Adole smiled in relief when she had started laughing at what he had said and finally felt slightly more relaxed. However, when she showed pain in her ribs from the laughing he immediately felt responsible quickly apologizing. "Yeah I knew I had missed part of why you two were fighting...I was slightly...distracted you see?." He said as his eyes flicked down to her hips and legs and returning his gaze to hers. "And oh yes I know that cat was you...it was a majesty to behold such a creature...I'm in a similar situation now." Finally he saw it...the hand...that supple looking skin...practically perfect nails. He slowly reached up to met her hand with his practically trembling in the process as he grasped her perfect hand to say, "It's nice...no...great no...lovely...wonderful...amazing...simply breath taking to meet you Rowanna. My...my name is Adole..." He just barely got out of his mouth before passing out and collapsing in a heap on the ground with a bright red face.

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Luna wandered around the school in thought with a small sigh. She wondered if she would meet anyone else that was actually interesting. Luna sighed softly and bit into her apple deciding to go to the library to look at the poetry books. 

She tucked her hair behind her ear and sat down at a window seat as she read Macbeth. Luna smiled reading to herself doing the voices making herself laugh a bit as she enjoyed the play. 

(Open for interaction)
Seconds turned into moments. Moments turned into minutes. And as they did, Matt became increasely anxious. Without eyes, he couldn't see, really, but  while in this state he could still vaguely sense his surroundings, through some kind of very primitive touch. He thought he could still feel the girl nearby, but he couldn't really know for sure.

Finally, his remains began to tingle slightly. Perfect. He focused as hard as he could on reforming into a humanoid shape, while simultaneously trying to increase his size. This was enough space to do it, he could tell that much. More tingling.

If anyone had been looking, they would have seen the gooey blob begin to shake and wobble, oscillating slowly at first, but increasing in speed rapidly. After a few seconds, it sprouted arms and legs, the whole thing pulling itself into an upright position.

Soon enough, Matt was reformed entirely, sitting on top of the book. But he wasn't done yet. Knowing he had enough space, he immediately began to expand back to normal size, and soon enough, there was a fully-grown boy sitting where the book once was.


Mira Teller


Mira had thrown the book on the floor. She now lay on her bed but suddenly out of the corner of her eye she spotted something. She turned her head rapidly to see a boy sitting on top of where the book had been. Mira let out a piercing scream that shook the entire house, or atleast it sounded like it did. She stood up on top of her bed, holding her fists out in front of her "What are y-you doing in my house!?" She screamed at the boy who was sitting on the floor. Her mind began to race, he had just appeared out of no where. Perhaps he could teleport to? Or maybe... he had been the bug. Mira was confused and scared and had no idea what was going on.

Matt raised his arms as a gesture of meek surrender.

"Hold on, I can explain this..."

He focused for a moment, and let his powers cycle, his body shrinking down, then growing back to normal size within just a few seconds.

"See, that's what I do. I'm sorry, I didn't... Sorry, I didn't mean to end up here. I'm just... trying to get back. It's hard to explain..."

He knew he wasn't quite making sense, but the girl was clearly pretty distressed by his sudden appearance. And that was stressing him out too. She didn't overly threatening at the moment, but he still wasn't totally sure how she was going to deal with this yet.

He looked around the room. If this got too confrontational, there were plenty of places to try to hide out in - a fully full bookshelf, a pair of discarded shoes in the corner, even under the bed. Of course, he'd made the mistake of revealing both himself and his powers already, which could make this a lot more difficult. All he could really do was hope she calmed


Rowanna listened to him with a small grin on her face. He seemed to be trying to flirt with her, but was too awkward to do so. And to think this was supposed to be the guy that had flirted with Nichole and hurt her feelings? He didn't seem like the player type right now. Rowanna shrugged, and watched as Adole collapsed to the ground, passed out. Rowanna tilted her head questioningly, gently tapping him with the toe of her shoe. "Um...are you alright? Adole?"

Adole laid on the ground in a heap when she started poking him with her foot and trying to wake him up. He slowly came too and grabbed her foot quickly then sitting up quickly. He looked up at her and cocked his head to her face "Am I in heaven?" Still holding onto her foot he looked at her shoes and looked back at her face. "Nice shoes!"

Rowanna furrowed her brow, confused by his words. She pulled her shoe from his grasp and responded, "No, not heaven. Still at the Academy with all the mutants you could ever hope to be locked in a building with." Rowanna took a step back and inhaled deeply, testing her lungs. Something was still sore inside her, but she knew she would be okay enough to fight if she needed to. So, Rowanna flexed her fists, extending the claws on her right hand as she opened her hand. She turned to Adole and smiled. "So you've seen my power, what's yours?"

Adole looked up at her still and cocked his head the other way and then stood up to wipe off his pants. "Thank goodness for a moment thought I was saw an angel." He watched as she seemed to take a step back and he smirked as she clenched her fist. He saw the claws that extended from her fingers then returning eye contact with her. When she asked what his power was he rubbed the back of his head and the scruff on his chin before deciding whether or not he truly wanted to answer. However he just raised a hand and pointed at her stomach as something like a six inch needle erupted from his index finger tip growing closer to her skin. "Well this is part of it...but I don't think you really want to see the rest."

Rowanna looked down at the needle, unfazed on the outside. In her head, she wondered which of her forms would be able to counter such a power. Maybe a small animal form that was hard to grab? But what if the needle wasn't the only thing injecting the poison? What if he could make it gaseous? Rowanna kept the thought to herself and shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, seemingly unimpressed. "Well, because you offended my friend, we have two options here. You apologize to Nichole, or you and I spar for the win, like Akio and I did."
Adole smiled at her sweetly as he watched her look down at the needle pointing at her stomach and sighed when she seemed unimpressed with it. The needle slowly disappeared back into his finger as he stared into her eyes. "I know nothing quite as impressive as someone who can change their entire body...just needles." Then she started talking to him making some sort of proposition to him and then realized that it was about the child in the ice hamster ball. "Oh you too huh? First I think that she had no reason to be offended and second...I can either just apologize oooorrr I could play around with a lovely lady such as yourself. So, be humiliated by admitting I was wrong or get to have some skin on skin contact." He took a deep breath and acted like it was a hard decision to make. "Sure Ill 'spar' with you. Challenged makes the rules right?" He said as he started to walk to the area where she had spared earlier.

Rowanna sighed, her claws retracting into her hand. "Aren't there any decent people in this school? I don't understand why it's so hard to grasp. If you offend someone, you should apologize because they feel offended. It doesn't matter what your intentions were," Rowanna suggested, her tone surprising stern. She was not used to be the protective one, mostly because she never had anyone to protect. And honestly, Rowanna didn't feel like sparring again and possibly rebreaking bones she had just healed. "Spar with yourself if you like. I'm going to go train on my own," she said, waving as she walked further into the forests on the grounds of the academy. She paced to where she had been earlier, where Akio had showed her that martial arts step. She closed her eyes, centering herself and envisioning her beautiful wolf form. Unfortunately, nothing happened. Dammit, I'm not 100% yet? What's the deal?
Adole stopped walking and turned around watching her claws retract back into her hand then he stuck out his tongue at her and then following her into the forest, "Sooo...does that mean I win then?" He asked after hearing her stern talking too which only made her seem more attractive. "Alright fine, so....since you seem to enjoy making deals how about I pour a little honey on it for you?" He said as he sat down with his back to the trunk of a tree and watched her practicing something. "You want me to apologize...and I want to 'spar' with this dime. So, we spar and regardless of who wins or loses I will apologize but if you do win I will grant another of your wishes to the best of my capabilities. However, if I win you are my sparing partner for life...deal?"

Rowanna considered the offer, tilting her head. She closed her eyes, feeling the sun warm her face. She opened her deep blue eyes and turned to fac Adole, a smile gracing her lips. "Fine, if you so wish. My only rule is no powers. We'll make this even ground since my powers haven't exactly returned yet," Rowanna replied, her smile turning to a smirk. She was nothing if not determined. Rowanna was never one to give uo without a fight. That was probably why she was still alive given all the torture she went through. "Why is sparring with me so important to you?"

Mira Teller


Mira froze for a moment, her mind raced as she watched the boy shrink down to less than an inch tall and then back up to full size. 

"You- the bug-" Mira stammered as she started to put two and two together and figured that the boy had climbed on her back at the school, what a gross invasion of her personal space. She suddenly covered her mouth in shock, realizing that she had squished a human being with a book.

Okay, she was clearly getting the idea now. In hindsight, revealing himself was a mistake, a lot messsier than he'd intended - he probably should have just crawled into her pocket or something and hoped for the best. Well, at least she seemed to be calming down a little now.

"Really, I'm sorry, I... I know this is weird, I didn't mean to... I just wanted some food. And now we're here, and I don't know... Please, can you just help me get back?"

Even though she was being wasn't being overtly threatening any more, he couldn't help but still be somewhat intimidated by her. Maybe it was because she was his only good way of getting back. Or maybe it was because she'd squashed him flat not too long ago. Either way, he really wished he wasn't - it was making it kinda hard to talk to her.

Adole smiled at her and nodded in agreement when she said no powers. He could feel the excitement welling up in his body for this very special occasion and he listened to her ask why sparing was so important to him. "Well when I saw you fight that other guy I felt a warm sensation deep in my...heart. I could feel the elongation of my...will to spar with you." He hit himself in the forehead before speaking and then looked up to make another statement. "Oh and this match will not be decided by pin."

Rowanna's smirk faded when he spoke, curiosity filling her eyes. This man was definitely a strange one, and for some reason had taken a liking to her. Rowanna shrugged it off, instead rubbing her shoulder to make sure it was in sparring condition. She couldn't deny she was still sore, and didn't necessarily want to spar. But hey, what harm could be done? Her eyebrows raised when he said this wouldn't be decided by pin. "Then what decides who wins?"
Adole looked at her as she rose her eyebrows and smiled at her when she asked what decided who wins. "Well it will be decided by KO or complete joint lock." He was practically gleaming at her. "Now come on lets go to the practice area." He started walking toward the building to prepare for the sparring. He was so excited he could practically feel his heart jumping out of his chest. Then he waited for Rowanna to get to the door as he opened it up for her.

Rowanna followed him, stepping into the building and walking toward the gym. "You want to base this on knockout?" she asked, turning into the gym. She immediately shivered caused for some reason by entering the gym. "You honestly want to go that far?" Rowanna was slightly worried about the spar. If she couldn't win, she didn't want to be knock out and right back in the infirmary where she was before.
Adole smelled the air inside the gym and looked back at Rowanna smiling as she asked if he wanted to base it on knockout. "Of course its either ko or complete joint lock. I personally thought that it was really weird that you two chose double shoulder pin earlier. However, the knock out is more of an option for you because I mean personally Ill be aiming for a full body joint lock." He started putting on his savate boots and going to the center of the gym as he looked back at her waiting. "So in other words of course I want to go this far."

Akio had been sitting in the nurses office himself, coming to a decision that he owed Rowanna for injuries cause. She had transformed but he had gone to far, there was no winner to their duel. Or if they're were it was both of them. Deciding to go find Rowanna  he stood, heading back to the gardens only to as he was planning to pass through the gym he saw Rowanna there already. "Rowanna, what are you doing?" He questioned, his voice inquisitive as he looks at Adole.
Rowanna turned, surprised to find Akio behind her in the doorway. She smiled and waved at him. "Oh you know, what I do best. Pick fights with people in order to protect my friends. The usual," Rowanna said, laughing slightly. The laughing caused her to wince visibly, her ribs and sternum not fully reformed yet. She narrowed her eyes, looking down. Damn healing. This should have been done by now. I'm not exactly fragile here. Work faster body! she thought, annoyed with herself and her abilities. She had never had a problem with regeneration before, and she had gone through worse than this. But then again, she had never punctured a lung before either... Rowanna stood up straight again, trying to feign that she was entirely okay. "Adole offended Nichole too, so I uh...offered him the same thing I offered you."

@Akio @Seraph
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Akio raised an eyebrow, finding himself a but annoyed she offered to kiss their spectator but instantly squashing the feeling, that wasn't important. However he could not allow her to fight again, despite her regeneration he was not blind or stupid enough to believe she was ok. "Your not fully healed." He said simply before turning to Adole. "I'm gonna have to ask you to break this spar, I'm the reason she's still hurt and therefore I can not let her pick more fights. You will have to fight her another time." Despite being polite, his voice was firm and didn't seem to book much room for argument on Adole or Rowanna behalf. 

@Eternal-Weekend @Seraph
Adole stood out in front of both of them as Akio seemed to be worrying about Rowanna and to be honest he thought it was kind of precious. He rested his head on his knuckles as the boy continued to talk to him about stopping and then made a face of disappointment. He waved his hand at them in dismissal and spoke out, "Fine I'll break it but that also means I no longer hold up my end of the bargain. So, I would have to say...whatever the lady wants she will get. If she wants to follow the words of the oh so worried one thats fine...or if she wants to hold onto our wager thats fine as well. I have time. I will wait."



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