Matt felt Silva tense up as the crowds thickened, her usually smooth movements becoming more rigid and hard. He'd suspected it before, but now he was sure it was the crowds causing it - whenever there were a lot of people around, she became a lot quieter than normal, as well as the whole static thing.

The crowds thankfully thinned as they got closer to the gym, with Mira leading them pretty well. He thought for a moment about what he was actually going to do in this class. If there was anything competitive, he couldn't exactly take part like this. Ah well. No sense in worry about it now. He'd just have to wait until they got inside.

As expected, they were a little late,having taken time out for Silva to get changed, and getting slightly lost along the way. Wiley, Julian and the rest of the students they'd met earlier were probably already inside, seeing as they'd taken the portal shortcut, and Luna and her sister had left a long time before them. However, there was a girl standing by the doors to the gym, resting idly against the wall. He recognised her from earlier as the girl who'd been sitting with Akio, but he was still convinced he'd met her before that - he just couldn't remember where.

Based on what she was wearing, she was probably heading into the same class they were. He shuffled around to face her, and gave her a little wave, before realising he didn't really have a way of getting her attention. He lowered his hand in slight embarrassment, and looked at Silva and Mira to see what they'd do next.

@SuperSpice @FireMaiden @Eternal-Weekend
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Silva O'Connor

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The girl sighed once the crowd thinned out, her movements now more comfortable. She really didn't like crowds, she hasn't even since she was younger. There were to many incidents with her powers acting up, and the reactions kinda had a big impact on her. Leading to her though skin and dislike of crowed places. She then looked up and Mira, "So, what now? Also, what Andre we gonna do with Matt? He's still all tiny." @SuperSpice @WhipDing


Mira Teller


Mira turned to look at Silva "Um, i guess we enter the gym?" She said half questioning herself before looking at Matt in Silva's hand "You better come back to normal size now" She said looking down at him before turning and leading the way into the gymnasium.


Mr Weinstock


Logan looked out across the Gymnasium as students started to trickle into his class. In the middle of the the Gymnasium there was a white line and balls that sat on the line, yes, the students would be playing dodgeball for their first game. He put his hands on his hips as a smile crossed his face. Logan loved his job, he was not only a PE teacher but also a school co-ordinator, he leant support to students who needed it and listened to their problems.


Silva O'Connor

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Well, Matt was stuck, so he couldn't change back. And she couldn't hold him if they were....oh no. Not dodgeball. She hates dodge ball. Why is it, every time she tried going to a new school to actually learn, the first gym class was always dodge ball? And it never ended well, she gets hit in the face or the tit multiple times because she's short act nd peoole don't like her. Like at all, why was that? So Silva groaned, and briefly considered skipping, before she sighed, and walked into the gym. She looked down at her hand, "So...what act ell nd are we gonna do with you?" @WhipDing
Matt looed around the gym they'd walked into. Slowly filling with people, the room was impressively large, expansive enough to create echoes. In the middle of it all, a row of balls had been set up, along a line that almost perfectly split the room in two. He hadn't been to many PE lessons in his life, but even he recognised the game. This could be... interesting.

He shrugged when Silva spoke to him, but then paused fir a moment to consider the situation. It wasn't really the dodgeball that was the problem - he'd be surprised if anyone could even see him at this size from the other end of the room, let alone hit him. He was more concerned about... well, being on the ground.

He stood upright, and made his way across the palm to Silva's arm. He knew she couldn't hold him if she was taking part, but he didn't exactly want to get seperated from her. So unless had any pockets, this was going to be his best option, it seemed like. He grabbed a hold of her sleeve, and began clambering up her arm. Thankfully, the fabric was grippy enough to scale easily, and he was able to hold on even through the small movements Silva was making, assumably unconciously. Whoops. In hindsight, he probably should have warned her about what he was about to do.

It only took a minute or two to reach his destination. Now perched on her shoulder, he rolled up some of the fabric of her top, tightly holding onto it with both arms. He seemed pretty secure up here, and he doubted Silva would even be able to feel him here, so he doubted he'd be much of a bother.

Silva O'Connor

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Silva watched Matt climb up her arm, but stopped when she had to move out of arm few people's way. She recognized the guys who intentionally knocked into her arms the guy she shocked a little bit ago and his friends. Then, she felt some of her shirt move, and now guessed he was on her shoulder. And to be nice to her hair didn't knock him around much, she then pulled her hair into a messy bun, set a little higher than where her ponytail was set. @WhipDing
Nichole gulped when she saw they were playing dodge ball. To say she disliked it was an understatement. She bit her lip and put kai under her hoodie so he would be safe and sound then went to like up with the others. Nichole hoped no one would aim for her face last time someone did hit her on the head with a ball knocking off her glasses and a headache.

Luna stretched and walked over to line up giving Nichole's furry companion kai a pat on the head. She stood by her sister and nodded giving a thumbs up. Even though she liked poetry and other stuff she could really throw down when it came to dodge ball.

( @King in Yellow

Hey dude)
Matt merely watched as Silva fiddled with her hair. It took him a moment to figure out why, but when he did he was grateful. The last thing he needed was to be smacked in the back of the head by a bundle of hair. With that threat removed, he was pretty sure he could stay up here fairly safely for now. He wiggled around a little, creating enough of an indent to sit comfortably in, while still clutching the fabric tightly.

More people had entered the room, although he didn't recognise most of them. He was once again quite relieved that he wasn't on the floor - it probably would have already turned out pretty bad for him. Mira was obviously already here, but he also spotted Luna and her sister off in the distance, so at least they weren't totally alone.

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Rowanna looked up, doing a once over of the teacher. He seemed tough, but charming. Shrugging, Rowanna saw Luna and Nichole across the way. She easily made her way over to them. "Dodge ball on the first day? I thought this was supposed to be combat training," she said to the sister, looking at the row of rubber balls in the center of the gym. She wasn't much for team sports but she didn't really know if she had a choice in the matter. "I wonder if we'll get to use our powers in the game."

@twilight sparkle
Luna said"I thought so too, but I guess he wants us to loosen up a bit. We might be able to use our powers, just wait and see." Stretching and popped her arms. "Heheh I'm ready to hit some pretty boys in the face."  She said smirking.

Nichole gulped and said"I don't think this will end well." Nervous and hid behind Luna some to keep out of harms way. Luna sighed softly and placed her sister back on the side of her."sis it'll be ok."


Logan glanced around the room, his gaze sharp as he lined up dodge balls in the center of the court, leaving the heavy balls ready and stable. "I will now go over the rules so listen closely. First off you may use any powers and abilities, and in addition other then crossing the middle line, getting out when hurt, and returns when a ball is caught their are no rules and any hit is considered a out." He claimed, giving a moment to allow these rules to sink in before continuing. "Destroying a ball or damaging school property is also an out and the loser will have to run a lap around the entire school in punishment." He said, his face set as if stone, as if showing there was no way he would change his mind. "Go to the walls so we may begin."


"Wait...right now?" Wiley looked down at her clothes, which were loose-fitting and didn't mix well with sweat. Not good for physical activity.

"I'll be right back..." She walked through a portal in the wall and reemerged through the same portal about half a minute later, dressed in a black tank top, matching leggings and white sneakers. Her silvery hair was up in a ponytail. Despite her habit of eating a lot, she was in rather good shape, so she either had a high metabolic rate or exercised frequently. Perhaps both.

"Okay, let's do this!"

Tagging a bunch of people just because: @FireMaiden @WhipDing @Akio @twilight sparkle @King in Yellow @Eternal-Weekend
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Rowanna raised an eyebrow at Logan. He reminded her a lot of Akio personality wise. She glanced around, briefly wondering where Akio was. Shrugging her shoulders, she turned and leaned against the wall, waiting for class to start. She had never played dodgeball before, but had seen it done. The rules didn't seem too complex, so she could probably catch on easy. And being able to transform into an animal of her choice would be an advantage.

Luna grinned excitedly that they would get to use their powers. She could put a lot more power into her throw using her vines. Luna waited patiently for them to be able to start and popped her knuckles. She then looked over at her sister patting her shoulder assuringly.

Nichole gulped and would rather use her powers to block instead. She quickly covered herself in a sphere of water freezing it. There was no way she was getting slammed in the stomach again by a dodge ball.  Nichole sighed softly feeling safer in her ice sphere.

(Both open for interaction)
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Silva O'Connor

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She furrowed her brows and bit her lip as she listened to the rules. So, not only was it dodge ball, but it was super dodge ball. Eh, who cares. She'd do what she'd always and let herself be hit so she doesn't have to play. Though it would be fun to see how long she'd stay in using her powers. Plus, she kinda wanted to see what would happen if she static charged a ball and hit someone. Ok so this might be fun. Might be. 

She glanced at where Matt was sitting, making a huge mental note not to let her shoulder get hit, since it wouldn't be fun having to look for him if he fell off during this chaotic game. @WhipDing
...Matt grimaced slightly on hearing that powers would be allowed during the game. One of the few times his ability might have actually given him an advantage, and it was, of course, totally disabled. Brilliant. Now all the rule served was to make the whole thing significantly more terrifying.

He unconciously gripped on tighter to the fabric he was sitting in, pulling himself deeper in. His main concern right now was falling off - outside of that, it was really just up to chance to whether he finished this game in one piece. As much as his regeneration would repair any damage, he'd rather stay intact if he could. But again, it was really out his hands - if one of those balls hit him directly, then there wasn't really a whole lot he could do.

Everyone around him seemed to getting ready, the atmosphere in the room getting tenser. He briefly wondered how they were picking teams, but became distracted by Luna's sister incasing herself in ice. That felt like... cheating? Well, there were no rules...

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Wiley couldn't stop smiling. This game was made for her. But there had to be more than that, right? He hadn't said anything about who was on what side of the court. 

"What about teams, coach?" She asked. Her left leg started shaking, and her hands begin to twitch out of excitement. Even with the massive breakfast she'd eaten, there seemed to be no end to the amount of energy she had. She stuck her hand through a portal in mid-air and an identical portal appeared next to Matt and Silva on the other side of the gym with her hand sticking out of it. The hand waved at them.

@FireMaiden @WhipDing @Akio
Silva O'Connor

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"Oh yeah...teams would be a good idea," She muttered, waving back at Wiley without actually looking at her. She looked at to the gym teacher "Yeah. What about teams, or is it like a free for all?" She asked. While she did this, she flexed her hands, and for once, she actually felt excited for a game of dodge ball. She started to think about how much to charge the balls with. She didn't want the hurt anyone, but she wanted the op see people's hair do the thing where it sticks up ridiculously.  That always made her laugh, anyone nd she chuckled quietly thinking about it. Then, another thought popped into her head. Matt. She'd have to be careful not to shock him, and she then decided it would be a good idea to give him a warning. She spoke quietly to him, "Matt, don't the ooh eh ought oh enamel it personally if I accidentally shock you. But don't worry, it'll be like climbing on a cold trampoline and the metal shocking you," Silva said. @WhipDing @Akio @Hollycrest
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His coffee still in hand and a bright day ahead of them already made the teen unhappy. He took a sip from his coffee only to spit it back into the cup. "hot...." Coal muttered through his now burnt lips. Coal made a strong angered face at his coffee wishing to drink the contents. Why couldn't he have some really cool powers like ice or fire.... Ice would cool down his coffee or if he had fire the hot temperature wouldn't bother him. Coal at this point could only grumble a bit as they were already late for their first day of mutant school. Coal glanced over his shoulder to find Andy right at his side like always. For the two it was like a silent brotherhood. They never went anywhere without the other. 

"Court ordered bullshit..." Coal let out a rough sigh as the two joined the other many people crossing the street and headed down to the subways. They lived clear across the city so this little adventure would take them sometime. Not to mention that they would indeed get distracted every so often. Coal mostly as Andy would just tag along. 

It didn't take them long to get to the school. The fight through the crowd of people and police didn't help their situation, but that didn't bother the two. For them this was normal. There neighborhood wasn't exactly mutant friendly so moving through a rough crowd wasn't much of a great task. 

The greater task at hand was actually going to school. Coal and Andy were now inside the building, but lost as what to do next. They figured the main office would be the best choice as they had not idea what classes they had or what the schedule was like around here. Once they found the office they walked in and up to the front desk. Both quiet as they waited for someone to assist them. coal had already pulled out his phone and let his fingers tap away at the screen while Andy looked over his shoulder watching his friend play games. 

(Sorry it's not great... Just trying to throw them in the rp without messing up other rps. (^_^)..)
Matt jumped slightly when the hand appeared out of nowhere. Thankfully, he was able to keep his grip tight enough to remain perched, and recovered soon enough when he realised what was going on. He tentatively let go with one hand to wave back, although he wasn't too sure Wiley could even see him.

What was more concerning was how Silva acting. She just seemed a lot more... eager to take part than he'd expected, getting pretty into it all, even though they hadn't even started. Her actions had become a lot looser and energetic, and even though he thought he might just be imagining it, he was pretty sure he heard her laughing to herself. His fears weren't exactly soothed by her warning either - what was she even planning to use her powers for? Shocking the balls out the air or something? He raised in eyebrow in mild concern.

Well, he'd just have to wait and see.

@Hollycrest @FireMaiden


Brilliant. First day of classes, and he was already late. So much for first impressions. Sam rushed through the many hallways of the school, desperately trying to remember where the gym hall was. He'd seen it yesterday, but he wasn't exactly committing it to memory. He was pretty sure it was on the ground floor, but other than that... it could be anywhere. There wasn't even anyone to ask - everyone else was already either in classes or hiding away in their dorms.

Back at reception. Well, this definitely wasn't the right way. Still, at least it somewhere he recognised. And, better yet, there were actually some people in here - two guys were milling around the front desk. Somewhat out of breath, he stumbled over to them, tapping the one who wasn't playing with his phone (didn't want to disturb his game, right?) on the shoulder.

"Hey, you know where the gym is?"

Andy casually looked over his shoulder to the new face. His dull expression now focused on Sam. Andy was not one to really speak up and talk to strangers so he graced his elbow into coal's arm. Of course messing up Coal's game and making the other grumble. "What?" He asked looking to Andy. coal paused and looked to Sam. A sly smirk crossed his lips as he looked the other over. "Fellow inmate I presume?" Coal laughed a little at his own joke about the other student. 

Andy leaned over to Coal, "He asked where the gym was at." Andy mentioned in a very hushed tone. Coal laughed again, "What makes him think we know where it's at?" Coal asked Andy. Both knew Sam was right in front of them but they spoke like Sam wasn't there. Their eyes looking the other up and down just made the room a bit more awkward.

Coal looked around and leaned over the front desk. Loving the fact that no one was there. He flipped through the papers on the desk and soon found a map of the school. "Epic.." He stated before looking it over. He shoved it at Sam, "Have fun." Coal stated before making his way around the desk. Seeing as no one was going to help them... They might as well help themselves. Coal took a seat at the desk and started to go through the school's computer. 

Andy crossed his arms over his chest as he watched Coal at work. Coal's fingers tapped away like lightning at the keyboard. His eyes focused on the screen as he searched for his and Andy's files. Not only that but any other files he could find about the staff and the other students. 

Andy let his eyes shift back over to Sam. He tilted his head at the other and had a questionable look on his face. It was like Andy wanted to ask the other a question but held back with great ease. 

Silva O'Connor

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"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt amyone. I just wanna see if I can make people's hair do the thing where it sticks up all over the place by throwing statically charged balls," She explained quickly, having a weird feeling that Matt would be worried or something. "But if not, I'll just let myself get hit. I really do hate this game," she said,brushing a few stray hairs out of her face. @WhipDing
Oookay. These two were clearly something of a... pair. Maybe they were brothers or something? Either way, he was slightly unnerved by them - bizarrely, they seemed to be stuck in their own little bubble, only really talking to each other. Maybe that was their power of something? Regardless, he quickly realized his mistake, though. Of course they didn't know where the gym was; they were pretty clearly new here, why else would they be hanging around the main desk?

The louder of the duo swiped a map from the desk and shoved it into Sam's arms, talking directly to him for the first time. Even so, it was pretty clear that he wasn't really paying attention to him.

"Uh... thanks."

Sam merely watched in curiosity as he walked around over to other side of the desk, nonchalantly slouching down into the chair, and began tapping away at the keyboard. Whatever he was doing, there was no doubt that he probably shouldn't be doing it. Sam briefly glanced around to see if anyone else was watching. Nope. The whole room was empty. Well, he was a lot of things, but he sure as hell wasn't a snitch. And this seemed a heck of a lot more interesting than classes.

He folded up the map and slid it into his back pocket. The quieter of the pair shot him a mildly questioning look. Guess he was as clueless as he was. He shrugged, and re-positioned himself to try to get a view of the screen. No luck - it was pretty well-hidden from this side. Probably so people could play games or browse Facebook or whatever without being branded 'unprofessional' or something. He stood there for a few moments before his curiosity got the better of him.

Placing both hands on the table, he pushed down hard, swinging his legs up and over in one fluid motion. His entire lanky frame was soon over the desk, although he'd knocked a couple of pieces of paper off in the process. Oh well. At least he could see the screen now.



Matt gave her another questioning look. As much as she said she didn't enjoy the game... she was clearly getting some kind of enjoyment out of it. Still, it was irrelevant, really. She was only ever going to get hit once, not matter how she played, so he all he had to do was survive that, and he was home-free. He gave her a vaguely accepting shrug, but she'd already turned away and started fiddling with her hair, presumably waiting for something to get started. Yeah, he was pretty convinced she was way more into this than she'd admit.

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Coal's eyes shifted to watch Sam's haste over the desk. A smirk appeared before his eyes shifted back to the screen. "Glad for you to join us delinquent." Coal continued to browse through the files of the school. He looked to Andy and motioned with a nod. Andy quietly understood Coal's thoughts... Even if neither of them could read minds. Andy pulled out a small wire from his back pocket and picked up Coal's phone. He hooked up the phone to the wire and then plugged the other end into the back of the computer tower. 

Coal kept his eyes on the screen while Andy worked. "Done." Andy smiled a little. Andy went back to looking at Sam, this time a slight smile to his features. "Welcome to the dark side." He stated before looking back to Coal. Coal's fingers danced faster over the keys as file after file zipped up and down on the screen. At the top of the screen a small bar was loading. At the point of completion the bar disappeared, leaving the words 'download complete' on the screen. Coal took his hands away from the key board but not before hitting the escape button. 

All the files he had gone through removed themselves from the screen leaving it as if no one had touched it. Andy pulled the plug out of the computer and the phone. He handed Coal his phone as Coal stood up. Andy placed the cord away as Coal now started to run through his phone. "Lets see...." Coal muttered looking through the new files on his phone. 

Andy looked back to Sam. Once more that questionable look.

"We have gym......" Coal spoke up but didn't sound very pleased about the class. Coal scrunched his nose at the idea of gym, but then turned to Sam.... "Show us the way navigator." Coal placed his phone away in his back pocket and shoved his hands into his front pockets. "Seeing as you do have a map..." Coal knew he had a map of the school now on his phone... But that wouldn't be as interesting as following around another student. 

Sam just watched as the guy tapped away at the keyboard. Records. Dozens and dozens of them, flashing up on the screen one by one. The appearance of the wire, and the ease with which he transferred the data made it pretty clear he'd done this before. He was even smart enough to remove any evidence of his tampering. Impressive. Well, whatever he planned to do with the data, he could hardly blame him - the academy had been pretty evasive so far, to the point that he no-one seemed to know how the staff really were, other than being mutants. Even their powers seemed a closely guarded secret.

The quiet one spoke to him for the best time, so he gave a wry smile back. Odd. He kept looking at him - he'd thought it was a one-off before, but he'd done it two or three times now. He instinctively pulled the baseball cap he was wearing further down, casting a shadow over his eyes. He was probably just being paranoid, but the last thing he needed was someone to recognise him here.

"Um, yeah, sure."

Okay, so apparently they had the same first class he had. He once again vaulted over the desk, this time taking care not to knock anything off. Sliding the map out of his back pocket, he looked to see where exactly they were supposed to be going. Oh. Well, he was an idiot. The gym hall was, obviously, just a couple of hallways away. A minute or two, and he would have found it easy. Oh well, no use in regretting that now.

"Okay, this way."

He walked off down one of the hallways, assuming the duo would be following him. It only a took a few minutes before he found himself in front of the large double doors into the gymnasium. Like most things here, it was pretty needlessly intimidating. Pushing the door open (and holding it for his new-found associates), he walked into the overwhelmingly open room. Looked like they hadn't even started yet. What a shame.


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