Matt continued to cling to Silva's shoulder, keeping himself fairly low down, trying to stay out of sight. Really, he'd prefer people didn't know he was here - the last thing he needed was to be a target. As for teams, he didn't really care too much, to be honest. He couldn't exactly be on a team anyway, so his only real concern was staying away from people were likely to be good at the game. Speaking of which, Luna would likely be a bit of a problem - she'd already demonstrated that she has some pretty impressive control over her powers, and that could be quite terrifying when the game started.

He looked around, curious to who Silva would pick regardless. Like her, didn't really know anyone, other than a select few people, and even those he did, he didn't exactly know them particularly well. He wasn't even really sure about what powers most people had, which was probably the most relevant information.



Sam simply loitered amidst the mass of people, just waiting to be picked. Sports weren't exactly his ideal choice of fun, but he wasn't opposed to the idea either. Thinking about the little tactical information he had, the team with Rowanna would probably be his best bet, seeing as having a full-blown shapeshifter couldn't be a bad thing, and Coal was already over there too - it would nice to at least know someone on his team. Still, it wasn't like he really knew anything about anyone else, though. For all he knew, there might be someone with telekinesis or something in here, and that would be a pretty big advantage.

Well, he could think about it all he liked, but it wasn't his decision anyway. So he continued to stand around, waiting to be called up. Could be a while though, considering neither of the captains knew who he was.
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Silva O'Connor

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She sighed, looking around the gym, she made her choices. "Wiley, Mira, and the other new guy," She said, refering to Andy. Silva wasn't very confident in picking people, so she was just picking those she knew. Well, plus that other new guy. But now it was Luna's turn to pick again, so who knows what would happen. She glanced at Matt, who was still unseen on her shoulder, before looking back at the large group of people.

@WhipDing @Hollycrest @SuperSpice @NovaNovass


Wiley glanced over at the girl she'd seen talking to Silva earlier. Mira. Cool. She smiled when Silva requested her and was about to portal over, then paused. Better not to show the other team what she could do just yet. She walked over and stood near Silva. 

@FireMaiden @WhipDing @SuperSpice

Mira Teller


Mira gave Silva a small smile as she walked over behind her leader. She had been picked first which made her feel quite good about herself, afterall dodgeball was probably a game where her powers would come in handy.

Abigail made a determined expression, shaking herself out of a rut she'd been in since the previous night. She looked around, unsure what to do about this. Being more athletic than most (at least, than most non-athletes and some of the lesser ones) she'd always been fond of gym.

Though she'd be lying if she said there weren't...other reasons why.
Luna rubbed her chin wondering who else to pick. "Sis you come to my team and just stay in the back." She said sighing. As long as they had enough people they would be fine. Luna stretched as did her vines ready to play. "Ok got enough people on my side." She told Silvia giving her a thumbs up.

Nichole sighed rolling over staying far in the back with her ice sphere before blinking and waved a bit to abigail. She sat down in her sphere of ice and related closing her eyes for a second. "At least i won't get hit in the stomach or face this time." Nichole said to herself hitting her cheeks to try and motivate herself a bit.
Andy made his way over to Silvia's team while Coal stayed on Luna's. Out of the two Andy seemed pretty ok with the arrangements, while Coal looked a bit angered. This probably feel to the fact that Coal and Andy were never really separated... Even in classes like this. But as Coal looked around he couldn't help but notice the other students using their powers. This made him nervous once again. As far back as he could remember he was told not to use his powers. He would use them mostly because he wasn't suppose to. Kind of like a protest to those pointing him out for his differences. 

But here.. At this school, they were encouraging them to use them. His eyes looked over to Andy who in turn just gave Coal two thumbs up and a weird smile. 
Matt looked around at the people who'd joined Silva's team. He was thankful to see that there were at least a few people that he knew, although he supposed that wasn't exactly a coincidence. He popped his head up as the few people gathered around, and gave a short wave to Wiley and Mira, although he wasn't sure if they were even looking at him. There was another guy with them that he didn't recognise, though - he made a point of staying out of his sight, now really wasn't the time to be meeting new people. He sunk back down into the fabric, once again lowering his entire body out of view.

@FireMaiden @Hollycrest @SuperSpice @NovaNovass


Sam was getting slightly impatient now. Most people had already been chosen, and only him and a couple of other people were still waiting to be picked. It made sense when he thought about it, though - they were probably just picking people they already knew, and it wasn't like he'd been incredibly social yesterday. Even so, he didn't want to be the very last person picked - that would be kinda embarrassing, even if he didn't know these people yet.
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Silva O'Connor

View attachment 222560

Silva smiled at her team, particularly to Mira and Wiley. Then, with a quick glance to her shoulder, she chuckled, just in time to see Matt's head disappear. Then, she looked back at the remaining people. Some of them looked to be not really paying attention, so she looked at the the one guy who looked a little angry not to be picked yet. "You," She pointed at Sam, then beckoned him over. She was easy to see, since most of her team was standing a little behind the short girl, "Come on."

@WhipDing @SuperSpice @Hollycrest @NovaNovass
Sam was still somewhat lost in his slightly indignant thoughts when the captain of one of the teams (Sophie, was it?) finally picked him. In fact, he was so lost in his thoughts, that he didn't initially register it had even happened. He simply continued to stand there, blankly staring at the opposite wall. It wasn't until she spoke again that he snapped back to reality, and briskly walked over to the team, standing closest to Andy, seeing as he was the only person he even remotely knew.

"Uh, hi. I'm Sam, if you didn't know," he said to no-one in particuar, fully aware that none of them knew who he was. At least, he hoped they didn't.

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Wiley looked Sam up and down. He seemed pretty normal. Just what you'd expect from a guy named Sam.

"Hi, Sam. So, what can you do?" She didn't bother introducing herself since he'd probably heard Silva say her name already.

"Also, when are we starting?"

@FireMaiden @WhipDing 
Oh, brilliant. There was that question again. Sam knew that this was becoming something of a problem - if people kept asking, then it was only a matter of time before someone figured it out, whether he said or not. Still, there was no harm in hiding it for as long as possible, and Wilson (?) was probably expecting some kind of reply regardless.

"Oh,uh... it's a kinda a secret."

It looked like they were almost ready - there was only one girl left to be picked, although there was some guy hanging around the edges of the room who looked like he could be a student. Maybe. He definitely wasn't a teacher, anyway.

@Hollycrest @Mane


"A secret, Alright, I won't pry. I'm Wiley, by the way." Wiley shrugged, supposing she would find out eventually, and turned to the front of the room.

"Alright for real, when's this thing starting? I'm ready to go." She looked around and noticed that some people still hadn't been assigned a team. Darn. Time to be patient for a little bit more.

@WhipDing @Akio
Silva O'Connor

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"Nice to meet you Sam," Silva said with a small smile, "I'm Silva." Though he probably already knew that. Wiley then introduced herself, and picked up a conversation with Sam, and Silva was now not paying to much attention to them. Only when Wiley attended when they would start, her attention started paying attention again. "I don't know. Soon I hope." @WhipDing @Hollycrest @Akio @SuperSpice @NovaNovass

Mr Weinstock


Once everyone had been picked for a team Logan stepped foward."Silva's team take your place on the end of the court there" He pointed to one side of the court "And the other team there" He pointed to the opposite end before walking out to the middle line and placing four balls spread across the line. Once everyone had taken their palces, Logan blew his whistle, signalling the start of the game.


Mira Teller


Mira took her place on Silva's team at the end of the court and once Logan blew his whistle she immidiatley teleported to the line, grabbing all four of the balls quickly and throwing them back to her team. The beauty of teleporting...


Wiley caught one of the balls that Mira had thrown.

"Sweet. Now let's see..." She stepped behind Silva so no one could see her easily and scanned the other team for people who would be easy to hit. The girl encased in the ice sphere seemed like a hard target to most people, but to her it would be the easiest. A portal appeared in front of her, and an identical portal appeared behind Nichole on the inside of her protective shield. There was almost no way she would be able to dodge in such a confined space, especially if she was unaware of the portal.

"Bombs away." She tossed the ball into the portal in front of her, and if all went as planned it would appear through the other portal and hit Nichole in the back.

@twilight sparkle

@SuperSpice @FireMaiden (mentioned)
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Nichole got slammed into the front of her ice sphere from getting hit and sniffled tearing up her ice sphere cracking then shattering. She closed her eyes tight the ice melting then melting before coming together again as waterling rolling back over to the side where her stuff was. Nichole hiccuped rubbing her back wincing.

Luna narrowed her eyes and picked up the ball before hurling it full force at one of the people on the other side (Sam) with her vines. She then looked over at her sister to make sure she was ok.

@Hollycrest @WhipDing
Sam dropped to the ground, semi-instinctively, as the ball flew towards him. It sailed over him harmlessly, missing him by quite a fair margin, but it still slightly worried him - he could feel the speed and power just from the air currents it left behind. If it had hit him, it would have done more than just taken him out the game.

It was at this point that he realized what a serious disadvantage he was at. He wasn't going to use his powers any time soon, and even he did, he doubted they would be much use. But the other team clearly didn't have such reservations. The girl who'd thrown that particular ball had sprouted some kind of plants, and was using them to throw a lot harder and faster than he could hope to with them. This wasn't exactly fair.

He picked himself up, and looked around for a good target. He quickly settled on a girl who looked fairly dazed, and probably wouldn't even notice the throw until it was too late. The ball had barely left his hands, flying towards her, when he realized his mistake. She didn't actually look like she was in the game, standing outside the makeshift court. Whoops.

Well, there was nothing he could do about it now.

@twilight sparkle @Mane


Seeing that Sam had just dodged a ball, Wiley quickly made a portal to catch it as another portal dropped the ball into her hands. Time for round two.

She felt a little bad about hitting Nichole; she thought that she'd the ball much softer than she did. She made a mental note to apologize to her afterwards, but this was dodgeball. 

Wiley looked out from behind Silva and observed Luna. Those vines would be a little trickier than the sphere of ice, since they could be used offensively and defensively. Instead, Wiley made a portal in the floor and tossed the ball inside, making sure to use less force than normal. An identical portal would appear at Luna's feet on the inside of her protective vine barrier. While she was looking at her sister she would likely not notice the portal, and the ball would come up and hit her straight between the legs(but not very hard).

@twilight sparkle 

@FireMaiden @WhipDing (mentioned)
Rowanna grabbed a ball as the game started glancing at the opposing team then back at her own. She had never played this game before, but knew the general rules based on what she had seen in movies. It seemed like the best possible target for this would be the girl who could create portals. It would be much easier for that girl to hit someone as they wouldn't be able to see it coming. Rowanna threw the ball as high into the air as she could, using the seconds before its fall to transform into a large red kangaroo. Balancing on her paws, Rowanna swung her heavy tail hard, using it to hit the ball directly in Wiley's direction with perfect aim. Without waiting to see the impact, Rowanna transformed into a Peregrine falcon and flew up high, defensively trying to remain out of the opponent's reach.

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Once the whistle blew things dove into action. Andy was a bit shocked at how quick his side was to attack. Just by their powers and how they used them... He wondered if this was a coincidence or if they had just gotten lucky? Either way he watched the girl with the vines and saw that more than few from his side were aiming at her. Andy took in a deep breath and exhaled with a light whistle. The air force he created gusted to the other side of the gym. The great force of wind would either place others on their guard from just the wind alone, or make them fall over if they were not ready for it.

(Everyone on Lune's side.) 
Matt covered his ears instinctively when the whistle blew, the noise piercing through him. Which, of course, meant he let go of the fabric he was sitting on. Thankfully, despite the sudden movement of the body below him, he was able to recover quick enough to grab back on before he was flung off, although he slid backwards slightly. The room had seemed fairly large before, but now that the hard rubber balls were flying around everywhere, he felt exposed and enclosed.

He ducked down as one of the balls came fairly close, at least from his perspective. He knew it didn't actually make much difference, but it made him feel better.

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Silva O'Connor

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(Sorry, I've been a tad busy)

When the whistle blew, and Mira tossed the team some balls, Silva caught one. Though she didn't throw immediately, sin e she was waiting for the right time. Then Wiley turned up behind her, which she really didn't understand if she was meant to be a shield since Silva was short. But that might actually work to her advantage. 

Then, she remembered Matt, after briefly forgetting he was on her shoulde,r an d glanced to check on him, seeing him kinda ducking. That was probably a really good idea since if she got hit...and since she now had someone to through an electrically charged ball at. She would feel a bit bad about it, since it was the girl who could turn into animals and she really liked animals. But that wasn't really her concern at the moment.

Of course, maybe throwing it at the girl covered in vines wold be better since she's never see and nimbly plant react kindly to electricity being shot into it, but the girl who could turn into animals could be difficult later on. Static and small viable bolts would dance across the ball in her hands, before she threw it high at the bird. Sure, the bird was fast, but electricity was definitely faster. Even if it was helping to propell something. @WhipDing @Eternal-Weekend
Abigail  pursed her lips, unsure which team she was supposedly on. She looked between the sides, saw the nonsense happening, and just kinda sat in the back of the room.

"Yeah, I'm gonna not. If that's an option at least."

She muttered to herself as she flashed a toothy grin at Nichole, throwing a peace sign in the air.

@twilight sparkle
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Luna cursed and grumbled walking to the wall walking a bit awkward before sitting down rubbing her temples. So much for being well protected with her vines. Luna sighed and drank her bottle of water watching the others play before relaxing a bit.

Nichole blushed darkly and waved to Abigail while she petted kai. Kai barked and licked her cheek before laying against her his head on her lap. Nichole smiled softly and hugged the silly puppy.

@Mane @Hollycrest @Eternal-Weekend

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