Matt smiled. "Absolutely. But for now, I'll see ya later." It was unfortunate that they'd have to split up already, but it was nice to know that he knew someone around here. Especially someone so nice.

He stood up, and shuffled past Silva, which was made quite easy by her diminutive stature. Heh. Thinking of other people as small was still really weird. He was soon out in the open, looking for a... Mr. Dias?

As it turned out, it wasn't that hard - he was by far the youngest male teacher there. Definitely not what he'd expected from a Maths teacher. Getting to him wasn't too stressful either, as Matt had been pretty lucky with seats being so close. He reached him, slipping past a few people, largely before any significant crowds could form. Guess he just had to follow him from now on.

@FireMaiden @twilight sparkle
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Nikolaus Kirchner




Nikolaus suddenly heard more voices coming from the assembly hall or auditor-what's-it. "Oh," he said, panicking a little. He turned back to the girl (whose name he hadn't had the chance to ask yet). "Um, I guess ve should head back in zere." He smiled at her, hoping maybe they could go together, and he wouldn't have to sit by himself like last time.


By the time they made it back into the large room, he could see a group of other (assumedly mutant) adults, but none of them were blue like the first guy. Nikolaus wondered what their powers were. One of the men, who introduced himself as "Mister Logan" began to introduce the other adults, who ended up being the teachers. Nikolaus guessed he should have figured that out on his own.


"Our teachers will be giving a quick tour of the school," Herr Logan went on. "You will be split into small groups, and can get to know your fellow students and teachers. Now, the groups are..."


Nikolaus let the stream of names wash over him, ignoring them for the most part until he heard his own. He ended up being paired with Nichole (someone he actually knew!) and someone else named Dante. Hopefully this "Dante" wouldn't be the hot-headed, loud-and-scary type. Their group was also going to tour with Herr Logan, which Nikolaus was thankful for. He was the only one whose name he'd remembered, and he seemed... nice enough.


As Herr Logan finished rambling off the list of names, Nikolaus turned back to the girl beside him. "Um, so... I guess ve are being -- how do you say? -- separated. It vas, um... nice to meet you. I'm, um, Nikolaus Kirchner, by zeh vay." He paused. "Uh, I hope ve vill see one anuhzer again soon!" He grinned at her, hoping that she'd at least introduce herself as well before he headed off to join his group.


So far, his attempt at "friend-making" hadn't been too successful, so he hoped maybe this headphone girl would be the one to actually work out.





(for those who don't know or are just wondering uwu)


Herr = Mister/Sir


@m y s t i c (and also @twilight sparkle @Jefferson @Akio I suppose ;) )
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Rowanna looked up, seeing her group already forming and realized she needed to get going. "Sorry, Abigail, but I don't want to be late. Here's my number," she stated, handing a piece of paper with her cell phone number on it the upset girl. "You can text or call, we could meet up if you wanna talk about it." Rowanna was a carrying person, and Abigail was the first person she talked to here. She wanted to make sure she was ok. With a wave, Rowanna headed over to the group of students that were near Mrs. Song. She saw one girl with curly brown hair among the group who stood alone. Rowanna crossed over to her and gave her a smile. "Hi, I'm Rowanna, I guess we're in the same group together."

@Mane @m y s t i c
Abigail smiled and took Rowanna's number graciously, nodding with an absent mind as the girl walked away.
Any other day, I'd be giddy about this...

She set the paper in her pocket and sighed.
"Guess I should find this Akio guy before I start making Utena jokes..."

@m y s t i c


Nikolaus Kirchner



The headphone girl smiled at him. "I'm Gita Patel," she introduced herself. "It was nice to meet you too, Nikolaus." She seemed really nice and not intimidating, and Nikolaus wished he could talk to her longer. Unfortunately, his group was waiting for him.


"Auf wiederhören!" he grinned, waving back at her as he walked away, a sudden boost of confidence swelling inside him. Maybe there really was nothing to be nervous about. After all, everyone he'd spoken to thus far seemed very nice and friendly.


And then he saw Dante.


Or, at least, who he assumed must have been Dante. He was standing beside Nichole, who in turn was standing near Herr Logan. He was... really big. He didn't look like the grumpy, fight-just-to-fight kind of person, if his demeanor or facial expression was anything to go by, but still... he was just really big. And strong-looking. Like he could snap Nikolaus in half just by touching him.


He thought about saying something to Nichole, but settled on a small smile and a little wave instead. He still didn't know what had happened between her and Abigail, and didn't want to come across as too forward or pushy. It was still the first day, after all. So he decided to introduce himself to who he assumed was "Dante".


"Um... hallo," he said quietly to the giant, hoping to make a good impression before something bad or unexpected happened. "My name is Nikolaus Kirchner. You are... in Herr Logan's group, ja?





(for those who don't know or are just wondering uwu)


Auf wiederhören = See you later/Talk to you later

Herr = Mister/Sir

Ja = Yes/Yeah


@Jefferson (and kind of @twilight sparkle @m y s t i c as well  ;3 )
Rowanna picked up on Delilah's discomfort, not sure how to deal without. She knew that some people here would have pasts like her, and that would give them trust issues, just like she had. She looked around the other students in the group, who were chatting away without notice of the two brunettes. She shrugged, unsure if she should keep talking to Delilah or not. Rowana figured she might as well if they were going to be in this group together. "So what brings you to a place like this? What's your power?"

@m y s t i c

Dante Savage.

After making introductions Nicole began leading the way back to the Garden, a good thing too because Dante had no idea where they were. When they arrived In front of the teacher Dante grinned and introduced himself. "Ya 

!!!Nice to metcha bruh " Dante said again putting his knuckle out for a "dab".

"I've never been to a school before...what should I expect?" He asked the two looking back and forth between them. 


Joseph Aguilar 

after being told where he was to go. Joseph simply walked to where his Tour guide was supposed to be. He didn't introduce himself or make any attempt at conversation. He saw Gita approaching and assumed that she was One of the other students that was listed. He nodded to her and the others, but his eyes said more than anything else, he was sizing them up, all of them. 

Nichole blinked before nodding hearing the group pairings. She looked at Mr. Logan in wonder wanting to know what his teaching style was. Also hoping he wasn't too rough with his weaker students, she didn't want to disappoint him when the classes started.

@TheFlyingWriter @Jefferson @Akio

Luna nodded at the group pairings but didn't like the idea of her little sister being with two guys. She then walked over to her assigned teacher and gave a wave to her group. "Hello, my name is Luna Kudo. It's nice to meet you." Luna said giving a soft smile.

Akio was standing by Levy, waiting for the tour to get underway. He didn't really need to worry to much about the tour, after all he had already scouted most of the school as part of his own personal reconnaissance but he thought he might as well go with the motions. Levy herself was talking to a few students, seeming glowing with a wide smile as she happily answered questions. She seemed to one of those kind, happy go lucky teachers and she seemed to get along well with the students. The school would need good teachers, if they wanted this school to have any kind of success. As he waited he noticed someone else approaching, indeed someone he recognized if only in passing. It was the girl who had kissed Nichole and caused her to run off. He glanced at her, his black eyes regarding her. "Ah so your the one." He said simply, seeming bored but recognizing her.


Elsewhere Logan was gathering his group together. He noticed this small girl looking at him but ignored her for now, focusing on getting everyone together. The first day was important given the unpredictability of this new school and it was important that there was no incidents on the first day. "Everyone gather around, we'll be leaving shortly." He said simply, trying to gather all his students around him.

@twilight sparkle @Jefferson @TheFlyingWriter
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Matt simply stood around, somewhat awkwardly, waiting for this group to start moving. Most of the people in his group seemed to have already met each other, at least to some degree, so he stayed on the outskirts to avoid getting too much in the way. Another issue he wasn't too used to dealing with. Thankfully, another girl walked up before things got too weird, and judging by her introduction, she was just as alienated as he was.

"Hi, I'm... oh."

He realized a split-second too late that she wasn't talking to him directly, rather the group as a whole. As such, his response was, well, probably not entirely anticipated. Seemed like a recurring theme today. He immediately felt even more awkward than before, once again ready to shrink out of sight at a moment's notice. This was the part of dealing with people that he was not so fond of.

@twilight sparkle
"The...oh. I assume you talked to Nichole, then?"
His tone temporarily shook Abigail out of her pity party. It...didn't quite line up with what he was saying. 
"Yeah, that was me..."
She sighed, stretching out and looking at the teacher. 

"And yes, that was stupid of me."


Silva O'Connor


"Ok, bye Matt!" Silva said with a smile, before she realized something. Dread set in, as she made this realization.  She was only 5 feet tall, and large crowd and short people don't mix. And she had to find two people. At least she knew what one of them looked like. 

So, Silva started the process of trying to find Ms.Summers, and hoped this Damien kid was with her. And once she found  the language teacher  and smiled up at her. "H-Hello," Silva said quietly. @Aiko
Nichole shrunk a bit and hid behind Dante. She was a bit intimidated by Logan. Nichole sighed softly holding her stuffed animals to calm herself a bit. "My apologies for staring sir."she said softly to Logan.

@TheFlyingWriter @Jefferson @Akio

Luna blinked looking over at the guy. "My apologies. Can you introduce yourself please?" She asked holding out her hand to shake. "


Dante savage. 

When Logan said gather around Dante stepped closer. The guy seemed to be thinking about something but Dante couldn't put a finger on it. He tried to keep a little distance between himself and the others so his didn't have an "accident".

after a few moments Dante raised his hand.

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"The...oh. I assume you talked to Nichole, then?"
His tone temporarily shook Abigail out of her pity party. It...didn't quite line up with what he was saying. 
"Yeah, that was me..."
She sighed, stretching out and looking at the teacher. 

"And yes, that was stupid of me."


"Indeed." He said still seemingly still kind of disinterested. "Considering you probably just met that girl today from what i could gather, I imagine kissing her wasn't the smartest idea. What did you plan to happen?" He said before shrugging. "Unless you were trying to take advantage of the girls innocence to have your way with her which i suppose is up to you." He said not holding back his words, perhaps not realizing how much the words might affect her. 
Abigail rolled her eyes.
"I pecked her on the lips. Inappropriate? Yes. Awful? Given that she'd freaked out over less before, yes. Stupid? Yes. But I'm not a monster."

Her nose flared as anger temporarily broke her expression before fading back to misery.
"Besides, 'having my way' with people just doesn't sound fun. What's the point of kissing someone if you don't love them?...yes, yes, I know. I barely know her."

Okay. Okay. Just had to act natural.

Matt extended his hand in return, firmly grabbing hers and shaking it up and down. This was fine. Really, he didn't have any reason to feel even remotely threatened by her - all they were doing was introducing themselves. But there was something about her, she just seemed so... formal? Assertive? He wasn't really sure how to describe it. She didn't seem malicious at all, but even so, he just felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Oh, I'm, um... Matt. And you are?"


Okay, not going so great. He already knew her name, of course - she'd literally just told him it.

"LUNA! YOU'RE... Luna."

Nice save. Now she knew that he'd remembered her name, sure, but so did everyone else within throwing distance. What the hell was going on? He really didn't have any reason to be threatened by her yet - they'd barely exchanged a sentence yet - and he knew that rationally, but his heart rate was still rising, and the reflexive urge to shrink out of the situation was getting harder and harder to resist. 

@twilight sparkle
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"Nice to meet you Matt. Try taking some deep breaths and relax." Luna said calmly. She soon let go of his hand and waited for him to calm down a bit. "Sorry for scaring you matt." Luna said and smelt her flower relaxing humming.


Nikolaus Kirchner



"Yeah," the large guy said, grinning and holding out his fist. "Nice to meet'cha, bruh! I've never been to a school before... what should I expect?"


Nikolaus paused, honestly not expecting such a friendly and welcoming attitude. He had either expected either loud and mean or quiet and grumpy, but full on cheerful and friendly? ...Maybe he was being too paranoid and judgy. He supposed it never helped to judge people, anyway.


The smaller boy smiled back, running a hand through his dark hair as he tried to figure out how to explain school to the other. Had he been home-schooled his whole life? That must have been kind of cool! "Um, vell..."


"Everyone gather around," Herr Logan said suddenly, drawing Nikolaus' attention for a moment. "We'll be leaving shortly." Nikolaus nodded solemnly, hoping the tour wouldn't be too quick for him.


Nikolaus turned back to continue speaking to the strong man, maybe ask his name (he wanted to assume it was Dante, but he had also decided he was rather done with assuming for the day). Unfortunately, the larger boy had turned his attention to Herr Logan, and was raising his hand. Nikolaus looked at the teacher as well, wondering what he'd say, and more importantly, what "Dante" was going to ask.





(for those who don't know or are just wondering uwu)


Herr = Mister/Sir


Abigail rolled her eyes.
"I pecked her on the lips. Inappropriate? Yes. Awful? Given that she'd freaked out over less before, yes. Stupid? Yes. But I'm not a monster."

Her nose flared as anger temporarily broke her expression before fading back to misery.
"Besides, 'having my way' with people just doesn't sound fun. What's the point of kissing someone if you don't love them?...yes, yes, I know. I barely know her."


Akio just chuckled, seeming suddenly amused by her words. "Love? You really are quite a child to think like that." He said, his body shaking a bit with the laughter shaking his frame. "Infatuation is what you have, not love, thinking that in a single day you can fall in love with someone. Love at first sight." He said with a scoff. "Ill tell you the same thing I told her, a kisses value is what you put on it, it has nothing to do with love. Pleasure is just as good of an motivation as a false feeling such as love. She was fun to kiss however, when she was kissing back and shes cute enough." He said with a shrug. "But it had nothing to do with love." he said finishing his statement
Abigail froze for a second and then her face twisted into one of rage. 
"Alright, maybe you have a point there. But I refuse to listen to the musings on my feelings' validity from some asswipe who sees a young girl run out crying and goes, 'I'mma go kiss that'!!" 
Her fists clenched until they went white and her teeth were bared for a second.
She buried her face in one hand for a moment, before one eye drawn taught showed itself between her fingers.
"Yeah, taking advantage of her my ass. I'm not the one who goes after emotionally vulnerable people in the middle of a breakdown in the name of pleasuring myself."

Okay. Okay. Okay. Calm. He could do calm. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, listening to his heartbeat, focusing intently on slowing it down. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump...

It did soon enough, and his hand slowly dropped back to his side. All good.

"No, it's uh... not your fault. Sorry. I'm fine now. Everything's fine, everyone's fine. You're fine, too."

Okay, that wasn't quite what he'd meant to say. But, he didn't really care by this point. His nerves had been calmed, his urge to shrink had mostly subsided, and he didn't feel like this girl was going to bite his arm off anymore. So, really, misspeaking for the third time in a row didn't feel like such a big deal anymore.

@twilight sparkle
Abigail froze for a second and then her face twisted into one of rage. 
"Alright, maybe you have a point there. But I refuse to listen to the musings on my feelings' validity from some asswipe who sees a young girl run out crying and goes, 'I'mma go kiss that'!!" 
Her fists clenched until they went white and her teeth were bared for a second.
She buried her face in one hand for a moment, before one eye drawn taught showed itself between her fingers.
"Yeah, taking advantage of her my ass. I'm not the one who goes after emotionally vulnerable people in the middle of a breakdown in the name of pleasuring myself."


Akio looked at her, still seeming amused. He rarely gave into laughter as overall it was unnecessary but never the less this girl was foolish in a way that made him unable to hide his amusement. "In truth I never planned to kiss her originally, but as you said she was in the middle of a break down and wouldn't stop for a moment to listen, so I had to take a more direct approach then words. It was her first kiss, she was quite distraught to lose it. Either way, whether i went after her with negative intentions or not doesn't bother me, i went to satisfy my curiosity about her ability, I didn't see she was crying till I got there, hidden in that ball of ice of hers." He crossed his arms, calming down from his amusement as his expression started going back to his usual neutrality though it still had a hint of amusement. "I didn't go after her to pleasure myself, nor did i expect her to kiss back when I ended up doing more then a little peck. Doesn't change what your actions were however, and in a way your actions caused mine. After all, I never would have kissed her or even knew who she was if she hadn't been running away from you. If you had issues with how i stopped her break down, then remember it was your actions that caused me to have to do so in the first place." He said, his voice once against neutral like it didn't matter regardless who caused what actions.

Dante savage. 

When Logan said gather around Dante stepped closer. The guy seemed to be thinking about something but Dante couldn't put a finger on it. He tried to keep a little distance between himself and the others so his didn't have an "accident".

after a few moments Dante raised his hand.

Nichole waited for the tour to start  and looked up at Dante. She gave a soft smile, he was nice. A giant, but he seemed like he could be like a teddy bear. Nichole listened to Logan then gave Nikolaus a small wave giving a nervous smile.  She lightly tapped her foot thinking to herself for a bit.

@TheFlyingWriter @Akio  

Luna said"do you feel better now?" Stretching a bit. "I hope we can see the garden again, that place is already my favorite." She said smiling softly and lightly fingered her yang pendant and a phoenix pendant.

This is clearly getting us nowhere.

She shook her head, glowering blankly with frustration.
"I'd argue with you, but this is clearly not going to amount to shit. I fucked up, you...were an asshole, whatever."
She'd had her fair share of arguments with people like this guy, and she'd learned to give up on them. The idea that he "had to" was laughably absurd, but if she argued about that he'd come up with some bullshit reason why it was totally reasonable. The idea that she hadn't disliked hers piqued less attention than it would've if she didn't think he was totally detached from...whatever was relevant to this. She would say "at least I don't try to justify it", but she had, in a way, seeing her defense and the "at least I'm not like you" sheband.
"You must be Akio, I assume."


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