Rowanna frowned at Akio, her deep blue eyes darkening. She was fine enough to spar. It's not like Adole knew any martial arts skills that could kill her like Akio did. Or maybe he did... Either way, she was healed enough to fight. A little pain never bothered her, her entire ability was based on pain of broken bones and shifting body parts to transform into other animals. She was about to argue with Akio when Adole spoke up. Rowanna frown at him as well. She definitely wanted both boys to hold up their end of the bargain, though she wasn't really sure what the deciding call on her spar with Akio was. Rowanna turned back to Akio and met his gaze with one of her own. Seeing he was dead serious about his words, she sighed heavily, causing her to wince once again from the sharp pain in her ribs. "Fine. But don't think you're getting off easy, Adole. This spar will happen eventually," she said, shooting him a confident smirk. Rowanna turned, smiled softly at Akio and nodded her head, before continuing out into the hallway once again. "Well," she said to herself, "Now what am I going to do?"
Rowanna frowned at Akio, her deep blue eyes darkening. She was fine enough to spar. It's not like Adole knew any martial arts skills that could kill her like Akio did. Or maybe he did... Either way, she was healed enough to fight. A little pain never bothered her, her entire ability was based on pain of broken bones and shifting body parts to transform into other animals. She was about to argue with Akio when Adole spoke up. Rowanna frown at him as well. She definitely wanted both boys to hold up their end of the bargain, though she wasn't really sure what the deciding call on her spar with Akio was. Rowanna turned back to Akio and met his gaze with one of her own. Seeing he was dead serious about his words, she sighed heavily, causing her to wince once again from the sharp pain in her ribs. "Fine. But don't think you're getting off easy, Adole. This spar will happen eventually," she said, shooting him a confident smirk. Rowanna turned, smiled softly at Akio and nodded her head, before continuing out into the hallway once again. "Well," she said to herself, "Now what am I going to do?"

Akio nodded to Adole once, before turning around to follow Rowanna out of the room, looking at her with some disapproval. "I wish you would take better care of your body, you were badly hurt by me, there was no reason to pick another fight." He said with a bit of reproach in his.voice as they walked away from the gym. "As for what you do you should try and recover. Besides..." Akio said pausing, not sure how he wanted to say what was next.
Rowanna smiled at Akio as they walked down the hall together. It almost sounded as though he cared. But, Rowanna knew better than to comment and possibly upset him. She led them to the doors to the grounds again, opening it to stare out at the forest. Her whole body itched to transform and just run for hours. But she knew from trying in the clearing that she still wasn't 100% yet. So she responded to Akio, "I protect my friends first. Besides, it's really not that bad anymore. I've had plenty of time to heal, it's just the major things that are left." She let the door swing close again and turned back to him. "Besides what?"

"Thats fine...but nothing guarantees that I will want this spar later. So, you forfeit any chance of apology by 'running' away." Adole yelled down the hallway as they made their retreat. He sighed to himself and walked over to a bag cracking his neck. He threw several punches leisurely at it before growling to himself and stepping into a strait kick right at the middle of the bag as the bar holding the bag creaked.

Mira Teller


Mira crossed her arms at the boy, he was clearly confused on how they had gotten to her bedroom back at her house, he didnt seem to know that she could teleport yet but he would soon find out. Mira stepped down from the bed and walked over to the boy, grabbing his hand in her own. "Hold tight and dont let go" She said before they dissapeared from the bedroom and reappeared in the Dinner hall back at the Academy. Mira had forgot to mention to the boy the sideaffects of first time teleporting. He probably either felt sick or had butterflies in his stomach, afterall, teleporting that much matter in a split second is bound to make you feel strange if you arent used to it. Mira turned back to the boy "We're back" She said, grinning at him.

Nichole got dinner for her and Rowanna. She placed her plate of food on her dresser and waited for rowanna. Nichole had gotten rowanna some pasta with some tomato sauce and bread, and a glass of milk. She waited patiently for her to come back to the dorm as she ate her own pasta.


Luna walked back to her dorm and nodded to abigail sitting down with her burger. She began to eat her burger in thought and sipped a bit of her milkshake. Luna sighed and wondered what the classes would be like hoping Nichole wouldn't be stressed out with math.

Rowanna smiled at Akio as they walked down the hall together. It almost sounded as though he cared. But, Rowanna knew better than to comment and possibly upset him. She led them to the doors to the grounds again, opening it to stare out at the forest. Her whole body itched to transform and just run for hours. But she knew from trying in the clearing that she still wasn't 100% yet. So she responded to Akio, "I protect my friends first. Besides, it's really not that bad anymore. I've had plenty of time to heal, it's just the major things that are left." She let the door swing close again and turned back to him. "Besides what?"


Akio growled a bit, though not seemingly angry but more frustrated. "The spar earlier.. I went to far. It's for that reason I decided that I had lost, I should have not have hurt you." He said, his voice clear as always but there was no mistaking the slight awkwardness in his words, as if he was unused to apologizing. "So I will go apologize to Nichole, in cordinence with our bet." He said, finishing off his sentence and found himself slightly nervous, wondering if what he said was sufficient as an apology.
Rowanna turned looked at him, listening to his words carefully. A pretty smile graced her lips. Was he actually apologizing to her? This wasn't something she was expecting. But it made her happy. Was Rowanna actually making an impact? Was Akio finally starting to show his emotion to her? Rowanna took his hand in both of hers, continuing to smile. "That would be amazing. Thank you, Akio," Rowanna stated. "But, I also have to stay in concordance with our bet. I did, after all, lose the spar. You were amazing, you took me down. So, here's your prize." Rowanna stepped closer to Akio, placing one hand lightly on the nape of his neck. She closed her eyes and leaned in, kissing Akio softly.

The girl stepped down from the bed, apparently in response, and grabbed firmly onto his hand. Her warning was slightly concerning, to say the least.

"Wait, what are you goi--"

Yet again, the end of his sentence was cut off as he... well, he wasn't really so sure how to describe it. One second the two of them were in some little city bedroom, and the next, they just weren't. It was the most bizarre sensation - it was clear they had moved, and moved quite far, but it it didn't feel like they'd moved at all. Whatever it was, it'd sent both his head and spinning vigourously. Not pleasant all at.

Still sitting on the floor, Matt looked up at the girl. She was just grinning at him, probably expecting him to be impressed. Which he was, of course.

"That was... wow. How did you...? Wow. Um... thanks. Thank you."

He attempted to stand back up, but it took a moment as he tried to stop his stomach emptying itself. He looked at her again - it was nice to finally be at eye-level with her. Somewhat less scary.

"...Oh, I'm Matt, by the way."

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Rowanna turned looked at him, listening to his words carefully. A pretty smile graced her lips. Was he actually apologizing to her? This wasn't something she was expecting. But it made her happy. Was Rowanna actually making an impact? Was Akio finally starting to show his emotion to her? Rowanna took his hand in both of hers, continuing to smile. "That would be amazing. Thank you, Akio," Rowanna stated. "But, I also have to stay in concordance with our bet. I did, after all, lose the spar. You were amazing, you took me down. So, here's your prize." Rowanna stepped closer to Akio, placing one hand lightly on the nape of his neck. She closed her eyes and leaned in, kissing Akio softly.


When she took his hand in both of his for a moment he was confused. Then she said she would have to stay in cordinence of her bet as well and before he could say anything he felt her hand on his neck. He felt his heart beat faster and some shock run through him as she leaned past those last few inches. While he had never been close to the emotional aspect of a relationship he did enjoy the physical act of one more then once so when she kissed him he knew exactly how to react. He put one hand on her waist and one hand at the dip of her back he pulls her towards him and deepens the kiss, his lips moving with hers as he sought to part them, tasting her breath as he shows his experince in the kiss.
Rowanna was surprised when he pulled her closer, feeling her body pressed up against his. As for the kiss, she actually enjoyed it. What she expected to be little more than a friendly peck on the lips turned into something more. She felt his lips against hers, and for a moment she let herself kiss him back. Her lips parted for a moment, allowing him to kiss her more deeply. Both of her hands moved to either side of his face, caressing his cheeks gently. She was soft and careful, more emotional than just simply movement. Eventually Rowanna caught herself, realizing what she was doing. She pulled her lips away from his, skimming her hands down his neck to rest on his shoulders. She opened her deep blue eyes, and stared into his, speechless for a moment. Eventually she softly inhaled a shaky breath and said in an unsure tone, "Um...thank you."

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Mira Teller


Mira looked back at Matt who was clearly astounded by what she had just done "Im Mira and im a teleporter, it's nice to meet you" She explained while introducing herself. Mira had bearly felt a thing from teleporting as she was so used to it but Matt seemed to be a little shaky on his feet from the whole ordeal. She looked around the Dinner hall and spotted a few curious students looking at the pair as they had just suddenly appeared out of no where.

Rowanna was surprised when he pulled her closer, feeling her body pressed up against his. As for the kiss, she actually enjoyed it. What she expected to be little more than a friendly peck on the lips turned into something more. She felt his lips against hers, and for a moment she let herself kiss him back. Her lips parted for a moment, allowing him to kiss her more deeply. Both of her hands moved to either side of his face, caressing his cheeks gently. She was soft and careful, more emotional than just simply movement. Eventually Rowanna caught herself, realizing what she was doing. She pulled her lips away from his, skimming her hands down his neck to rest on his shoulders. She opened her deep blue eyes, and stared into his, speechless for a moment. Eventually she softly inhaled a shaky breath and said in an unsure tone, "Um...thank you."


Akio smiled a bit, seeming humored for a moment. "What are you thanking me for, that was just the bet." He said, his voice steady as he still had a hand around her waist and one resting on her back. With something almost like a grin he suddenly pulled her towards him again, a hand on the back of her of her head and kissed her again. Only it was different this time, more hungry tone to it. He all but carried her to the wall, using it as a prop to hold her against go kiss her. His hands were both hard and soft on her, one on her waist and one hand tangling in her hair as he showed Rowanna a little of his affection, kissing her with a passion and even roughness that had been missing in thier last kiss, parting her lips to taste her once again, his actions both hungry and even affectionate all at once.
Ah. A teleporter. That made sense. Well, as much sense as anything did in this place.

"Nice to meet you too. That's pretty cool. You've already seen what I can do, I guess."

As his head slowed it's spinning, he became quite aware that they were back in the dinner hall. Interesting that she'd chosen to take them back - did she know this is where she'd picked him up? Regardless, even at normal size, it was quite large, looking like it could comfortably hold a good portion of the academy's population. He knew this because it was actually kinda full now - they'd apparently been gone a bit longer than he'd thought, and it was now some kind of meal time. So there were quite a few people in here now. And some of them were... looking at him.

"Hey, uh, would you mind if I... got out of here? I mean... you can come with me if you like. Uh, that's not... y-you don't have to come if don't if you don't want, that's okay too! I just... I just need to leave, like, now. Thanks again."

He began walking out of the room, not sure if she would follow him or not. He didn't really know where was going, but he knew he couldn't stay in there with all those people watching him.

Rowanna smiled slightly awkwardly when he commented on her random thanks. It was mostly a thank you for agreeing that the bet was a draw. His smile was handsome, and Rowanna realized she hadn't really seen it before. He still held her close once she had pulled her lips from his, causing Rowanna to tilt her head slightly in curiosity. Before she had the chance to respond to him, he pulled her into another kiss. Her eyes widened in shock for a bit before closing them again and kissing him back.

With her hands still on his shoulders, she felt herself being lifted and pressed against a wall. Rowanna kissed him back hungrily, her conscious fading to the animal nature involved in her abilities. Her whole body felt warm, tingly, and suddenly she realized what was happening. She quickly removes her hands from him and pressed her palms against the wall, forcing herself to maintain her human form and conscious. 

Rowanna pulled away from him once again, breathing heavily. When she finally caught herself, she looked at him with a light rosy blush tinting her cheeks. "I'm sorry Akio, but I'm wild, an animal. My animal nature can be stronger than my human conscious at times. I'm afraid if this keeps happening, I won't be able to stop," she said softly, her voice shaky and unsure.

Akio relished in the kiss, giving into instinct and passion. He wasn't someone who was an emotional person but he still revealed in kissing her, more then willing to enjoy the physical aspect of it. Her touch, her lips, her soft body pressed against his all were driving his sense wild and fueling the kiss, his hands against her and the wall to steady himself, his hand wandering down her back till it was clutching her hips and soft skin.

When she broke the kiss suddenly he tilted his head I'm slight confusion, though he did enjoy her slight blush and heavy breathing, thinking with a bit of pride that he had been the one to do that to her. He listened to her explanation, his hand absentmindingly moving up her chest to play with a lock of her long hair, running it between his fingers. "I think we've already proven that I can handle your animal instinct." He said, his voice low and husky as he leaned close enough to her that she could feel his breath on her ear as he whispered to her. "And I don't want go stop." He said the ache in his voice real, even if fueled more by physical desire then anything else. "And I like kissing you. You can try and stop me if you really want to, otherwise, I'll take my chances." 

After he said this he leaned forward, their lips meeting again but this time only for a moment before he layer a kiss on the corner of her lips, then on her chin, then lower to her neck, leaving butterfly kisses all the way down her throat.
Rowanna blushed deeper, her breath catching in her throat. She looked down to where he absentmindedly played with her hair. His breath on her cheek and ear as he spoke caused a shiver to shoot down her spine. She closed her eyes momentarily, focusing on her breathing to prevent her from acting purely on her instinct. What her mind was telling her to do and what her body wanted to do were conflicting, and Rowanna wasn't sure which way this was going. Eventually, she gave into the animal nature, and again caressed his face gently. She brought his lips to her, kissing him deeply and hungrily, closing her eyes and giving in to the feeling of him.

When she started kissing him again he grinned a bit into the kiss, feeling triumphant as he pushed back to her, deepening the kiss for a moment. However he broke it quickly and glanced around the hallway. Here was a bad place to do what he wanted. Reaching down he quite litterly swept her off he feet, catching her behind her knees with his arms to get her into a princess carry. "Not here, to my room." He whispered to her, laying a kiss on her brow before rushing off to his area. (Fade to black)

(TIME SKIP! To the breakfast hall, perhaps all our characters could sit at the same table?)



Mira Teller


Mira walked down the busy hallways of the Academy, following the signs that were directing her to the breakfast hall. If only she knew what it looked like, then she could teleport there but unfortunately she didnt. She pushed her way through the flow of students until she came to a wide double door, with a large sign above it that read Breakfast Hall Mira smiled before pushing the doors open and entering the huge hall. It looked very similar to a school canteen with countless large tables spread around the room and a frontal area where you recieved your food. Mira teleported to the back of the line and waited as the line slowly progressed.


After picking her food, Mira made her way to an empty table. She had no real friends yet so she didnt feel comfortable sitting with strangers but she secretly hoped someone would come and sit next to her, perhaps the boy from yesterday would see her? Mira looked around hopefully for him but to no avail. She picked up her hashbrown and bit into it as she propped her head up on her hand.


Silva O'Connor



What her outfit looks like

The girl ran a hand through her hair as she walked around her room ml trying to wake up. She wasn't really a morning person, and really just wanted to go back to sleep, but food. She did want food. So Silva was trying to wake up before she got dressed. Her soft, pink, silky night gown swayed as she walked around, and it tool a good few mi u tes before she actually felt awake enough to get ready.

From her closet, she pulled out a strapless white and teal dress, a pale cream colored blazer, and a nice pair of three inched heels. If need be she'd change later, but she always liked looking pretty. After getting dressed, putting her locket on, and brushing her hair and teeth; Silva left her dorm, and nd nd started making her way to the Breakfast hall. 

It took her a few minutes of wandering around to actually find the breakfast hall, and once she did, eagerly got food. But now what? She didn't want to sit at a table with a lot of people, but she didn't want to sit by herself. Then, her fears were solved when she saw a girl sitting by herself. With a soft smile, Silva went and sat down across from her. "Good morning, hope you don't mind me sitting here. Everywhere else has a lot of people." @SuperSpice
Julian entered the breakfast hall, drinking in the details of the room. He was grateful for the signs that had been set up, as knowing him, it would have taken quite a while to find the hall otherwise. The room was large and spacious, but currently packed full of people. The line for food was pretty long, but moved quickly, and Julian loaded his plate up with toast and eggs. Looking for a place to sit, he saw several mostly full tables, and one with only two people sitting at it. Julian was more comfortable at a mostly empty table than one full of strangers, so he went and sat next to the two girls. "Hey, you guys mind if I sit here?"
Matt opened his eyes, and rolled out his makeshift bed onto the hardwood floor. He groaned. He'd never made it back to his room last night, instead opting to sleep out in one of the hallways. Sure beat walking all the way back, up all those stairs, and it's not it really mattered where he slept at this size. One of the few advantages of his powers.

In any case, he'd been woken up by the sound of people walking past. All in the same direction. Interesting. He also became aware that he was pretty hungry - he never did get that food he was after yesterday. He checked the time. 9:30. If he was remembering correctly, they should be serving breakfast around about now. Which, now that he thought about it, was probably where all those people were going. How convenient.

Waiting until there was no-one around to see him do it, he swooshed back to normal size. Quick inventory check. His bag was still in his room, so that wasn't a problem. The bed he'd made was just a bit of fabric rolled up, so he didn't need to take that with him. Both his phones were in his pockets. Clothes... yeesh. He'd been wearing them since yesterday morning, having slept in them overnight. It wasn't particularly a problem yet, but he felt he should change them when he got the chance - people might actually care about hygiene here. Food first, though.

He made his way down to the breakfast hall, which he'd noticed last night. There were a lot of people here already, but after yesterday's events, he didn't really want to use his... usual methods of getting food. Instead, he opted to do things the ordinary way, queuing up in the line that had formed. A few minutes later, he'd picked out what he'd wanted - cheese on toast, deliberately avoiding any sugary foods - and was wandering around, looking for a place to sit.

Thankfully, it didn't take too long to find the right place. After a few moments of increasingly frantic looking, he spotted a table with two girls sitting on it that he already knew. He weaved his way through the crowds of people, making his way to them. He delicately placed his tray down on the table, and deftly slid into the seat next to Silva, trying to disturb them both as little as possible.

"Um... hi, guys."

@SuperSpice @FireMaiden

It wasn't until after he'd sat down that he noticed the boy sitting across from him. He recognised him somehow, but he was pretty sure he hadn't talked to him yet.

"Hey... I don't think we've met yet. I'm, uh, Matt..."

@King in Yellow
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Silva O'Connor

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Silva had started eating, enjoying the breakfast when Julian and Matt joined her and the other girl. "Morning Matt, and yeah, you guys can sit here!" She said with a cheerful smile. She took a another bite of her food, before looking at Julian. "I'm Silva, nice to meet you," She introduced herself, with another bright smile. (Sorry it's short.)

@SuperSpice @King in Yellow @WhipDing
"I'm Julian. I guess I should have started with that," he added, considering that he didn't know anyone here. He his seat, murmuring gratitude. He wasn't entirely sure what to say next. He'd be content to eat in silence, but he felt obligated to at least attempt conversation. He took a bite of his toast. "Food's good, huh?"

(TIME SKIP! To the breakfast hall, perhaps all our characters could sit at the same table?)



Mira Teller


Mira walked down the busy hallways of the Academy, following the signs that were directing her to the breakfast hall. If only she knew what it looked like, then she could teleport there but unfortunately she didnt. She pushed her way through the flow of students until she came to a wide double door, with a large sign above it that read Breakfast Hall Mira smiled before pushing the doors open and entering the huge hall. It looked very similar to a school canteen with countless large tables spread around the room and a frontal area where you recieved your food. Mira teleported to the back of the line and waited as the line slowly progressed.


After picking her food, Mira made her way to an empty table. She had no real friends yet so she didnt feel comfortable sitting with strangers but she secretly hoped someone would come and sit next to her, perhaps the boy from yesterday would see her? Mira looked around hopefully for him but to no avail. She picked up her hashbrown and bit into it as she propped her head up on her hand.


Nichole yawned softly and rubbed her eyes before going to shower. She hoped rowanna was ok, she never came back to their room.  Nichole finished her shower and got dressed in some jeans and a navy blue shirt with white anchors. She grabbed her backpack and threw away their trash before making her way to the cafeteria.

Luna yawned softly and stretched. She watered and fed her flowers before going to shower. Afterwards she got dressed in a white tan top, tan jacket, jeans and boots.  She met up with her sister and they walked to the cafeteria. Nichole grabbed a large blueberry muffin and a stawberry banana smoothie. Luna got pancakes, bacon, eggs and some orange juice. They saw all the other tables were full but one and slowly walked over asking to sit down.

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