Silva O'Connor

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Seeing how he seemed to understand this, Silva sighed with relief. She was always quite worried about her powers, since she had nowhere near the control over them as she should. Most people with power, have a dent control over the by her age, that control only needing to be refined. But her....she didn't deny the fact she needed help. Electricity was pretty hard to control, and then there was the fact she could turn into electricity,  and literal lighting body. 

The lighting body was cool and all, but terrifying. It was hard to do, since it took a massive amount of energy, and most of the time, left her vanurable afterwards. She normally had to be carried for a while, and sometimes, it would knock her out for a solid 6 hours. No matter how long she used it, this was always a problem. Her eyes fell to watch Matt again, after she was out led out of her thoughts. But her put her hands in her lap. There was a small, electrical crackling sound, as Silva played with a pretty small electrical current. It eased the tingling under her skin, and the static in the air, and she was careful not to zap anyone. @WhipDing
Rowanna nodded as best she could, closing her eyes in the process. Her powerful jaws split in a large yawn, showing the impressive set of carnivorous teeth. She was entirely exhausted, in all of her forms. Rowanna's tail flipped slightly back and force at a slow interval. This was a signal she was content. Her cheetah form wasn't one she used very often. The memory of how she got this form was not one she enjoyed let alone want to remember. But, she enjoyed making other people happy, and seeing Nichole's face after seeing a cheetah in real life for the first time was worth it. 

@twilight sparkle
Nichole continued to gently pet rowanna beginning to relax as she gently hugged her. She then closed her eyes and sighed softly content. Her stuffed animals still by her side. Nichole blinked hearing a small yip from somewhere.

(Puppy X3)
Akio watched Nichole and Rowanna talk from a bit afar, a bit uncomfortable as he started to decide what he was gonna say. Despite admitting he lost he still had never really apologized before except to his father when he was really young when he thought he had done something wrong to get beaten the way he did. So naturally he had not apologized in some time. Eventually he set his jaw, walking forward to alert them to his presence. 

"Good evening." He said with a calm look as he looked to Nichole. "Nichole I wanted to apologize." He said swiftly, as if trying to talk quickly. "Earlier I was shown the error of my ways and even if I was trying to make a point it was wrong to kiss you, so I wanted to apologize." He said, actually blushing blushing bit unsure if he did it correctly.
Rowanna lifted her head when she felt another presence. Scenting the air, she knew it was Akio. She could tell how uncomfortable he was by how he walked over to them, so she gave him a nod of encouragement, hoping it translated from cheetah to human body language. Rowanna couldn't help but think he looked adorable as he blushed. She smiled internally, and changed her deep blue gaze from Akio over to Nichole, wondering what her response would be.

@Akio @twilight sparkle
"A-akio it's morning actually...i-I forgive you. Please just don't do it again ok?" Nichole said softly hugging her stuffed animals for protection. She then heard the yip again and softly excused herself going to follow the sound. Nichole came upon a small puppy and gently picked him up. She wrapped him in her hoodie and rushed back to rowanna the look on her face said 'can I keep him?!'

 @Eternal-Weekend @Akio
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Rowanna looked at the dog for a moment, deciding her cheetah form was definitely not as cute as that dog. She began to transform back into her human form, her bones cracking and moving to create her beautiful human figure once again. She stuck her hands in the pockets of Akio's jacket and leaned down to inspect the puppy. She pet it on the head and smiled. "He's cute, Nichole. What are you going to name him?"
Nichole hugged the puppy gently and giggled as he licked her cheek. "I think I'll name him kai." She said softly and petted him. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna get some food from the cafeteria. Thank you!" Nichole said as they could see a personality change when she was around animals. She hugged the two and jogged inside with kai and her stuffed animals.
Rowanna smiled, watching Nichole hurry off into the building excitedly. Of course she couldn't say no to a puppy, she is an animal lover after all. Rowanna turned back to Akio, leaning against the tree with her arms crossed over her chest. "Thank you for apologizing to Nichole. I know that took a lot out of you to do, but I really appreciate it," Rowanna said to him, a pretty smile on her lips. She leaned forward a bit to kiss him on the cheek to show her appreciation. "So, ready for combat class? I heard it was our first class of the day."

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Matt wiped the last of the ketchup off his hands. He'd need a shower to get the strawberry smell out, but at least the general stickiness was gone. That'd have to wait until he was full size again, unless he could make it back to his room. Which really wasn't worth it right now.

He felt Silva shift behind him, sliding her elbows off the table. It was a good thing he was sitting down, otherwise the slight shake it caused probably would have been enough to knock him over. Still, he was somewhat curious what she was doing. He didn't to wait long - he immediately felt the tingling sensation subside, the air returning to be as almost as still as before. Huh.

He then became aware of a low crackling sound, as if a plug was constantly short-circuiting. Unlike the static from earlier, however, this wasn't particular threatening. Instead, it seemed more controlled, more localised. He couldn't see the source from here, though - it seemed to be coming from underneath the table.

He stood, and sauntered over to the very edge, leaning over to look down into Silva's lap. Her hands were a good foot apart, but her fingers were constantly moving, expertly manipulating a constant stream of electricity. It was like a minuture, persistant lightning bolt, that flickered around semi-randomly. Raw power, but controlled enough that he couldn't even feel it from here. It was quite impressive, really.

Silva O'Connor

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She was smiling as she played with, what was basically a small lighting bolt. After a few minutes, the bolt flared a little, before making an odd zapping type sound, and dissappearing with an static crack. She flexed her hands a few times, before popping her knuckles, which is what she did after every time she did something like that. Then, she grabbed something from her plate that she hadn't eaten yet, and began to munch on it. This was before she noticed where Matt was, and when she did notice, she smiled at him. 

"Pretty cool huh? Uh cooler than shocking people," She giggled. "I can manipulate and generate Electricity. I use to he careful though, cause I don't really have much control over it. As you've noticed I guess," She said this, before finishing the toast, and then continued. "I can also turn my body into lighting. I can't really get hurt by psychical attacks, and it's an easy distraction, but I don't do that often. Water hurts me when I'm like that, and it's takes a butt load of energy, so I'm usually down after I use it. But I can use for after long time." @WhipDing
Matt winced as the toast passed over his head, crumbs raining down on him. He was knocked off balance, but managed to recover it before falling off the edge of the table again. It wasn't exactly a dangerous fall - he would have just landed on Silva's lap - but with her not paying attention to him, and playing with electricity, it wasn't exactly safe either. So he was glad he didn't.

She eventually noticed him (and was quite amused, as usual) and started explaining her powers. He already had the whole electricity manipulation thing figured out, but the lightning body was new. It was quite terrifying actually - he wondered what she'd even been able to use it for in the past. Nothing safe, that much was clear.

He briefly considering explaining his own powers, but it probably wasn't worth it. It would be kinda difficult right now, and she'd essentially seen everything he could do first-hand. Well, except one thing. But that'd have to wait until later. Instead, he picked up one of the crumbs she'd just dropped on him, and started munching on it himself.

Silva O'Connor

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She was pretty clueless what it came to the crumbs she had accidentally dropped on Matt, so she didn't actually apologize. She flexed her hands again, the tingling feeling still dissappearing,  since she ignored it for so long, it would take a few minutes. Anyway, she dusted crumbs off her hands, off to the side so she wouldn't accidentally do anything to him, before she put her hand back in her lap. @WhipDing
Matt finished up the last of the crumbs, brushing bits of it out his hair. He was pretty much full now - he needed more food when he was this size, but everything was bigger, so it kind of evened out. Still, the food he'd had was kinda dry - it had made him pretty thirsty.

He looked around for something to drink. The drop of water he'd found earlier wasn't really ideal, seeing as he'd just washed himself in it. There was a glass of orange juice off a ways, which presumably belonged to Silva, but the sides were too steep and slippery for him to scale. Luckily, it looked like a little had been spilled earlier, creating a sizeable pool on the table.

He walked over to it, away from the edge of the table, and began cupping the liquid with his hands into his mouth. It was pretty tangy and sour, but it was good enough for him. He got down on his knees and continued to drink.

Luna blinked when she heard a small yip coming from nichole. She sighed and had a soft smile before trying to figure out who to interact with at the table. "Julian how was your first night here in your dorm?' Luna asked him after finishing her meal. She hoped the English teacher had a lot of poetry books or Shakespeare to read.

@King in Yellow

Nichole hummed as she got kai some meat and some fruit that he could eat then grabbed a bowl for water. She tried to keep her new furry friend quiet so they wouldn't get found out as she quickly made her way out again.

(Open for interaction)
Silva O'Connor

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The girl had zoned out for a few minutes, before focusing again, only to not see Matt where he was. She scanned the table, wondering if he had fallen off again, but then saw over near some spilt orange juice. This made her giggle a littke, once she saw what he was doing. Sure, her constantly being amused by his activities when he was tiny seemed rude, but she didn't mean it like that. She found it adorable, and kinda funny that when she finally met someone shorter than her, they were less than an inch tall. @WhipDing
Matt continued to slurp up the split orange juice for a while, until his thirst was satisfied. He took a moment to wipe his mouth, before standing back up. He briefly noticed the girl from earlier, who reappeared for a moment, before disappearing again. Weird. She looked less distressed, at least. He looked around at everyone else - they were all still either eating, or making polite conversation with each other. Except Silva, he soon noticed, who was looking straight at him instead, and giggling slightly.

He crossed his arms in mock indignation. He knew she found his current situation quite... amusing. He knew he probably should be annoyed, but he was really just pleased to have someone actually have his powers do something positive for once - how could he argue if it made someone happy? It was a nice change from using them for sneaking around, or keeping out of sight. And well, it was nice to noticed at all for once.

He picked up a piece of toast crust from earlier, and ran has hands over it, fashioning and compacting it into a rough pointy stick shape. He walked back over to the edge of the table in front of Silva and pointed it at her, waving it in a mockingly threatening manner.

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Silva O'Connor

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Silva had to make and actual mental effort not to laugh. "Oh yeah?" She managed, "What are you and your pointy to at going to do to me?" She asked, with a small snicker. This was a pretty funny thing to watch, and it reminded her of a couple different things she's watched. But the funniest part to her, was that he was in fact using a sharp crumb of toast. That's just not something that happens often. @WhipDing
Matt smirked back at her, twirling the stick around emphatically over his head. He then took a few steps back, trying to get a decent run-up, intending to launch the little breadstick up at her face - something he doubted she'd even feel, but it was the thought that counted. Body poised, he ran back up to the edge of the table, ready to javelin it across the gap over to her. As it turned out, it didn't work out that way. Instead, he lost his balance once again as he reached the edge, and half-stopping, half-trying to keep a hold of the stick, he finally slipped off the table.

He fell for a mere second before landing softly into the teal fabric of her dress, which actually bounced him back up a second time before he came to a stop. He stood up quickly, trying to salvage the situation, acting as if he'd intended to do that all along. He clambered over to where he presumed her leg was directly underneath the fabric, and took his stick into a dagger-like position. He slammed it down as hard as he could, trying to pierce through to the skin - of course, it didn't even make it through the dress. Instead, it crumbed and shattered to a million tiny bread pieces as soon as it impacted. He doubted she'd even felt that at all.

He once again rose his fist and shook it at her in a mock threatening manner, before a slight unconscious movement knocked him backwards onto his butt, simply sitting on top of her thigh. It was slightly embarrassing. but he reckoned she'd enjoy the display - and really, who cared if he lost a little dignity among friends?

Silva O'Connor

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Watched the whole display, her face only flushing a little. Mainly because it was the fact that there was a boy, who she still felt was older than her even though she hadn't asked, on her thigh. But she giggled when he tried to harm her leg with the crumb, which just broke into many smaller crumbs. She then watched him shale his fist at her, then fall on his butt. With made her giggle again, "See, I'm invisible!" She said with a close eyed smile. @WhipDing
Matt never even considered that the fact that he was standing on her was at all awkward - he'd spent so much time at this size over the past year, that physical contact like this didn't even register as contact. In his mind, it was no different from walking over a bridge, or standing on a boat. As such, he didn't even notice the slight change in her expression when he landed on her, and never thought of it as particularly weird.

What he did notice though was the new vibrations that propagated through her as she giggled. Combined with how loose the ground beneath him was, they were enough to knock him all over the place, even when he was sitting down. As she closed her eyes for a moment while mocking him happily, she shifted her leg slightly, likely not even enough for her to remember doing. But he certainly remembered, as the movement was enough to send him rolling off the edge of the skirt, falling downwards yet again.

He made a frantic attempt to grab onto her leg as he fell, but it was well out of reach for him. Instead, he plummeted until he hit a much harder surface. He winced from the impact, but was largely unhurt - what was more concerning was that he was slowly sliding downwards. He looked around, and realized he hadn't landed on the tiled floor as he'd expected. Instead, he'd landed on top of one of her shoes. It was one of those heel-type shoes, and while he didn't understand their impracticality in general, the main issue was the very intense angle they had, making it very difficult to keep a grip.

He looked up to see if she'd noticed. Unfortunately, his view of her face was entirely blocked by both her legs and the billowing skirt of the dress - if he couldn't see her, it was unlikely she could see him. He looked down to see where he was heading. The shoe was an open-toe design, meaning he was currently sliding towards, well, her toes. This was unlikely to end well, whether she spotted him or not.

Silva O'Connor

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He was worried for nothing, because she did notice. She was careful when she leaned down, shifting a little as she did, and she gently picked him up, and put him back in the table. "Your lucky I was looking?" She giggled, once he was in the table. "Are you ok Matt? The fall didn't hurt did it?" @WhipDing


Without warning, as soon as Silva said 'fall', a portal opened up in the ceiling. It was lined with a purple border with what looked like odd symbols, and if one looked inside, they would see what looked like a girl's room. The occupant of that room, however, would not be in there for long.

A girl fell out of the portal and slammed into the lunch table that the other were sitting at, right next to them but not to where she would have landed on them or their food. The table supported her weight but still made a considerably loud noise when she made contact with it.

"Oww..." Her hair was dyed silver and she had brown eyes which looked around in wonder whilst she still lay on the table.

"Well, I was kinda hungry...so I guess I can still call this a win." She said with a smile as the portal above her spiraled closed.
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Matt shook his head in reply. He'd been quick to forget the downsides of his powers - as careful as people were, it was impossible for him to entirely safe around them. One false move, and he could easily end up as flat as a pancake. He could reform afterwards, that was true, but it wasn't exactly the greatest for his self-confidence to be squashed by accident like that.

Silva seemed largely oblivious to his concerns, still giggling about the whole situation. Although she was briefly concerned he'd been hurt, she was clearly quite amused by it all, and Matt planned to keep it that way. He jokingly stuck his tongue out at her, and leaned up against the edge of her plate. He did wonder why she found him so entertaining - maybe she wasn't used to having that kind of power over someone? No, that didn't seem right, seeing as her abilities were quite powerful in of themselves. Regardless of what it was, it made her happy, and that was enough for him.

His thoughts were interrupted when the ground beneath shook violently, knocking him over face-first. His head span for a moment from the impact, but when his vision realigned itself, he realized that were was now a girl lying on the table, the top of her head facing him. She was probably the cause, but how did she get here? Was she another teleporter? He shot Silva a quizzical look as he cautiously took a few steps in the direction of the new arrival.

@FireMaiden @Hollycrest
Silva O'Connor

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When the girl fell, Silva basically squeaked in surprise, jumping back a small bit. What? It's not every day a girl comes falling put of the ceiling. But she then looked down at the table, to male sure that Matt wasn't dead. It would kinda suck if her only friends was killed. But, seeing as he was ok, she shrugged at the look he gave her, before turning her attention to the girl. She kinda cleared her throat, "It's uh...nice of you to drop in," She said, still pretty confused at what just happened. @WhipDing @Hollycrest

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