Coal and Andy watched Sam climb over the desk once more. Coal roes a brow at the need to jump over the desk. But as Sam looked over the map Coal opened up one of the desk drawers and smiled. He picked up a pack of gum along with a badge of some sort. He pocketed the badge and gum. With a little more digging he was happy to find more candy. Picking out what he wanted he tossed a lollipop to Andy who caught it effortlessly. Coal shut the drawer and walked around the desk as Sam started to lead the way. 

As they walked Andy kept his eyes forward while Coal let his drift just about everywhere. Chewing on the new found gum Coal popped a small bubble as he spun around as they walked. It didn't take long for them to reach the gym. The two stood next to Sam as they looked into the large room. 

Coal let the gum pop one more time as he looked about. Andy's expression made one think he was looking at something disgusting, and Coal's expression didn't help. They had been to school before, but that was more like a public school on the wrong side of the tracks. Comparing this school to the ones they normally went to, this one was a lot cleaner and bigger. The fact that there was no graffiti on the walls spoke a lot about it. Coal and Andy looked around even more as they stepped through the doors. 

@WhipDing and others in the gym.
Kai popped put of nichole's jacket and barked running over to her ice sphere. He whined scratching at it wanting her attention. 

Nichole blinked and looked down seeing kai and her ice sphere went to a water sphere. She smiled softly and pulled kai gently into the sphere. 'We can play in a bit ok kai? I just need to get out of this hellish game and then I can play with you." Nichole said kissing his forehead and floated in the water sphere as it rolled back to her backpack.

She placed kai down and patted him before blinking seeing new  three new people. Nichole gulped slightly and gave them a wave before her sphere froze again as she rolled over. "W-would you like to play dodge ball with us? W-we're  about to make teams." She said as her sphere melted and she collected the water making it evaporate not wanting to make a mess.

@NovaNovass @WhipDing 

(Since Luna is currently about to throw balls full force into faces XD)
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Sam looked around the room. Looked like they were getting ready to play some kind of game - judging by the balls lined up in the middle of the room, he assumed it was dodgeball. Well, there were worse things they could be playing. His suspicions were confirmed when a girl rolled up to them. Rolled? Huh. That was... unusual. He guessed she had some kind of water control, but he couldn't be sure. Seemed rude to ask, though.

"Oh, yeah, sure. I'm down for that. I'm Sam, by the way."

He looked back at the pair that followed him here. Both of them seemed... in shock? Yeah, they sure were an interesting duo, that was for sure. Even in the few minutes he'd known them, it was strikingly obvious that they almost acted as one - he couldn't even picture them individually. Mutants sure were a strange bunch.

"Hey, uh... you guys okay?"

@twilight sparkle @NovaNovass
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Rowanna looked up as more people entered the room. She was competitive, and so she tried to discern what theae people's powers were. She of course knew Luna and Nichole's, and there was the guy who could shrink. But what could everyone else do? She kinda thought that the teacher would have them display their powers in order to figure out who to team with who. But maybe he already knew. Either way, Rowanna knew well she did not want to get on anyone's bad side. She looked over the three boys that had entered, two of which looked around with strange expressions. Shrugging, she walked over with Nichole and smiled politely at all three boys, her ocean blue eyes appraising them. "Hi there, I'm Rowanna and this is Nichole. Nice to meet you all," she stated.

@twilight sparkle @WhipDing @NovaNovass
Andy and Coal both gazed over at Nichole when she rolled over to them. both seemed to have dull or no expressions on their faces when she popped out of her bubble. The thing that stood out to Coal was the fact that the girl was able to control water at her will. to him this was kind of interesting. Well for his little master mind of course this would be more than interesting. 

The mention of names pulled Coal out of his thoughts for the moment. He shook his head and shoved his hands deep into his pockets. "I think we'll pass on the games sweetheart." Coal smirked as he popped another small bubble with his gum. 

Coal pulled out his phone and once more was back to his little games. Well that's what one would think unless they knew what he was really doing. With the help of an icloud and a simple copy and paste transfer, Coal had the school's information at his finger tips. 

Andy elbowed him gently when another face came over to them. Andy looked Rowanna over with curious eyes. Tilting his head a bit before whispering to Coal. "Should we smile?" he asked. 

Coal looked up from his phone and looked over both Nichole and Rowanna. It seems that they had caught the attention of some of the other students. But how long would that last? Coal loved the attention but would never really show it. 

"Coal." He said simply. He then motioned to Andy, "And this is Andy." 

Coal was quick with his hands as his phone disappeared back into his back pocket. He would have to look up the students and their files later. 

Andy gave the two new faces a soft smile and a short nod. His silence was more his charm while Coal was more of the talker. 

@WhipDing @Eternal-Weekend @twilight sparkle
Matt gave her another questioning look. As much as she said she didn't enjoy the game... she was clearly getting some kind of enjoyment out of it. Still, it was irrelevant, really. She was only ever going to get hit once, not matter how she played, so he all he had to do was survive that, and he was home-free. He gave her a vaguely accepting shrug, but she'd already turned away and started fiddling with her hair, presumably waiting for something to get started. Yeah, he was pretty convinced she was way more into this than she'd admit.


Silva O'Connor

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"Ok, maybe I'm a little excited to pelt people," She said quietly. Ok, so maybe she was really looking forward to hitting people either electrically charged dodge balls. "But seriously, don't worry. I won't shock you on pourpose."
Rowanna nodded when Andy returned her smile, slightly unsure of these two. They seemed to be a little out of plqce in a gym, but so was she. In fact, before the Academy, shehad never even been in a school before. Her father always had her homeschooled, claiming the education was better that way. Rowanna glanced at Nichole, making sure she was ok before looking back at them. Her body was itching to transform, she wanted so badly to stretch her wings and fly in open sky. Hell even the gym would do. But she couldn't just yet. Instead, she decided to make conversation with these two new men. "So what are you guys in for? What are your powers?"

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Nichole blushed faintly at the smile and said"it's nice to meet you three." Smiling softly. Kai ran over and barked whining. Nichole smiled softly and picked him up. "Ok I'll play kai." She said holding him up. Kai barked happily and wagged his tail then sniffed Andy and Coal before tilting his head.  Nichole hugged her pup close and noddrd to Rowanna's question wanting to know what their powers were.  They made her a bit curious.  "Um what are your powers sam? I have hydrokensis."

@NovaNovass @Eternal-Weekend @WhipDing
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Coal loved the way Rowanna thought. Her first question alone brought a sly smirk to his face. "Destruction of school property." Coal couldn't hold back the list. "Trust-passing, grand theft auto.... " Coal glanced to Andy, "Assaulting an officer?' He questioned the other. Andy shrugged but nodded, "Not exactly on the list but.... It was mentioned a few times." Andy looked back to the girls and smiled once more. He noticed that the more he smiled the more they didn't back away in fear. 

Coal on the other hand looked a bit more curious at the dog now. "They allow pets?" He questioned. Coal was tempted to reach out, wanting to pet the hing... But he refrained himself from doing so. Coal had nothing against animals. In fact he actually liked them. But from where they came from, animals were attack dogs and stray cats, and they didn't like people that much. 

Andy felt his smile slip away as he noticed Coal go quiet a bit. His eyes slowly shifted to Coal seeing that the other was ignoring the girl's second question. 

Their powers.

They wanted to know what their powers were. A typical question that was bound to be brought up sometime soon. Especially in a school made for people like them. But Andy knew Coal all too well. He loved attention, more so the negative kind than the positive. Negative attention sticks around longer, when people hate you.... They hate you for days even years. To get the positive attention... that would always slip away when others got bored with you. 

Coal shrugged, "The usual." He finally answered. "Not exactly special." Coal's words were dull and had no real expression in them. Instead of being open like a few moments ago... Coal was more so closing up to the group before them. This meant the young teen was getting nervous. Andy knew that there was a lot that Coal could handle and not be nervous over, making new friends was a challenge for him. Even for Andy. People came and went all the time, so to try and sum up yourself in a few moments was not something Coal was good at. Nor Andy. 

So they would keep the other students guessing for the time being. 

@WhipDing @twilight sparkle @Eternal-Weekend
"Oh you can pet kai if you would like, he's very friendly." Nichole said smiling softly then saw that Coal had went quiet. "My apologies for making you uncomfortable." She said softly bowing in apology. Nichole didn't like making others uncomfortable. She backed up a bit with kai and rubbed her chin before smiling tossing a tennis ball. Kai barked and chased it before running off with it happily. "Wait kai come back!" Nichole said jogging after him and picked him up sighing softly making her way back to the small group.

@NovaNovass @Eternal-Weekend @WhipDing
"Yeah, nice to meet you too."

Sam was slightly overwhelmed by the size of the group that'd accumulated around him. The good news was that everyone seemed friendly enough, at least for now. And now he actually knew people's names, which was convenient. Coal and Andy. Yeah, not brothers then - no parent would name their children so differently.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a dog barking. He was initially startled, but was quickly relieved when he saw it was just a puppy, presumably belonging to... Nicky? Nicholla? Okay, maybe he wasn't so great with names. Regardless, the dog seemed to be quite attached to her.

His face hardened when she asked about his powers, though. Revealing them wasn't exactly in his best interests... anything he could do to prevent people finding out who he really was was worth doing, in his mind. Coal and Andy had already made the discussion fairly tense, so he just opted to vaguely decline an explanation.

"Um... sorry, but I'm not really--"

He was cut off by the dog running off... Nancy (?) chasing it for a fair while. Well, that was awfully convenient. When she returned, he quickly tried to change the subject, hoping his omission would go unnoticed.

"Anyway, you guys ready for this dodgeball stuff?"

@Eternal-Weekend @twilight sparkle @NovaNovass


Matt gave her a smug look, mildly satisfied he'd been right. He wasn't right very often, so this made a nice change. She'd warned him about it, but he actually wasn't too concerned about getting shocked. He doubted it would be as bad as the very first shock she'd given him, and well, he figured being on her shoulder was probably the safest place to be in all this.

He looked over to entrance of the gym. A small group of people had congregated around it, some of which he recognised, like Luna's sister, but many of which he didn't. He wondered what they were talking about - it wasn't like he could hear them from over here. Wiley was also on the other end of the room, but aside from that, he didn't recognise anyone else.

Rowanna nodded, understanding that they wanted to hide their powers. Until she came to this school, her powers were evil, and she hated herself for them. She had killed her own father due to not being able to control her powers. They seemed to have used their powers for bad rather than good. She couldn't necessarily blame them. The world treated mutants terribly, she knew from experience. She had been attacked, pushed, stabbed, forced into terrible situations to the point that she wanted nothing more than to be a normal human being with a normal human life. 

"I'm sorry if I offended you or made you nervous. I'm just curious by nature, probably due to the cat genes in me," she responded with a light melodic laugh. She then shrugged and crossed her arms over her chest comfortably. "Most people already know what my powers are. I'm a therianthrope. I can change myself into the form of any animal that I have been injured by in the past," Rowanna said with a pretty smile. She gestured to the various bite and claw scars across her body to accentuate her point. She then answered Sam, "As I'll ever be."

@WhipDing @NovaNovass
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"I guess so...I really don't want to play dodge ball though." Nichole said with a sigh and placed kai down with her backpack and jacket getting him a drink of water. She then walked over to Luna again and put up her ice sphere once more ready to just block the balls.

@WhipDing @Eternal-Weekend
Coal glanced to Andy who in turn glanced over to Coal. The circle had gone small, even if only one person walked away, it was already small to begin with. But what bothered the two was how quickly they were able to pick up on Coal's moods. Coal wasn't the easiest person to read. In fact it took Andy years to know and understand Coal's motions. So this puzzled both of them, and somewhat offended Coal. Coal let a rough breath slip through his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest. His eyes now diverted from the others. He'd rather not let others read him like a book. He was never use to people getting so close so quickly. He actually hated it. 

Andy looked back to Rowanna, "Is this class mandatory?" He asked. If gym was a bird class than no one would care if the two skipped out and just went exploring. Plus he wasn't sure if Coal would be in the mood to continue being around so many others. "If not maybe you could show us around?" Andy shrugged knowing already that Coal didn't have so much of a problem with the animal changing girl. 
Rowanna looked around the gym, seeing other students move around aimlessly, waiting for thr teacher to make teams. Logan, the teacher, was the strict type, she knew, and she didn't think skipping class would put them on his good side. Rowanna looked back at Andy and smiled. "As far as I know, they're all mandatory. But this class in particular would be more so than other. It's kind of like a combat and training class mixed with PE," she answered, "And the teacher can be pretty strict from what I'm told."

Again, her whole body tingled, wanting to be outside. She wanted to go sprinting through the grass as a cheetah, fly as a golden eagle, climb trees as a jaguar, anything to get her out in nature. She ignored it, and met both Andy and Coal's gazes. She understood how they felt, not wanting to be around people or get too close too fast. She had spent her whole life running, staying away from people. She didn't quite know what to say in that sense. So instead, Rowanna stated, "But I can show you guys around after class if you like. There are some pretty cool places here, especially outside."

Therianthrope. That didn't sound like a real word. Like, at all. Regardless, he got the point - she was a shapeshifter, kinda like him, although he suspected  that her version was somewhat more dignified. Even so, it didn't sound pleasant exactly, with the need to be injured for the ability to function. Gnats bites were unbearable for him, anything bigger just felt unthinkable. Although judging by her slightly unnerving smile as she showed off her scars, she seemed to think otherwise.

Anyway, the conversation seemed to move away from the topic of powers, much to his relief. With Nadia (?) moving away, it didn't seem worth hanging around - Andy and Coal seemed happy enough talking with Rowanna (see, he could remember that name). He discreetly wandered away, glancing at the other students in the room. Everyone seemed pretty ready - Nina (?) had said all that was left was to pick teams.
Coal's eyes widened for a split second before narrowing, "Did you just say combat?" Coal asked. One could tell his mind did not register anything else Rowanna said. Instead his eyes were looked around the room at all the other students. Coal already understood the terms 'don't underestimate your opponents.' Something he learned the hard way while growing up, and when he got his powers... It was a term his enemies should have taken more serious. Maybe even to take him more serious. 

But Coal let his gaze turn back to Rowanna. He shrugged a bit. "Maybe?" When the girl mentioned some good outdoorsy spots Coal's interest disappeared. Coal like outside, he really does, but his outside verses nature like outside... There was a big difference. Coal loved the city. The back alleys, the subways, anything with pavement was Coal's kind of place. Now throw him out in the woods or a grassy like area.... Coal wants to set it on fire... He was not some nature type person. 

Andy just stood there for a while as he watched Coal and Rowanna. He kept his forced smile on his face till finally he just got tiered of smiling. His smile went away and an expressionless face took it's spot. He looked to Rowanna, "We can let you know after class." He told her. He noticed how everyone was slowly moving away from them. So Andy took the idea and placed his hands on Coal's shoulders. He moved Coal away from Rowanna and back out into the hall way. He held up a finger to her before slipping out the doors. "One moment." Andy stated as the doors closed. 

Once out in the hallway the two looked to one another. "So they weren't lying." Andy blinked a bit. Coal shrugged, "I bet this is a test." Coal stated as he looked back to the gym doors. "I bet they are just waiting for us to fuck up." Coal pulled out his phone and started to go through the data he got from the school's computer. 
Logan glanced around, seeing two more students approaching. "What are you all doing waiting outside the door, come inside all of you, I will nominate captains and get started."  He said, sounding vaguely annoyed that so many had decided to ignore him for a moment to swarm the new kids, though he supposed that was not unheard off. "If they hadn't told you we are playing dodgeball, any powers are free to use and the only rule is no passing the middle line and no damage to school property or cause permanent damage. As for our team captains." He said pointing at Luna. "Luna Kudo and Silva O'Connor will be our two team captains and will pick their teams." He said, picking out two are random to be team captains. (someone do me a favor and tag everyone to see whos still interested as some havent posted in awhile)

Akio stood in the corner of the gym, seeming a bit bored. Games were not his idea of training especially something like this. He though this was supposed to be training for abilities, was this simply for him to get a look at their abilities, they had to register when entering the school so he was certain he knew them all. What was the point of this game. Sitting down and crossing his legs as he sat in the corner he would wait to get picked so this could be resolved.
(Idk everyone but I'll tag who I know: @FireMaiden @twilight sparkle @WhipDing @King in Yellow @Eternal-Weekend @SuperSpice @NovaNovass @Seraph)

Wiley wasn't sure which team she wanted to be on. She supposed Silva's, since she knew the lightningslinger better and they could pull off some pretty sick combo moves, but she was still a little unstable with her powers. Luna on the other hand, she didn't know much about. As for other potential teammates, she supposed Silva would either pick Matt first or pretend he wasn't there. Only time would tell.
Silva O'Connor

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"Team Captain......?" She questioned quietly. Her small bit of excitement drained quickly, as she realized that she'd have to pick people to be in her team and that required talking to people. And she didn't wanna talk to people. "Well....thats just great," She muttered to herself. She quickly glanced around the gym, trying to decide on who to pick. Wiley was definitely gonna be one, maybe Mira. But other than that, she didn't know. She couldn't pick Matt, since he was all tiny, and with a quick glance to Akio...he didn't seem interested. And that concludes the people she knows. Well, asides from that Julian kid.

@WhipDing @Hollycrest @Akio
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Coal and Andy both glanced back inside of the gym when they heard a voice stand out over the other students. The man it came from could only be the teacher. They listened to the rest of his words about the class and what they were doing. Coal looked to Andy with his eyes slightly narrowed. "That sounds like a test... Even a restriction on our abilities." Coal stated. 

Andy shrugged, "Well it is a nice school... A lot better than our other schools for one. Maybe they just don't want the school all jacked up?" Andy looked to Coal only to see a very annoyed look staring back at him. "Oh come on.... " Andy turned Coal to face the gym and placed his hands on Coal's shoulders. "Who knows.... We just might make friends..." Andy paused after hearing his own words. "You know... Like real friends." He smiled a little. Andy walked Coal back into the gym and headed towards the rest of the students. Once with the other students Andy took his hands off Coal's shoulders and stood next to him. 

Coal let him lead him over to the others, but still didn't look too happy. Coal never did do well when it came to other students at.... well any school. 
Rowanna noticed the two boys come back in. She shrugged her shoulders and looked around, finally spotting Akio in the corner. He seemed to be uncomfortable and slightly angry, so she thought it best to leave him alone. Instead, she crossed over to the other side of the gym where some blue mats were stacked up about 6 feet tall. She climbed up on top of them and lay down on her back, swinging one leg off the side. She wasn't sure who would pick her, but didn't care all that much. She took to clenching her fist and shiftint her finger tips to claws, then back to finger tips repeatedly. It was a calming tick for her, and also a cool new trick.
Luna looked at everyone tossing the ball back and forth with her vines. "I pick Rowanna, Julian and one of the new guys." She said nodding as she crossed her arms catching the dodge ball.

Nichole sighed in relief as she knew Luna knew she didn't want to play. She slowly rolled behind the crowd in her ice sphere so she wouldn't get picked by someone.

@Eternal-Weekend @King in Yellow @NovaNovass
Luna looked at everyone tossing the ball back and forth with her vines. "I pick Rowanna, Julian and one of the new guys." She said nodding as she crossed her arms catching the dodge ball.

Nichole sighed in relief as she knew Luna knew she didn't want to play. She slowly rolled behind the crowd in her ice sphere so she wouldn't get picked by someone.

@Eternal-Weekend @King in Yellow @NovaNovass

Coal and Andy looked over to Luna. "Which one?" He asked rudely. Coal wasn't fond of being separated from Andy even in a simple little game of dodge ball. "You could at least say the tall one or the short one." Neither were really short, but Coal was a few inches shorter than Andy. Andy let out a small huff of air and pushed Coal over to Luna's side of the gym. "It will be fine." He reassured Coal. Even if there wasn't much of that really happening. Coal didn't look too pleased with the arrangements. 

As he made his way over to Luna's side he glanced over his shoulder back to Andy. Andy merely waved him off knowing far well that Coal would be fine on his own. Out of the two of them Andy always felt Coal would be the one to survive on their own. Mostly because of his powers, and yet Andy would never admit to it out loud. 


Mira Teller


Mira stood with the crowd of students as she watched Luna and Silva take their spots next to Mr Weinstock. Mira thought that she would be a good pick as she could simply teleport away from oncoming balls and teleport back and forth on the floor but then again she wasnt a very sporty person, besides swimming which she loved.

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