Adole was busy kicking away at a bag in the corner and listening to the thwacks against the material. He ran one of his hands through his hair lightly biting his lip in thought of what to practice next. His deep v-neck was nice and thin so it was doing fairly well at keeping him cool but his pants did make it a little harder to kick than his usual practice out. After that he started practicing his savate punching against the bag and doing the sudden breaths with each punch upon impact. Next was just to put the punches and kicks together as he stood in front of the bag slamming two directes into the top of the bag and a fouette whip kick into the top.

Luna practiced a bit with her vines and soon finished. She then looked over at the guy narrowing her eyes before getting an idea. Luna smirked and used her vines to move the punching bag out of the way to make him fall. She hummed nonchalantly and waited. Luna then walked over to him. "Excuse me. Can we talk?"

Nichole nodded and smiled softly. "I haven't really had a great experience with guys either....they weren't...how you say we're the right people. I attracted the wrong kind of guys I guess." She said softly rubbing her throat in a memory. "B-but I try my best not to drewl on it." Nichole said giving a weak smile. 

Rowanna noticed the nervous behavior she had when talking about guys, but decided it was better not to ask her about her past just yet. After all, Rowanna had only met her earlier today and would rather not offend or cause any bad blood in between them. Instead, she nodded at Nichole's last sentence. "There's no point in dwelling on something you can't change. Don't get me wrong, the memories will not go away and shouldn't. I believe whatever happens to you in the past should be taken as a method of making you stronger. Use the bad to work on yourself and make yourself better. Hell, if I hadn't done that, I'd be dead by now," Rowanna responded laying on her back and looking up at the clouds, putting her hands behind her head.

@twilight sparkle
As Adole was practicing on the punching bag it suddenly moved out of the way as he was about to kick it which made him stumble forward and slam his foot against the ground just to keep his balance. After that he suddenly thought maybe he was getting dizzy so he should probably stop and take a drink, maybe a cold towel and some vitamins from his room. Then he heard some girl talking behind him as he moved around her to pick up his bag and shoes to leave. He gave her a quick attractive smile and fixed his hair before responding to her in his kindest tone. " Oh hun, your excused its no bother really and sure we can talk...for the whole five seconds it will take me to leave the room. Maybe some other time we can talk though okay? Okay." Then he continued his way towards the door across the room.
Luna caught him with her vines. "Yea I don't think so." She said walking up to him. "Now why did you play my sister like you did?" Luna said narrowing her eyes. Her hair fell out its ponytail falling down her back bouncing a bit. "I'll let you go, if you go apologize to her." She said giving him a kind smile.


Nichole  nodded and gave a soft smile. She laid down in the grass. "Thanks for the talk rowanna, I needed it." Nichole said softly and closed her eyes taking a deep breath. "I like being out here." She said softly and looked over at rowanna. 

Adole looked down at the vines and sighed as he dropped his shoes and bag then casually trying to push the vines off of himself and looking over at her. "Well you see there are several problems with what you've said the first being I have no idea who your sister is. The second one being if it was the girl who hit me with a giant ball of ice I find my actions...hmm justified and if its the girl who was just taken to the infirmary I had nothing to do with that so if you would just let go that would be great." Adole started thinking to himself and then thought of a couple of ways to get out of this without violence so he welcomed her to try something to hurt him. Adole was one to enjoy a good mind game or two.
"She looks like me just shorter and younger. She ran into you by accident. Now go apologize for trying to play her." Luna said coldly as she glared at him . "You tried to play with her emotions so you could try to manipulate her. Now how would you feel if you were manipulated like that?" She said placing him down crossing her arms under her chest.


Mira Teller


Mira looked around the bed for the bug, then suddenly she spotted something. It was so tiny that Mira just assumed it was a bug. She leant over and grabbed a book from her nightstand and raised it above her head, ready to bring it down on the deformed bug. It would mess up her bed, but then again she wouldnt be sleeping in it for a while anyway.

"Hmm, so...let me get this straight your sister ran into me by accident and fell for my looks. Then you take that as me trying to manipulate her emotions...but I didn't because I left her alone. Unless big sissy would have preferred I took her by the hand perhaps and showed her the world and the wonders of what it is to be in a "true" relationship. With a gentle caress of the cheek only to lead her on for several years when she has become truly attached and thinking we would have been together forever...only then to leave without a care." Adole said with a darkness in his voice looking down at the girl talking to him. "You want me to apologize to your sister for sparing her heartbreak? Oh and not only that, you are so hypocritical to think that you would try to manipulate my emotions by intimidating me to apologize to her? Or here is another good one you could beat me up and that would make sissy feel all better right? Well, I wonder how the headmaster would feel about a student committing violence upon another student...hmm what a thought." He turned away to continue walking out of the room. "My body isn't the only thing that's poisonous sweetie." 
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"We shall see how you feel about that later." Luna said resisting to roll her eyes as she watched him walk away. She put her jacket back on and went to the garden sithing with Nichole and rowanna. "I don't like him." Luna muttered angrily. "And he'll try to flirt with you eventually rowanna so watch out for that." She said laying in the grass as Nichole awkwardly patted her sister's arm.

@Seraph @Eternal-Weekend
"WAIT, DON---"

Matt shouted out, even though he knew it was in vain. The girl would have had to have been paying close attention to hear anything at all, let alone make out his words. And even if she did, he was far too late. The book slammed down on his tiny, deformed body, turning it into a gooey splat instantly. There was nothing even recognizably left of him, other than one of his shoes which had been flung off a way away earlier. Just a messy splotch on the paperback cover.

Matt sighed. At least, he would have, if he'd had anything left to sigh with. This really wasn't how he'd hoped his little adventure would turn out. He knew it was inevitable that it would have have happened eventually, but it would have been nice to at least survived the first day intact.

All he could do now was wait. As long as nothing was placed on top of his remains, he'd eventually be able to reform, given enough time. But the more pressing issue was the girl that had brought him here in the first place. Would she still be around by the time he was able to get back to full size? If not, he'd have to find his own way back.

And who knows how long that would take?

Rowanna raised an eyebrow, tilting her head slightly. "Really? Why me? He saw me get beat up and now he thinks I'm attractive? What a strange dude," Rowanna replied, shrugging her shoulders. She picked a clover from the grass next to her, spinning it in her fingers. She looked up at the two girls with a questioning look in her eyes. "So, what brought you to the Academy?"

@twilight sparkle
Nichole said"to feel safe. And we didn't want our parents to be burdened with us with the mobs coming after us you know?" Sighing softly as she laid on luna's stomach.  

Luna nodded and said"it was either we go here or get sent somewhere else most likely separated." Patting Nichole as she caught the two stuffed animals before they floated away. "Our parents aren't really....accepting of our powers. They deem our powers more of a curse than anything else you see. They love and care about us but that is one thing they want to keep hidden." 

Adole smiled at her happily and said, "If you insist." in a gleeful tone as he made his way out of the practice area and walked to his room. He got a bottle from the fridge and chugged it then crushing the bottle and throwing it in the recycling. He cracked his neck before walking to the sink and wetting a towel the wringing it mostly dry. After he put it in the fridge to cool off. While at the sink he opened up one of the cupboards taking a daily vitamin just so he could remain healthy. Then he took a seat on his bed looking at this phone scrolling through pictures of home while he waited for his towel to become cold.
Rowanna smiled understanding their point of view. Her parental situation was less than satisfactory as well, and she understood the safety issues. Many times, Rowanna had been attacked once people saw or found out what she was. She hated to fight regular humans, it made her feel terrible about using her powers in such a negative way. But there were only so many ways she could fight back effectively, and the majority of them involved shape-shifting. Rowanna closed her eyes again, feeling the sunshine on her face. "I understand completely. My father was.... overly accepting of my abilities," she responded hesitantly, unsure of how to word it.
"Let me guess he tested you completely past your limit to see what you can do and see if you can survive?" Luna asked looking over at her. "My sister and I have to try to keep our powers hidden. One day  Nichole was practicing a bit with her powers in the park behind some trees for cover. Then some guys from her elementary school came over and started messing with her calling her a freak and all other sorts of names. When her emotions aren't in check her powers go out of control. If I didnt stop her that day she would have drowned them in water spheres or froze them to death. I had to hold her until she calmed down and then let the guys have it to scare them off. Sigh that's why she doesn't really use her powers for much attacking." She explained with a small sigh.

Nichole looked down at the grass in sadness remembering the memory. "I-I'm s-sorry luna.." she said rubbing at her tears. "It wasn't your fault nikki, they were egging you on, you didn't have good control over your powers back then."  Luna said softly.

Rowanna nodded, surprised she was so easy to read. She guessed it wasn't that unbelievable. Luna and she were very similar. Luna represented the flora of the world and Rowanna represented the fauna. Nature was very important to both of them. Luna represented the life source of both their powers: water. Rowanna opened her eyes again, looking at the clouds. One resembled a poppy flower. "Well, I hope this academy is worth it," she answered simply.

@twilight sparkle
After waiting for a little bit and playing around on his phone he walked back over to the fridge and grabbed his towel wrapping it around his neck. Then looked in a mirror to make sure his hair was okay before opening up the door to his room. He walked out and decided that he might take a trip to the garden as he slowly strolled outside. He looked up at the trees and down at the flowers before he saw...them. Adole rolled his eyes and kept walking around the garden until he noticed it wasn't just...them. It was the beautiful honey suckle on the fourth of July right in the dew of the morning as well.
Nichole took a small nap on luna's lap enjoying the warm sunlight. She nuzzled her some and smiled in her slumber happy to at least have two people like her in a way. Nichole wasn't being taken advantage by the two or anything to hurt her and that made her happy.

Luna smiled softly and petted Nichole's head lightly. "You and me both rowanna. What would you like to talk about now?" She asked as she stretched letting her younger sister rest. Luna then manipulated some vines and made a nice cool blanket for nichole nodding to herself.

Rowanna sat up again, pushing her back against the tree. She thought a while, unsure of what she wanted to talk about. She had already met so many people with interesting abilities, she wasn't sure what to say about any of it. The Academy had a large amount of people who were all unique in there own way. Rowanna had a severe craving to transform and test her healing abilities. However, she knew that things were not completely restored yet. Her ribs and shoulder was still sore, it still slightly hurt to breath, and she had a raging head, most likely from a concussion. Just as Rowanna was about to respond to Luna, she looked across the garden and saw the man who had been watching the spar between Akio and her earlier. "Hey Luna, look who it is," she said, nodding in his direction.

@twilight sparkle @Seraph

Mira Teller


Mira thought she heard something just as the book shadowed the bug, but she slammed it down anyway. She then tossed the book aside and lay back down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She considered just staying here and not going back to the Academy but she knew that she was already enrolled and had to go back, but she would stay here for a few moments first.

"Don't acknowledge him." Luna said as she drank a bottle of water. "People like him get on my bad side pretty quickly." She said. It seemed the three of them all have past relationships with guys they would rather forget. Luna relaxed for a bit through mediation vines raising from the ground swaying delicately in a breeze beautiful flowers blooming on them.

Rowanna looked at him, her curiosity getting the better of her. She stood up and stretched a bit before looking back at Luna. "I think I'm going to go talk to him. Who knows, maybe I'll get into another sparring match on the first day," she said with a light laugh and a shrug. Waving to Luna and Nichole, Rowanna crossed the garden to where he stood. She crossed her arms over her chest, and tilted her head slightly. "I saw you watching my sparring match earlier. Learn anything?" Rowanna asked in a sarcastic yet playful tone.

@twilight sparkle @Seraph
As Adole was looking at some of the flowers he looked at the girl who had been sparring earlier and felt his throat start to choke up. Then he made sure his hair was okay quickly and adjusted his shirt after which he cleared his throat preparing to speak. He spoke with a certain eloquence and sophistication, "I...I umm yeah...well you see...I was just...you know walking...down the hallway. Like I do you know...then you were...and he was...but then you..." or maybe socially awkward and anxious would be better describers. As he spoke he was moving his hands all over rubbing the back of his neck and on his forearm and acting out her taking off some clothes. "But you were...fine...you know...then that guy just...bam...and then there was a cat and you know like meeeeoooowwww." His face showed several signs of being nervous and he made the cat claw with his hand then clearing his throat once more to finish. "I just learned that breaking bones is not the way to get a kiss from such a...specimen...dime...beut...effervescent wine...star...flower...dynamite gal such as...you know..." He said signaling all of her with both of his hands.
Luna simply gave rowanna a thumbs up for luck and picked up Nichole to take her inside. She  carried her sister into the building and headed to nichole's room to lay her down. Luna sighed hoping rowanna would at least mess up the guy's confidence or face. She laid Nichole down and tucked her in gently before walking out putting some spiky vines over the door for added protection. 

Rowanna watched as he straightened himself up, wondering why he would take the time to do that when they were just having a conversation. Then she realized why while listening to all his stuttering and rapid gestures. She made no move during his little speech, other than a smile when she thought he was calling her pretty. Though she wasn't exactly sure what all his words meant to be honest. As soon as he finished, she smiled and laughed, her ribs aching. "Ouch," Rowanna muttered cradling her side slightly before responding. "That was quite eloquent," she stated in a kind but teasing tone with a grin. "But that spar was about more than just a simple kiss. And that cat was me, well as a leopard anyway."  Rowanna put out a hand for him to shake, introducing herself. "I'm Rowanna, shapeshifter."


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