"ROWANNA!" Nichole shouted running over to her teary eyed. She bit her lip not wanting to touch her for fear she would hurt her. Nichole gently wrapped water around her lifting her up. "Y-you're gonna be ok." She said softly her voice cracking as she rushed her to the infirmary and gently lied her on the bed.  Nichole searched the cabinets for something to help rowanna ease her pain a bit and let her water heal the cuts/places she was bleeding. She couldn't do much than that and wished someone could do better. "I-I'm sorry I left you alone with akio hic you didn't have to fight for me!" 
Rowanna felt Akio catch her, immediately lashing her claws out to counter. She could feel she met flesh ever so slightly. But it was enough to draw four lines of blood across Akio's upper arm. He continued, grabbing her throat. Rowanna barely had time to react before his knee met her torso area. She could feel the vibrations jolt through her body, cracking some bones and entirely breaking others. Everything hurt, Rowanna was so blinded by pain, the reversion to her human form didn't even register. This was one of her weaknesses. In the face of life-threatening injury, Rowanna would revert back to her human form as a protection mechanism. Any further transformation could kill her.

Rowanna fell to her knees, barely holding up her weight spread evenly across her uninjured arm and knees. She knew she should assess her wounds, she could see the blood beginning to pool beneath her. But Rowanna couldn't help but feel tears burn at the corner of her eyes. She wasn't upset that she lost, and she wasn't crying because of the pain. Rowanna was crying because she lost control and injured Akio. A single tear slid down her cheek, falling into the pool of blood below her.

"I'm sorry, Akio," Rowanna said, her voice rough and pained, "I'm sorry I went feral." Breathing began to hurt more than the usual cracked rib. When she coughed, blood splattered, causing her to believe a fracture piece of her sternum had tore a lung. It was getting harder to breathe, and Rowanna was becoming lightheaded. She sat back on her knees, cradling her torso. Look down, knowing some if not all of her ribs were fractured, along with torn ligaments in her shoulder, a fracture humerus, and a large amount of bleeding cuts. She began to quietly gasp for breath, willing her lung to heal faster before lack of oxygen killed her. Rowanna tilted her head down, known if she looked at Akio he would see the beginnings of petichial hemorrhaging in her eyes, a symptom of suffocation. 

@Akio @Seraph

By being directly under her while holding her up meant he avoided the worse of her flailing claws. He felt pain on his arm in four groves in his arm but right now it didn't bother him and he knew that she would be far more wounded at this point. He went over to her, looking where she fell to her and approached her. He saw the blood pooling beneath her, her injuries were more then serious and even life threatening, even with her possible regeneration. He felt suddenly a rush of hatred at himself, he had struck and she had defended herself. Now she was in this state.

She was crying, a few tears leaking out of her eyes but it didn't seem to be from pain. Instead she looked up at him with tears in her eyes and apologized. His mind froze for a moment and he was struck speechless, for a moment so infuriated it rocked him to the core. She looked like this and yet she was apologizing to him. She fell back to her knees and for a second he wanted to yell at her until he realized she was gasping for breath, looking down as he reached over to her and sent a small tremor through her, not to do damage but rather to feel the vibrations in her body which bounced off her bones and organs, giving him an idea about the insides to her body, much of it was not good and her lung was torn.

Nichole suddenly ran up, crying out teary eyed as she helped picking up Rowanna and rushing her to the infirmary forcing Akio to follow. When they got to the infirmary Akio knew she was still suffocating and after a moment he pushed past Nichole a bit and suddenly shoved his hand into her chest, leaving it inside her chest as he actually reached to her lung, paying no mine to the feeling of her flesh moving around his hand, which he had stopped enhancing with his powers after getting it inside in order not to tear her lung more and grabbed the small hole, and pulled it shut. "Rowanna, focus on healing your other injuries, I will hold this closed." He said simply, right now focusing on healing her instead of saying anything else. 
Rowanna smiled at Nichole, pushing herself up on her uninjured arm to assess her water healing abilities. "It's not your fault, Nichole. It was my stupid idea to do that spar. I just wanted him to apologize to you. Besides, I lost control, and I went feral. Akio did nothing wrong defending himself from me," Rowanna said slowly, gasping for air frequently. She knew things would heal better if she shut up, but Rowanna was more worried about comforting Nichole than herself. Rowanna lay down on her back closing her eyes and trying to take deep breaths. Suddenly, Rowanna heard Akio enter and he silently watched for a moment. He pushed past Nichole and used his abilities to cut through her skin and muscle carefully into her pulmonary cavity. Rowanna winced, wondering what he was doing and half curious if he was so angry at her for the scratches that he decided to finish her off. Instead, Akio said, "Rowanna, focus on healing your other injuries, I will hold this close." 

So he was here to help. Rowanna weakly tilted her head, meeting his gaze with a curious look. She then closed her eyes, and remained immensely still. Her head was dizzy, and Rowanna knew that if Akio wasn't there, she would have died before the rest of her wounds could heal. Rowanna laid there in silence for what felt like hours but was actually about 30 minutes. She tested her arm, rotating her shoulder slightly. It was stiff, but the ligaments had regenerated well enough for her liking. Her upper arm bone also seemed ok, though it didn't seem to be a bad break to begin with. Rowanna felt her ribs. All were fairly sore, but definitely in the final stretch of healing. She opened her eyes to scan her body for cuts, but Nichole's water had already taken care of them all. 

It was a gruesome site to see Akio's arm disappearing into her chest, but he didn't seem to care. Rowanna put her hand on his arm and smiled. She looked at Nichole and said softly, "Nichole, can you please find me a suture set, and then heal Akio's arm?" She took three deep breaths and felt her lung expand once again, meaning it had healed at least enough for Akio to stop. Her body was sore all over, and still banged up. But the majority of the work was done. She wouldn't be able to transform for a bit to offset the final steps of healing. Rowanna then turned her deep blue gaze to Akio and smiled at him. "Thank you."

@twilight sparkle @Akio
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Nichole nodded and went to get her the suture kit. She brought it to her and bit her lip healing akio with her water slowly as not to shock him. Nichole sighed keeping her breathing steady not wanting to freeze akio by accident. "Are you sure you'll be ok rowanna?" She asked her concerned. 

@Eternal-Weekend @Akio
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Rowanna smiled at Nichole, pushing herself up on her uninjured arm to assess her water healing abilities. "It's not your fault, Nichole. It was my stupid idea to do that spar. I just wanted him to apologize to you. Besides, I lost control, and I went feral. Akio did nothing wrong defending himself from me," Rowanna said slowly, gasping for air frequently. She knew things would heal better if she shut up, but Rowanna was more worried about comforting Nichole than herself. Rowanna lay down on her back closing her eyes and trying to take deep breaths. Suddenly, Rowanna heard Akio enter and he silently watched for a moment. He pushed past Nichole and used his abilities to cut through her skin and muscle carefully into her pulmonary cavity. Rowanna winced, wondering what he was doing and half curious if he was so angry at her for the scratches that he decided to finish her off. Instead, Akio said, "Rowanna, focus on healing your other injuries, I will hold this close." 

So he was here to help. Rowanna weakly tilted her head, meeting his gaze with a curious look. She then closed her eyes, and remained immensely still. Her head was dizzy, and Rowanna knew that if Akio wasn't there, she would have died before the rest of her wounds could heal. Rowanna laid there in silence for what felt like hours but was actually about 30 minutes. She tested her arm, rotating her shoulder slightly. It was stiff, but the ligaments had regenerated well enough for her liking. Her upper arm bone also seemed ok, though it didn't seem to be a bad break to begin with. Rowanna felt her ribs. All were fairly sore, but definitely in the final stretch of healing. She opened her eyes to scan her body for cuts, but Nichole's water had already taken care of them all. 

It was a gruesome site to see Akio's arm disappearing into her chest, but he didn't seem to care. Rowanna put her hand on his arm and smiled. She looked at Nichole and said softly, "Nichole, can you please find me a suture set, and then heal Akio's arm?" She took three deep breaths and felt her lung expand once again, meaning it had healed at least enough for Akio to stop. Her body was sore all over, and still banged up. But the majority of the work was done. She wouldn't be able to transform for a bit to offset the final steps of healing. Rowanna then turned her deep blue gaze to Akio and smiled at him. "Thank you."

@twilight sparkle @Akio

She did so much apologizing Rowanna, apologizing to him, apologizing to nichole even though it was not her fault. In truth much of the fault was his, he had been the one to wound her, only thinking of overcoming her regeneration ability and when she had taken her form to defend herself from her he had put her down mercilessly as he was used too almost on instinct. How could this be her fault. He gritted his teeth but didn't say anything, his hand still inside her, so that he could actually feel her body flex and heal itself as it closed. As she continued to heal, he didn't make a single movement, doing a fairly good impression of a statue, his arm still part way inside her till she felt she had healed a sufficient degree.

Rowanna put her fingers on his arm, asking to actually for her to heal him despite the fact his wound had scarred fairly quickly. Thanking him he knew the work was mostly done and grunted. "This is gonna hurt." He said simply  as he pulled his hand out of her with a loud grunt, leaving it covered in blood which he payed no mind to other then wipe it off on the already blood stained sheet. He had nothing to say to her thanks other then a grunt as he looked at her, his eyes cautiously looking over her for any more damage.
Rowanna smiled at him, barely wincing when he removed his hand from her chest. Her entire body still felt like it was hit by a bus on fire. But she did her best to hide the pain from her expression. She then responded to Nichole, "Yes, I'll be fine. This definitely isn't the worst thing ever to happen to me." Rowanna sat up, pressing her back against the wall to give her some support while she went through the motions of the procedure. Rowanna took the suture pack from Nichole and thanked her. She reached to the side table and grabbed a piece of gauze along with a bottle of iodine. Her sports bra was entirely soaked in blood from the wound, so she wasn't at all worried about staining it anymore. After cleaning the skin around the wound, Rowanna opened up the suture pack. She began expertly suturing the wound closed as if she had done it a thousand times. In truth, she had. When her father experimented on her or forced her into animal attacks, he rarely took the time to stitch her up. Therefore Rowanna had to learn to keep herself together just enough to be able to heal and survive.

Rowanna finished stitching, pulling the wound entirely close to increase surface connection and thus decrease her healing time. She threw the needle into the sharps container, and swung her legs over the side of the bed. Rowanna tested her weight on her feet. She stood up and swayed lightly, putting her hand against the wall to balance herself. Her body was so busy working on the more prevalent wounds it hadn't entirely replaced the blood she had lost. Rowanna felt her head become fuzzy, and she closed her eyes to keep the room from spinning. "Dammit," she muttered under her breath, willing her body to work with her. She just wanted to leave the room that smelled of chemicals and reminded her of her father's laboratory. She needed fresh air.

@Akio @twilight sparkle
Nichole quickly went to Rowanna's side and let her use her for support. "C-Cmon we can go to the garden." She said softly as she slowly led her out to the garden carefully as not to hurt her again.  Nichole sighed softly to herself still feeling bad about how hurt rowanna was, she knew it wasn't her fault but she still felt guilty. They soon made it to  the garden and Nichole gently sat her under the tree so she could be in the shade. Nichole then went to get her some milk and a salad. She soon came back and said"h-here I put some fruit on the side if you would like some." Giving her the meal.

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Rowanna smiled at Nichole, looking down at the food she had brought. "Thank you, Nichole," she said softly. Rowanna began eating the salad, the food providing her a fairly decent amount of energy to continue to heal her body. She finished the meal, sitting in the sunlight to absorb as much vitamin D as possible. She loved the feeling of the sun on her skin. She could feel her body returning to normal, but it was not entirely there just yet. Rowanna looked down at the sutures on her chest, some of them already appeared to be dissolving into her regenerating body. She knew, however, that there would be a large scar where earlier Akio's hand had been. "Nichole, I don't want you to feel bad about any of this ok? None of it is your fault. None. I do what I do because I care for other people, including you. So cheer and smile, yeah?" Rowanna stated, turning back to look at Nichole. Her blue eyes seemed lighter in the sunlight, and a pretty smile graced her lips.

@twilight sparkle
Nichole nodded and gave a soft smile. "There was this guy I  accidently bumped into today when I was running away from akio. I thought I hurt him pretty bad since I was in my ice sphere, but he wasn't. I think he was flirting with me until he saw my stuffed animals then said he was just fine." She said with a sigh. "Why does this happen to me.." Nichole muttered her head in her knees and blinked with a rose got placed in her hair by a vine.

Luna waved to the two walking over and said"everything ok?" Sitting in the grass having been in the garden for a bit to meditate and relax. She sat in front of the two and bit into a nice juicy red apple. "I heard screaming from inside, what happened?"


Silva O'Connor

She smiled, relived that went smoothly. Looking around the room, she sat down on one of the chairs, off to the right of the couch. "So, this is pretty cool huh?" She said, "A school just for us! And so Fars it's been peacefuler than I thought it would be. Though the protesters are very rude," She added, before taking a deep breath. "So what can you do?" She than again, kinda realized that was a rude question. "Well, you can answer if you want to, I mean, powers are kind personal, and I really don't want to intrude, intrude was just kinda curious." Silva expalined, talking fast.

@m y s t i c
Matt slinked out from underneath his room's door. He'd heard his roommate leave an hour or two ago, and now that he'd gotten set up, there wasn't any reason not to go exploring again for a bit. In contrast to the clingy, tangled carpet he'd been battling through before, the floor in this hallway was pretty smooth, even at his size. Judging by the colour, it was supposed to be some kind of fake wood or something, but it felt more like plastic to the touch.

He wasn't really too sure where was going. This place was like a maze at times, and with as little experience as he had, even the landmarks didn't mean much. It was a shame he didn't really know anyone yet, other than Silva, and he felt it was probably too soon to go knocking at her door - she was probably just trying to settle in like he was. Guess he had to figure this place out sooner or later.

He continued to venture down the various hallways for... well, he wasn't really sure how long. Time seemed to pass differently when he was this size. When every room was a massive open field, and every hallway a mile-long trek, everything just seemed to last longer than it really did. It was one of the reasons he enjoyed staying so small, even when it wasn't exactly necessary. Just widened the world a little bit. Regardless of how long it took, he eventually found himself in the doorway of some kind of dinner hall.

Well, he was pretty hungry...

He passed through the great arch, the top of the door frame seemingly miles over his head. The floor once again changed, now a broad tile pattern. For the most part, this was even smoother than the hallway flooring, but every so it was punctuated by great big grooves in the ground, where the tiles met. They were narrow enough to take a long step over, but still wide enough that falling in was a real possibility. It probably wouldn't be too hard to climb back out, but he'd rather not take that risk.

Thankfully, the hall was mostly devoid of people, seeing as it was still pretty early on to be eating , and the few people that were scattered around weren't really moving around, more just sitting in their seats. Good. Kept the danger to a minimum. The tables and chairs were frustrating, though. The legs were metallic and polished, making climbing them practically impossible. He'd hoped to get on top of the tables, and make his way over to one of the people eating, and... well, pick a couple of crumbs. But that didn't exactly look feasible anymore.

He looked at the ground around him, seeing if there was any reasonably fresh, not-trodden-on food that had been dropped. Nothing good really - there was a half-eaten doughnut pretty close by, but he'd prefer to avoid sugary foods. He was never really sure why, but sugar had always interfered with his powers, with just touching it enough to stop him from returning to normal size for a couple of hours. Not that he was planning to turn back to normal size any time soon right now, but it was still wise to keep the option open.

Time for Plan B. He might not be able to climb the chairs, but the people sitting on them were another matter entirely. Clothes were one of the easiest things to climb, even if they were somewhat more dangerous, being attached to a person and all. He looked around room, looking for someone who looked like they might be sticking around a while - perhaps someone with a lot of food, or someone who'd just come in?



Mira Teller


Mira wandered down the halls of the school after having briefly met her roommate. The halls were still somewhat crowded with people. She stood on her tip toes and spotted a room down the hall. She suddenly dissapeared and reapeared eactly where she wanted to, bypassing all the students in the hallway, That was one of the perks of teleportation. Mira looked around and could see that she had teleported into some sort of dinner hall, there were very few people in the room so Mira wandered around aimlessly, unaware of the miniture person on the ground just inches from her foot.


Once again, a shoe the size of a cruise ship slammed down nearby, shaking the ground enough to knock Matt off his feet. Clearly, this was becoming some kind of problem - this was the second time today someone had gotten this close to him without him noticing. His spacial awareness was really not up to par. Anyway, he looked up to see a blonde girl he didn't recognise standing over him. He couldn't really see what she was doing - her face was miles off in the sky, so couldn't really make out any facial expressions from this angle.

While he was lying on the ground, considering his options, it soon became apparent she wasn't going to be standing here for long. The shoe closest to Matt rose up as the girl shifted her weight slightly, causing it to twist on it's heel. Unfortunately, it twisted in what was probably the least lucky direction. Matt was quite suddenly enveloped by the shadow of the foot.

"Oh, sh--"

He didn't even have time to finish his sentence before the sole came crashing down on top of him.

...and then, there was blackness.

Matt opened his eyes. He still had eyes to open, so that was good. But where was...? He reached out his still-quite-intact arms, trying to feel anything. And he did - rubber. Cold, worn rubber. It took a couple of seconds to figure out exactly what had just happened, but it was obvious in hindsight. He gotten lucky. Rather than being squashed, he instead slipped under the tread of the shoe, and was caught inside one of the grooves that would have been etched into the sole. Real lucky.

Another shifting of weight thankfully freed him from his rubbery prison, blinding him momentarily when he was exposed to the light. In fact, it was actually quite useful, putting him exactly where he'd wanted to be - in front of him was a huge, cylindrical pole, that was wuder than he was a tall, leaning against the shoe. Perfect. He grabbed in to the end of this lace, and began to climb up it. Thanks to his small size, this was pretty easy, not having a lot of weight to carry. Even so, he looked up at the leg that extended out from the shoe, and remembered why he didn't usually do it this way. It was like a skyscraper, but a skyscraper that seemed to just keep on going and going and going into the sky. Not to mention that it woukd all be moving pretty soon too. This was going to be... fun.



Mira Teller


Mira walked around the dinner hall for a moment before leaving the room and entering the hallway once again. What would she do now? She sighed. She had already began to become bored. Mira imagined her bedroom at home. Perhaps she would hang out there for a bit? No one would know she had gone home, arfterall her mother would still be driving back there. Mira suddenly appeared in her bedroom at her own house. It was a rather plain room, with a few posters lining the walls but she had brought most of her stuff to the Academy. She collapsed onto her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She would only stay for a few minutes before heading back to the Academy, but it was good to be able to come home whenever she wanted.

As expected, everything began to shake and shift as the girl began to walk. The lace Matt had been holding onto just moments ago swung around wildly, smacking repeatedly off the side of the shoe. The thing was like some demented ride, as his tiny limbs flailed around, held down only by the laces he'd tucked himself under. Not the most comfortable experience in the world, but it was safer than hanging around on the floor.

The only issue, of course, was that he didn't get to decide where he was going. It was hard to make out with his head flopping all over the place, but Matt was pretty sure he was leaving the dinner hall. Not really the plan. Still... it might've been worth hanging on anyway. Adventure was adventure and all that - who knows where he'd end up?

As if in answer to his thoughts, the whole world around Matt suddenly changed. He was no longer in the traditional, semi-modern hallways of the Academy. Instead, he was in what appeared to be some kind of city room, the ceilings lower, and the room itself much plainer. How had he...?

He didn't even have time to question his new surroundings before he was flung up into the air, as the girl threw herself onto a bed, her legs bucking him off. The world span as he flipped multiple times, everything a blur as he reached the apex of his flight. He seemed to hover in the air a second, like a speck of dust caught on the wind, before falling back down to Earth. He landed with a quite squishy bump, and started to roll downwards. Grabbing onto the loose, slightly damp ground underneath him, it became apparent where he'd landed. Judging by the pair of nostrils sitting over him, he'd landed right  on the girl's mouth, and was now sliding slowly down her lips.

...Yeah, this definitely wasn't part of the plan.

Nichole nodded and gave a soft smile. "There was this guy I  accidently bumped into today when I was running away from akio. I thought I hurt him pretty bad since I was in my ice sphere, but he wasn't. I think he was flirting with me until he saw my stuffed animals then said he was just fine." She said with a sigh. "Why does this happen to me.." Nichole muttered her head in her knees and blinked with a rose got placed in her hair by a vine.

Luna waved to the two walking over and said"everything ok?" Sitting in the grass having been in the garden for a bit to meditate and relax. She sat in front of the two and bit into a nice juicy red apple. "I heard screaming from inside, what happened?"


Rowanna smiled at Nichole, about to reply when another girl joined them. Rowanna watched as a rose was place in Nichole's hair, coming to the conclusion that the new girl must have plant control powers. She noticed the similarities between the two girls and thought they must be sisters. She rotated her shoulder, attempting to loosen its stiffness from the recent injury. It still slightly hurt to breath, but she could feel the repair happening by the second. The new girl waved at Rowanna and Nichole, so Rowanna waved back. She asked what had happen. Rowanna sighed, not really wanting to reaccount the story. But the Nichole's sister deserved to know. "Hi there, I'm Rowanna. I'm Nichole's roommate. She told me about the Akio thing and so I decided to try and get him to apologize to her. So I challenged him to a sparring match where if I won, he would apologize. Things went a little too far," Rowanna stated, scratching the back of her head sheepishly.

@twilight sparkle @Akio
Nichole smiled softly waving to her big sister. She nodded confirming rowanna's story and watched as Luna's vines turn spiky at the mention of akio and flinched a bit. "I-it's ok now luna." Nichole said before she could go after akio.

Luna sighed and took a deep breath to relax. "You didn't have to do that rowanna, you got hurt because of it." She said softly. "But thank you for defending my sister." Luna said giving a soft smile.

Nichole sighed in relief seeing Luna wouldn't go after akio for now. "And what about this other guy you were talking about?" Luna asked. Nichole sighed softly and told her what happened. "Sis he was playing you just to get close to you. Basically he was pretending to get hurt just to get attention from you only to get turned off because you love adorable stuffed animals. Don't let him get to you." Luna said and patted her head.


Mira Teller


Mira suddenly felt something hit her lips. It felt like some sort of...bug. With a huge fuss Mira shook violently, sitting up and desperately searching for the bug that had landed on her mouth. She felt her face to check if the bug was still there and looked around on the bed incase it had fallen off and was now slitheroing somewhere on the bed.

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Adole watched as the girl in tights was taken off to where he assumed the infirmary was located however he was afraid to get any more involved. This was because he was afraid if you got himself further into this situation the school would make him talk about what he saw or maybe some paperwork. After they had all left the training room he just started to clean up some of the blood that had gotten on the floor with some towels from the gym and holding back his lunch to the best of his capabilities. After he cleaned most of it he put the dirty towels...in the dirty towel hamper and remained in the room thinking maybe he would just practice on the punching bag. Adole was not much for physical contact because he hated taking hits and basically refused to continued fighting after a hit to the face. However, he did practice Savate back in his home country because his uncle was an instructor for it. Also, the kicks allowed for him to keep his opponent at a further distance and away from his face. As he was preparing to start practicing he opened up his bags and changed his shoes to a pair of special boots then left his bag up against the wall. He walked over to the bag and knocked the toes of his boots to the ground before begging his fancy practice regiments of fouettes,chasses,revers, and coup de pied bas.   
Luna smiled at her younger sibling. "I'll get him back for you sis, all you have to do is out flirt the flirt." She said as she stood dusting off her jeans. "I'll meet up with you two in a bit." Luna said waving and went to the training room herself. 

Nichole blinked watching Luna walk off hoping she wouldn't get tricked by the jerk as well. She then bit into her leftover cookies and relaxed humming softly.

Luna walked into the training room and looked around. She took off her jacket and folded it before stretching out to loosen herself up. "Hmm.." Luna said to herself softly and stood before beginning to work with her vines looking very graceful.

@Seraph @Eternal-Weekend
Rowanna smiled at the girl, now knowing her name was Luna and shrugged her shoulders. "I'll tell you the same thing I told Nichole.  I do what I do because I care for other people, including everyone in this school. We are all similar in terms of our uniqueness, and I honestly would rather put myself in harms way they have any of you get hurt," she said to Luna, looking away up at the sky. The sun was still shining beautifully and the smell of fresh air continued to calm her nerves. Luna smiled at Nichole and told her she would get back at the man who had watching Rowanna and Akio spar-fight earlier. Rowanna let out a slight giggle as Luna walked back into the academy from the garden. "I didn't realize you had a sister to protect you from the boys," Rowanna teased Nichole, not at all serious as she had attempted to protect her from Akio merely hours before.

@twilight sparkle
Nichole blushed darkly and said"yea...let's just say I haven't really had the best experience with guys..." her voice softer as she rubbed her arm a bit.  "What about you?" She asked looking over at rowanna with a soft smile.  Nichole placed her stuffed animals down and surrounded them in bubbles watching them float a bit above them in the breeze.  "I'm glad I have such a nice roommate as you rowanna."

Matt barely had time to register his situation before he was yet again violently thrust around. This time though, he was slightly more prepared, grabbing tightly onto the lip below him. As it turned out, though, it didn't really matter. The slipperiness of the skin proved to be too difficult to keep any serious grip on, and as such he was flung off, this time at high speed, his head spinning over and over. However, his landing was nowhere near as soft as last time - his tiny body struck hard off one of the girl's fingernails, deforming the lower part of his body into a gooey mess. The rest of him plunged unceremoniously into the bedsheets, bouncing once more before coming to a stop.

It took a few seconds for him to recover from that one. He tried to stand up, but... well, he didn't really have much to stand on anymore. Where his legs once were, there was now just a general amorphous blob of goop, just a hanging dead weight off the rest of his body. Now, this alone wasn't super concerning to Matt. He'd been squashed and splattered many times before, and he knew his legs would reform soon enough. It didn't even hurt - there wasn't anything there to feel pain, as such. What was a problem was that he couldn't return to normal size until the damage had been healed, which could take a several minutes. He didn't know how he got here, and the only person who knew how to get back was the girl who was still oblivious to his presence.

She was looking around the bed at the moment, presumably searching for whatever was on her face a moment ago. He wanted her to find him, but not like this. He was acutely aware that he didn't exactly look like a person at the moment - it was hard enough to make out he was human at this size even when he did have actual legs. He wasn't even wearing his trademark bright red jacket, which of course was still on his own bed back at the academy. He froze as her gaze passed over him. He couldn't tell whether she'd seen him, but he wasn't going to risk it. He started crawling towards the edge of the bed, hoping to fall off and hide long enough to be able to return back to normal size, so he could explain his situation properly to her.

He was gonna need a lot of luck to get that far though.

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Adole was busy kicking away at a bag in the corner and listening to the thwacks against the material. He ran one of his hands through his hair lightly biting his lip in thought of what to practice next. His deep v-neck was nice and thin so it was doing fairly well at keeping him cool but his pants did make it a little harder to kick than his usual practice out. After that he started practicing his savate punching against the bag and doing the sudden breaths with each punch upon impact. Next was just to put the punches and kicks together as he stood in front of the bag slamming two directes into the top of the bag and a fouette whip kick into the top.
Rowanna giggled at Nichole's comment and gave her a smile. "And I'm glad I have a roommate as sweet as you," she answered. Rowanna thought back to Nichole's question and took a deep breath. Her experience with men in general hadn't been the best. Her father abused her, her grandpa refused to acknowledge it. When she lived on her own on the streets, Rowanna often had to fight off many attempted assaults. Guys in the bars she sneaked into when she went through a rough phase would try to drug her. But Rowanna shook away all those memories and thought back to the few serious relationships she had in the past. "I don't know. I'm a good flirt when I want to be. I've had a few serious relationships in the past. But they all ended because the guys found out I was a mutant. I have yet to meet a guy that accepts me for who I am and what I can do. So I guess I'm kinda in the same boat as you," she responded, deep in thought for a moment. Then Rowanna began to laugh in a way that shook her sore ribs. Calming down to breath, wrapping her arm loosely around her chest, Rowanna looked at Nichole with a grin. "You know, I've never had another girl to talk about boys with before."

@twilight sparkle

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