"Yeah... I'm good."


"Oh, there's a garden?"

Matt loved exploring gardens. To him, even the smallest patch of grass was this crazy world to explore. Insects crawling around, grass blades towering over him, worms occasionally bursting out the ground... what wasn't to like? And the trees! Oh, the trees... great self-building towers that continued up and up into the sky...

He shook himself back to reality.

"Oh, yeah. Gardens. They're pretty cool, I guess."

@twilight sparkle
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Rowanna smiled, understanding her story. She could sympathize with the girl, she too had a not-so-happy childhood. "Well, that's the point of being here. We're going to learn to be better at controlling ourselves," Rowanna replied, shrugging her shoulders. "If it makes you feel any better, my back story isn't the greatest either. So if you ever need to talk anything out, you can certainly come to me." Rowanna thought about her past, her stare going slightly blank. "My father was a scientist, and once he found out about me, he couldn't resist. So I was an experiment. It was brutal, but I actually think I became stronger because of it," she stated, smiling slightly. "So I'm an animal shape-shifter. What are you?" Rowanna stated, clenching the fist of her right hand and then open it, wolf claws extended from her fingertips. Granted, she had just learned to do that today, but it was still exciting to be able to do it.

@m y s t i c
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This is clearly getting us nowhere.

She shook her head, glowering blankly with frustration.
"I'd argue with you, but this is clearly not going to amount to shit. I fucked up, you...were an asshole, whatever."
She'd had her fair share of arguments with people like this guy, and she'd learned to give up on them. The idea that he "had to" was laughably absurd, but if she argued about that he'd come up with some bullshit reason why it was totally reasonable. The idea that she hadn't disliked hers piqued less attention than it would've if she didn't think he was totally detached from...whatever was relevant to this. She would say "at least I don't try to justify it", but she had, in a way, seeing her defense and the "at least I'm not like you" sheband.
"You must be Akio, I assume."


Akio shrugged, dropping the matter since he wasn't too concerned about her opinion on whether he was an asshole or not, he had been labeled with worse. Instead he nodded, inclining her head to her. "Indeed. And as he said you must be Abigail as he mentioned." He said. Around that time Levy stopped answered questions and with a wide smile started leading the small group along on their tour, heading to the main wing first. Akio without preamble turned and started to follow. "Never the less I have no grudge with you so it matters not." He said walking away.
Meanwhile across the building all other teachers started to move along on their tours, going to several different places from the gym, gardens, outside rec, cafeteria, ect in their path through out the school.
Rowanna's eyes widened. "That is...absolutely amazing!" she exclaimed, walking over to the spots and examining them. Sure enough, the floor was singed in two almost perfect circles. Then she stood up, turning back to Delilah with curious eyes. "The way my mutation works limits my transformation to animals that have injured me in some way. I wonder, hypothetically of course, if you scratched me in Cerberus form, that would give me the ability to transform into one as well. My father never tested it on supernatural beings, obviously," she put a finger to her chin, pondering the thought. It might be interesting to try just to increase her knowledge of her own powers.

@m y s t i c
Abigail sighed and turned her attention to Ms. Levy, putting all her energy into calming herself down.

Assholes is nothing new. Just...calm down.

She wondered when she'd get to see her dorm and hang kitten posters. That was the one salvageable part of her day, kitties always made her feel better.
According to his paper Damien was looking for a Ms. Summers and a...Silva. Huh. Nice name. He bid farewell to his temporary partner from before and began his epic search for his tour crew. Except he was really just aimlessly and awkwardly wandering the hall. Eventually he caught sight of his crew, who were both already together (unsurprising considering the amount of time Dami had spent wasting it) and made his way towards them. 

It seemed the girl, Silva, had only just arrived, seeing as Dami has caught the tail end of an awkward and quiet introduction, so he wasn't too far behind. That was good. Pulling his jacket closer to his body and grinned boldly and inserted himself into the hopefully blooming conversation.

"Hello! Um...this is Ms. Summers right? And Silva? I'm Dami. Part 3 of our tour group."

@FireMaiden  @Akio

Silva O'Connor


The girl looked up at Damien, and gave him  as all wave. "Hello," She said, "Yep, this is it." To be honset, she expected someone else, well, considering his nam; it sounded like one that belonged to a 'jock' or something. 

"You're Damien, right? Well, of course you are, I'm Silva. But, you are ready know that," The girl said, looking away at the end of her sentence. "So, uh, well, it's nice to meet you!" She added with are ready smile, looking back up are ready him. @Livson
Rowanna smiled at Delilah and added, "Maybe if it does work, I could help you train in your Cerberus form. I understand how easy it is to give in to the nature of the beast, and some techniques for your human conscious to stay in control while in other forms. A hellhoud form would be incredibly beneficial if ever in battle. How could an enemy fight something they've never seen before?" Rowanna was actually excited to find someone with similar abilities to herself. There are not very many shapeshifter out there, so she believed putting two together to train would be beneficial to both of them.

@m y s t i c
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As Silva stuttered her way through an introduction, Dami gave her a quick once over. She was short, even shorter than him, and appeared frail in body frame. Not that that meant anything  he too was somewhat petite and no one had ever considered him frail.

"Nice to meet you too." He met her smile and liked what he saw in her face. Her eyes hid a sparkle of humor and good will behind them. He hoped they would be friends.

Other tour groups were slowly beginning to trickle out of the hall, leaving them as one of the last groups left behind. Dami noticed this, and voiced his concern, looking towards they're guide, who still had yet to say anything, questioningly.

"Um...so we're practically the last ones in here. Should we head out?" 


Silva O'Connor

"Uh, yeah," She replied, also noticing that they were the only group not on the tour yet. Well, her and the teacher did have room wait for Damien. The teacher had already began to walk, most likely expecting them to follow. 

Which Silva did, quietly fiddling with her locket. 

Abigail sighed and turned her attention to Ms. Levy, putting all her energy into calming herself down.

Assholes is nothing new. Just...calm down.

She wondered when she'd get to see her dorm and hang kitten posters. That was the one salvageable part of her day, kitties always made her feel better.

Akio continued to walk with Ms. Levy, still surrounded by students as she escorted everyone around. "We will be reaching the gardens soon, it can be a good place to read or do homework as the school year progresses." She said in a cheerful tone. Akio looked around the glade, which he already have seen and indeed started to train in. Separating from the rest of the group momentarily he walked over to a patch of dirt and grass, still wet with blood from Rowanna and best down, looking at it wondering what others would think about his promise to train Rowanna.
Abigail smiled, taking in the garden. It was excessively pretty and had a calming aura to it, temporarily restoring her enough to enable limited frolicking capabilities. She looked around, admiring the different plants and such while listening to Ms. Levy. She almost seemed to have forgotten the exchange completely.

Luna rose an eyebrow and shrugged waiting for their teacher to show them around. She wondered what all they would learn at this academy. Luna couldn't wait for the new experiences. She hummed a soft melody as she waited before messing with her long hair again. Luna decided on a bun and to leave her bangs. 

Matt watched Luna fiddle with her hair out the corner of his eye with vague curiosity. He's always been impressed by people who'd been able to do that - he'd tried learning himself when his hair was longer, but eventually gave up and cut it to a slightly more manageable length instead. The finger movements, getting it all to look nice and symmetrical... yeah, that was way too much work for him.

He snapped back to reality, and immediately noticed that they were the only two from their group still standing here. He looked in slight panic around the hall for everyone else. No luck. Thankfully, his confusion was short-lived, as he eventually caught sight of the Maths teacher he'd been assigned to, who'd already moved on through the main double doors into the reception area. Panic over. He took a few steps in the right direction before looking back at Luna, who was still in her own little world.

"Hey, uh... I think everyone else went this way. We should probably catch up."

@twilight sparkle
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Luna blinked and nodded. "Let's go find them then.' She said walking out of the Great Hall with him in search of their teacher. Luna looked around and went to some bushes that were outside the window. She placed her hand on it and eventually located the math teacher. "This way." Luna said leading him down the hallway.

Matt watched with confusion as Luna placed her hand in on the bush and... well, did something with it. Whatever it was, she seemed to know which way to go after she did it. He walked after her, slightly out of breath - she seemed to walk quite a bit quicker than he did.

"Hey, so uh... can you talk to plants or something? Is that your power? Um, if you don't mind saying."

It felt like it was bordering on a personal question, but based on what he'd seen so far, it was apparently the thing to ask when you met new people here.

@twilight sparkle


Oh, great. First day and he was already late. Sam pushed his way though the crowd of protesters surrounding the academy. Ugh. So many people, all crammed outside - what did they even hope to achieve? Were they just expecting everyone inside to just walk out and tell the world how terrible they were or something? Oh well, that was their problem, really. At the very least, no-one in this crowd would recognize him.

He quickly broke free from them, and walked through the front gate into the parking lot. Totally empty. He was really late.

The entrance pretty much confirmed what he'd been expecting - that this building was old. Reaaal old. Like, he was pretty sure some of the bricks had rotted out, and were just hollow inside now. So much for safety standards. Regardless, he entered the academy, and immediately found himself in the reception area. The woman at the desk rolled her eyes at him, presumably in reference to his lateness. He gave her a bashful smile, and collected his keycard from her. Very shiny. Guess the building was just old on the outside, then.

A group of students walked past, following who he assumed was a teacher or something. Whoever they were, they we talking about the different areas of the school, and the history of it all, and that kind of boring stuff. It looked like some kind of tour, so he couldn't be that late.

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Julian was getting bored. He guessed his group must not have everyone they needed to leave yet. He didn't want anyone to miss the tour, but he didn't want to have to wait here for who knows how long either. He was wondering if he was fast enough to run to the cafeteria to get some food and be back before the group left when he caught sight of a lone student.

The student was walking by himself, and seemed to him a bit lost. Julian didn't know if he was one of the people his group was waiting on to go, but he waved him over regardless. "Hey, you missed them reading off the group names, but I doubt anyone will mind if you come with us."

Sam, at a loss for what to do next, began his traditional "walk like you mean it" routine, picking a direction and starting to stride away. But before he could even take a few steps, a boy from the group called out to him, inviting him to join them. He stopped for a moment, unsure whether it was the best idea, but eventually settled on heading out with them. I mean, it couldn't hurt to get to know some people on the first day. He shot the boy a confident smile.

"Yeah, sure, why not?", he replied, walking over to them. "Geez, is this place as ancient on the inside as it looks on the outside? I'm pretty sure they've nicked some of those bricks from Stonehenge or something...."

He rolled his eyes in mock disgust, before realizing he hadn't even introduced himself yet.

"Oh, I'm Sam by the way. Nice to meet ya."

@King in Yellow
As the tour ended, Rowanna smiled at Delilah in a friendly manner. "Well, it was nice meeting you. When I figure out what room I'm in, I'll let you know so we can hang out. If you ever wanna train, let me know! See ya around!" Rowanna said, before turning and making her way to the office. She got her room assignment and key, seeing she was in room 215 with Nichole. Rowanna shrugged and went to find her room. Upon opening the door, she saw her stuff stacked on one bed and the other girl's on the other. Rowanna unzipped her suitcase where a small box was tucked safely in the corner. She grabbed it and left the room, jogging outside back to the training grounds she and Akio found earlier. She sat down on the soft grass and opened the box.

@Akio @twilight sparkle @m y s t i c
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Luna said"I can listen to what they have to say and they assist me when I need help. Basically one with nature." Walking with him and thought. "What about your powers matt?" She asked looking over at him continuing to walk so they could catch up to Dias.


Nichole sighed softly continuing to walk with her tour group  as she looked at her room key in thought. 'I hope Rowanna is nice.' She thought a bit nervous to meet her roommate but wanted to make a good impression. 'Maybe I should bake something for her or make a sculpture of ice to be nice.' Nichole thought tapping her chin.

@Jefferson @TheFlyingWriter @Eternal-Weekend

(Sorry for the delay guys >.<)
"Huh. Interesting."

Well, that explained that. The diversity of powers here was pretty amazing - talking to plants or whatever wasn't something he'd ever considered as possible until now.

"Oh? My power? Well, uh... it's like... shrinking stuff. Hold on, let me show you."

He walked slightly faster to get ahead to give himself some space to work with. Once again, he focused intently on his own body, and soon felt it get smaller and smaller over the next few seconds, all whilst still walking. Reaching his smallest size, he opened his eyes and looked back... uh, up at Luna. The problem with being this small was that it wasn't really obvious if she'd kept track of him or not - he eyes seemed to looking in his direction, but who knew if she could actually see him? In hindsight, he probably should have put his jacket on again, seeing how well it worked last time.

Regardless, he continued to walk for a moment, before panicking slightly. Every one of her steps was... well, a lot of his. As such, she was gaining on him pretty fast - a lot faster than he was really comfortable with. Not wanting to risk getting stepped on, he wandered off to the side, at least attempting to get out the way. Which, as it turned out, wasn't really enough. As she got close enough to cast a shadow over him, he focused, increasing his body mass as quickly as possible. It still took a couple of seconds, but he was soon back to normal size.

He took a hasty step away from Luna, having reappeared a little closer to her than was particularly comfortable.

"So, yeah... that's it. Not the most useful, but it is what it is."

As they walked past another window, he caught sight of Dias outside, standing in what looked like some kind of garden area.

"Hey, uh... looks like he's out there. I think there's a door just up ahead..."

@twilight sparkle

Mira Teller


Mira made her way through the halls of the grand old school, weaving and dodging her way through the crowd of students, her key was in her hand that she had received from the front office. She continued pushing her way down the crowded girls dorm until she came to her room. She put the key in the the keyhole and opened the door revealing a rather large and luxurious living area, complete with desks and even couches and a television, she rolled her suitcase in, looking around the room in awe and quickly searching the other rooms in the house where she found a bathroom and two bedrooms. Mira rolled her suitcase into one of the bedrooms before walking back out into the living area, awaiting her mystery roomie.

@m y s t i c You're my roomie!)

Silva O'Connor


After the tour had ended, she said goodbye to Mrs. Summers and Damien, before making her way back to he office to see who her room mate was. "Delilah...pretty name. I hope she's nice," The girl muttered as she walked to their room. She was worried, hoping that if Silva accidentally shocked this person, that they wouldn't be mad. Or, wouldn't try to take down her stuff animal collection.

She continued to worry and wonder what would happen until she hot to her room, and saw it was empty. This was great, well, for the time she had it. Silva began to unpack, starting with the white suitcase covered in stickers. Mainly be coast it has her foldable step stool in it. And her phone with its charger that she needed to plug up.

Anyway, she chose the room on the left, after exploring everthing. The two bedrooms were ahout the same, though the one on though he left was slightly bigger, and only had though he would outlets, unlike four in the other room. Less of a chance for her to shock anything, or break the electricity in their room. 

She then began to actually unpack, first off, putting her stuffed animals in room for the most part, but put a few on the desk she chose. "The elephant...owl...and penguin!" She said, placing the stuffed animals on her desk, the one near the window with a pretty veiw, before going back to her room to unpack more, while waiting for her roommate. @m y s t i c (Remeber, Silva is smol, Delilah can't be that rude.)
The pair walked out into the garden. It was just as nice as Matt had hoped - the whole place just seemed so alive. An ant colony sitting by the door, a great oak tree standing far off in the distance... he couldn't wait to explore this place later.

The good news was that was right, and Dias was here. The bad news was that they'd missed the whole tour while they'd been hanging back. There were only two or three students still hanging around, and they seemed to be here of their own accord. Well, that was the end of that little adventure.

He turned back to Luna. Now that he'd gotten over the whole 'assertive' thing, she seemed pretty nice... but he was still kinda wary around her. He'd already made one friend today, and he'd need to save his strength to deal with whoever his roommate was, so this looked like the end of their time together, at least for now. Time to make himself scarce.

"Hey, uh... looks like the whole tour thing is kinda finished. If you don't mind, I uh... I'm just gonna go check out my room. I guess you probably should too. So, uh... see you tomorrow."

He gave her a falsely confident smile. Whether she saw through it or not, she seemed to agree with him. As he walked away, he saw her go off in another direction, presumably to her room. Hmm. He still wasn't really sure how her felt about her.


It didn't take too long for him to hunt down his room. 734. He wasn't really too sure about how the numbering system worked, though. Were there really 734 rooms in the building? If so, that was a lot of students. Eh. Maybe it worked some other way, by floor or something... but he hadn't walked up 6 floors to get here. Well, it didn't really matter. He pulled his keycard and slid it across the slot in the door handle. It beeped, flashing red, and then...


He tried it again. Same result. Did he have the wrong room number? Nope, it was definitely 734. Said so on the card, had his name on and all. Huh. Weird. Maybe he had a faulty card? Well, he couldn't be bothered to walk all the way down right now, just to get it fixed. Looks like he'd have to do this his way.

He shrunk down to just under a quarter of an inch, which as it turned out, was just short enough to squeeze under the door. He'd have to crawl, but he'd make it through. And so he did - hands and knees on the ground, he shuffled under, with actually quite a bit of space to spare. He emerged on the other side, and was immediately actually quite impressed.

The room, having apparently empty for some time, was spotless, even at his size. Two single beds dominated the majority of the space, one on each end of the room, but there was still quite a nifty space between them, enough to take a few steps at normal size. Which of course, was plenty for Matt.

Huh. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

@twilight sparkle @Akio

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