"Um... yeah, it's good."

Matt very clearly hadn't actually touched his food yet. He picked up a fork, and just kind of... looked at it. As silly as it sounded, he hadn't actually eaten food that was at the same scale as him for a very long time, let alone with cutlery. It was just weird now. He poked a piece of toast with the end of the fork, seeing how much it would take to pierce it, Too weird.

The good news was that he was somewhat prepared for this. He pulled out the extra phone he'd been carrying around in his pocket, and placed it on the table next to his plate, and turned the speaker on. Should be easier than texting. He placed his foot up on the table, and shrunk as he stepped up, being light enough to throw himself onto his plate by the time he was fully stood up.

This was much more comfortable. He walked between the two pieces of toast, looking at the molten cheese flowing down into the gap. There was a lot of food here, but he was pretty hungry. He reached into the waterfall and pulled out a chunk of malleable, gooey cheese, and ripped out a chunk of toast from nearby. It looked way more delicious like this. He stuffed the whole wad into his mouth. Tasted more delicious too.

He was dimly aware of the two new arrivals to the table, one of which he recognised from earlier. He pulled out his phone, and dialed the phone he'd left on the tray earlier. It answered itself within a few seconds, just like he'd intended. Perfect. He talked into his phone:

"Yeah, it's definitely pretty good! Oh, um... hi, Luna."

@King in Yellow @twilight sparkle @FireMaiden @SuperSpice
Nichole blinked in confusion looking around. She then slowly sat down and bit into her large muffin quickly catching the crumbs her stuffed animals in her lap. Her chocolate brown eyes looked around at all the new faces and gave a shy wave.

Luna said"hey matt, how are you this morning?" Sitting by her sister and cut into her pancakes. She smiled snd sipped her juice before taking a bite of her blueberry pancakes shivering  in delight. Nichole  continued eating her muffin staying quiet not really wanting to speak fearing she would mess up.
Matt felt the table shake slightly as the two girls sat down. This place was filling up pretty quickly. He took a moment to swallow his current mouthful before replying.

"...Um, yeah. I'm good."

He continued to burrow into the side of the piece of toast, dragging the now more solid cheese with him. It was naturally quite hot in here, with both foods radiating quite a bit of heat. Even so, he dug his way deeper and deeper. This toast wasn't going to eat itself.

It took him a few moments to notice that no-one had spoken for a while. He poked his head out of his little toast cave he'd carved and sure enough, everyone was silent, presumably just eating. When he thought about it, it kinda made sense - not everyone knew each other here, and even those who did had only known each other for a day at most. Although it wasn't really bothering him - he was kinda cutting himself off from the outside world a little bit - he felt the need to break the silence. He pulled out his phone and spoke into it once more.

"So, uh... what're you guys doing after this then? We've got, um, classes or something, right?", he asked to no-one in particular.

It wasn't the best conversation starter, but it was better than nothing.
Rowanna hurried down the hall, her stomach growling loudly. She hadn't eaten since the food Nichole brought her yesterday, and she was extremely hungry. Being able to turn into so many different animals was amazing, yes, but it caused her metabolism to run a lot faster as well. Rowanna had to eat a lot more in order to keep up with her body. "Come on, Akio, I want breakfast," she said, stopping to turn around and face him. Without waiting on him, she turned around again and hurried towards the mess hall, pulling her long brunette hair into a messy braid over her right shoulder. She was really excited to start actual classes today, even more excited to finally start working on herself and her powers. Maybe she could figure out a way to control them better.

Rowanna pushed through the doors into the mess hall, the smells of wonderful breakfast foods filling the air. She hurried to the line, and stood there, waiting just a moment before filling her plate with beautiful fruits, yogurt, waffles, avocado toast, and a little bit of a veggie omelet. Smiling and inhaling the scent of beautiful food, Rowanna turned with her tray and moved to the side, waiting for Akio to join her. She was dressed in a very simple outfit for the first day. She had put on a pair of simple denim skinny jeans, her combat boots, a white t-shirt that was slightly too big for her, and Akio's jacket. She smiled as she waited for him, scanning the room for friends when she saw Nichole sitting with a small group of people not too far away.

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Akio couldn't help but be fairly pleased with himself today. Last night he certainly hadn't gotten any sleep but it had satisfied his physical urges, leaving a feeling of satisfaction surrounding him as he glanced at Rowanna. A wild girl indeed. They had both had some fun last night, fun that likely would continue. Stretching to loosen stiff muscles he followed Rowanna who's hair was in a messy braid, and also happened to be wearing his jacket due to an incident with her clothes the previous night. 

Without his Jacket seeing Akio was much clearer. Today he was wearing a black short sleeve shirt, revealing his powerful and scarred arms and a simple pair of jeans, forgoing any kind of overcoat that he had favored on his arrival due to Rowanna wearing his usual attire and him admitibly not having many choices for clothing, as he had only brought a small backpack for himself, since he was used to traveling light and most of his supplies provided on site by the head master. His black eyes clearly scanning the room, following Rowanna to the breakfast line, getting a simple meal for himself before meeting Rowanna and seeing where she was looking. "Shall we go over there, I still need to apologize." He prompted, trying to get her moving again.
Rowanna nodded, smiling at him in approval. She walked over to the table where Nichole and her sister Luna had sat. With them was a blonde girl that Rowanna had not met yet as well as the mini guy she recognized as the guy she had seen in the hallway soon after she arrived here. Rowanna sat down beside Nichole, smiling at her. "Hey, mind if we join you all for breakfast?" she asked the small group, and without waiting began eating her breakfast. The food was absolutely delicious, and overall, it was a wonderful morning. Usually she would have been up hours ago, using the time to fly above and survey the land. But she was to exhausted for that today, as seen from the slight darkening below her eyes. "So what class are you all excited for the most? I can't wait for the physical education and fighting techniques and such," Rowanna stated.

Silva O'Connor


Silva sat quietly, listening to the conversations around her. The table which once just had her and the other girl at it, was now quiet full. Occasionally she'd glance around at the others, most of whom she didn't recognize. She felt a little over whelmed, the air around her would probably feel a bit a bit like static. But she didn't notice, and continued to eat in silence. 

She ran around had through her hair, her bright blue eyes now taken in everyone's face for sheild hot amounts of time. She had just looked at the blonde around cross form her, when sheild hortera heard Matt's question. "I think we do have classes after this." @WhipDing
Adole awoke in his bed with a bit of stiffness in his neck and a mild headache as he had spent his entire night thinking over all of the things that happened yesterday. He stood up from bed putting on a pair of jeans that had frays around the knees and another deep v-neck tank top with a hood that was a natural brown. Walking to the sink he styled his hair with a paste, washed his face with a scrub and spritzed on some cologne after brushing his teeth. The first thing after that was to pack his bag for classes and go to the cafe for breakfast. Once arriving he filled a bowl with some oatmeal topping it with brown sugar and honey then proceeding to look for a spot to sit. Adole did his best not to make eye contact with anyone and instead focusing on the bowl in his hands and where he was walking. As he was walking however, he noticed the girl from yesterday that had hit him with a giant ball of ice and decided the best way to handle this situation was to just apol...apol...apologize. Ugh, he hated the very thought of the word and pushed himself to do it anyways so as he walked past he spoke up to say, "I'm sorry how I treated you yesterday. It was wrong and I shouldn't have done it. Have a nice rest of your day." Then walking to the other end of the table away from them.


Mira Teller


Mira looked from Julian to Matt and then to Silva as they started talking "Im Mira" She chipped in as they spoke. Then they started talking about classes and Mira remembered that they did in fact have a class after breakfast "I think we have..." Mira started trying to remember what their first class was for the day " Physical Education and Power Training... in the gymnasium" She finished remembering the class.

@WhipDing @FireMaiden @King in Yellow
Matt burrowed through his piece of toast diligently, making his way through surprisingly quickly. He unexpectedly popped out the other side, the sudden light blinding him. This was enough to knock him off balance, falling off the edge of his plate onto the table below. He took a moment to pick himself up and looked up at from where he'd come. Yeah, there was no way he was getting back up that way - the plate edge was far too steep to climb.

"Physical Education? That doesn't sound... fun."

The table shook again as yet more people joined them. He walked along through the middle of the table, attempting to get round to the other side of his plate. passing by both Julian's and Mira's plates. He continued walking, and soon passed by SIlva's plate. She seemed... uncomfortable. She was looking around the table, eyes darting from person to person, saying very little. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but even the air around her just seemed wrong.

Oh well, nothing he could do. He continued on his path, making his way to the fork he'd left propped up against his tray. He should be able to climb up that, at least.

@FireMaiden @SuperSpice @King in Yellow
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Nichole blinked in confusion looking at the passing guy and slowly nibbled on her blueberry muffin.  "I-i'm excited for English.." she said softly her chocolate brown eyes looking at the table. Nichole continued to eat and shrunk in her seat seeing akio  sipping her smoothie about to make her escape. All these strangers scared her a bit.

Luna finished her pancakes bacon and eggs. 'I'm excited for English as well." She said before drinking her juice. Luna sighed softly patting Nichole telling her to stay seated.

Matt placed both his hands on the fork, and began to clamber up it. Both his experience and his lack of weight made this pretty easy, letting him move quickly upwards despite how smooth and slippery the surface was. He smiled. It was nice to be in his element again.

Unfortunately, his new-found comfort didn't last long. The table shook slightly for a moment, presumably as someone knocked up against it or something. It finished as soon as it began, but the damage was done. All the skill in the world wasn't going to let Matt keep a hold on to the fork - he soon found himself tumbling, rolling down the same slippery slope he'd just scaled. He continued to roll off the end of the fork, and straight off the edge of the table.

He plummeted downwards, narrowly missing the edge of his chair. Although it seemed like quite a ways to him, it didn't take long for him to hit the floor. Surprisingly, the impact was... quite soft. As if he'd landed in a beanbag. A wet beanbag. Hmm. He sat up, ready to get a bearing of his new surroundings. Well, he tried. His body seemed to be sticking to whatever he'd landed in, preventing from moving more than his head. He squirmed around for a moment, and managed to get himself upright enough to get a better look around.

Gum. He was stuck in a wad of chewed up, bright pink chewing gum. Just as he'd expected, but definitely not as he'd hoped. He could already feel the leftover sugar flowing into his body, inhibiting his powers - it'd be a while before he would be able to return to normal size, even if got out quick. As much as he didn't like to admit it, he needed help. He pulled out his phone, and... oh. It looked like the combination of the fall, and the saliva it was dripping in had messed it up, preventing it from even turning on. Yeah, this was bad.

He looked to left, and saw the towering black heels of SIlva, the closest of which was clicking as it tapped the ground repeatedly. He looked over to his right, and saw a pair of shoes, extending up into a pair of jeans, which were currently swung underneath their chair, as if their owner was preparing to leave. He followed them up, and saw they belonged to Luna's... sister? Pretty sure that's who she was. Regardless, both girls were pretty far away from his perspective, even if much closer than the people on the other side of the table. All he could do was hope one of them had noticed his predicament - if not, the gum was the least of his problems. He could potentially be stuck at this size for hours, and he was currently in a room of people who would be leaving far sooner than that.

@FireMaiden @twilight sparkle
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Silva O'Connor


Lucky for Matt, Silva noticed after a few minutes. She had actually was looking where she thought he was cause she wanted to say something, but noticed he wasn't there. She suddenly felt like how her tall friends felt, as she was suddenly looking for Matt. And when she found him, she started to laugh. "You stuck?" She asked, looking down at him. @WhipDing
Nichole blinked and looked down seeing something in a wad of chewed up gum. She used her water to get it unstuck lifting it back to the table. "A-are you ok?" Nichole asked softly placing him down gently. She gave silva a soft wave giving matt to her. Nichole then excused herself to go to the garden for a quick breather not used to so many people around her. She nearly ran for the garden with her breakfast and sat under a tree with a small sigh.
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Matt looked up at Silva, crossing his arms indignantly. He opened his mouth to reply, as futile as it was, but was interrupted by a wave of water that flooded over him. He coughed and spluttered for a moment, flailing his arms around as he tried to keep it out of his eyes and mouth. By the time he recovered, he found himself in the hands of the girl who'd been sitting next to him, thankfully separated from his gummy prison. Her eyes were wide open, presumably in surprise, as she asked if he was okay. Even this close to her face, there was no way she'd hear his answer, so he just gave her an emphatic thumbs-up.

The girl dropped him into Silva's hands, and then left the table quite promptly. Huh. Weird. Anyway, Silva still seemed to find the whole situation quite amusing, her trademark smile still across her face. Her hand twitched slightly every now and then, knocking him off balance a little, although she was presumably unaware that she was causing it. Most people didn't notice those kind of tiny movements, even though they were making them all the time. Regardless, he opted to sit down in her palm, seeing as standing up was kinda tiring. Now, this was slightly problematic. He knew he was stuck at this size for a while, but with his phone being bust, he didn't have a good way of telling her without his phone. And the last thing he needed was for her to leave him here, stuck at a quarter of an inch tall.

He shook himself off. The water had done the trick, removing the gum that had been clinging to his skin earlier, but it's heritage still remained. He was still slightly sticky all over, and he smelled quite strongly of strawberries. Heck, he probably tasted like strawberries at this point. Anyway, he knew for now he needed to stick with Silva, whether she understood his problem or not, or at least someone who knew he was there - it was far to dangerous to travel alone in such a crowded area, and the events of yesterday made him wary of catching a ride from a random stranger. This was going to be an interesting first day.

@twilight sparkle @FireMaiden
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Silva O'Connor

Silva thought it was weird that he hadn't changed back yet, and gave him a look of concern, but her eyebrow was slightly raised. She sat him down in the table, moving her plate back a little, before she spoke to him. "You stuck or just don't wanna chnage back?" She asked in a joking matter, not knowing she was right about him being stuck. Also, still not noticing the static feeling in the air around her. 

She was leaning on her elbows, which were now on the table, but not in Matt's way, should he choose to leave or something like that. Every so often, the girl would glance at the others, before back down at Matt, waiting for his answer. She assumed he just wanted to stay tiny for a while, but was starting to wonder if that was a good idea. @WhipDing
Matt looked around him, desperately trying to find something that he could use to communicate. She was seemed to be half-joking when she asked the question, but no doubt his silence said something in of itself. There was nothing obvious around, and Silva seemed busy still paying half-attention to the rest of the group, so he stood up to see if he could find anything better on the table. He walked around to the other side of Silva's plate, and spotted exactly what he was looking for - right across the table, there was a little bit of ketchup dripping from Mira's plate.

It was only when he walked over that he noticed that something was peculiar. He'd been too distracted to notice it before, but now that he was away from her, he realized the bizarre feeling in the air from before was still hovering around Silva. He stuck his hands into the glob of ketchup, trying to scoop up as much as he could. Maybe it was something to do with her powers? Maybe it always surrounded her, and he'd just never noticed it before?

In any case, he had other problems to deal with. He cradled the ketchup, and carried it back to Silva, dropping tiny little blobs along the way. As he got closer, he once again felt... tingly? It was kinda hard to describe. In any case, it seemed to be getting more and more intense. He dropped the ketchup onto the ground, and started using his fists to smear out a message, each letter as large as himself:


Out of ketchup. Well, that should be good enough to get the message across. Still, he was quite concerned about the now increasingly intense tingling sensation. He'd tell her that too, but he needed a break to recover from carrying the sauce over, so he wasn't in a hurry to get any more. Instead, he simply back down, waiting for her to look back at him.

Silva O'Connor

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She watched Matt walk over across the table, get some ketchup, then come back and write a message. "Oh, well, that makes sense. You can stick with me if you want to. Since you're all tiny an stuff," She said with an polite smile. She had just began to notice the static air around her. This made her chuckle nervously, "Assuming you can feel the static in the air, don't worry, it happens sometimes when I'm a bit uncomfortable." @WhipDing
To be honest, he was quite worried. He'd already been the receiving end of her powers the first time they'd met, and it wasn't an experience he wanted to repeat. But, if she said it was nothing to worry about, then he trusted her on that. He'd probably be with her for at least the next few hours, so it's not like he had much choice. Turned out he was right about her being uncomfortable, though. It seemed to be a thing for her - she'd seemed similarly out of depth in the crowds yesterday.

His thoughts turned back to the girl who had scooped him up earlier. He hadn't caught it at the time, but in hindsight she'd seemed quite distressed. She'd sure left in a hurry anyway. Someone should probably check up on her - he'd do it himself, but he was obviously slightly indisposed at the moment. 

He looked out around the table, absent-mindedly munching on the crumbs sitting around him, presumably left by Silva earlier. It was quite a group of people they'd amassed, some of who he recognised, but many of which he didn't. Akio had joined them during his little incident, bringing with him a girl who seemed vaguely familiar, even though he didn't recognise her. There was also a new boy that he didn't recognise at all, sitting alone off at the very end of the table.

He briefly considered having a wander around, but decided against it - he didn't have a good way of communicating, and if he got separated from Silva he'd be in big trouble, to say the least. So instead he opted to clean himself off,  using a tiny puddle of water that would have been barely noticeable to anyone else. He doubted he'd be able to get the strawberry gum smell to move anytime soon, but at the very least he could get the last bits of this ketchup off his hands.

@FireMaiden + everyone else
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Rowanna watched Nichole leave, unsure of what was wrong. She turned to Luna with a questioning gaze. Then she realized that Akio had sat beside her and that, combined with the plethora of people, spooked Nichole. Rowanna ate her food in slight silence, wondering if she should follow after Nichole or not. Deciding it was in her best interest to do so, Rowanna stood from the table and follow Nichole's trail out to the garden. "What are you doing out here all by yourself? Didn't you enjoy breakfast at all?" Rowanna asked, sitting down next to Nichole underneath the tree. She tilted her face to the sunshine and closed her eyes, loving the warm feeling.

@twilight sparkle
."I-I don't like being around so many people..." Nichole said softly hugging her knees to her chest as she bit into her muffin almost finished with it before sipping her smoothie. She wasn't much of a people person, she liked animals and being around books and anime more. Nichole sighed softly and messed around with her water a bit. "S-sorry for leaving."

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Rowanna smiled at Nichole shrugging her shoulder. "Honestly, it's no big deal at all. I was just worried about you," she answered, twirling her hair around her finger as she said it. It was one of her random quirks. Rowanna sat next to Nichole in silence for a moment, letting her finish her breakfast. The birds were chirping out in the forest, Rowanna could discern a few different kinds. A northern cardinal, a blue jay, some sort of woodpecker. Then a thought struck her and Rowanna sat up quickly. "Nichole, what's your favorite animal?"

@twilight sparkle
"M-My favorite wold animal besides a dolphin is a cheetah." Nichole said softly and finished her strawberry banana smoothie. "W-why do you ask?" She said confused before blinking when a blue Jay flew down seeing the crumbs of her muffin. It began to peck at the crumbs and flew off with one.

Rowanna smiled and stood up. She stretched out her shoulders and inhaled deeply. Everything was in working order again, and she happily walked a little bit away from Nichole over by the fountain. She closed her eyes and envisioned her cheetah form. A cheetah sprinting through the Savannah in all its power and glory. She heard the soft cracking and shifting of bone but ignored it, still envisioning the animal. When Rowanna reopened her eyes, they were the same deep ocean blue. However, everything else had changed. Her fur was a pretty golden beige with deep black spots. The iconic black tear marks slid down on either side of her nose. Rowanna flicked her tail and walked on four paws back over to Nichole. She laid down next to Nichole, resting her head on Nichole's leg.
Nichole blinked and lightly began to pet her never having seen a cheetah in real life or being able to get this close before. She continued petting her gently and relaxed some sof you smiling. "T-thank you rowanna, you didn't have to." Nichole said softly as she gently hugged her before blinking when she heard a crack. "A-are you ok rowanna?" She asked concerned 

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