
The girl glanced at Silva and smirked. "Nice pun." She sat up and rubbed her back before hopping off of the table an glancing over at the breakfast line. She smiled and pumped her fist.

"Yes, food! Be right back." She told Silva before another portal appeared in the wall behind her. She stepped backwards and reappeared at the back of the lunch line. Upon filling her plate with pancakes, strips of bacon, hash browns and a glass of OJ, she exited out of the front of the line and jumped straight into a portal that she made in the floor. Another portal appeared on the ceiling, which she fell through landing in her feet back in front of them while her plate piled itself wit the pancakes and other food she had gotten. As if nothing had happened, she sat down and started pouring syrup on her pancakes.

"Okay." She said in between bites of hash browns. "Let's resume. Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Wiley, and you are?"

@FireMaiden @WhipDing
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Silva O'Connor

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Silva watched the girl get her breakfast, cause well, she was using portals and confusing the hell outta her. Maybe she was a teleporter,  but when she came back, Silva took a moment to answer her. "I'm uh, I'm Silva O'Connor. And that," she pointed to Matt who was still shrunk, "That's Matt." Her next sentence, was a rather blunt question. "What the hell is with the portals?" @WhipDing @Hollycrest
Before he could reach her, the girl had sat up and hopped off the table entirely. Whoever she was, she sure had a lot energy, that was for sure. Her powers became immediately apparent as she opened which look like a hole in a wall, and stepped through, reappearing off over in the distance. Once she'd passed through, the hole just collapsed, leaving now trace of it's previous existence.

She got her food like everyone else, but Matt was more interested in how she got back. She opened up another hole, and promptly fell from the ceiling, this time landing more gracefully on her feet. Huh. So that's how she'd got here to begin with. She walked over, and slapped her plate down, mere inches from Matt. The force was strong enough to knock him off his feet, once again. As usual, he hadn't even been noticed.

He picked himself up and moved away to a safer distance. He watched in vague curiosity. She sure could eat, to say the least. He waved awkwardly when Silva introduced him. Wiley. This whole place was full of people with interesting names.

@WhipDing @Hollycrest
    Julian smiled at Luna, glad for a familiar face amid the strangers. "Pretty good. The rooms here are much nicer than I thought they'd be. I'm excited to see what the classes here will be like." He was glad for the chance to settle in and get used to being around other mutants, a new experience for him, but also anticipated starting classes, particularly to see what, exactly, they'd be like. He supposed it wouldn't be a long wait, now. "Which class are you most looking forward to?" He took a sip of orange juice, waiting for a response.

    One response he hadn't expected was for a girl to come crashing from a hole, no, some kind of portal in the ceiling, down onto their table. He was still attempting to process this as the girl opened another portal to the lunch line, grabbed food, returned and engaged in introductions with Silva and Matt, who, he now noticed, was tiny, and seemingly content to stay that way. He supposed that was his power, but focused on the portal girl, Wiley, she'd called herself. "You generate portals... I have so many questions?" Is momentum conserved going through a portal? Do they have to be made on surfaces, or can they be in thin air? If they're in thin air, what happens if you go through the back side? If you closed a portal with something sticking through it, would it get cut or - Julian decided he should at least wait for some kind of response before peppering her with questions.

@twilight sparkle @Hollycrest


Wiley put down her now half-full glass of OJ and raised an eyebrow at Silva. "You guys are mutants too, right? I figured you would've gathered that much." She glanced at Matt as he fell over. "Oh, hey! Sorry about that. And about not seeing you earlier." She looked them both over. Silva and Matt were their names. Interesting.

Wiley ran a hand through her silvery locks. "But yeah, this is what I do. Check this out," She pointed out a random kid who appeared to be reading. There was an uneaten apple on his plate. A small portal appeared in the table Wiley was sitting at, next to her plate, which she reached her hand into. An identical portal appeared in the air above the apple, and if Matt and Silva were looking, they'd be able to see her hand reach down, grab the apple and pull it back into the portal with her.

Wiley pulled her hand out of the portal next to her and, lo and behold, she was holding the apple. The kid who's apple it was dropped his book in surprise. Wiley snorted with laughter. "Classic." She dropped the apple back into the portal and it fell back into his plate with a thud. Both portals closed, and the kid was so stunned that he fell out of his chair. Wiley laughed for real, holding her mouth with her hand.

"Hehe...that one never gets old..." She said with a nostalgic feel. She liked using her powers to mess with people.

She turned to Julian. "Yep, that's me. What's your name?"

@King in Yellow

@WhipDing @FireMaiden
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Luna said"I'm excited for English mostly. I love the written language and I hope there's a lot of poetry or plays Shakespeare wrote that we can read." Having heart eyes as she thought about all of the poetry and plays. She then blinked at the girl who came out of no where from a portal and began using them for different things. "Do you think she might be going a bit overboard?" Luna asked as she watched the girl use her powers.

@King in Yellow
Silva O'Connor

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This girl...Silva was already not to fond of. She looked over at the boy she had just shocked out of his chair, then back at Wiley, and quitely scoffed before getting up. She walked over to the boy, and after a few minutes of smiles and making sure he was ok, she walked back over to her seat and sat down. Looking at Wiley, she spoke. "That was rude, I hope you know that." Her voice held a small harsh tone, but it was un intended. @Hollycrest @WhipDing


Wiley watched the whole exchange while eating. She was three quarters of the way through her pancakes when Silva returned and called her out for messing with him. She swallowed, looked up and raised an eyebrow with a sincere, but slightly mischievous smile.

"Rude? Come on, I'm just messing around is all. 'Rude' would have been taking a bite of out the apple before giving it back, or making him drop through the floor and into the counselor's office. I don't do crap like that, I'm a nice person, really, I just also like to laugh sometimes. Nothing wrong with that, right?" She looked over at the kid. He seemed rather fine after she fright she'd given him, thanks to Silva.

"You're pretty easygoing, huh? I like you."

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Matt gave Wiley a thumbs-up in response to her apology, but she'd already moved on to showing off her powers. He watched with slight curiosity as she pulled an apple out from her portal, and placed it back in with a grin. Almost immediately, there was a crash off in the distance. He couldn't really see what had happened from this angle - the plates and people largely blocked his view of everything - but she clearly found it pretty funny.

Silva, on the other hand, was less amused. She left looking quite annoyed, and upon returning was actually being quite... what was the word? Threatening? He hadn't seen this side of her yet, and well, he was just glad she liked him, to say the least. She didn't appear to be explicitly angry, but she didn't exactly seem quite happy with Wiley either. Knowing she didn't have total control of her powers, he quietly made his way over to her side of the table, moving out from between the two girls. It's not that she didn't trust her... but it didn't hurt to be on the safe side.

@FireMaiden @Hollycrest
Silva O'Connor

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She cocked her eyebrow, not the response the expected. But, she really didn't know what she expected. "It was still mean though. And no, there's nothing wrong with wanting to laugh, but messing with people isn't really a good way to go about it." Silva really didn't like people who picked on others. She knew how it could affect people, so she always tried to stop it, even if it seemed harmless. "You really should apologize." She said this, before noticing Matt move. She wondered why, u til she felt the tingling return under her skin. The air wasn't really static feeling, but nevertheless, the girl wanted to stop this in its tracks, and began to play with another bolt of electricity. It crackled and popped, but didn't hurt anyone. This action probably came off s threatening, but she didn't mean it like that. She just wanted to get rid of the tingling under her skin. It was actually quiet annoying, and happened often, hut she normally couldn't do anything about it. @Hollycrest@WhipDing
   "Yeah, that would be nice." Julian hadn't read too much Shakespeare, but he did love the wordplay, as well as the supernatural elements. Ghosts and fairies might seem juvenile, but gothic literature was vastly underrated, in his opinion. "I think I'm most excited for the science classes. I hope understanding the physics behind our powers better can help us figure out new applications for them." Julian watched Wiley snatch a boy's apple with her portals. He shrugged in response to Luna's comment on going overboard. He didn't mind using powers for mundane tasks, it was certainly better than being ashamed of them, but using them to mess with people seemed a little mean-spirited. He was willing to give Wiley the benefit of the doubt, though, he doubted it was intended as anything other than lighthearted fun. "I'm Julian, nice to meet you. I appreciate the demonstration, but I see where Silva's coming from. Maybe try to only prank people you know?" Julian realized that he might have just given her license to mess with him. That was OK, he decided, he was sure he could figure out ways to use his speed to mess with her right back.

@twilight sparkle @Hollycrest


Wiley blinked. Was she seeing...sparks? Interesting powers, but she hadn't expected Silva to be THAT irritated about it. She held her hands up a bit, gently so as to not alarm her or anything.

"Alright...I'll just go apologize then." She stepped through a portal which emerged behind her, reappearing a but further away from the table so she wouldn't freak the kid out. She approached him, and they talked for about twenty seconds. From what Silva could see, Wiley looked completely different, less prankster-esque and more kind and sweet. When she was done, she walked back over to where everyone was the old-fashioned way...for once without using a portal.

"See? No harm done. He and I are buds now." She turned to Julian.

"Wiley. And trust me, my pranks are never anything serious. I like using my powers to help people too, but sometimes you just need to unwind. Now...didn't you say you had some questions for me?"

@King in Yellow

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Silva O'Connor

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By the time Wiley got back, the bolt was gone, and Silva was flexing her hands again. "Sorry if that seemed threatening, this tingle gets under my skin and if I don't let it out in some way, I'll end up shocking someone or messing with anything electrical.  Kinda don't want that happening...again. Matt will agree with me." She said with a sweet, apologizing smile. @WhipDing @Hollycrest
"I'll see you in class.." Luna said to Julian though she doubt he heard her before going to put her tray on the gurney. She stretched and went to the gym to get some stretching done so she could be relaxed. Luna stretched a bit on the mat before doing a few cartwheels humming to herself. She then grinned to herself using her vines to suspend herself hanging upside down as if they were ribbons doing a bit of aerobatics.

@King in Yellow
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    "Questions, right." Julian was glad everything seemed to have worked out. He didn't want to be making any enemies on his first day of class. "I'm just wondering about how exactly your powers work." Hopefully they could all figure out creative ways to use their powers, or to effectively combine them. Julian resolved to learn about as many people's powers as possible. Maybe he should keep a notebook of people's powers and limitations. "The three questions that come to mind off the top of my head are: Do things keep their momentum when they go through a portal, can you put portals in thin air, or just on surfaces, and if something was sticking through a portal when you tried to close it, would it fail to close, or cut the object?" But he was getting ahead of himself again. "Sorry if that was too many questions at once."

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Matt merely watched the events before him unfold. He obviously knew Silva hadn't meant to be appear threatening. He hadn't known her long, but that was the one thing he could tell already she didn't like at all. He still wasn't too sure about this Wiley girl - the name alone was pretty suspicious. Well, in any case, she seemed sincerely apologetic, so no sense in pursuing this any further for now. He nodded in agreement when Silva mentioned his name, although he didn't process what she'd said until afterwards. Well, she was right.

He noticed Luna standing up to leave. Looked like everyone was starting to finish up now. The Julian boy he'd met earlier seemed oblivious to this though, spewing out a barrage of questions. He might be here a while.

@FireMaiden @Hollycrest


Wiley blinked. She'd felt mildly threatened, but it was good to know that Silva hadn't really been irritated enough at her prank to want to zap her. She quite liked the idea of not being reduced to a pile of Wiley Crisps.

"...Oh. Thank god for that. It's fine, I would have apologized regardless." She said, smiling back lightly.

"So...you don't have complete control of your powers then? Neither do I, sometimes I'll nod off and accidentally portal myself somewhere random. That's how that happened." She pointed at the ceiling before cracking her knuckles and sitting back down.

"Well, time to finish off these bad boys." She stuffed the last bites of food in her mouth before making a portal to deposit her plate gently in the washing bin to be used for the next meal.

"You guys can put your plates in there too if you're done. If you're not I wouldn't mind eating what you have left." She turned to Julian.

"Nah, you're fine. Think of entering the portal as an alternate dimension that you can only access for for absolutely no amount of time. Since no time passes in between entering and exiting the portal, regardless of distance the trajectory stays the same, and the momentum carries over. As you might've seen with the apple, I can put portals in thin air but usually it's easier to have them on flat surfaces. As for the third question, I can't actually close a portal if something is hovering on the inside of it. I'm not really sure why, it just doesn't work. I guess it's good for safety reasons though."

She glanced at Julian's plate, which still had one pancake. "You gonna finish that?"


@King in Yellow

Matt now realized he had a slight problem, which itself was caused by his larger problem. Well, small problem. He'd love to put his plate in the wash... but it was still quite a bit larger than him. He walked over to his tray, and give it a forceful push. It didn't budge it all. No surprise at all - it probably weighed at least a thousand times as much as he did.

He looked around, to see if anyone had noticed his plight. If not, these dishes weren't going anywhere, nothing he could do about it. Also, he now remembered, his other phone was still sitting on the tray. He couldn't exactly carry that either. As much as he liked being this size, not being able to return to normal size was becoming quite a nuisance.

@FireMaiden  @Hollycrest @King in Yellow
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Wiley glanced at Matt and chuckled lightly.

"Here, I gotcha." She picked the tray up and gently slid it into the portal, where it plopped down safely in the tray pile on the other side of the room. She looked down at him, leveling her eyes with his body.

"Can you not turn back?" 

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Silva O'Connor

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"He came in contact with sugar, which isn't really good for him I guess. So he's stuck like this for a while," Silva said. She got this much from the message of ketchup earlier, so she felt like it wold be easier for him if she explained it. "Well,that's what he told me earlier. There was a thing with ketchup. Though, I'm wondering why he isn't using his phone." @Hollycrest @WhipDing
Matt opened his mouth to reply, but stopped himself, remembering there was no way she'd be able to hear him anyway. Most of the dishes had been cleaned up now, so he doubted he could repeat the ketchup trick. Maybe he could---

His problems were abruptly solved by Silva simply answering for him. She mentioned the phone, and it occurred to him that no-one but him actually knew about that. Huh. Maybe they thought he was just being weird or something. He pulled out his still quite-broken phone and tried to dial it again. Still no luck. He gave an exaggerated shrug, hoping they'd get the message.

@FireMaiden @Hollycrest


Wiley, who was watching Matt closely, furrowed her eyebrows.

"I don't think it worked...but I got an idea." A portal appeared next to her, once again showing what looked like her room. She reached in and pulled out a plastic container with onion dip in it, as well as some napkins that had been sitting on the table.

"You can use this to write messages if you want, then I'll clean it up with the napkin." She placed the dip down. It was just high enough so he could reach.
Silva O'Connor

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He must've broke it when he fell," The girl said, running a hand through her hair, before grabbing her plate and standing. She quickly brushed some crumbs of the teal material of her dress, before walking over to where everyone was putting their dirty plates. As she was walking back though, she had accidentally bumped into someone, which made them kinda jump back. Confused, and bit angry, they started seeing a bit rude to Silva, who apologized many times, before they walked off to join their group of friends. The girl sighed, and continued to walk back to their table, and sat down in her seat. She had accidentally shocked the guy, which in turn, made his phone flip out and restart it's self. This wasn't a new occurrence, just, it kinda hurt her feelings. But, she just rubbed her face, and smiled. "I think the dip is a good idea. He wrote in ketchup earlier." @WhipDing @Hollycrest
Matt walked up to the container, and stood on his tip-toes, just about about to see over the top. Perfect. He dipped an entire fist into it, and stirred it around for a moment. The sauce was quite firm and solid, putting up a fair amount of resistance. He pulled his fist out, and used it to smear out a message on the tabletop, once again each letter as large as himself, just to test it out:


Seemed to work well enough. He looked up at Wiley, and nodded. At was at this point he noticed that Silva had left the table while he'd been messing around with this stuff. He looked around the room, seeing if he could spot her, though it was proving difficult with all these people in the way. But even so, he eventually spotted her off in the distance, presumably having gone off to drop off her dirty dishes. She was talking to some guy, who seemed pretty agitated. He couldn't make out what was going on, but when she returned, her trademark smile was briefly gone. It returned almost instantly when she started talking again, but someone was still off. Matt scooped up more of the dip and scrawled out another message:


Writing out all these words was proving to be pretty tiring.

@Hollycrest @FireMaiden
Silva O'Connor

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Silva sat there, watching as Matt spelled out a message. She took a second to answer, but nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Things like that happen a lot," She said. "I accidentally shocked him, and he kinda got angry, as I'm sure you saw," She explained with a shrug. Things like that did happen often, and normally it didn't bug her. Maybe she thought that it wouldn't happen here cause it was people like her. @WhipDing

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