Rowanna flew around, dodging the balls that were thrown up into the air at her. She dipped down a ways, ready to change into an offensive animal. But her feathers began to prickle, and right as she went to change, an electrified ball slammed into her small form. Rowanna dropped a few feet, smelling her feathers singe a bit. She found her wings weren't moving right from the shock, and she fell faster. Fifteen feet above the ground, Rowanna quickly shifted into a serval, gracefully twisting her body to land on her feet. Angrily, Rowanna realized she had been taken out, and stalked over to sit beside Luna and Nichole. She growled angrily, she didn't like to lose.
Nichole blinked looking over at rowanna and offered her some chilled fresh fruit to eat. She then popped a few green grapes into her mouth chewing happily.

Luna grabbed some of the grapes and some carrots to eat. She relaxed at the cool and crisp crunch of the carrots smiling. "Thanks for the snacks sis." Luna said munching on another baby carrot.



Wiley was about to revel in her success at another one down, but her caught sight of a massive kangaroo in the air. She looked up to find the dodgeball hurtling towards her, aided by gravity, and had one second to throw up a portal to protect herself, which it sailed into. The second portal was parallel to the ground as the ball fell straight out of it at the same velocity at which it had been coming toward her at her right. It slammed into the ground and bounced up, allowing Wiley to catch it.

"Anyone else want some?" She asked with a surprisingly modest tone, looking around at anyone who might have been left.
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Fortune stood at the edge of the game, a deep frown etched on his face. Yes, today Fortune was a male. His hair had a slight golden tint to the brown and his eyes were a stormy purple. He didn't want to take part, fearing that he might just not be picked. Fortune was not well liked anywhere he went. It probably had to do with his snippy attitude. So Fortune just stood off to the side until a ball slammed into his face. He let out a shriek, running away to out the door. Within minutes, an angry little Pika was sitting in the hall with ear twitching.

(Pika is a type of rodent, look it up)
Sam winced inwardly as the ball he'd just thrown unceremoniously smacked into the side of the girl's face. Well, he'd thought she was a girl, but on closer inspection... yeah, not so much. He opened his mouth to apologize, but it was too late - he'd already stormed out the room, clearly not very happy. He hung around in the gym for a few more seconds, trying to decide what to do next. If he stayed here, the guy might not recognize him later, and he could quite easily get away with it... bleh. Eventually, he succumbed to the guilt, and left the gym to find him.

Unfortunately, there was no immediate sign of the guy. He glanced up and down the connecting hall, and nothing. Well, he'd tried. Time to get back to... oh?

On the floor, was a small... something. Like an oversized mouse or something. Not doing anything, just sitting there. Huh. He walked up quietly towards it, not too sure to make of it. It could another shapeshifter, in which case it was probably harmless, but if not... well, this school was pretty weird. The last thing he needed was to be bitten by some kid's rabid pet.

He eventually decided not to disturb it, just in case. Unfortunately, the decision was taken out of his hands - while making his quiet, but hasty, getaway, he of course tripped, landing face-first with a loud thud. He looked back at the... thing, knowing that whatever it was, he was about to have to deal with it.

@Echo Dreamsong


Matt could only hang on for his life as Silva caught one of the balls, and flung it through the air, propelled by raw electrical power. For such a small girl, she had one heck of a throwing arm, that was for sure. He didn't even pay attention to where the ball went after it left her hands - he was more concerned about the tiny electrical sparks that appeared around him as she charged it up. Thankfully, the resulting shock was relatively minor, nowhere near as bad as his first encounter. If anything, he probably wouldn't have felt it all if he wasn't this small. Still not the most comfortable thing in the world, though.

As the sparks subsided, Silva looked over at him. Not past him, at him. He smiled back, and gave her a quick thumbs-up, deciding not to trouble her with his tiny little troubles. It was nice to have someone actually concerned about him - to be honest, he thought she would just forget about him as soon as the game started.

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Silva O'Connor

View attachment 222560

Upon seeing Matt was okay, Silva went back to paying attention to the game. Dodging a few balls, catchino two, and throwing another, she got another three people out. This was alot more fun than she thought it would be. "Nice catch Wiley!" She called, finally able to complement her team mate, then quickly check to see who was left on her team.

@WhipDing @Hollycrest @NovaNovass @SuperSpice

(Just tagging yall too)

@Eternal-Weekend @twilight sparkle @Echo Dreamsong @Mane @Akio
The brief moment of being noticed passed very quickly as she refocused on the game. Matt was flung around, his body flailing uncontrollably as Silva became more agile, with his legs dangling uselessly in the air. Thankfully, his grip was strong enough that he could hold on with his hands alone, but it wasn't exactly the most fun experience in the world. As she darted left and right, his body smacked against the fabric with the faintest of thuds, over and over and over. 

As the game became increasely more intense, it became harder and harder to keep a hold of the seemingly more slippy fabric. Not good. He tried to grip on tighter, but it was no use. One by one, his fingers were pulled away, and soon he was barely clinging on at all. The final blow came in the form of a sudden jolt from Silva as she propelled a ball at the opposite team. He, too, was flung away from her, his little body tumbling endlessly through the air, seemingly unnoticed.

He bounced once or twice before coming to a stop, skidding face-first. Okay, this was bad. He quickly picked himself up, and scanned his surroundings. Not that it helped - from down here, he could even tell which side of the room he was on. Which he could tell was that he was in big, big trouble. The ground shook constantly as the people around him stamped around, and balls slammed off the ground. He ran around aimlessly for a few moments, trying to stay away from danger, but his fate was inevitable.

A foot came smashing down on top of him, instantly splattering his tiny body. It twisted as the person stepped off, dragging the gooey remains with it. If he had a mouth to do it with, Matt would have sighed. This was something that he knew was going to happen eventually, but he'd hoped he would have been able to get past the second day. But here he was, a splat stuck to the bottom of someone's shoe. Up and down, up and down.

He briefly wondered who the person he was stuck under was, but he supposed it didn't matter. Unless they'd noticed him, it was unlikely he'd get enough space to reform. Looked like he might be here for a while...

@FireMaiden (and anyone else who wants to get involved)
Wiley leaned to the side to dodge an incoming ball and heard a squelching sound as her right foot hit the floor. She ducked and looked at what exactly she had stepped in. Whatever it was, it looked pretty gross. She grimaced, about to scrape it off the bottom of her shoe when a thought struck her.

"Silva..." She asked, her voice tinged with worry. "...Where's Matt?"
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Silva O'Connor

View attachment 222560

She may have been freaking out a little. She tried not to be to rough when moving around, but obviously she had been, and almost immediately noticed when he wants in her shoulder anymore. Then, after a few seconds of looking around, she heard Wiley. "Oh my god, I think you just stepped on him..." She said quietly.

@WhipDing @Hollycrest


"What?!" Wiley took off her shoe and stared at it in shock. "Oh god, I didn't see...what do we do?" It was one thing to kill someone, but it was a completely different thing to be informed that you had done so without even thinking about it.

@WhipDing @FireMaiden
Silva O'Connor

View attachment 222560

"He said something about being able to reform when I met him yesterday. Nearly stepped on him, cause I didn't know he was there when I walked in cause he was really tiny, and then when he grew and got big I shocked him which was really rude thing to do, I'm sorry, but then we started talking and he was explaining his powers, but then the tours happened and I guess he got stepped on cause then he told me what happened! So i guess we wait or something, I don't know," She was rambling again, talking quickly but some how managed to say all that with one breath. The air pickled a little around her, small sparks popping here and there as the tiny 5ft girl rambled away. @WhipDing @Hollycrest
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Of course, Matt was oblivious to the panic going on around him, not being able to hear anything without having solid ears. No way to communicate he was even there anyway. What he did notice, though, was that the vibrations he could usually feel had subsided pretty quickly, and he didn't feel the rising and falling sensations that he'd been subjected to for the last few seconds. It was as if the person he was attached to had just... stopped moving.

But then the great weight that had been on top of him suddenly lifted, and he once again felt himself rising. And then... nothing. No more extreme vibrations, or the feeling of his remains being deformed further. He could still feel some far-off vibrations, though, as if someone was still walking further away. Was it over? He pondered for a moment, trying to work out what was going on. His best guess was that the game had finished, and whoever'd stepped on him had just gotten changed, discarding the shoe he was attached to. And that would explain why he could feel footsteps - he was probably in their room now, and that was them pacing or something nearby. He didn't feel like he'd been squashed long enough for that, but it was pretty normal to lose track of time when he was in this state.

That didn't explain the rising sensation though. Maybe he was on a shelf or something? Well, that wasn't important right now. What was important was that he had could tell he had enough space to reform. It could take a couple of minutes - he'd been flattened pretty thoroughly - but it'd happen eventually. He wasn't exactly in a rush, though. Who cared if this took two minutes or ten minutes?

@Hollycrest @FireMaiden

Wiley stepped back a bit as Silva's sparks got dangerously close to her.

"Silva, calm down, you're gonna shock someone." A portal formed in the floor in front of them.

"I'm gonna go ahead and assume we won. If not...well, this is more important anyways. This portal should take us to the nurse's office. You first." She gestured to the portal with her hand, inviting Silva to jump in.

@FireMaiden @WhipDing
Silva O'Connor

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"I can't calm down! Matt could be dead and it would be partially my fault, cause you know, you did step in him, but he was on my shoulder so i should have been more careful but i had to play and - EEP! Ih my god Wiley im so sorry, your hair is all standing up and stuff!" The air popped and crackled a bit more, but she stopped talking when the portal appeared, "Okay, yeah, I'll go first." 

@WhipDing @Hollycrest
Static. That was a familiar feeling.

Matt reckoned he had it more or less figured out by now. He'd probably fallen off her shoulder, and been pretty much immediately stepped on by Silva. He doubted she'd even noticed, she was that much into the game. She'd gone back to her room at the end of the game, gotten changed or whatever, and left this shoe (and by extension, him) lying around somewhere. And now she was messing around with powers or something. In a twisted kind of way, it was quite convenient. He'd ended up nearby the one person who wouldn't immediately freak out about finding him in their room.

But then, he felt everything start to move yet again. Not like before, it... it didn't make sense. He really couldn't up a good explanation for the vibrations and air currents he was feeling right now. He could definitely still feel the rubbery sole of the shoe he was attached to, but it was like it was moving of it's own accord. As if it was gently floating through the air.

Well, he'd find out soon enough. It would only a take a moment or two before he'd be able to start reforming.

@FireMaiden @Hollycrest
Sam winced inwardly as the ball he'd just thrown unceremoniously smacked into the side of the girl's face. Well, he'd thought she was a girl, but on closer inspection... yeah, not so much. He opened his mouth to apologize, but it was too late - he'd already stormed out the room, clearly not very happy. He hung around in the gym for a few more seconds, trying to decide what to do next. If he stayed here, the guy might not recognize him later, and he could quite easily get away with it... bleh. Eventually, he succumbed to the guilt, and left the gym to find him.

Unfortunately, there was no immediate sign of the guy. He glanced up and down the connecting hall, and nothing. Well, he'd tried. Time to get back to... oh?

On the floor, was a small... something. Like an oversized mouse or something. Not doing anything, just sitting there. Huh. He walked up quietly towards it, not too sure to make of it. It could another shapeshifter, in which case it was probably harmless, but if not... well, this school was pretty weird. The last thing he needed was to be bitten by some kid's rabid pet.

He eventually decided not to disturb it, just in case. Unfortunately, the decision was taken out of his hands - while making his quiet, but hasty, getaway, he of course tripped, landing face-first with a loud thud. He looked back at the... thing, knowing that whatever it was, he was about to have to deal with it.

@Echo Dreamsong
Fortune stared at Sam in confusion, a bit of nerves clear on his face. He didn't like going near anyone, but a teacher had told him to make friends... The little pika hopped over to him, not blinking. Fortune nudged Sam's face a bit. Sure, he figured it was Sam's fault he shifted, but did Sam know it was him? Nope, for all he knew Fortune was just a fluffy little mouse like thing without a tail. He nudged Sam again, making a little "Eee" sound as he did.



Wiley felt her ponytail, which was considerably frizzier than it had been a few seconds ago. Thankfully, it had been held fast by her hair tie.

"It's cool, just jump in. You might feel a little disoriented, but you should end up in the nurse's office."

@FireMaiden @WhipDing
Silva O'Connor

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Disoriented was a bit of an understatement. Silva didn't like this portal traveling thing, and when she stepped out on the other side in the nurses office, she not only felt very dizzy, but incredibly nauseous. She had to sit down, but stood up only after a few seconds when she realized there was no nurse there. "Uh oh..."

@WhipDing @Hollycrest
Nichole walked out with Luna and her puppy humming softly going to get some food after gym ended. She stretched and smiled softly petting her puppy as they went to the cafeteria.

Luna walked along side her sister looking around with a sigh wishing the more interesting classes would start soon. She let her hair out of its ponytail and lightly hummed.

(Open to anyone)
Matt felt his entire body (or what was left of it) begin to tingle. It was time. He focused as hard as he could, forcing the matter into a human shape. Arms, legs, head... it was all there, in his mind. His remains slowly pulled themselves together, forming a gooey clump that still did't exactly resemble a person. Almost there...

He was suddenly flung back into reality, as he snapped back to his natural form. He lifted his arm to protect himself from the blinding light that he could now see. As it turned out, that wasn't the smartest idea - whatever he was now sitting on, it was at on angle. He found himself tumbling, and then once again falling through the air.

The landing was a lot less violent than last time though. Instead of a hard, cold floor, he ungracefully rolled into a field of carpet, which caught and slowed him pretty quickly. It took second to recover, but when he did, he was more than a little confused about where he was. He'd ended up underneath a chair, but looking up, it seemed better suited to an office than someone's room. He certainly hadn't noticed a chair like this when he was in Silva's room earlier. A quick look around the room confirmed his suspicions - there was a heck of a lot of filling cabinets in this room.

Perhaps of more interest were the two people in the room, though. He couldn't see their faces, so one of them he didn't immediately recognise, although he found it odd that they were only wearing one shoe. The other (who had just stood up from the chair he was underneath, judging by the shaking) he was able to identify - he'd gotten (uncomfortably) close enough to those blue converses in the past to recognise them instantly. So he was half-right, at least. Silva was involved somehow. There was still a lot that needed explaining, though.

He untangled himself from the carpet strands that seemed to be gripping his limbs, and stood up, intending to walk out into the open. It'd take a while, though, seeing how difficult it was to move through the thick fibers.

@FireMaiden @Hollycrest


Sam, still dazed slightly, recoiled when the animal poked his face for a second time. He hurriedly scrambled to his feet. Yeah, he was waaay out of his depth here. People? Easy. Animals? No idea. He hadn't exactly been exposed to a range of animals through his lifetime, and as such hadn't got a clue on how to deal with them. Really not his field of expertise. He turned to walk away, ignoring the problem.

...But of course, he couldn't. Whatever this animal was, it definitely wasn't supposed to be there. And as much as he didn't really care for animals, he still felt somewhat guilty for just leaving it there. What if there was some poor kid looking for their pet right now? Still though, he wasn't sure what to do about it. What was he supposed to do?

It was at this point that he caught sight of one of his fellow classmates leaving the gym. Nicky? Natasha? Nichola? Whatever her name was, he knew she was good with animals - she seemed to be pretty comfortable with that dog of hers. He opened his mouth to call to her, but of course, he didn't know her name. Deciding to spare himself the embarrassment, he turned back to the small animal. This wasn't going to pleasant for the either of them, but...

He stumbled down onto his knees, and put his hands on either side of it. He slowly brought them together, in an awkward attempt to pick it up. His plan was to take it over to the girl he'd just seen, and, well, offload the problem.

@Echo Dreamsong @twilight sparkle
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Silva O'Connor

View attachment 222560

"Oh my god Wiley! He's not on your shoe anymore!" Silva squeaked. Her heart began to race. "What if he fell off? What if the teleporting wasn't soe thing that was supposed to happen and he fell off inside the portal? What if he reformed an we can't see him anywher?" She questioned quickly, a desk lamp glowing more than it should before it popped. She jumped at little attention the sound of a loud pop and glass, but now knew she had to really calm down. "Oh crap, oh crap" She muttered, now gently hugging herself. "Oh, I'm sorry Wiley, I'm really, really sorry," She said quietly, before sitting down in a chair opposite than the one she had sat in a few moments ago. "This is bad, this is really bad."

@WhipDing @Hollycrest
Nichole continued on her way to the cafeteria with kai and luna wanting a sandwich. (Dun dun dun!!!) She smiled softly getting a roast beef and cheese sandwich getting some roast beef for kai as well.

Luna got herself a fresh chicken salad to eat and they walked down the hall about to go to the garden.  Nichole blinked seeing what looked like some kind of rodent. 

@WhipDing @Echo Dreamsong
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