair cascaded down her back some over her shoulders.

(Open for interaction)
Struggling in her fight with the urge to squeal at the top of her lungs and hug Nichole as hard as she could, Abigail instead watched her with an adoring smile.
I want to pet her would it be weird if I petted her I feel like it would be weird and I should listen to the headmaster but OH MY GOD IT MEOWED.

She shook her head, forcing herself to focus on the headmaster's speech instead. It was important, after all.

@twilight sparkle
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Nichole listened to the headmaster intently and swung her legs lightly. She then rested her hands on her lap and relaxed. "A-abigail I can't really see.." Nichole said struggling to see over all the tall people
Abigail giggled, reaching over and scooping Nichole into her lap, arms around her torso and legs hugging her waist.
"This helping?"
She asked, curious how this level of exposure would affect the girl, especially given her diminutive stature.
Nichole squeaked her face red and blinked a few times beginning to relax. She slowly nodded and blinked when she came up to abigail's chin. Nichole then looked out at the headmaster trying to figure out what exactly was in his dna for his skin to be blue like that. She shrugged and sighed softly.

Abigail smiled, stroking the smaller girl's hair calmingly and giving a little squeeze.
"You can see, right?"
She smiled, holding Nichole's body tight but making sure she could still see,

@twilight sparkle
Nichole blushed even more and nodded. "Y-yes I can see." She said softly and began to relax a bit. Nichole then went to grab her small container of tea cakes. She began to chew on one of the soft cookies and tried to move her hair from her eyes.

Abigail smiled and gave another little squeeze, clearing the hair from Nichole's eyes.
"See, I'm not so bad. This is actually pretty comfy, isn't it~?"

Nichole blushed even more and nodded. She then offered her a tea cake hers still haging out of her mouth. Nichole went back to her own cookie enjoying the lemony flavor as she smiled softly.


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