Matt considered this for a moment. Now that he thought about it, she essentially had the exact opposite problem he had - she was constantly receiving unwanted attention. Interesting. She said she was okay, but obviously it was affecting her - how could it not? He thought back to when he'd met her, how immediately apologetic she'd been when she'd accidentally shocked him. It had been an almost instinctive response, as if she was doing it all the time. What a life, constantly being sorry for something that she couldn't even control. Not something anyone should have to get used to. It's probably wasn't something most people even thought about - they wouldn't see past the cool lightning powers. Being a mutant was never that simple. Not for any of them. Matt was vaguely thankful for how invisible his ability made him - at the very least, he didn't have to worry about what other people thought, not like Silva did.

Of course, he wanted to tell her all this, but he was kinda limited in how much he could say right now. So he simply smeared out:


He looked up at her and gave her a sincerely reassuring smile. That was the thing about being this small - everyone else's problems seemed a whole lot bigger.

Silva O'Connor

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Silva gave him a slightly confused expression when he seemed to be considering something. Oh well, it's not like he could really explain what he was thinking, so for a few moments the looked away, before running a hand through her hair. Little did he know, he was right. A lot of people couldn't look past the shocking powers she had, and most of time, believed she shocked them on purpose.  So, she was alway reciting unwanted attention. Eventually, apologizing became pretty much second nature. She was and outlays having to apologize for something regarding her power. Not even mutants really understood, since most of the time, they had a good handle on their powers. Not to mention, it was hard to find other mutants who had powers like hers.

She looked back in time to see him smile up at he, then she noticed the message. She smiled at him, "Thanks Matt," She said softly. @WhipDing
Matt knew that probably wasn't enough, but that was all he could do for now. He'd like to have a better talk with her, but that'd have to wait for later. Instead, he decided to change the subject - there was no sense in just letting her sit here and feel bad. He looked around the room, and as expected, it'd started to empty out. Looked like most people were either leaving or putting away their dishes, and almost everyone had finished eating. He smeared out another message:


Mira had mentioned earlier that the first class was some kind of physical education thing. Ugh. Even at full size, that wasn't exactly his idea of fun. At this size, it sounded closer to hell than a class. Still, if he had to do it...

@FireMaiden @SuperSpice @Hollycrest
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Wiley looked around at people starting to leave.

"Well, it's getting to be that time...shall we depart?" She formed a human-sized portal in the wall behind them. Through it, the group could glimpse the doors of their first class, which was normally on the other side of the school.

"Just hop in." She stepped through, awaiting the others on the other side. If they walked through the portal, they would feel strange for a short moment, as if their body had left the ground and was falling through the air until they stepped through the other side, after which everything would return to normal. To first-timers, Wiley had discovered, the effect was mildly disorienting but it seemed to lessen the more the person used portals. For her, of course, it was almost non-existent.

@WhipDing @FireMaiden @King in Yellow
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Matt looked at the newly formed portal. He hadn't really gotten the chance to get a good look at one before, seeing as usually they'd disappeared as quick as Wiley had been opening them. It was literally looked like a hole in the wall - but instead of what was actually behind that wall, which was probably the garden or something, there was instead a set of doors that could easily have been in another building. How bizarre.

He wasn't too sure about going through, seeing as his last experience with teleportation hadn't exactly been pleasant. This time though, he at least had some choice in the matter, and it sure seemed a lot easier than making his way through the school, especially at this size, and could see pretty clearly where he would end up. Regardless, it wasn't really his choice right now - he essentially had to go with whatever Silva decided, unless he wanted to end up lost or squashed somewhere for the rest of day. He looked up at her, curious to what she'd decide. The clothes she were wearing didn't exactly seem... practical for physical activity, so he wasn't sure whether or not she'd want to go straight to the first lesson yet. But again, it really wasn't his decision right now.

@Hollycrest @FireMaiden @King in Yellow
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Matt considered his options for a moment. Mira seemed nice enough, but based on their past experiences of each other... well, he couldn't really trust her entirely after she'd squashed him, and he doubted she'd be totally comfortable with him either now. Wiley felt like too much of a wildcard - her mischievousness made him slightly wary around her, and although he didn't have any reason to think so, she seemed like the kind of person who might just forget about him entirely. So as awkward as the detour might be, and as much as he didn't want to appear to be getting too... clingy, the safest way, and the one he was most comfortable with, was to stick with Silva for now. 

As usual, he couldn't exactly write all his thoughts down:


He looked up at her for a response, curious to how exactly she'd handle it. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable, but she had offered, so this was it unless anyone else had a better idea.

@FireMaiden @Hollycrest @SuperSpice
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Silva O'Connor

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She nodded and gave him a smile. "Ok, that's cool," She lowered her hand, "Come on then, class is probably gonna start in hands little bit." She really didn't mind that he wanted to stick by her. If their roles were switched, she'd wanna stick with Matt. She didn't really know how he felt and shout the others there, so maybe he just wanted to stick with someone he knew. @WhipDing
    Julian looked at Wiley through the portal. Yes, he saw how you could think of it as a tunnel of sorts through another dimension, traversed instantly. Matt and Silva didn't want to go through for some bizarre reason, but he, for one, was dying to try it. Julian stepped into the portal. For a moment his stomach dropped and his vision swam dizzyingly, then he was on the other side. When he could see normally again, he grinned at Wiley. "Your power is amazing! Thanks for indulging me in the physics explanation, by the way." It looked like the other students were beginning to head into the room. "Shall we?"
Luna finished with her aerobatics  and popped her back as she lowered herself to the floor once more. She smiled and hummed sipping some water walking to the wall to sit down, she wondered what Nichole was currently doing with her new furry friend.

Nichole hummed as she jogged to the gymnasium wearing a blue Nike shirt and some  black capri jogging pants  with a white stripe on the side. She smiled placing kai with her stuffed animals when they made it to the gym. Nichole put her water bottles in a small cooler and petted kai while she waited for the class to start. Kai yipped and wagged his tail licking Nichole's face. 

(These two are open for interaction)
Matt smiled back, and walked up to her hand. He grabbed onto the closest finger, and tried to clamber up on top. This proved to slightly harder than anticipated, and the first try ended with him slipping and landing butt-first back on the table. He shook himself off, and tried again with more effort, and this time managed to thrust the top half of himself up, although he ended up dragging his legs after getting a firmer grip. Rolling over onto his back, he stood up and orientated himself in the right direction. It was impressive how still she was staying - he barely felt her hand shake at all.

Still, he took care to keep his balance as he made his way down the finger. The last thing he needed was to fall off and have to repeat the whole process, or worse, fall into the gaps between the fingers. Thankfully, he reached the palm of her hand without incident, and sat down, taking care to end up fairly close to the middle. Trying to stand up would be futile once they started moving, and the further he was from the edges, the less chance he had of being dropped and lost. He looked up, and gave her a confirmatory nod and thumbs-up to let her know he was ready.



"Alright, suit yourselves. " Wiley stepped through after Julian was done. She smiled politely and brushed the silvery hair away from her ears.

"Thanks, it's my pleasure. And if you felt a little giddy after doing it, that goes away the more times you try it." She nodded when seeing everyone moving through the doors. "I say we shall." She entered the room Through the double doors.

@King in Yellow @FireMaiden @WhipDing
Silva O'Connor

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She giggled a little as she watched Matt climb onto her hand, and once he was on safely, waved bye to the others at the table, before turning to leave the breakfast area. But, she was careful not to move her hand to much. Since, she didn't want to accidentally knock him off her hand, cause that would be kinda rude. She walked for the few minutes it took to get to her room in silence, because she couldn't think of anything to say. 

Once there in her dorm's living room, she smiled, "Welcome to my living space living room," She said with a giggle. Silva walked over to her desk, the one with the clean macbook, cute pencils, and the beanie babies ashe couldn't fit on one of the shelves in her room. She lowered her hand so he could get on the table, "Wait here for a he few minutes." @WhipDing
The ride over was surprisingly uneventful, with only a few slight moments of concern on his part. He'd never really done this before, so he didn't really know what to expect, but he felt far safer than he'd thought. SIlva was somewhat quiet along the way, but he couldn't really blame her, seeing as he wasn't exactly the most talkative right now.

Matt was immediately quite impressed by the room - it was quite a lot bigger than his and Akio's. He didn't even have a living room, let alone separate bedrooms. The fact that she even had space to walk around was pretty crazy. He hopped off her hand as she placed it on the desk, with far less difficulty than when he'd climbed up onto it. The hand pulled away gracefully afterwards, and he watched as she walked off, presumably to get changed.

With a bit of time to spare, he had a wander around the desk. It was pretty clean, being mostly dust-free. Made sense really, seeing as she'd only been here a day. Even so, it looked like someone had already been using it, with a few pencils littered around the place. Very colourful pencils, to say the least. He walked over to one, which had an impractically large animal-shaped rubber stuck on the end of it. As usual, it was far too smooth and vertical to climb.

Not wanting to get too close to the various beanie babies (they looked pretty intimidating) he instead had a look around the macbook sitting on the other end of the table. It looked pretty new and shiny, as if someone had been looking after it, although there were a few smudgy fingerprints on the screen. He wondered briefly about her roommate - she presumably had one, and he wasn't sure to which girl the macbook belonged to. Best to leave it alone for now - it wasn't like he even heavy enough to press the keys anyway.

He again looked out around the room. He love to explore this place - with all those bits of furniture and different owners over time, there must be plenty of interesting nooks and crannies around. The large sofa in particular must have all kinds of fun little spots hidden in and behind it. Still, it was probably a bit weird, now that they knew each other - it was one thing exploring some stranger's house, but he wasn't so sure Silva would appreciate him snooping around her rooms. Not wanting to get lost already, he sat down on edge of the desk near the chair that was tucked into it, his legs dangling off idly.

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Silva O'Connor

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Silva closed the door to her room as soon as she entered, and only then, wondered about Delilah. She hadn't seen the girl at breakfast, or much last night after their brief conversation. But, she wasn't too concerned,  and now touched in changing. A comfortable gray shirt,  which one side hung off her shoulder a little, but she didn't care if people knew what her brastraps looked like. Pink with white clouds. She paired the shirt with a pair of teal yoga pants, and the baby blue converse from yesterday. After she was dressed that way, she left her bedroom, and waved at Matt as she went to the bathroom. 

There, she brushed her hair and teeth, then pulled her hair up into a nice pony tail, before walking back out and over to her desk. "Alright, I'm ready now," She lowered her hand (this time making it a bit easier for him to get on) "Let's go!" @WhipDing
Matt didn't have to wait long. Silva reappeared after a few minutes, like she'd said, dressed in a whole new set of clothes. They looked pretty comfortable - something closer to what he'd wear. He gave her a confused wave back as she walked past, not too sure where she was going. She disappeared off through another door, and a couple of moments later, the sound of running water could be heard briefly.

When she returned, her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. That'd explain it. His hair had never really been that long, but he guessed it made sense to do that - the last thing she'd want was that much hair flapping in her face when she was running around. She almost immediately walked over to him, and put her hand underneath the edge he was sitting on. She clearly noticed the difficulty he'd had earlier.

Being careful not to show his embarrassment, he dropped down onto her hand, rolling down her fingers into her palm. He brushed the hair out his eyes, and stood up, giving an exaggerated salute to the girl, his oversized sleeves flapping everywhere, and flashed her a smile. Time to go face the first real challenge of the day.

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Silva O'Connor

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Silva giggled at him. Before turning and heading twoards the door, before stopping. She looked over at Delilah's room, wondering if she should go see if Delilah was ok, and was about to, before she decided against it. If she he wanted to she'd show up later. Silva sighed, then actually left their living area. 

She was walking back the way they came, before she realized something. "Hmm.." She didn't really remember much of the tour from yesterday. So, she chuckled nervously, and lifted her hand with Matt a little, "So, should we go back and as Mira where we're suppose to go?" @WhipDing
Matt was slightly taken aback when she raised her hand closer to her face. As it filled his entire field of vision, it occurred to him that he hadn't really looked too closely at her before. She seemed slightly younger than him, but honestly it was difficult to tell. Now that he looked, she actually seemed quite... pretty. He blushed slightly, the realization of how physically close he was to her was finally setting in. He'd never really thought of it as weird before, but being inches from her face like this, being able to see all the tiny details, made him think about how bizarre this would be if he was normal size. But he couldn't worry about that now - it really wasn't the time or place.

He, of course, wasn't exactly too sure where they were supposed to be going either, seeing as he'd missed his tour entirely. His sense of direction wasn't exactly great either - he'd doubted he would have even found the breakfast hall if it wasn't so well signposted. When she mentioned Mira, he was slightly concerned. He already knew from first-hand experience that she was a teleporter. This wouldn't usually be a problem, but he was concerned that she would be slightly hard to track down as a result. But with no way to really explain this, he just nodded - he couldn't really think of any better solution anyway.

Silva O'Connor

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She lowered her hand again, and nodded. "Ok, let's go for the quiet blonde girl!" She declared, now headed back off to the Breakfast area. Which, actually made her wonder why the cafeteria and the breakfast area weren't the same place, but she figured maybe it was easier that way. Well, again, she walked for the few minutes in silence back to the Breakfast hall, luckily finding Mira in the same place. "Mira!" She said with a smile, hurring over to her, but keeping the hand that had Matt in it still. "Hey Mira, so, uh, where do we go for out first class?" She asked with a smile. @WhipDing @SuperSpice


Mira Teller


Mira looked up at Silva as she finished her breakfast. She had stayed quiet through most of the breakfast but now she was being asked where to go. "Um, the gymnasium im pretty sure" Mira thought to herself, where was the gymnasium? Then she remembered seeing it the previous day. "Ill show you the way if you want" Mira said, standing up, leaving her tray on the table in front of her.



Mira Teller


Mira nodded, she was already dressed in general sportsware as she had prepared earlier. Mira nodded at Silva's words, she wasnt much of a talker. She led the way out of the Breakfast hall and into the hallway where there were crowds of students in the hall.

Matt simly sat there throughout the journey to the gymnasium. He felt somewhat sorry for Silva, in a way - neither him nor Mira were the best conversation makers right now.  He'd given a confirmatory nod earlier, but that was really the extent of his communication skills at the moment. 

In any case, Mira seemed a lot more prepared than either of them, already wearing the right gear, and leading the way quite expertly through the building. Matt pulled back slightly into Silva's hand as they walked through the denser crowds, little fingers digging in to the skin to get a better grip. This would not be a good place to fall.

@FireMaiden @SuperSpice
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Silva O'Connor

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Silva followed Mira through the crowd, happy to have a guide because she'd get stepped on other wise, or worse, drop Matt. That would be bad and pretty rude. But...the crowd was making her slightly uncomfortable. She managed Ro keel the static air at bay, mental will air nd all that, but wasn't easy it. And because of that, she wasn't talking, just focusing. @WhipDing @SuperSpice
Rowanna walked down the halls from her dorm room, having changed from her original attire to a turquoise sports tank top and a pair of black yoga pants. As she walked, she pulled her hair up into a high ponytail. Having it away from her face accentuated her cheek bones and ocean blue eyes. Rowanna finished with her ponytail and took off for the gym, jogging down the hallway. Once she reached the main hall, crowds of students were standing around, causing her to slow her pace. She shrugged and walked in between groups, dodging pedestrians as best as she could. It would be much easier just to fly, she thought, rolling her eyes at the crowd.

Eventually Rowanna made it past a large group, allowing her an open path to where she knew the gym was. Thankfully her body was back to its normal healthy state, no broken bones or injuries. As she entered, she looked around, eyes landing on the spot her bloody broken body had collapsed just earlier yesterday. She shrugged apathetically, as it definitely wasn't the worst injury ever to happen to her. She took a place beside the wall inside the gym door, leaning against it. Rowanna opened and closed her fist, each time her claws either extending or retracting in repetition. She boredly waited for other students to arrive.

(Open for interaction)
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