Nichole's eyes went wide as saucers her face going completely red. She froze and tried to back away before her eyes went half-lidded as she shyly kissed back. Nichole then got back to normal and quickly backed away from him. "W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" She shouted shaking as she gripped her tank top backing away more. Nichole's hydrokensis kicked in a large bubble surrounding her. "I wish everyone would stop this!" She shouted her voice cracking as tears fell. "please don't ever do it again!" Nichole said pleasingly as ice crystals shot out at him. "I-I'm sorry!" She apologized her water reacting with her emotions.



HeadMaster Alexander Masters


Alexander stepped up to the podium that contained a microphone but unlike many he did not use scripts but spoke from his heart and mind. He cleared his throat. The Great Hall fell silent. "Welcome all new students to the first ever Mutant Academy!" He said, raising his hands, the hall erupted with clapping. When the clapping settled down he spoke again "Here you will learn to master your abilities, many of you have come from your homes or... no homes at all" Alexander was a great public speaker and he continued to speak about the rights of Mutants and the rules of the Academy before finally coming to the point that everyone wanted to hear "-As for dorms, each student will have a roommate and dorms will be separated between male and female dorms" He paused, looking around at the young eyes that looked back at him intently "Your dorm number along with your class timetable can be found at the front office, secretary Tylia will be more than happy to help you around" Alexander continued to speak for a good ten minutes before finally concluding his speech. "These years will be the defining years of your life, you will meet some of your best friends here" His face darkened for a moment as he thought of the threat that loomed against the school "And face your greatest challenges" He said in a somewhat more serious tone "But work together and you shall triumph!" He finished before walking off the side of the stage as the crowd clapped intently.

@FireMaiden @twilight sparkle @Mane @m y s t i c Cant tag anyone else  :(
Nichole's eyes went wide as saucers her face going completely red. She froze and tried to back away before her eyes went half-lidded as she shyly kissed back. Nichole then got back to normal and quickly backed away from him. "W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" She shouted shaking as she gripped her tank top backing away more. Nichole's hydrokensis kicked in a large bubble surrounding her. "I wish everyone would stop this!" She shouted her voice cracking as tears fell. "please don't ever do it again!" Nichole said pleasingly as ice crystals shot out at him. "I-I'm sorry!" She apologized her water reacting with her emotions.


He was not surprised when she tried to get away from him at first, but he was a bit surprised when she started kissing back which he did not expect. They shared a kiss for a moment, mutual and not the worse kiss he ever had truth be told before she backed up and started screaming at him, which he had to say was expected. He just hoped she paused long enough for him to explain his reasoning. As she created ice crystals, seemingly unwillingly, to be thrown at him he decided to react with a bit of force to hopefully quiet her down. Gather his energy he swiped out his hand, causing a wave of vibrations that reached the crystals and with a loud ringing sound caused them to explode, making the air a bit colder with small ice shards falling down in the air. The wave of force continued and vibrations traveled through water even better then air, which meant when even the weakened vibrations reached her they were strong enough to disstabilize the front of her bubble and blow it apart, once again leaving her standing there defenseless for a moment in an impressive show of force and control, considering she was barley scaved. 

"I kissed you to prove a point." He said straightening out, brushing off errent ice crystals off his shoulders. "A kiss by itself, doesn't mean anything. Its just a kiss, just as your kiss with that girl way. A kisses value, is the idea you put on it. Just because i kissed you doesn't mean i care for you nor you me, obviously by your reaction." He said remembering that she had kissed back but disregarding it. "You decide what the value of those two kisses were and what they meant to you and go from there, don't bother with the details of what others think, it is foolish to limit yourself in that regard." He said seriously, seeming completely at ease with the fact she attacked him and that he had technically committed sexual assault. 
Nichole covered her ears in pain at the ringing sound. She bit her lip and looked at her shoes slowly noddin at his explaination. "O-ok..." Nichole said softly her voice shaky. "W-we need to go back inside " she whispered and bit her cheek going to grab her stuffed animals quickly and her bag. Nichole then speed walked to the door going inside quickly. "I-i'm sorry for attacking you.." she said softly.

Rowanna shook her hands, the claws disappearing in her fingers. She looked around excited, wanting to tell Akio about her first successful partial transformation. But he was no where to be found, momentarily she wondered where he went, disappointed he wasn't there to witness the claws. But she shrugged it off, used to people leaving her. Instead, she easily shifted into a beautiful red-tailed hawk. Birds were much easier to shift into as far and skeletal structure goes, internal organs not so much. The usual muscle stretches and bone cracks were covered by the noise of students talking throughout the auditorium.

Rowanna flew up into the rafters, looking down upon the mass of students below her. She couldn't believe this many people were mutants similar in nature to her. Out of place, different in normal society. In a weird way, it made her happy. Maybe she would finally figure out what it feels like to belong. Rowanna fluffed out her feathers and continued to look across the crowd, trying to decipher any familiar faces.
Nichole covered her ears in pain at the ringing sound. She bit her lip and looked at her shoes slowly noddin at his explaination. "O-ok..." Nichole said softly her voice shaky. "W-we need to go back inside " she whispered and bit her cheek going to grab her stuffed animals quickly and her bag. Nichole then speed walked to the door going inside quickly. "I-i'm sorry for attacking you.." she said softly.


Walking back inside the building it was obvious her attack never touched him, but being it was an attack made involuntarily in a panic and he was a mutant in some ways that was not so surprising. "I apologize for kissing you, you were panicking and I was unsure how to make my point." He said with a shrug, not seeming all the apologetic but then again there had never been much emotion in his voice to begin with. He was fairly confident she would remember what he said and that was all that concerned him, perhaps it was not the wisest to follow her, she could not threaten him in his mind if he was ready but never the less it wasn't the best idea to get into fights now at the school. Without hesitation he walked back into the grand hall, going back to his chair. He noticed Rowanna was missing but he made no effort to look for her, instead leaning back in his chair even as the headmaster finished his speech.
"Coo-" Dami's words were cut off as a strange sensation came over him, and then he wasn't outside anymore. Woah. He felt kinda weird, his stomach was doing backflips and he was understandably disorientated, but it certainly wasnt as bad as he thought it could have been. He waited a few seconds to get his bearings, and was still slightly dizzy, although still smiling (even if it was strained) when a booming voice echoed through the place he was in (the cafeteria? Or the hall maybe).

"Welcome, all new students to the first ever mutant academy," it began, and continued into a typical first day at school speech...except for the whole part about challenges. That seemed kinda dark. And the fact the one talking was blue didn't help in terms of normality.

'Damn, how had he hidden that while mutants weren't known of?' He couldn't help but wonder. But anyway, the blue guy (Dami also wondered who he was. He was obviously a teacher or something, but other than that nada was known. T headmaster was most likely position though) finished his speech dramatically, sending slight chills up Dami's spine, and claps rose through the hall, amplified by bouncing off the walls. 

He stood awkwardly, the girl beside him being the only source of somewhat familiarity in a hall of literal strangeness, and she could hardly be called familiar either. But, she was the best he had and at this point a life line so he turned to her with the obvious question on his lips:

"So...what do we do now?"
Nichole took her seat and looked around shakily still not used to the amount of people. She listened to the headmaster and nodded a few times listening closely. Nichole sighed and waited for everyone to leave not wanting to get swept up in the crowd.

Luna sighed softly seeing her sister back in her seat safetly. She then rose an eyebrow seeing a mystery guy walking in after her. Luna waited a bit to go after the others leave first.

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Rowanna noticed Akio's return, unsure if she should bother him. But he did ask her to tell him about the speech, Rowanna glided back to the ground and transformed mid air, landing gracefully on her feet. She took her seat again and said, "You didn't miss anything important, just normal introduction stuff. Where did you venture off too?"

"Yeah, let's go," she repeated herself, her voice now back to its normal tone. 

"...Okay, cool."

Matt noticed, once again, the momentary drop in her cheerful demeanor. Unlike last time, though, it was unclear what this meant - he wasn't really sure what was bothering her. He lead the way into the back of the crowd, patiently waiting to get into the hall. He'd never really been one for pushing through people, especially when it was so much easier to just avoid them. To this end, he briefly considered shrinking both him and Silva, so they could get through unrestricted, but ultimately decided against it. He wasn't too sure how she'd handle it, and this really wasn't the time and place to find out.

After a few minutes, most of the crowd had filtered in. Having got near the back, Matt entered the hall, and was mildly surprised to see that everyone was already sat down and listening to some introductory talk. Thankfully, there were a pair of seats that, despite being right next to one the entrances to the hall, were still empty. No standing today. He hastily sat down next to a well-dressed, brown-haired boy, leaving the end seat next to him for Silva, motioning for her to sit down.

He then turned to listen to the rest of-

What. The hell.

The man speaking was, well... blue. Really blue. Maybe that was power? The power to be blue? This was a strange, strange place. Trying not to be too judgmental about it, he focused back on the speech, which was pretty impressive actually. Shared dorms, though? He wasn't sure how he felt about that. Neither was he sure about the whole "challenges" thing, too. That was pretty ominous, to say the least.  Either way, people seemed to enjoy it - when he finished, there was a round of more-than-polite applause for all around. Matt gave a token clap, and waited to see if there was any more to this introduction.

@FireMaiden @King in Yellow

Nikolaus Kirchner




"M-my name is Nichole Kudo," the girl with the glasses said. "It's nice to meet you, Nikolaus."


Unsure what to do with his hands, the boy managed out the words, "It is nice to meet you too." Then he watched the other girl, the blonde one, while Nichole glanced at her phone again. He was actually a little startled when Nichole broke the silence again.


"I'm sorry for my stutter, Nikolaus," she said, and he whipped his head back to look at her, almost surprised. Someone was apologizing to him for their speech impediment? Now, that was something he hadn't expected to happen at this Academy, let alone on the first day.


"Oh, i-it is okay," he obliged, inadvertently stuttering himself. "I sound pretty vierd myself." He paused, then his eyes went wide as he tried to correct himself. "Ach, not zat you sound vierd. You sound great; I'm sorry!"


Great save there, genie.


Luckily, the other girl intercepted the conversation with a "Hi, I'm Abigail." Nikolaus nodded and waved his hand awkwardly at her. "Don't worry about the accent; I don't mind..."


Nikolaus blushed slightly at the mere lilting tone of her voice, and immediately became wary of her. He hoped her powers weren't like... hypnotization or something. Even though that was really cool.


The blonde girl, Abigail, threw away her trash and then came to join him and Nichole, before heading off and what Nikolaus assumed was leading the way. "And I think your stutter is cute!" she added, obviously aimed at Nichole. This Abigail seemed very charming and all, and Nikolaus' theory of hypnotization seemed to gain more evidence. Not that it mattered, anyway.


Nichole didn't respond, and merely followed after, which Nikolaus in turn did as well. He was closer to Nichole than he was to Abigail (spacially speaking of course), and he could tell that she was a little uncomfortable with something, but he didn't know how to ask what was wrong without sounding invasive, so he didn't say anything.


Abigail must have also noticed Nichole's demeanor, because she took hold of her hand and kissed her head, adding in a soothing "It'll be okay, alright? I'll protect you.




Were they like... a thing? Already? It was only the first day. Then again, they could have known each other before. Or something. Nikolaus guessed he should have picked up signs of a relationship earlier, especially noting Abigail's flirty tone.


"See? Not so bad with me to look out for you..." Abigail went on, beginning to push through the crowd. Nikolaus struggled to keep up, all the while wondering if it was weird of him to follow them still.


They made it to what must have been where they were supposed to go. Abigail sat down on one of the seats, and gestured for the now-shaking Nichole to sit beside her, looking worried. Nikolaus again wondered if he should leave and give them privacy or something. But it was rude just to leave without a word... He hesitated nearby, looking for a free seat relatively close by.


Another girl, similar in looks to Nichole (who was eating chips...?), joined her and Abigail, and Nikolaus guessed they were related. Siblings, cousins, something like that. Nikolaus felt his lips twitch into a small smile. They looked close. That must have been nice.


While Abigail wiped Nichole's face, Nikolaus watched another boy (who he thought had walked up with Nichole's nameless relative), and wondered if he should wave him over or something. Or was that weird? Nichole had done it to him, but... with guys it always felt a little different.


A squeak brought his attention back to Nichole, who had apparently moved seats to Abigail's lap. They had to be... together, then... right? Or were girls just that friendly with each other? He hadn't had enough interaction with any to confirm.


And then something happened. Nichole was suddenly encased in a bubble of water, and Abigail looked concerned before watching Nichole roll away out of the room. And then Abigail burst into tears. Nikolaus started to go after Nichole, or maybe say something to Abigal, but then his inner voice brought up the point that they'd only exchanged about twenty words and it might be awkward to think he could comfort either of them. So, feeling bad and mostly concerned, he stayed where he was, wondering what had happened and hoping they were okay. What on earth had happened to create a total one-eighty?


"Welcome, all new students, the the first ever Mutant Academy!" came a booming voice from the front of the room, and Nikolaus jumped before focusing his attention on the older, entirely blue man at the podium. Nikolaus gazed, wide-eyed, at the man, and wondered what sort of power came from being blue. It had to be cooler than invisibility, that was for sure. Everyone started clapping, so Nikolaus awkwardly clapped too, softly.


"Here, you will learn to master your abilities," the blue man went on. "Many of you have come from your homes, or no homes at all." Nikolaus hadn't even though about that. He supposed some people may have been on their own before coming here. He wondered if Nichole or Abigail had been like that. He hoped not; they seemed like really nice people...


The blue man talked for a while, a bit too quickly for Nikolaus to internally translate into German, but he was pretty sure he got the general idea. "As for dorms," the blue man said, changing topics from what Nikolaus thought was something about rights or rules or something with an r, "each student will have a roommate, and dorms will be separated between male and female."


Nikolaus hoped they were assigned. Then he wouldn't have to awkwardly ask someone, or (less likely) wait for someone to ask him. It was a bummer that he wouldn't be near Nichole or Abigail, though. They were the closest things to friends that he had, at this point.


"Your dorm number, along with your class timetable, can be found at the front office. Secretary Tylia will be more than happy to help you around.


"Tylia," Nikolaus repeated quietly to himself, trying to will the name into his head. He was definitely going to need some helping around, if he knew himself.


"These years will be the defining years of your life," the blue man eventually concluded, and Nikolaus felt something churn slightly in his stomach. "You will meet some of your best friends here... and face your greatest challenges." The man's voice dropped at the end of his sentence, and Nikolaus shivered. What was that supposed to mean? He kind of didn't want to know. "Work together, and you shall triumph!" the blue man finished, and then he walked offstage, leaving a sense of what felt like emptiness and foreboding in Nikolaus' gut.


The crowd clapped again, and Nikolaus patted his leg absentmindedly.


With the speech over, people started to get up and move around, and Nikolaus figured getting away from the crowd as soon as possible was the best idea. He thought about going back over to Nichole and Abigail, but... it seemed like they were going through something, so he decided to leave them be. He wandered back out into the hall, and noticed a girl with headphones in her ears, seemingly meandering around.


Mustering up what little courage he had, he decided to make a move.


He stepped towards her, and decided not to tap her shoulder as he approached. In movies, people got flipped onto their backs for doing stuff like that. So he waved a little to her, hoping to catch her peripheral vision. He pointed to her headphones, trying to smile and not look afraid.





(for those who don't know or are just wondering uwu)


Ach = Oh/Ah/Argh

Genie = Genius


(Also, so sorry for the length!! So much has happened and as I was typing messages kept coming so I had to keep adding onto it ^^; Hopefully this post isn't too much of an eyesore =P)

Joseph Aguilar. 

Upon hearing the headmasters speech begin Joseph stood and followed the sound to the auditorium where the other students were gathered. Before walking in he shed his iron form and has a seat. Near the door. "Work together and you should triumph." 

Joseph nodded,makes sense, if these mutants were as strong as him then it would be simple for them to achieve anything. And he reckoned that a few of them were even stronger than him. 

He smirked, if he could unite these mutants than the humans would all fall easily enough. 
"...Okay, cool."

Matt noticed, once again, the momentary drop in her cheerful demeanor. Unlike last time, though, it was unclear what this meant - he wasn't really sure what was bothering her. He lead the way into the back of the crowd, patiently waiting to get into the hall. He'd never really been one for pushing through people, especially when it was so much easier to just avoid them. To this end, he briefly considered shrinking both him and Silva, so they could get through unrestricted, but ultimately decided against it. He wasn't too sure how she'd handle it, and this really wasn't the time and place to find out.

After a few minutes, most of the crowd had filtered in. Having got near the back, Matt entered the hall, and was mildly surprised to see that everyone was already sat down and listening to some introductory talk. Thankfully, there were a pair of seats that, despite being right next to one the entrances to the hall, were still empty. No standing today. He hastily sat down next to a well-dressed, brown-haired boy, leaving the end seat next to him for Silva, motioning for her to sit down.

He then turned to listen to the rest of-

What. The hell.

The man speaking was, well... blue. Really blue. Maybe that was power? The power to be blue? This was a strange, strange place. Trying not to be too judgmental about it, he focused back on the speech, which was pretty impressive actually. Shared dorms, though? He wasn't sure how he felt about that. Neither was he sure about the whole "challenges" thing, too. That was pretty ominous, to say the least.  Either way, people seemed to enjoy it - when he finished, there was a round of more-than-polite applause for all around. Matt gave a token clap, and waited to see if there was any more to this introduction.

@FireMaiden @King in Yellow

Silva O'Connor


She was thankful that they didn't have to stand in the middle k a large crowd, and quickly sat down net to Matt. Though, after a minute or two, the moved so she was sitting on her legs so she could see over the heads of everyone else. 

Unlike her friend, well at least she thought they were friends now, Silva wasn't surprised by the the fact the guy was blue. Or hairy. From some of the mutants she had met previously, this was pretty normal. She also noticed that blue seemed to be a common color for a differnt skin tone. Well, at least she's seen quite a few blue mutants.

As she listened to the speach, she kinda zoned out a little, but snapped back when she heard that they'd share dorms. Which to be honset, made her a little nervous, but she should have expected it. What is she accidentally shocked her roommate? Well, hopefully they'd understand she couldn't fully control it. 

Silva clapped when he finished, but it was kinda disinterested as She worried about what would happen with the roommate situation. "Oh well.." She muttered to herself, finally paying attention.
Why...? Why did I do that? She reacted terribly every other time, why the fuck...

"If you want to hurt me, feel free. I deserve it."
Abigail muttered to Luna, standing with tears in her eyes and departing along with the crowd. It wasn't Nichole's fault she'd flipped out, Abigail had already fucked up at least twice and anyone with a hint of pattern recognition would have seen that coming. So...why? She wasn't brilliant, but she was pretty smart most of the time, even if she didn't show it, so to have shot herself in the foot so soon, and so many times...

Abigail clenched her fists, looking to the ground. 
Her nails dug into her flesh, her fists shaking indignantly.
Why do I never fucking learn!? 
She bumped into another student, and after a quick apology she brushed the tears out of her face. 
Cheer up. You stopped the moment she looked uncomfortable. It's still your fault, but you're not evil, you just fucked up. And she has a cool older sister, so at least she'll be fine from here if you leave her alone...

She laughed to herself, emptily, as she stood near the exit and turned to face the auditorium. She had the feeling she wasn't actually supposed to leave, so she sat in the nearest empty seat...one that by happenstance was close to Akio. She slumped, chin in her hands.

Dad was right, after all...


@twilight sparkle
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Nikolaus Kirchner




The girl (thankfully) noticed him, and looked up at him in surprise before pulling out her earbuds. "I'm sorry," she said softly. "Were you saying something? I couldn't hear you."


Nikolaus shook his head, then corrected himself. "Um, no, I just... um... did you hear zeh speech?" He pointed in the general direction from which he'd come. "I mean, it vas pretty loud, but you know... you had your zings, and..." He trailed off, gesturing at her headphones. "...Ja."


The girl looked a little upset, and he wondered if maybe he shouldn't have said anything at all. Was she upset with him, or the speech, or maybe that she'd missed the speech?





(for those who don't know or are just wondering uwu)


Ja = Yes/Yeah

(it's kind of obvious but hey I thought I'd put it in lol)


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Dante Savage.

a few moments after the orientation several black SUV's and a single armored car Pull into the front of the academy. Several what look to be secret service members begin climbing out of the SUV's. They hold in their hands small Sub machine guns, and they gather in a circle around the Back of the armored car. 

"Now Dante I don't want you to take this personally buddy, it's just standard procedure." One of the men says as he places the key in the door lock.

"naw I got you boss, I'd bring a lot of guns too." A deep voice says from inside the back of the armored car. After the door opens a mountain of a man steps out shackles and chains cover him nearly head to toe, even still the secret service men step back. "It is starting to chafe though, when do I get these off." He asks with a innocent smile. "Once we get you up to the entrance your a free man, relatively speaking, the academy has been authorized to use lethal force if you try to leave the school grounds." The lead soldier explains as they walk Dante up the steps to the front doors. 

"Now listen up buddy, if you behave yourself for the next month, I'll talk to the director and see if we can't authorize a visit for your parents ok?" The guard pats Dante on the back as he speaks then begins removing the shackles and chains one by one. 

Dante just smiles. "Sure thing boss, you'll get no complaints, I'll be good I promise." After the shackles are off the head soldier hugs Dante, who is careful not to hug back. "Take care of yourself big guy, I'll see you when your done here." The agent says and then waves the troops to follow. 

Part of Dante was saddened by his friend leaving for who knows how long, but that part was greatly dwarfed by his excitement. He opened the door and walked into the school beaming. 

After the speech, there was a pause in the proceedings. Given a little bit of time to think, it occurred to Matt that things were probably going to be a bit more controlled and timetabled from here on out, now that everyone was here. He turned to Silva, who'd shifted positions since he last looked at her, legs raised up onto her chair to elevate herself enough to see over everyone else. Too bad that'd never worked for him.

"Hey, uh... I was just thinking, just in case we get separated, we should probably know each other's room numbers. Y'know, so we can find each other later."

He pulled out his keycard, shiny side up, and showed it to her. The number "734" was printed onto it, which he'd assumed was his room number.

"Speaking of which... did you know about the whole roommates thing? I mean, I know it makes sense but... well, I just didn't even think about it."

Nichole sighed in relief walking out when the crowd thined out a bit. She then looked around for where they would get their room keys. Nichole eventually found the woman who was assigned to give them out and signed in getting her key. She then walked outside holding it tight for a bit of fresh air blinking when she bumped into a wall? But the wall was breathing. Nichole slowly looked up and gulped slightly. "M-my apologies!" She apologized. (There ya go Jeff. The shyest girl on the planet just bumped into Dante  XD)


Luna sighed and stood. "I'll deal with you soon." Walking past abigail on her way to get her room key. She wouldn't get her yet, she would let the fear of not knowing build up before she striked. 

As the speech finished and the headmaster left the floor a small group of individuals started taking the floor. They're were seven of them, all older adults with different expressions, some with welcoming smiles, some even looking bored. The man at the end walked up to the stage, tapping the mike a few times to get attention from the assembled crowd. "Alright students listen up, my name is Logan and from this point on you will address me as Mr. Logan. I am your phys-ed teacher and these are your facility staff. Mr. Hall, who teaches History and Mutant Theory, Ms. Levy who will teach English, Mrs. Song who will teach Science, Mr. Dias who will teach math, Mrs. Simmons your Librarian, and Ms. Summers who will teach Language. We are your teachers and you will treat us will respect, and refer to us by the titles i told you unless allowed otherwise." He said seriously, glancing around the room, waiting to make sure the point sunk in. This may have been special circumstances but it was still a school after all and they needed to understand that. 

"Our teachers will be giving a quick tour of the school. You will be split into small groups and can get to know your fellow students and teachers. Now the groups are."

Dante, Nichole, Nikolaus with Logan

Gita and Joseph with Hall

Akio and Abigail with Levy

Rowanna and Delilah with Song

Matthew and Luna with Dias

Julian and Mira with Summons

Damien and Silva with Summers

These are your player character groups for your tour! 

Logan rambled off a list of name, while the mutant school was a massive school in actual student population there couldnt be more then 200 so the list didnt take that long and the groups were easily split. Akio turned to look at Rowanna and shrugged. "Just to take care of a small problem. Anyway it seems like were getting split up, ill see you after were done most likely." Akio said, getting up and walking to his group, noticing a few other students gathering around, including a girl he recognized.

Nichole sighed in relief walking out when the crowd thined out a bit. She then looked around for where they would get their room keys. Nichole eventually found the woman who was assigned to give them out and signed in getting her key. She then walked outside holding it tight for a bit of fresh air blinking when she bumped into a wall? But the wall was breathing. Nichole slowly looked up and gulped slightly. "M-my apologies!" She apologized. (There ya go Jeff. The shyest girl on the planet just bumped into Dante  XD)


Dante savage. 

Dante turned with a huge grin on his face looking at the girl who had bumped into him, she must've bumped him pretty hard if he felt it. 

"no prob I know I take up a lot of hallway." He chuckled a bit. His voice was deep and had a strange accent to it. He very slowly and carefully held his hand out to her to shake it. "I'm Dante, dante savage, nice ta metcha" after a moment of contemplation he closed his hand offering a knuckle dab instead. 

Silva O'Connor


The girl nodded, and looked a her card, then held it up so Matt could see the number, "234". She was now pretty sure that they were friends, which was actually really good. Since she didn't think that she'd get a friend the first day. 

"Uh, no. I didn't know about the roomma-" She stopped when the teachers came up, and introduced themselves. Then, read off the names of the groups. Damien? Who the heck is that? She was a bit puzzled.

She looked up at Matt, "Guess we're splitting up after all," She said. Silva ran a hand through her hair, "Well, we can alway hang out again later." @WhipDing
Nichole lightly bumped his fist. "I-it's nice to meet you Dante. M-my name is Nichole kudo. I-it's nice to meet you as well." She said softly and blinked when they called called by a teacher named Logan so they can go on a tour. Nichole went into the Great Hall again with Dante and walked over to Logan before nodding hearing the groups.

Rowanna nodded, watching him walk away. She stood up, wondering if she should find her assigned teacher. Of course I would get the science teacher, out of everyoneshe thought bitterly. Rowanna absolutely loved finding out new things. But every since her father treated her as a science experiment, she hasn't been a fan of "scientists." Rowanna looked around, seeing Abigail sitting a little was away from where Rowanna and Akio sat. "Abigail! I was hoping I would run into you again," she stated with a smile, walking over to Abigail with a smile. It was then that she noticed her expression. "Is everything ok?"

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    Julian listened to the headmaster's speech. It seemed to mostly be inspirational, well spoken but not terribly important. He did catch the mention of roommates, though, and hoped his would be someone tolerable. When the headmaster left the stage, a group of people replaced him. One of them introduced himself and the rest as the school's teachers, and Julian wondered if they were mutants, too. He was glad to hear that they were going on a tour of the school, hanging out in the garden had been relaxing, but he hadn't gotten as much of a chance to look around as he'd wanted.

    The teacher then began to read off names of groups. Looks like he would be with Mrs. Simmons. It looked like the teachers were dismounting the stage and groups were beginning to cluster around them, Julian drifted over into the cloud of students around Mrs. Simmons, and waited.

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