"I-I'm sorry. M-maybe we should get you something to eat and we can sit outside in the garden so you can breathe." Nichole said softly her hazel eyes showing concern. She gently pulled him to his feet struggling a bit. Nichole then pulled him to the cafeteria to get him something healthy to eat. "Y-you can rest your head on my lap when we get to the garden." She explained holding her stuffed animals with her other arm.

Rowanna excitedly stepped on the mat, throwing a few fake punches into the air. "I think we should stay in here for a bit. It looks like fun!" she replied to Nichole. She looked at the mat and did a cartwheel followed by round out. She smiled happily, having a lot more fun than she expected to have. Rowanna was about to do a handstand when she heard a voice behind her say, "There you are."

Rowanna turned, seeing Akio behind ther near the door. She smiled and jogged over to him. Her hair pulled back in the ponytail revealed the true depth of her blue eyes. Rowanna tilted her head and said, "Hey. Were you looking for me?"

@Akio @twilight sparkle

Nichole squeaked seeing akio her eyes wide. Her hydrokensis activated and a sphere of water surrounded her. "I-I'll see you back in the room rowanna!" She said quickly making her way to the exit. Nichole closed her eyes tight as the sphere froze rolling faster as she made her escape into the hallway.

@Eternal-Weekend @Akio

Akios expression didn't change as Rowanna jogged over to him, though he shifted slightly which somehow made him seem more receptive. Meeting her vibrant eyes, almost amused by her simple actions that seemed to amuse her so much. Perhaps he was looking for her unconsciously so they could begin their training. Never the less he still heard a squeak which caused him to shift attention for a moment, seeing Nichole look shocked as she created a sphere of water around her and rolled out as fast as possible. Not really knowing what that was about he turned away, refocusing his attention on Rowanna. "Having fun?" He questioned, glancing over at the mat, his eyes carrying a bit of mischievousness. 
Rowanna smiled brightly glancing over at the mat as well. "Yeah, I really like gymnastics," she answered. She then remembered Nichole's hasty leave and a serious expression took over her features. Rowanna lightly punched Akio in the arm and put her handson her hips. "You need to apologize to Nichole. You hurt her feelings when you kissed her!"

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Seeing that the girl had stuffed toys in her arms was slightly less than appealing to Adole and he quickly rolled his eyes after she had helped him up. Once she led him to the cafe he took a look around and then looked at her. "Yeah well you see this was fun and all but I think I'm good for awhile." He then started walking back the way they had come, no longer having any issues with his elbow and walked off trying to find his room walking by the training area to simply poke his head in and say hi to whoever was there. Finally, he continued his quest to find his room.
Rowanna smiled brightly glancing over at the mat as well. "Yeah, I really like gymnastics," she answered. She then remembered Nichole's hasty leave and a serious expression took over her features. Rowanna lightly punched Akio in the arm and put her hands on her hips. "You need to apologize to Nichole. You hurt her feelings when you kissed her!"


Akio raised an eyebrow, glancing at his arm where she punched his arm before glancing back at her seeming both uncaring and a bit confused. "Why should her feelings be hurt? It doesn't matter and I already explained myself. Even if she is offended for some reason why do I need to apologize?" He said getting a bit more closed up again as he looked at her, his eyes closing up a bit, once again becoming dark. 
Rowanna smiled at his social inexperience and tried to explain. "It doesn't matter why. The point is her feelings are hurt and they were caused by you. It's the right thing to do to apologize to her." She glanced over at the mat and back to Akio, smirking. "Tell you what. Let's spar. No powers. If I win, you apologize, if you when, what do you want?"

Rowanna smiled at his social inexperience and tried to explain. "It doesn't matter why. The point is her feelings are hurt and they were caused by you. It's the right thing to do to apologize to her." She glanced over at the mat and back to Akio, smirking. "Tell you what. Let's spar. No powers. If I win, you apologize, if you win, what do you want?"


"If I've done nothing wrong then how does that mean I have to apologize. Someone is always gonna be offended by your actions so am I supposed to apologize to every person I might offend." He said, his voice thick with disbelieve at her point of view. However when she mentioned the spar his face eased, this was what he was familiar with, and he doubted he would lose since she had no experience in martial arts so this would just allow him to get back to the training. Still her addition of a bet made him curious about he wanted, thinking of the topic they were debating on he sighed and said. "A kiss, so I can show you what i didmeans nothing and we can both move on from this argument." He said simply striding towards the mat, not taking any particular stance as he waited for her to join him on the mat.
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Nichole blinked seeing he was fine. "O-oh...m-my apologies.."  she said softly and walked out of the cafeteria awkwardly. "What was that about?" Nichole asked herself. She then got herself one of the sandwiches and a juice before making her way to her and rowanna's room again. Nichole sighed softly and laid on her bed feeling as if she had been played by that weird guy. "I thought he was hurt but he really wasn't." She whispered.
Rowanna followed him over to the mat, standing opposite of him in the circle. She began to stretch, more for show than anything else. She slipped off her jacket and shirt, leaving her in a turquoise sports bra and black legging like pants. She wasn't worried about showing off her body. If anything, it might distract Akio and help her cause. If anything, she knew she needed to be able to move without restraint. Rowanna knew she was not trained in fighting, but she was fast and agile, helping her to dodge and defend a lot better than most people. She thought that if she could dodge long enough, she might be able to get him when he's tired. 

"Alright, so here's the deal, if I win, you have to apologize to Nichole for kissing her and hurting her feelings. There has got to be some sort of emotion and empathy under that tough exterior somewhere. If you win, I'll kiss you. Wins based on who is able to pin their opponent with both shoulders touching the ground. Best out of three. Deal?" Rowanna said, sticking out her hand for him to shake, signifying a deal.
Rowanna followed him over to the mat, standing opposite of him in the circle. She began to stretch, more for show than anything else. She slipped off her jacket and shirt, leaving her in a turquoise sports bra and black legging like pants. She wasn't worried about showing off her body. If anything, it might distract Akio and help her cause. If anything, she knew she needed to be able to move without restraint. Rowanna knew she was not trained in fighting, but she was fast and agile, helping her to dodge and defend a lot better than most people. She thought that if she could dodge long enough, she might be able to get him when he's tired. 

"Alright, so here's the deal, if I win, you have to apologize to Nichole for kissing her and hurting her feelings. There has got to be some sort of emotion and empathy under that tough exterior somewhere. If you win, I'll kiss you. Wins based on who is able to pin their opponent with both shoulders touching the ground. Best out of three. Deal?" Rowanna said, sticking out her hand for him to shake, signifying a deal.

Akio didn't bother stretching, having already been far used to engaging an opponent in any situation and not really having the need too. Instead he found himself focusing on her as she started to strip off her jacket and her shirt, revealing more of her smooth body to him. He felt his eyes drifting down her frame with a slow casualness as he found himself distracted by her tight frame and clear skin as she revealed her midriff and shoulders. He noticed a few more animal scars but it didn't bother him and he was struck with the thought that the girl in front of him was beautiful.

He words brought him back to the present, if only minutely and he narrowed his eyes, listening to the rules which were fairly simple. "Done." He said not appreciating her other comment about his emotions as he narrowed his eyes but silently agreeing to her words as he reached out and shook her hand, ready for a fight.
Adole suddenly stopped at the training room seeing the two people, what he thought was commonly called squaring up, and decided to have a seat and watch. It wasn't like they could just make him leave anyways right? He took his backpack off his shoulders and sat it beside him. He slowly crossed his legs in front of him as he prepared to watch the up coming event and then the girl began to strip. A large blush came across his face but inside his head all he could hear was cheering and applause for her to continue as he laid forward now on his stomach letting his legs bend up behind him. Adole had his legs just slowly kicking behind him and his head resting sideways on his folded hands below his head. Watch what seemed like that which could only be described as a dream, and thought about how this guy would fight her. Damaging that...sweet...smooth...skin. 'There is absolutely no way he will actually be able to do this to this vixen' Adole thought to himself as he continued to watch their now minute movements.


Rowanna smiled at him sweetly and turned to walk away. She moved to her edge of the white circle and turned back to face him. Scars were spotted across her body made from animal bites and scratches and wounds. She wasn't as ashamed of these marks as she had once been, but they still had deep meanings and stories behind them. Rowanna realized they were being watched and turned to look at the man now laying on the floor a small distance away from them. She smiled at the newcomer and shrugged, turning her gaze back to Akio. "Looks like we may have an audience now," she said with a flirty smirk.

@Akio @Seraph
Rowanna smiled at him sweetly and turned to walk away. She moved to her edge of the white circle and turned back to face him. Scars were spotted across her body made from animal bites and scratches and wounds. She wasn't as ashamed of these marks as she had once been, but they still had deep meanings and stories behind them. Rowanna realized they were being watched and turned to look at the man now laying on the floor a small distance away from them. She smiled at the newcomer and shrugged, turning her gaze back to Akio. "Looks like we may have an audience now," she said with a flirty smirk.

@Akio @Seraph

As she stepped to the edge of the white circle he went to his own corner, sliding one foot back and the other forward and raising both hands curled into fist in front as he stood ready to receive her. "It doesn't matter to much." He said not taking his eyes of her, not even sparing Adole a glance as he slid a bit closer, watching her closely, as he tried to not remain distracted by her frame and her surprisingly flirty smile. He seemed to be acting a bit cautious, closing the distance with small micro movements, but leaving him with a sense of balance as he closed in on her space, not easily letting her escape to either side as he started closing in on her available space in the ring. 
Rowanna imitated his stance, watching Akio's movements very carefully. She decided not to move initially, her gaze moving across his body as she registered the movements he made. Though she did want him to apologize to Nichole, she also wanted to learn. In the moment, Rowanna had decided sparring might be the best way to watch his movements and adapt them to herself and her own fighting style. Rowanna then realized that Akio was beginning to close in on her position at the opposite side of the white circle. Immediately she began slowly sliding to the left, the flirty smile never leaving her lips. Abruptly, she shot forward towards Akio incredibly quickly, preparing to land a punch in his left oblique muscle. Rowanna knew from experience that it was incredibly painful to bruise or tear that muscle. She swung, her deep blue eyes meeting his gaze and hoped to land the hit.

Adole continued watching the two in the ring as they slowly approached one another...until he saw it. That flirty smile spread across her face and suddenly his heart was a flame. 'Oh be still my quivering heart' Adole thought to himself as he made an audible gasp for air continuing to look at that smile. 'The hips, the waist, that muscle tone, nicely formed calves...my heart...uh my heart.' Again he thought to himself and rolled to his back to grasp at his heart dramatically before rolling back into his position. Then he looked at the guy who didn't really seem to acknowledge his existence and rolled his eyes. 'Look back at the girl...oh my she is like smooth Bordeaux by the sea bay in the sunset.' He told himself as he then watched her throw a punch and physically flinched despite being a good distance away. 'Oh...sweet...apple pie. She can punch me anytime she wants...almost any time she wants.' 

@Eternal-Weekend @Akio
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Rowanna imitated his stance, watching Akio's movements very carefully. She decided not to move initially, her gaze moving across his body as she registered the movements he made. Though she did want him to apologize to Nichole, she also wanted to learn. In the moment, Rowanna had decided sparring might be the best way to watch his movements and adapt them to herself and her own fighting style. Rowanna then realized that Akio was beginning to close in on her position at the opposite side of the white circle. Immediately she began slowly sliding to the left, the flirty smile never leaving her lips. Abruptly, she shot forward towards Akio incredibly quickly, preparing to land a punch in his left oblique muscle. Rowanna knew from experience that it was incredibly painful to bruise or tear that muscle. She swung, her deep blue eyes meeting his gaze and hoped to land the hit.


As Rowanna started moving he moved with her, not letting her shift into an area he couldn't catch her while steady reducing her space till he already occupied the center of the ring, cutting off the other half so that she would have to go through him in order to reach it. He stepped closer to her, his eyes not on her smile but rather on her eyes, watching her every movement and he intentions as he read he guiltless eyes. When she shot forward he actually shot forward to meet her, his movements showing no hesitation. Catching her left fist with his right arm he abruptly pulled is across her body and across her other arm to pull her off balance and then with a startling show of flexibility slid his foot behind hers and pushed hard to try and send her off her feet, only for his foot to continue even after tripping her and as he bent slightly actually go nearly above his head to try and hit the dead center of her forehead hard.
Rowanna felt herself falling, surprised at his quick movements and motions. She felt a sharp pain in her shoulder as he pulled her arm across her chest. Time seemed to slow as she fell. Rowanna looked up and realized his foot was aimed directly at her face. Rowanna knew she wouldn't be able to avoid the hit, but she could change its target. Rowanna twisted her body, grabbing on to Akio's planted leg with her free arm to do so. She shift just enough for his kick to land on her shoulder instead of her face. Immediately Rowanna felt a sharp pain that shot down her arm as a loud cracking noise filled the room. She didn't wince or react to the pain as she hit the mat, landing on her injured shoulder. Instead, Rowanna used her uninjured arm to push herself up and back handspring across the ring to be a distance from him again. Her arm hung limply at her side. Rowanna hoped to dodge well enough to give her shoulder enough time to heal. 

@Akio @Seraph
Rowanna felt herself falling, surprised at his quick movements and motions. She felt a sharp pain in her shoulder as he pulled her arm across her chest. Time seemed to slow as she fell. Rowanna looked up and realized his foot was aimed directly at her face. Rowanna knew she wouldn't be able to avoid the hit, but she could change its target. Rowanna twisted her body, grabbing on to Akio's planted leg with her free arm to do so. She shift just enough for his kick to land on her shoulder instead of her face. Immediately Rowanna felt a sharp pain that shot down her arm as a loud cracking noise filled the room. She didn't wince or react to the pain as she hit the mat, landing on her injured shoulder. Instead, Rowanna used her uninjured arm to push herself up and back handspring across the ring to be a distance from him again. Her arm hung limply at her side. Rowanna hoped to dodge well enough to give her shoulder enough time to heal. 

@Akio @Seraph

As she sprung away Akio righted himself, bring his leg completely around with a small body movement before setting it on the ground again, recovering from her pulling him slightly off balance. He was a bit concerned about the crack for a moment, before remembering her regeneration ability and knowing the only way he would be able to stop her would be to put on consistent damage before it healed. Eyes cold he switched stances, crouching low on his knees as he held his hands out in front of him no longer in fist but almost curved like talons. "Watch yourself, this is a killing martial art Pecank Silat." Akio said, giving his only warning as he suddenly sprang forward, closing the distance in an instant as he sprung over the small distance in a single jumping motion. He sliced both of his hands at her eyes, holding back to not truly blind her, as he didn't want to risk permanent damage and then lashed out with both feet still in the air directly into her chest with the entire force of his headlong charge into both of his feet which he planted into the center of her chest with a mighty kick with enough strength to send her flying backwards if she wasn't careful.
Rowanna was quick on her feet, but so was he. She managed to dodge his attacks directed at her eyes aside from one. A long slice up her cheek bone dripped blood down her face. However, it healed in a matter of a few seconds. Rowanna could see the darkness in his eyes, and for the first time since she met him, she was afraid. Her blue eyes glistened with fright, meeting his gaze just before his kick landed hard against her chest. The air rushed from her lungs as she felt herself flying backwards, bracing for impact. 

Rowanna hit the wall, her head snapping back in whiplash. She felt multiple things break, shooting pain all across her body. Rowanna collapsed to the floor, laying there for a moment as blood dripped from her wounds. Her body began to warm with adrenaline, begging her to let the animal instincts take control. Don't give in, she thought, biting her lip enough to draw blood. But it was far too late.

Immediately her fangs began to grow, and her bones began to crack and shift, the noises filling the room. In seconds she was a fully formed African leopard with deadly amber eyes. Rowanna was no longer herself, but simply an animal defending herself. She stalked a large circle around Akio, baring her fangs in anger. Her tail swished, waiting for an opening to rip out his throat. 

Rowanna was quick on her feet, but so was he. She managed to dodge his attacks directed at her eyes aside from one. A long slice up her cheek bone dripped blood down her face. However, it healed in a matter of a few seconds. Rowanna could see the darkness in his eyes, and for the first time since she met him, she was afraid. Her blue eyes glistened with fright, meeting his gaze just before his kick landed hard against her chest. The air rushed from her lungs as she felt herself flying backwards, bracing for impact. 

Rowanna hit the wall, her head snapping back in whiplash. She felt multiple things break, shooting pain all across her body. Rowanna collapsed to the floor, laying there for a moment as blood dripped from her wounds. Her body began to warm with adrenaline, begging her to let the animal instincts take control. Don't give in, she thought, biting her lip enough to draw blood. But it was far too late.

Immediately her fangs began to grow, and her bones began to crack and shift, the noises filling the room. In seconds she was a fully formed African leopard with deadly amber eyes. Rowanna was no longer herself, but simply an animal defending herself. She stalked a large circle around Akio, baring her fangs in anger. Her tail swished, waiting for an opening to rip out his throat. 


Akio righted himself in the air, realizing how hand he kicked her and tried to reach out to grab her from slamming into the wall but it was far to late, he had reacted naturally and ended up doing massive damage. He landed gracefully on his feet, looking a bit troubled as he turned towards her. He knew her regeneration was strong and she was obviously still alive but he knew something, or quite a few things were broken. However several most cracking noises came from her and suddenly her body was shifting.

"Her ability huh." He thought to himself as she started circling around him. Her wounds were gone, that was for certain now since she changed forms but now he had a different problem in a fully grown Leopard on his hands and he would not simple be able to take care of it the normal way or he would kill Rowanna. He sighed, stepping back as he slid his foot back and actually crossed his arms at the wrist behind him, preparing to intercept her if she charged, not paying any attention to thier watcher.
Rowanna growled lowly, the noise shaking the windows near her. She was feral and she was angry. Her whole body tingled with adrenaline, her heart was racing. The excitement of attempting to make a kill filled her, causing her perfectly spotted tail to swish back and forth. Her feral nature was a defense mechanism she had discovered the day she killed her father. In times of great injury, her body shifted to tenporarily fix anything broken. Left long enough in the form, she could return to her human form healed. But if not enough time passed, she would revert back to human form still broken.

Rowanna growled once again, her ears pressed against her head. Her eyes were wild and she was definitely bloodthirsty. Rowanna took off sprinting in the same circle around Akio. She abruptly skidded to face him, her claws leaving deep marks into the floor. Using the momentum, she launched herself at Akio.

Nichole walked out of the room with some strawberries to eat and sighed softly. She bit into one and tbought to herself her stuffed animals in her backpack. "That guy wasn't very nice..." Nichole said softly to herself and blinked hearing a growl from the training room. She peeked inside and her eyes widened seeing rowanna was a feral leopard. Nichole thought and jogged to the kitchen sneaking into the back and grabbed some raw steaks. She then came back and held up the steaks to draw rowanna out so she wouldn't hurt someone.

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Akio cautiously watched Rowanna try to circle him, making small movements to rotate with her to keep her in his sights at all times, so she would stay in front of him as he prepared himself to meet her. She didn't seem like before in her animal form but instead seemed feral as if she had turned into the animal itself and the animal controlled her not the other way around. He would have to force her out of her form in order to bring her back. He noticed nichole run in and seem shocked seeing the feral animal facing off with him and ran off and he knew someone might be coming soon.

"Ill take care of this swiftly then." He thought to himself as Rowanna pounced at him with a yowl of anger and he stepped forward to meet her, his hands shooting out to meet her as he charged her as well. One hand lashed out to catch her neck and the other her soft under belly as he caught the leopards full weight, using his power to steady himself. Ignoring any wounds the claws might strike on him he roared and brought his knee up hard into her midsection, not a fatal blow but a massive one indeed in her soft under belly as he sent vibrations in her.
Adole has watched as the girls shoulder was struck and he heard a crack from across the room. His mouth gapped open after hearing this as he was struck with awe that someone would do such a thing to someone so flawless! "Woah, I thought it was PIN the shoulders not break them!" He yelled before standing up quickly and was going to proceed forward but he was stopped when the fair maiden transformed her outward appearance to that of a leopard. Adole then stood back watching the cats movements and somehow it gave off a different air than the girl. Just then he watched the man start to match up to cat as it pounced throwing his knee into its underside somewhere. 'No you'll bruise that perfect skin!' He screamed inside his head, then opening his mouth as a light green vapor began to pour from his mouth. Currently the gas occupied only the air around him and still tried to avoid the battle. "Don't hurt her!"
Rowanna felt Akio catch her, immediately lashing her claws out to counter. She could feel she met flesh ever so slightly. But it was enough to draw four lines of blood across Akio's upper arm. He continued, grabbing her throat. Rowanna barely had time to react before his knee met her torso area. She could feel the vibrations jolt through her body, cracking some bones and entirely breaking others. Everything hurt, Rowanna was so blinded by pain, the reversion to her human form didn't even register. This was one of her weaknesses. In the face of life-threatening injury, Rowanna would revert back to her human form as a protection mechanism. Any further transformation could kill her.

Rowanna fell to her knees, barely holding up her weight spread evenly across her uninjured arm and knees. She knew she should assess her wounds, she could see the blood beginning to pool beneath her. But Rowanna couldn't help but feel tears burn at the corner of her eyes. She wasn't upset that she lost, and she wasn't crying because of the pain. Rowanna was crying because she lost control and injured Akio. A single tear slid down her cheek, falling into the pool of blood below her.

"I'm sorry, Akio," Rowanna said, her voice rough and pained, "I'm sorry I went feral." Breathing began to hurt more than the usual cracked rib. When she coughed, blood splattered, causing her to believe a fracture piece of her sternum had tore a lung. It was getting harder to breathe, and Rowanna was becoming lightheaded. She sat back on her knees, cradling her torso. Look down, knowing some if not all of her ribs were fractured, along with torn ligaments in her shoulder, a fracture humerus, and a large amount of bleeding cuts. She began to quietly gasp for breath, willing her lung to heal faster before lack of oxygen killed her. Rowanna tilted her head down, knowing if she looked up at Akio, he would see the beginnings of petichial hemorrhaging in her eyes, a symptom of suffocation. She continued to gasp slightly, not moving for fear of more pain than she already felt.

@Akio @Seraph
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