Nichole gave kai to Luna to hold then crouched down holding her hand out to the rodent. "Are you ok?" She asked softly as she watched it scamper over to her. Nichole gave a sort smile not wanting to frighten it.

@Echo Dreamsong @WhipDing

Luna blinked and shrugged going to the garden with kai so they could eat their lunch.

Wiley jumped when the lamp popped. Silva really didn't have a good hold on her ability. She gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay. Just relax. I can guarantee you that he's somewhere in this room; things don't just fall off through portals. We just have to find him." She scanned the floor, looking for anything that might resemble Matt's broken form, or even his partially mended one.

@FireMaiden @WhipDing
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Oh well. He tried. Sam, slightly embarrased now, stood back up, and watched the little creature speed off towards the girl (Nadia?) who had evidently noticed his plight. With very little else to do, he merely watched to see what it would do next. It was awfully, uh... expressive for a mouse.

@twilight sparkle @Echo Dreamsong


Matt listened to the two girls talking as he slowly made his way out from underneath the chair. Turned out he'd totally gotten the wrong idea - it was apparently Wiley who'd stepped on, and was the other person in the room. More to the point, they'd somehow figured out what had happened to him, which wasn't something that had ever happened before. Normally he'd be stuck for hours, sometimes days, just squashed up. This was definitely much more preferable.

The unfortunate part was that neither of them knew where he was right now. They were looking for him, though - all he had to do was get their attention. Finally coming out from underneath the shadow of the chair, he realised that that could be... tricky. The carpet was doing a good job of hiding him, some of the fibres coming up past his head, and his clothes didn't exactly stand out. Silva was sitting on a chair nearby, and Wiley was standing next to her, both of them not looking in his direction for now.

He made his way over to the closest of the two, which happened to be Wiley, with her un-shoed foot flattening the carpet around it. Ending up near the back of it, he gave it a hard shove. No luck - the sock she was wearing, as well as the carpet limiting his movement, dampened the force enough that he seriously doubted she felt that. Time for Plan B.

He grabbed onto the fabric of the sock and hoisted himself, slowly scaling his way up the back of her foot. It was important that he found bare skin soon so he could really make an impact - all these little movements, although not enough to conciously get her attention, could easily be interpreted as a simple itch, which would not end well for him.

@Hollycrest @FireMaiden


"Don't be like that. I wasn't looking where I was going." She looked around, but couldn't find a trace of him anywhere.

"You said he could reform, right? Do you think he's at least done that by now?"

@WhipDing @FireMaiden
Matt eventually reached the top of the sock, and the bottom of her trousers. Almost there. He pushed away the hem of the trouser leg, trying to get underneath, which to harder than expected - the fabric was pretty heavy compared to him. But he persevered anyway, and soon managed to jam himself inside, his legs tangling out and his face pressed up against the bare skin of Wiley's leg. Not totally as planned, but it'd worked. Now he just needed to make an impact.

Pushing his own legs against the sock below for leverage, he pulled himself away, just enough to give himself some room. Make or break time. He lifted up both his fists and began to punch the bare skin of the leg over and over and over. Without anything sharp or heavy, this was really the best he could do. Now he just had to hope it was enough.

@Hollycrest @FireMaiden
Wiley felt a small tingling sensation on the back of her leg. Probably just an itch.

"Guess there's no way to tell for sure...gah, this itch is killing me..." She pulled back her trousers and beheld what was making her itchy; the small form of a human. Her eyes widened.

"Matt! There you are!" She gently plucked him off of her leg and dropped him onto her open palm, gazing at him with both eyes. "I found him!"

@WhipDing @FireMaiden
Matt barely had time to react before the fingers appeared around him, tweezing him away from the leg. He guessed it was supposed to be quite gentle, but it certainly didn't feel like it for him. Ah well, it was the thought that counted.

He very quickly found himself being stared down at by two giant eyes, the two girls looking down at him in obvious relief. It was still something he was getting used to, although he certainly wasn't complaining. He'd never really had anyone looking out for him before - if he got into trouble, he was the one who'd have to get himself out of it.

Out of curiosity, he paused for a second before responding. ...Nope, still nothing. Looked like he was still stuck this size for now. Getting squashed likely hadn't helped in that regard. Still not really able to communicate, he just smiled at the two faces in the sky, giving both a thumbs-up and an OK sign. The two seemed very concerned, definitely more than he was - he'd been through quite a lot worse in the past, and knew he was never really in danger of anything other than slight humiliation.

He glanced around the room, now having a better vantage point. Yep, it was an office alright. Glancing at his watch, he noticed that significantly less time had passed than he'd assumed. The first class of the day had just finished, meaning it was only just the beginning of break now. He looked up to see what the others were going to do next.

@Hollycrest @FireMaiden
Silva O'Connor

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Upon seeing the thumbs up, Silva grinned, before turning to look at the lamp she had accidently  broken."I suppose now that we have him I should clean that TN up..." She mumbled, walking over to get the glass off the low bookshelf it was sitting on. But there was something a bit off. She looked a bit fuzzy, then would look fine, then fuzzy again. Almost a gains if you were taking off and putting glasses on again. Silva noticed, but if it happened it happened. It wouldn't either Wiley or Matt, and would only burn trough her shirt.

"Ow!" She exclaimed suddenly. "I poked my finger on the glass..." Silva pouted, throwing a napkin that had the he glass in it away, before looking for a bandaid.

@WhipDing @Hollycrest
Oh well. He tried. Sam, slightly embarrased now, stood back up, and watched the little creature speed off towards the girl (Nadia?) who had evidently noticed his plight. With very little else to do, he merely watched to see what it would do next. It was awfully, uh... expressive for a mouse.

Nichole gave kai to Luna to hold then crouched down holding her hand out to the rodent. "Are you ok?" She asked softly as she watched it scamper over to her. Nichole gave a sort smile not wanting to frighten it.

@Echo Dreamsong
Abigail approached Nichole with a smile.
She gave the shorter girl a pat on the head, grinning ear to ear.
"Whacha got there?"

@twilight sparkle
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Abigail sat on her feet next to Nichole, watching quietly. She reached out gently, hoping it might come and sniff her finger. She also coo'd at it, doing the cutest voice she was capable of. It was more for Nichole than the small animal, but small details like that weren't important.

@twilight sparkle 
Matt watched Silva fumbling around, mildly concerned. She seemed quite... flustered? Whatever was wrong, she certainly didn't seem okay. He jumped slightly when she recoiled from the broken glass, and frowned. Definitely not okay.

The mention of the next class by Wiley reminded him that he didn't actually know where they were supposed to be going next. He assumed they'd all be going to the same class, based on his experiences so far, but he had no idea where or what that actually was. Hopefully something a little less... physical. Well, as long as he stuck with someone else, he'd get there eventually. 

@FireMaiden @Hollycrest


Sam continued to watch as the two girls attempted to deal with the animal. Pika, she called it? He'd never heard of it. The new girl who'd just appeared (What was her name? Aubergine?) seemed to be better than he'd been, at least. No need to get involved yet.

@twilight sparkle @Mane
Fortune tilted his head at the finger now in his face. Apparently shifting would get you all the ladies... Still, it was embarrassing to be thought of as only an animal. Fortune squirmed around a bit, backing up with embarrassment clear in his eyes. Shifting back right now would be impossible, so maybe he could get them to know he was stuck! Fortune stood up on his hind legs and looked at the two frantically. It had been almost twenty minutes since he shifted, so that was longer than accidental shifts normally lasted. What if he couldn't change back?! Fortune began pointing at himself and then at the girls, looking panicked. He even looked at Sam for help, but the boy didn't seem to know what he really was. Stupid... Charlie! I'm gonna call him Charlie! This is all Charlie's fault! His ball hit me! Stupid Charlie! Fortune angrily thought before turning back to the two. Waving limbs around was tiring, so he stopped and just looked at them pleadingly.

@Mane @twilight sparkle @WhipDing 
Nichole gently picked up the pika. "You say you can't change back to your orignal form? Hmm how long have you been like this?" She asked the pika as she examined him carefully. "Let's see what we can do to change you back shall we?" Nichole said softly smiling and went to her dorm placing the pika down on rowanna's bed tapping her chin thinking.

@Echo Dreamsong @Mane @WhipDing
Fortune lowered his head, pawing at the ground. Had he been human, his face would have been brighter than a tomato. He never really thought he'd need help like this, or that he'd be stuck. The shame was far too much for him, and with a small sort of chirping sound, he jumped off the bed and ran to hide under it. Stuff was crowded under, so it was very easy to hide in the mess. 

@twilight sparkle @Mane @WhipDing
Nichole blinked as the pika went under the bed. "I don't think she'll mind right now abigail." She said as she tried to think of how to help the pika. Nichole scratched her head. "Hmmm..." she said softly and crouched down. "Mr. Pika have you tried thinking of being human to change back or focus on your original appearance?" Nichole asked

@Mane @Echo Dreamsong
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Fortune nodded slowly, shuffling back a bit. That had usually worked, but not this time. It might have been the stress of people around or the embarrassment of the situation, but he couldn't seem to do it. He also didn't like the name 'Mr. Pika', so he let out an annoyed squeak at the term. Sure, he was a he for the moment, but did that mean he'd have to deal with them always seeing him as male? Just out of spite for everything, he began mentally yelling at himself. SHIFTING! I AM A HUMAN! I AM A- what was that? From the shadows, a slightly bigger grey thing emerged. There was a freakin rat moving towards him. Despite knowing very well that he could fight it, fear took over and Fortune let out a squeal of terror. He shot out from under the bed and dashed into Nichole's arms. No way was he going back under there with a rat.

@twilight sparkle @Mane @WhipDing
Sam was now very confused. The pika was doing some kind of strange dance, standing up on its hind legs. It jiggled around a bit, seeming to look at each of them induvidually before flopping back down again. He, of course, had no idea what it meant. How could he?

But even if he didn't, the girls apparently did. One of them scooped up the animal and ran off in the direction of the dorms. Still mildly curious, he followed them for a while. A few sets of stairs and corridors later, they arrived at one of the rooms, and disappeared into it.

...Yeah, he wasn't that curious. That was the end of that little adventure for now.
Nichole blinked before blushing crimson at the wink as she  caught the pika gently petting him before seeing the rat. She calmly caught it with a bubble and let it outside."you ok?" Nichole asked holding the pika close to her chest. "It's ok the rat can't hurt you now. Let's get you something to eat to calm you down hm?" She said offering the pika some fresh veggies and fruits to eat. (Be jealous abigail XD jealous of a rodent being close to bae's chest XD)

@Echo Dreamsong @Mane
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