Silva O'Connor


Silva was in the middle of putting her clothes away when she heard the door open.  She looked behind her briefly to see who must have been Delilah enter, but turned back to hanging her dresses in the closet. She had other clothes, but mostly worse the layered floral dresses. She also los had also los bunch of 90 rock band t-shirts (well, more like 7), leggings, also a single pair of heels. She then, noticed that she had a few left over stiffed animals, and then here was a shelfin the corner of the room.

After a another few minutes of balancing on the stool, she walked out of her room once the stuffed animals were placed, and her bags were under the bed. She walked into the livingroom to greet Delilah.  "H-Hello! I'm Silva,  though you must already know that," She said with a nervous chuckle. "I hope we become friends!" Silva then added. @m y s t i c
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[SIZE=14pt]Gita Patel[/SIZE]




[SIZE=12pt]Gita had to tilt her head all the way back just to get a good look at him. He was incredibly tall, probably more than a foot taller than her, and just looking at him made her feel tiny. He was also very muscular and she wondered how he was even able to move with all that muscle. He looked like a bodybuilder, but she wouldn’t have guessed he was a student. He looked more like he was in his 20’s, to her at least. His height intimidated her slightly since it looked like he was tall enough and strong enough to step on her. “Uh, sure, okay,” she know looked less intimidated. He didn’t act like a bad boy like she actually expected him to, but instead a rather sheepish guy who was probably a little shy. She took the remote, using it to turn on the TV. She pressed ‘GUIDE’ and a scowl slowly formed on her face as she skimmed through all the channels, seeing reality show after reality show, briefly seeing what they were all about and none of them interesting her at all. She finally came to CNN, which was in the 300’s, and with a relieved expression, she put the channel on, seeing the talk of politics and what not. She found politics to be more interesting than local news or any dramatic reality TV show.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14pt]Delilah Konner[/SIZE]




[SIZE=12pt]Delilah smiled a little, though it was not very noticeable. Silva looked kind of cute, with her big blue eyes. She was even shorter than Delilah was. She couldn’t judge, since she was only 5’4 herself, which was rather average. “Well, it’s nice to meet you Silva. I’m Delilah, Delilah Konner. You may have known that already though,” her smile widened a little and she simply scratched her head. She hoped that she wasn’t acting nervous or unconfident. Silva seemed quite nice already. [/SIZE]


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[SIZE=14pt]Gita Patel[/SIZE]



[SIZE=12pt]Gita had to tilt her head all the way back just to get a good look at him. He was incredibly tall, probably more than a foot taller than her, and just looking at him made her feel tiny. He was also very muscular and she wondered how he was even able to move with all that muscle. He looked like a bodybuilder, but she wouldn’t have guessed he was a student. He looked more like he was in his 20’s, to her at least. His height intimidated her slightly since it looked like he was tall enough and strong enough to step on her. “Uh, sure, okay,” she know looked less intimidated. He didn’t act like a bad boy like she actually expected him to, but instead a rather sheepish guy who was probably a little shy. She took the remote, using it to turn on the TV. She pressed ‘GUIDE’ and a scowl slowly formed on her face as she skimmed through all the channels, seeing reality show after reality show, briefly seeing what they were all about and none of them interesting her at all. She finally came to CNN, which was in the 300’s, and with a relieved expression, she put the channel on, seeing the talk of politics and what not. She found politics to be more interesting than local news or any dramatic reality TV show.[/SIZE]

Dante Savage

"thanks, I like to keep up to date as much as possible. Back at the base all they would let me watch is news,so I guess I got to liking it." He chuckled a bit,a deep rumble of a laugh "the names Dante, dante savage. Nice to meet you." As he said this he held out his fist for a bump. "What's your name." He says behind a grin. 

This is great, I've been here a freakin day and have already met more people than I thought. He thought to himself. 

(sorry if the post is short :)
Sam waited. And waited. And waited.

...Nothing. Weird.

As soon as he'd got in, he'd unpacked his things, and chosen his bed (first come, first served, right?). But now he was just waiting on his roommate. Who really should have found their way here by now. Geez, someone even later than him? This academy had some right wacky characters. Oh well, looked like this was his room alone for now. And that was oookay with him.

Having established his singular reign of the room, Sam decided to head back out, maybe actually meet someone or something. He wandered aimlessly around until he ended up in some kinda louge-looking area. It was probably a pretty big room, but it was filled to the brim with furniture, none of it really---

What. The. Hell.

The room was mostly devoid of people, aside from a girl and a... well, he wasn't really sure who that was. Student? Teacher? Sentient bull? Whoever he was, he was huge. Not in a bad way - the guy didn't look like he had an ounce of fat in his body, but he was pretty damn imposing. The guy laughed, presumably at some joke he and the girl were sharing. Even his laughs were intimidating - the deep tone seemed to shake Sam from the inside out.

Not wanting to get too involved with those guys until he was able to judge their characters better, Sam took a seat near the entrance he had come in through, which was conveniently on the other side of the room. Well, at least he could still see the TV.

@Jefferson @m y s t i c

[SIZE=14pt]Gita Patel[/SIZE]




[SIZE=12pt]Gita chuckled a bit and fist-bumped him awkwardly. It wasn’t in a way as if she had never fist-bumped before, but rather it was careful and slightly hesitant. His fist was almost twice as large as hers and because of his staggering muscles and incredible height, she merely guessed that he had superhuman strength or at least enhanced strength. “Nice to meet you, Dante. I’m Gita Patel,” she smiled.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt](It’s totally fine! My posts aren’t very long either. :)  [/SIZE]@Jefferson)
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Dante savage. 

Dante sets his hand on his knee after bumping fists. "So...what can you do?" He asks briefly glancing at the tv to hear a story about soldiers overseas. Glancing down the hallway he would noticed another person watching tv with them. 

"Hey dude, you wanna watch something else go ahead." And he reaches for the remote but hesitates before touching it. Taking a slow breath he slowly grabs the remote to hand it to The other guy. Instead of actually gripping it he sort of scooped it off into his hand and balanced it on his palm holding it out to him. 

Matt heard the door click, but responded far too slow. Before he could throw himself to ground, the massive wall of wood slammed into the back of his head, sending him flying across the room. He bounced once or twice along the carpet before coming to a stop, having been ensnared by some loose threads, and found himself both tied up and upside-down in the middle of the room.


Thankfully, the chunk that had been taken out his head healed as fast as it always had. Of more interest was the new arrival - who, of course, he recognized as the guy who was making everyone all uncomfortable when he first arrived. And now that he was closer to him, he understood why. He was just so... well, he'd rather he didn't even know he was here, to be honest.

Matt's opinion changed though when the boy started to walk in his general direction. Yeah, staying hidden wasn't worth that much. Learning from his previous mistakes, he increased back to normal size with metres to spare. Still upside-down, of course. The extra mass suddenly set in, dropping his body onto the ground in a mess of limbs and clothes. Not the best first impression. Picking himself up into a sitting position, he looked up at his new roommate.

"Uh... hi. I'm um...Matt. Hi."


Naturally of course he had not been aware at the small bump when he opened the door, though it spilled a bit of blood hard to see on the carpets as he went to check his supplies. Books, money from his personal account, paper, pencils. Having this bag almost made him feel like a student. He was still looking for his supplies when suddenly he felt something appear behind him as if something had suddenly appeared. Turning swiftly, his hand enhanced with his power to become as sharp as a blade he turned around ready to defend himself, black eyes cold. At least till he realized who it was, his hand hovering a bit above him as he had reacted to fast and had not expected this mess of a human being to appear.

Lowering his hand and feeling a bit foolish for reacting so strongly he glanced at the man, lowering his hand as he allowed his power to slip away. He recognized the mans name as his roommate, having already been aware of his roommates name, even if this was only the first time they had met in person. "My name is Akio." He said simply, without anything else added as he turned back to his bed. The boy seemed awkward though he supposed that didn't mean much and he wouldn't be bothered by him most likely. 

He (My god I forgot to follow the thread so much missed story T.T) 

Dante savage.

Dante had seen the other students going to their rooms and unloading their things, yet he had brought nothing with him. He didn't even own anything, he was however happy that he had his own room, this meant he wouldn't have to worry about accidentally bumping into someone and...well crushing them. 

After very breifl looking at his room at the end of the hall he decided to go back into the common area arriving right around the same time as Gita. "Oh hi..." he said embarrassed as he realized she wasn't referring to him. He blushed a bit and very carefully sat in one of the free chairs. 

"Would you mind putting the TV on the news? I can't operate remote controls." He asked sheepishly. 

Joseph Aguilar.

joseph silently followed the teacher, and upon arriving in his room he immediately closed and locked the door. He put his things away and stashed his fathers watch in his top drawer. 

He then pulled out his laptop and began investigating the academy. When it started, who had done so, and what was its purpose. then he began to look into the students whose names had been announced. These were the ones who would either stand with or against him and it would be best if he learned all he could about them. 


@Akio (sorry for the absence) 

Mutants were still a new phenomenon and the academy was even newer. Few had discovered their and made a name for themselves. Naturally there was scattered instances where thier had been instances where mutant powers created issues, which caused the creation of the mutant academy and supported much of the hate floating around but next to nothing was written about most of the students, with one or two exceptions. One of these exceptions was a man whos name he heard clearly, Akio, and the rumors about him could fill an entire book. Akio, the expected name of a certain mercenary named the Human Calamity, who had been expected to be a part of several high level incidents in the wider world. Assassinations, military work, being hired by politicians and criminals alike but no concrete proof tying Akio to the name, as their were never any survivors to identify him. Some thought he was a normal person, some thought he was a mutant but the name Akio cropped up frequently and whether this was coincidence or attached to the man going to this school was near impossible to tell. 

Many of the teachers also had names and reputations. The headmaster was a big speaker for mutant rights and the one of the original founders of the school. Hall was a well known speaker on history and the evolution of man and one of the first to discuss mutants on a public platform for all to see. Logan, the gym teacher who had introduced everyone else had won several martial art championships at a younger age and was considered one of the most physically fit humans in the entire world, now it seemed he might be more then that. But even among the teachers it was hard to find information on what exactly their powers were.

Matt was slightly terrified by this point. He wasn't sure what this guy's powers were, but whatever they were, he definitely knew how to use them. He picked himself up off the floor, and slipped silently onto his own bed, dropping what few belongings he had onto it. As awkward as ever, he pulled a small games device out of his bag, and fiddled with it in silence.

Yeah, he'd rather avoid this guy entirely if if he could help it. He didn't even want to look too long at him, in case he mistook it as a cue to start a conversation. That said, he didn't seem so keen to talk either - a few minutes had passed since he'd introduced himself, and he hadn't said anything else. So that was good.

Instead, he emptied out the rest of his bag onto the windowsill that sat near the head of his bed. A whole set of... well, everything fell out. Tiny bed, tiny fridge, tiny sink... he was practically carrying a whole house around with him. One of the few perks that his powers gave him. He set up the tiny generator off to the side, pouring a drop of oil into it from a normal-size bottle, but he left it off for now. He really should look into a way to rig this up to the mains, even if it didn't exactly use up much power. Anyway, it didn't take long to set up his own private living area. His actual bed would be a nice place to leave his bags, he supposed.

He placed a foot on the windowsill, and yanked himself up, shrinking down at the same moment. He was just small enough to avoid knocking his head off the top of the window, and was perfectly scaled to fit the tiny house set within a few seconds. He threw himself down on his new bed, no longer concerned about drawing attention from his roommate - he couldn't make much noise if he wanted to. He looked over at him. In fact, he could barely even see him, thanks to the slight indentation of the window into the wall blocking his view. This wasn't exactly ideal, but it would work.



Sam was still slightly wary when the man spoke to him, but he was caught slightly off guard by his tone of voice - it definitely wasn't what he was expecting from this beast of a man. If anything, he actually sounded pretty friendly. To be honest, he didn't actually want the control at all, but with the effort he'd clearly gone to give it to him, he felt obliged to take it.

"Thanks," he said, deftly grabbing it off his plate-sized hand. "I'm Sam, by the way."

His concerns from earlier were essentially gone by now. The guy seemed nice enough, so he may as well introduce himself.

@Jefferson @m y s t i c


[SIZE=14pt]Delilah Konner[/SIZE]



[SIZE=12pt]Delilah smiled a little, though it was not very noticeable. Silva looked kind of cute, with her big blue eyes. She was even shorter than Delilah was. She couldn’t judge, since she was only 5’4 herself, which was rather average. “Well, it’s nice to meet you Silva. I’m Delilah, Delilah Konner. You may have known that already though,” her smile widened a little and she simply scratched her head. She hoped that she wasn’t acting nervous or unconfident. Silva seemed quite nice already. [/SIZE]


Silva O'Connor


She smiled, relived that went smoothly. Looking around the room, she sat down on one of the chairs, off to the right of the couch. "So, this is pretty cool huh?" She said, "A school just for us! And so Fars it's been peacefuler than I thought it would be. Though the protesters are very rude," She added, before taking a deep breath. "So what can you do?"
Nichole finished rinsing her mouth out and walked out. "W-would you like to go see where our classes will be?' She asked softly as she sat on her bed. Nichole didn't feel like her hydrokensis was really that big of a deal. She gave a soft smile to Rowanna waiting for her answer.

Rowanna sat up, smiling at her. "Sure, I'm definitely interested in seeing this place. It's crazy how large this property is!" She stood up from her bed and did a quick stretch before pulling her hair up into a ponytail.

@twilight sparkle
Nichole nodded and stood grabbing her purse. She then grabbed her room key and walked out with Rowanna after grabbing her stuffed animals. Nichole happily into one of her cooked and smiled blushing as she quickly licked a bit of chocolate off her lips before wait in in the hallway.

Rowanna grabbed a cookie for the road, munching into it. She took the lead, heading sown the hall in the direction of where she saw classrooms early. "Any where in particular you wanna check out first?" she asked, taking another bite of the cookie.

@twilight sparkle
"I-it doesn't matter, whatever you choose is fine." Nichole said softly as she followed her looking around a bit. It was a much bigger place than she was used to. She hoped she didn't get lost on her first day.

Abigail grew weary and pulled out Rowanna's slip of paper from earlier. 

Well, I did at least get this...


Hey. This is Abigail, thanks for trying to cheer me up earlier.

Rowanna nodded, passing a few generic classrooms with desks for students and smartboards for interactive teaching. Looking to her left, she saw a science lab. The sight of the beakers, test tubes, and microscopes made her wince. So, Rowanna hurried passed the room and pushed through the double doors to an exceptionally large gym area. "Well this is not what I expected."

Suddenly her phone vibrated in her pocket. Rowanna pulled it out and saw the message from Abigail. She smiled and  quickly typed a response.

Don't worry about it. If you ever need a friend or just want to hang out, let me know!

@twilight sparkle @Mane
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Nichole blinked seeing her basically run past the science lab but didn't want to worry her by asking what was wrong. She followed her quickly yelping when she bumped into her accidently when Rowanna was texting someone. "M-my apologies!" Nichole said quickly hiding behind her stuffed animals.

"Oh no problem, honey" Rowanna said, using the pet name she had always used for her friends. "Can you believe how big this room is? There's rockclimbing and work out equipmat. And over there looks like a sparring area!" Rowanna said excitedly, jogging over to the large mat with a white ring on it.

@twilight sparkle
Nichole blinked and walked over to the mat. "Thats nice.." she said softly and  looked around the area.  Nichole let Rowanna experience the mat while she went to the other side looking up at the ceiling. "Where do you want to go now?" She asked


Matt was slightly terrified by this point. He wasn't sure what this guy's powers were, but whatever they were, he definitely knew how to use them. He picked himself up off the floor, and slipped silently onto his own bed, dropping what few belongings he had onto it. As awkward as ever, he pulled a small games device out of his bag, and fiddled with it in silence.

Yeah, he'd rather avoid this guy entirely if if he could help it. He didn't even want to look too long at him, in case he mistook it as a cue to start a conversation. That said, he didn't seem so keen to talk either - a few minutes had passed since he'd introduced himself, and he hadn't said anything else. So that was good.

Instead, he emptied out the rest of his bag onto the windowsill that sat near the head of his bed. A whole set of... well, everything fell out. Tiny bed, tiny fridge, tiny sink... he was practically carrying a whole house around with him. One of the few perks that his powers gave him. He set up the tiny generator off to the side, pouring a drop of oil into it from a normal-size bottle, but he left it off for now. He really should look into a way to rig this up to the mains, even if it didn't exactly use up much power. Anyway, it didn't take long to set up his own private living area. His actual bed would be a nice place to leave his bags, he supposed.

He placed a foot on the windowsill, and yanked himself up, shrinking down at the same moment. He was just small enough to avoid knocking his head off the top of the window, and was perfectly scaled to fit the tiny house set within a few seconds. He threw himself down on his new bed, no longer concerned about drawing attention from his roommate - he couldn't make much noise if he wanted to. He looked over at him. In fact, he could barely even see him, thanks to the slight indentation of the window into the wall blocking his view. This wasn't exactly ideal, but it would work

Akio watched curiously as Matt started to unpack his things. Akio continued to unpack his things, stacking his books in a neat fashion as well as a few other things though he had no other personal artifacts or features of his own, only the bare necessities he needed for school. After everything was organized and Akio stood, deciding it was time to leave Matt to his strange little toy house. 

He walked out of the room, deciding to go wander as he went into the hallway, not wanting to train quite yet but unable to simply sit still. He walked around and after a bit of zoning out when he refocused attention he heard too people chatting. He walked into the room and saw Nichole and Rowanna. "There you are." He said looking at Rowanna, his voice neutral.
Rowanna excitedly stepped on the mat, throwing a few fake punches into the air. "I think we should stay in here for a bit. It looks like fun!" she replied to Nichole. She looked at the mat and did a cartwheel followed by round out. She smiled happily, having a lot more fun than she expected to have. Rowanna was about to do a handstand when she heard a voice behind her say, "There you are."

Rowanna turned, seeing Akio behind ther near the door. She smiled and jogged over to him. Her hair pulled back in the ponytail revealedthe true depth of her blue eyes. Rowanna tilted her head and said, "Hey. Were you looking for me?"

@Akio @twilight sparkle
Nichole squeaked seeing akio her eyes wide. Her hydrokensis activated and a sphere of water surrounded her. "I-I'll see you back in the room rowanna!" She said quickly making her way to the exit. Nichole closed her eyes tight as the sphere froze rolling faster as she made her escape into the hallway.

@Eternal-Weekend @Akio
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Adole had been slowly walking down the hallway in his blue jeans and deep v-neck as he had been looking down at his phone messaging home to let his family know how he was doing when he was run into by some girl that was running for what ever reason. The force was just enough to knock him down on the ground as he attempted to catch himself but landed right on his elbow as the friction caused his skin to split and he started to bleed on his elbow. "Ow, what were you doing!" He wasn't to happy after being hit and actually bleeding from the injury.

@twilight sparkle @Eternal-Weekend
Nichole stopped and looked back. "M-my apologies!" She said shaking as her ice sphere broke. Nichole jogged over to him and her water wrapped around his elbow beginning to heal him. "I-I'm so sorry." She said softly continuing to heal him. "W-what can I do to make it up to you?' Nichole asked looking up at him fearful. 

@Seraph @Eternal-Weekend
Adole looked up from his elbow to meet eyes with her and started speaking with a bit of anger which automatically calmed once he made eye contact with her. "What in the world were you doing...running on by without introducing yourself." He said and then made a wince at the pain of his elbow afterwards dramatically putting the back of his hand to his forehead. "Oh no no, your fine...I'm just becoming faint from the blood...perhaps if I could rest my head on your lap..." Then dramatically blinking rapidly. "The world is going dark..."

@twilight sparkle @Eternal-Weekend
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