Nichole began walking to her dorm room after baking a batch of cookies in the home ec room. She hoped her roommate liked them. Nichole unlocked the door and took her luggage inside before unpacking. She took the bed next to the wall so Rowanna would have the window if she wanted. Nichole had baked some mint chocolate chip cookies liking the smell of mint. She placed the cookies on rowanna's bed with a small ice sculpture in a glass case with a bit of dry ice. It was of a wolf and a Cresent moon with a few stars.


Luna walled to her dorm and began to unpack her things a bit angry the she was rooming with the girl who terrified her little sister. She placed her plants in the window and watered them. Luna then put on a little classical music to help them grow before sitting on her bed.

Abigail slinked into their room, quietly unpacking her things. Sheets, pillowcases, a kitten poster or two, the works. A tiny plush cat sat next to her pillow once she was done, its dull grey contrasting the vibrant pink and yellow that her other belongings tended towards.

".......nice taste in music."
She awkwardly complemented her new roommate, her tone genuine in spite of how caustic the words might seem on paper.

@twilight sparkle
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(Assuming a time-skip until after they went on the tour)

The end of his group's tour left Julian in the same entrance area where he'd first walked into the school. Julian waited in line at the front desk, finally receiving his room key. Glancing at the roommate assignments on the reception desk, he saw that his roommate was someone named Nikolaus Kirchner. Julian hoped they'd get along. He grabbed his suitcase and backpack, and headed for his room. He made a few wrong turns, and wound up having to lug his suitcase up two flights of stairs, but eventually found it.

Wow. The dorm was a lot bigger, and a lot nicer, than he'd expected. From what he'd heard about dorms, they were usually a single, cramped room. Here, though, there was a main room, with two bedrooms and a bathroom branching off from it. Julian dumped his bags in the corner of one of the bedrooms for now, then went back to the main room. It looked like his roommate wasn't here yet, so he flopped on the couch and turned on the TV, idly flipping channels to see what they had.

@TheFlyingWriter You're my roomie.
After staring at the claws and teeth and scales, Rowanna covered the box and walked back to the dorm. She climbed the stairs to her dorm and found a girl already inside. Rowanna looked over to her bed, finding a plate of cookies and a mini ice sculpture there. Rowanna blinked in surprise, looking over to the girl. "Did you make these? They look amazing, thank you!"
Nichole blushed and thanked her softly. "Y-you're welcome. I hope you like mint chocolate chip cookies. And I did my best with trying to get the wolf just right." She said rubbing her head sheepishly. Nichole hugged her stuffed animals to keep her calm. "Y-you're bleeding a bit. A-are you ok?" She asked softly concered.


Luna thanked her and laid on her bed to read some Macbeth. She loved the story and famous quotes. Luna nodded her head to the classical music finding it soothing. She would do a bit of mediation in the garden later.

Rowanna looked down for the blood, surprised she could still be bleeding. She wiped the blood away to see there was no longer a wound, just a spot she had missed when cleaning up. "Yeah, I'm fine. I heal fast," Rowanna said sheepishly, scratching the back of her head. She took a bite of the cookies and told Nichole they were delicious she picked up the little sculpture in its case and examined it closely, in awe at the detail of the work. "How did you make this?"

@twilight sparkle
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"I-I just use my water and ice powers." Nichole said softly and demonstrated by making an ice rose. She then lightly blew on the water while touching it tightly. The rose froze making a beautiful ice sculpture. "T-that's how I do it. And you can preserve the sculptures with dry ice." Nichole said giving a soft smile.
Abbigail leaned back, going limp on her bed. Normally she slept in her underwear, but given the situation that seemed like it would be slightly inappropriate.

Just...just a little bit.

Instead, she took her phone and idly flipped through some old pictures, chuckling every so often.

@twilight sparkle
"That's a really cool power," Rowanna commented, sitting down on her bed and moving the plate to her nightstand. She continued to munch on the cookies while looking around the room. "So have you met any interesting people here? I'm really interested in finding out what other powers the other students have here."

@twilight sparkle
Luna continued to read and slowly began to relax a bit. "Don't forget to apologize to her or I will rip you apart." She said giving a soft smile but said smile promised pain and suffering. Luna then went back to reading before munching on a cookie Nichole had put in her backpack when they were at home.


"Um a met a girl named Abigial..." Nichole said awkwardly and thought back to the kiss before shaking her head hitting her cheeks. 'Bad me! Bad! No thinking about that!' She thought before feeling her heart race when she did think about it. Nichole then began to feel terrible again at how she had reacted. "I-I also met a guy named Nikolaus, akio and dante."

Abigail cracked a sly grin, not that Luna could see it from that angle.
"Of course. I'd be a piece of shit not to."
She stared at the ceiling, suddenly realizing she'd forgotten to pack pajamas.
Aaaaand this is exactly what I told myself would happen if I did that. Well not exactly, but....uuuuugh, why is my memory so bad.

@twilight sparkle
Sam sauntered up the flight of stairs to his room. Geez, that was a helluva lot of effort just to see where he was staying. Although in future he probably wouldn't have to lug this duffle bag around, which would probably ease the pain a little. Still, this wasn't a journey he'd like to make too often. Y'know, even if didn't really have a choice.

Swiping his keycard, he pushed his way into room. It was... ugh. Kinda cramped. The two beds were layed out end-to-end, taking up one side of the room. The sides adjacent to that were taken up by cupboards and dressers, no ensuite, of course. Really, it was just two bedrooms rammed together, with a wall missing to seperate them. Great for saving money. Not so great for privacy. Brilliant.

He rolled his eyes for noone in particular. He'd better like his roommate, because it looked he was going to be living on top of them for a while...
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"Ah, Abigail. She seems like a sweetheart, though a little strange and overconfident. I think she'll be a good friend. Akio on the other hand.... that boy is a mystery, but he seems... kind. At least somewhere deep down," Rowanna stated with a wistful smile. She kinda hoped she would be able to see Akio again, but she wasn't sure why she felt that way.

@twilight sparkle @Akio
Nichole nodded and said"h-he scares me.." shaking rembering his kiss as well wondering why she kissed back. It was basically sexual assault x2. Nichole hid her face in her pillow and screamed into it. "I don't know what I'm gonna do!!" She said sulking. "I got kissed by two different people today!" Nichole continued crying some sad that her first kiss and second kiss were taken on the same day. 

"Hey, some asshole named Akio supposed went after her after she stormed out."
Abbigail was biting her lip. This might not be the best idea, but she'd feel guiltier not saying it.
"His reliability as a narrator is questionable, but some of what he said was worrying. You seem protective of her so I thought you should know."

This was it...
She rolled her eyes.
"He claims to have kissed her. Again, he said some shit that calls him into question, but your sister seems fearful of everyone but you so she might want to talk to you about it. None of my business, but I figured I should tell you."

@twilight sparkle
Luna dropped her book as she looked at her fire in her crimson eyes. "WHERE THE HELL IS HE?!" She shouted angry as her vines began to come out of no where spiked with sharp thorns. Luna didn't wait for her reply and walked out.

@Mane @Akio
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"Two people? Who?" Rowanna asked, tilting her head in confusion. She hadn't seen either happen, and she was sure based on the temperment of Nichole that the kisses would have bothered her, possibly scaring her.

@twilight sparkle
"Abigail and akio.." Nichole said softly gripping her stuffed animals tightly her hair covering her eyes. "A-abigail was the first one to kiss me....She took my first kiss and I was a bit scared never being kissed before and ran scared. Then akio came and attempted to comfort me and kissed me... he said he was trying to show me that they have no meaning " 

"Akio?" Rowanna questioned, for some reason feeling a sad pang in her heart. She didn't understand why. Shaking it away, Rowanna smiled at Nicholle. "Don't let it bother you! This school is full of hormonal teenagers with superpowers who don't know how relationships work," she said with a light laugh. "You need to toughen up buttercup," Rowanna smiled.
"I-I'm sorry I'm so weak..." Nichole whispered softly. "I should have protected myself better like mom said..." she said looking at the floor. "I-I don't know why I even kissed akio back. I guess spur of the moment...I'm just gonna rinse my mouth out again...my apologies for burdening you."  Nichole said softly and went to the bathroom with her listerine. She gargle the  strong mouthwash a few times wincing as it hurt her cheeks.

It didn't take too long for him to hunt down his room. 734. He wasn't really too sure about how the numbering system worked, though. Were there really 734 rooms in the building? If so, that was a lot of students. Eh. Maybe it worked some other way, by floor or something... but he hadn't walked up 6 floors to get here. Well, it didn't really matter. He pulled his keycard and slid it across the slot in the door handle. It beeped, flashing red, and then...


He tried it again. Same result. Did he have the wrong room number? Nope, it was definitely 734. Said so on the card, had his name on and all. Huh. Weird. Maybe he had a faulty card? Well, he couldn't be bothered to walk all the way down right now, just to get it fixed. Looks like he'd have to do this his way.

He shrunk down to just under a quarter of an inch, which as it turned out, was just short enough to squeeze under the door. He'd have to crawl, but he'd make it through. And so he did - hands and knees on the ground, he shuffled under, with actually quite a bit of space to spare. He emerged on the other side, and was immediately actually quite impressed.

The room, having apparently empty for some time, was spotless, even at his size. Two single beds dominated the majority of the space, one on each end of the room, but there was still quite a nifty space between them, enough to take a few steps at normal size. Which of course, was plenty for Matt.

Huh. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

@twilight sparkle @Akio

Hours later the tour ended, giving him a little free time to decide what he wanted to do. Basic supplies were promised to be in his room by the headmaster but he didn't need them as of yet and he had nothing better to do. After a moments consideration he supposed he might as well head back to his room if for no other reason but to see who his roommate is, they would be together for some time most likely after all. After that he could find Rowanna and see if she was still truly interested in being trained. 

His decision made he stood from where he had been sitting against a small collection of stones in the garden where the tour ended and quietly began to move to his room. Naturally he had already scouted it as part of his own personal tour but he was sure by this point most likely his roommate had already arrived. 

He god to the room quickly enough, easily reaching the door in room 734. Pulling out his key card he swiped it quickly, hearing the distinctive click of the door unlocking as he pushed his way in, not yet seeing anyone in the room. "Has my roommate not found his way here in all this time?" He questioned to himself, starting to go towards the bag left here which he hadn't checked during his walk.
Matt heard the door click, but responded far too slow. Before he could throw himself to ground, the massive wall of wood slammed into the back of his head, sending him flying across the room. He bounced once or twice along the carpet before coming to a stop, having been ensnared by some loose threads, and found himself both tied up and upside-down in the middle of the room.


Thankfully, the chunk that had been taken out his head healed as fast as it always had. Of more interest was the new arrival - who, of course, he recognised as the guy who was making everyone all uncomfortable when he first arrived. And now that he was closer to him, he understood why. He was just so... well, he'd rather he didn't even know he was here, to be honest.

Matt's opinion changed though when the boy started to walk in his general direction. Yeah, staying hidden wasn't worth that much. Learning from his previous mistakes, he increased back to normal size with metres to spare. Still upside-down, of course. The extra mass suddenly set in, dropping his body onto the ground in a mess of limbs and clothes. Not the best first impression. Picking himself up into a sitting position, he looked up at his new roommate.

"Uh... hi. I'm um...Matt. Hi."

Rowanna smiled at Nichole and laughed, laying back on her bed. "You're not weak, hydrokinesis is very powerful and useful. Never apologize for being yourself," Rowanna said, putting her hands behind her head. "Besides, I have a feeling this school is going to toughen people up fairly quickly unfortunately. "

@twilight sparkle

He (My god I forgot to follow the thread so much missed story T.T) 

Dante savage.

Dante had seen the other students going to their rooms and unloading their things, yet he had brought nothing with him. He didn't even own anything, he was however happy that he had his own room, this meant he wouldn't have to worry about accidentally bumping into someone and...well crushing them. 

After very breifl looking at his room at the end of the hall he decided to go back into the common area arriving right around the same time as Gita. "Oh hi..." he said embarrassed as he realized she wasn't referring to him. He blushed a bit and very carefully sat in one of the free chairs. 

"Would you mind putting the TV on the news? I can't operate remote controls." He asked sheepishly. 

Joseph Aguilar.

joseph silently followed the teacher, and upon arriving in his room he immediately closed and locked the door. He put his things away and stashed his fathers watch in his top drawer. 

He then pulled out his laptop and began investigating the academy. When it started, who had done so, and what was its purpose. then he began to look into the students whose names had been announced. These were the ones who would either stand with or against him and it would be best if he learned all he could about them. 


@Akio (sorry for the absence) 
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