Once he adjusted to the light, the sun felt warm and almost reassuring. A gentle breeze rustled through the plants. It was, indeed a beautiful day. The plants of the garden, already impressive, seemed bolstered by Luna's presence. "That it is." Julian closed his eyes and just listened for a moment to the sounds of chirping birds and buzzing insects.

@twilight sparkle
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Luna sat among the patches of flowers and smiled enjoying their scents. "It's so calming being in this garden. You can feel the love and care." She said her hands on the soft grass. "What do you like to do for a hobbie?" Luna asked resting her head on her knees as she stretched out her legs a bit. 

@King in Yellow
    Julian sat down next to Luna, being careful not to crush any of the flowers. "Read, play video games, talk to friends, typical stuff mostly." Julian placed his hands on the ground behind him, leaning back slightly to gaze at the clouds lazily drifting across the sky. "Though, I do also go on a lot of walks and hikes. My family lives right next to a mountain, and its nice to just explore. Sometimes I feel like it's the only time I can hear myself think, you know?"

@twilight sparkle
Luna nodded and said"yes I know that feeling. I usually go to the forest to escape it all with nikki, just sit by a lake in a clearing watching the leaves blow in a soft breeze." She stretched and laid back in the grass watching the clouds."that one looks like a boat. What do you think?" Luna asked pointing to a cloud.

@King in Yellow
Abigail sat down across from Nichole, laying into her food mercilessly. She giggled at the sight of her friend's being drawn to the sweets, watching with a fork of the stuff twirled around it. She looked to the room's entrances, wondering whether anyone else would be coming in soon. It seemed odd they were the only ones to come here, especially given that this was where everyone would be eating for a while.
"You know what they say, when in doubt ask about their food..."
She muttered to herself absently.
Nichole came back with two parfaits on her plate. She placed her tray down giving Abigail one of the parfaits. Nichole then bit into her burger happily after placing her stuffed animals next to her. She blushed wiping some of the sauce off of her cheeks before quickly trying to catch one of her mushroom slices. "This is really good." Nichole said softly and sipped her juice.

   Julian smiled hearing Luna's description of a peaceful scene with her sister. The trappings were slightly different than his climbing boulders and trailing animals, but the feeling of freedom and stillness was the same. He looked at the cloud she pointed too, and, yes, he could see the sails. "I see it. And I think that one's a bird." Julian moved to point at a cloud near the left edge of the sky, forgetting that his arms were propping him up. He crashed onto his back beside Luna, the soft grass preventing the fall from hurting. He laughed softly, then pointed again to the cloud he meant.
Rowanna tilted her head, listening intently. She popped her fingers to release any air that had built up, resulting in a sharp pain shooting up her arm. She winced almost indistinguishably and shook out her hand to relieve the slight pain. Transformation did cause her enormous pain, but over the years she was able to become used to it, and therefore not respond when it happens. In life or death situations, being affected by the pain would slow her down and thus make her more vulnerable. She couldn't afford to be vulnerable. Rowanna knew how to fight in her animals forms, she had practiced at it for many years. However, she never had any one to teach her to fight in her human form, making it her most vulnerable form of them all.

Rowanna unzipped her usual black jacket and pulled it off. She tossed it to the side, oblivious to the fact that she had revealed her bare arms to him as she was wearing a tank top underneath the jacket. Scars of all shapes and sizes were scattered across the otherwise smooth skin of her arms, though not has many as he seemed to have. Some were light scratches, and some were much deeper and therefore had darker scar tissue. The most of impressive of them all was a was a large, dark bite mark scar across her that covered from the top of her shoulder on her back and over her shoulder and almost reaching her collar bone. It was a perfect depicture of a large felid's entire mouth, a jaguar to be precise. At the time, the bite had nicked a main artery and would have killed her if it weren't for her regeneration abilities. However, it still wasn't a walk in the park to go through. She gave him a determined look and asked, "Could you show me?"


She listened to him quite intently, making it feel a little awkward as he was not used to people trying to be around him for extended periods of time, much less listening to him so intently to him and he nodded. However what happened next he didn't expect. She suddenly reached up to her jacket, stripping it off her and tossing it to the side which made him distracted for a second with the movement wondering what she was doing. But then he realized her arms and he starred for a moment. Her arms, were similar to his but different. His scars looked like he was tortured, hers looked like she had been savaged by several animals. the largest scar on her shoulder seemed obviously ripped into by a feline close to her main artery's and could have been fatal. She asked to be shown the move and after a moment he cleared his head and without thinking about it, nodded. 

"Alright, ill show you." He said stepping closer to show a bit more clear till he was right in front of her, now leaving them both in the middle of the clearing with each other. "The key is the movement of your feet." He said, his voice steady as he changed his stance a bit to what he was doing before, bending his knees in and turning the points of his feet so they faced each other. "The movement has two steps. In this case my right foot acts as a hinge to turn your body on. You on purpose let your enemy close the distance then you suddenly rotate on their side with the movement of your feet." As if to demonstrated he pivoted on his foot suddenly moving quickly from one side of her to the other. He stepped back. "You do two continuous movements at once turning both Gu Bo," He said his feet pointing to each other and legs bent. "Then turn in Pa Bo," He said turning his feet so the tip of his right foot touched the back of his left, which had barley seemed to move but somehow slid over almost an entire foot, leaving his left food facing towards the center of his movement. "Then Gu Bo again." He said sliding back into the first stance only several feet to his right, making a circular motion. "Its called the circle walk and forms a basis of many martial arts moves and is considered a fundamental defense move, allowing you to practice your fundamentals at the same time as clearing your mind, i often do this at least once before most training sessions to make one full circle." He said, surprisingly patient while explaining it to her.
Luna nodded and laughed softly looking up at the sky. "This is nice." She said relaxing and smiled over at him. "Hmm that does look like a bird. Hmm a raven maybe?" Luna said rubbing her chin. "Oh well it's a bird. Oh look a tree!" She said pointing to the cloud.

@King in Yellow
Rowanna's breath caught in her throat when he stepped closer. Based on his personality, she didn't expect him to get that close. He didn't seem to notice her slight surprise, and continued on with his explanation. She watched his foot movements intently, trying to remember them enough to be able to effectively copy his movements. "It's called the circle walk and forms a basis of many martial arts moves, and is considered a fundamental defense move, allowing you to practice your fundamentals at the same time as clearing your mind. I often do this at least once before most training sessions to make one full circle," he said, finishing the movement. She was a little shocked that he was so patient. But she didn't show the emotion on her face and instead just went with it.

"So, what does Gu Bo and Pa Bo mean? Just the names of the movements?" she asked, beginning to copy his movements. She decently performed the first steps until she got to the Pa Bo move. Some how she twisted her feet wrong and ended up falling on to her butt. Embarrassed, Rowanna immediately stood up and brushed herself off, a light pink blush tinging her cheeks.

    It was nice. It was a beautiful day, and this was the most relaxed Julian had felt since the first news stories about mutants showed up. "A tree... yeah I see what you mean. It looks more like an octopus to me, though. The top is the head and the roots are the tentacles."

@twilight sparkle
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Luna nodded and said"yes I can see where you're coming from with that. It does look like an octopus a bit." She then stretched and said'do you like sweets?" Looking over at him after letting her hair down. She stretched out and her long black hair with red streaks looked like a halo under her head.

@King in Yellow
Rowanna's breath caught in her throat when he stepped closer. Based on his personality, she didn't expect him to get that close. He didn't seem to notice her slight surprise, and continued on with his explanation. She watched his foot movements intently, trying to remember them enough to be able to effectively copy his movements. "It's called the circle walk and forms a basis of many martial arts moves, and is considered a fundamental defense move, allowing you to practice your fundamentals at the same time as clearing your mind. I often do this at least once before most training sessions to make one full circle," he said, finishing the movement. She was a little shocked that he was so patient. But she didn't show the emotion on her face and instead just went with it.

"So, what does Gu Bo and Pa Bo mean? Just the names of the movements?" she asked, beginning to copy his movements. She decently performed the first steps until she got to the Pa Bo move. Some how she twisted her feet wrong and ended up falling on to her butt. Embarrassed, Rowanna immediately stood up and brushed herself off, a light pink blush tinging her cheeks.


"Just the names of the moves, if they have other meanings i do not know them." He watched her technique as she tried to do the first step but when she tried to move she fell, which didn't surprise him as it wasn't something you picked up right away. "You have to keep balance in your knees, your doing two motions at once so balance is key." He said stepping around her to watch her stance from another angle as he lightly smacked the back of her knee to force it a bit closer to her center. "It takes a few tries to get it, if you want to master it you should practice making at least one full circle every day." He said not afraid of letting her know what she was doing wrong but not really criticizing her either, but rather an almost gentle guidance if we with a bit of sting to it.
Rowanna nodded and began moving again, determined to get them down. She always had a can-do attitude when it comes to learning new things. She was inquisitive and curious as a child, and that nature never really left her. Rowanna tripped a few more times, but immediately got back up and began to try again. Anyone would be wrong if they said she wasn't persistent. Eventually, she completed the entire move without falling or making any poor movements and turned to him, a light excited smile on her lips. Rowanna started the motions again, and through concentration and persistent, she was able to complete a semi-decent circle of the repetitive movements around the grove. Rowanna knew her movements were entirely perfect, but she still felt successful for being able to complete them as a total novice to martial arts. Rowanna expected critique and was entirely open to it. She wanted to be better. Rowanna turned to the dark-eyed man again to ask him for a critique. Instead, she realized she had one other question to ask first, and furrowed her brow. "What's your name by the way? I'm Rowanna."

Rowanna nodded and began moving again, determined to get them down. She always had a can-do attitude when it comes to learning new things. She was inquisitive and curious as a child, and that nature never really left her. Rowanna tripped a few more times, but immediately got back up and began to try again. Anyone would be wrong if they said she wasn't persistent. Eventually, she completed the entire move without falling or making any poor movements and turned to him, a light excited smile on her lips. Rowanna started the motions again, and through concentration and persistent, she was able to complete a semi-decent circle of the repetitive movements around the grove. Rowanna knew her movements were entirely perfect, but she still felt successful for being able to complete them as a total novice to martial arts. Rowanna expected critique and was entirely open to it. She wanted to be better. Rowanna turned to the dark-eyed man again to ask him for a critique. Instead, she realized she had one other question to ask first, and furrowed her brow. "What's your name by the way? I'm Rowanna."


After many attempts she got down the basics and managed to make one circle if a fairly messy one but for a first timer she certainly wasn't bad and he began seeming pleased at her progress before he found himself checking his expression. He found teaching was funner then he though and it made him wonder whether it would be so bad to teach her a bit more, if she was willing to learn. She shook him out of his revelry by asking his name. "Hmm, well i suppose you can call me Akio, if you want to refer to me as such. I don't need any titles though if i did train you then you would have to refer to me as master while we were training." He said seriously, stretching out his powerful arms for a moment before looking at her, his black eyes almost amused. "Well any more questions?"
Rowanna nodded, slightly bemused at the idea of calling anyone "master," especially the man in front of her. She combed her fingers through her hair and quickly pulled it into a ponytail, truly revealing her striking facial features. The sun caught her blue eyes, making them slightly lighter in appearance. Her cheek bones were accentuated, perfectly accentuating her face. "You sound almost amused, Mr. Calm, Cool and Collected," she responded with a light laugh at the end. Returning to a more serious expression, Rowanna said, "But, actually, I do have a couple of questions. First off, what can I improve in the steps in order to make myself better at them? And secondly, have you ever fought against a wild animal?" She was actually very curious about the latter question, as random as it was. Rowanna wanted to know what kind of advantages she would have if they ever became sparring partners. Though, remember that day 5 years, she wasn't sure if she wanted to fight someone with his abilities, even if it was just for training. 

Rowanna nodded, slightly bemused at the idea of calling anyone "master," especially the man in front of her. She combed her fingers through her hair and quickly pulled it into a ponytail, truly revealing her striking facial features. The sun caught her blue eyes, making them slightly lighter in appearance. Her cheek bones were accentuated, perfectly accentuating her face. "You sound almost amused, Mr. Calm, Cool and Collected," she responded with a light laugh at the end. Returning to a more serious expression, Rowanna said, "But, actually, I do have a couple of questions. First off, what can I improve in the steps in order to make myself better at them? And secondly, have you ever fought against a wild animal?" She was actually very curious about the latter question, as random as it was. Rowanna wanted to know what kind of advantages she would have if they ever became sparring partners. Though, remember that day 5 years, she wasn't sure if she wanted to fight someone with his abilities, even if it was just for training. 


Akio watched as she pulled her hair back in a pony tail, revealing more of her pretty facial features. She was certainly lovely to look at and it was almost enough to let him forgive her about her comment of sounding amused. "I'm never amused, except by stupity and unless you think you fit in that category." He said his voice slightly annoyed as he looked at her before he paused and decided to answer her questions. "I've fought wild animals many times, now days usually i just scare them off with my powers but when i was 13 i lived in the woods for a time and slaughtered an entire wolf back that ambushed me, thinking a small half starved boy was an easy meal. I ate thier meat till it went bad and started to rot, i was less experienced then. As for your steps theres only one true way to get better at them now that you know the fundamentals to them. Practice, practice, practice. All skilled martial artists are built over thousands apon thousands of hours of training." He said, starting to get ready for the days training.
Rowanna shrugged, unfazed by his annoyed tone. She wasn't afraid of him, something about him just didn't instill that feeling in her. She knew she wasn't stupid, and therefore took no offense to his snarky remark. Akio then proceeded to tell her about killing animals, and she surprisingly found that fact incredibly interesting. She had never purposefully hunted, but she had encountered a few animals she had no choice but to slay. Shrugging, Rowanna stuck her hands in the pockets of her jeans, meeting his gaze and smiling lightheartedly. "As they say, survival of the fittest. So far, the fittest has been you," she responded, noticing he was getting ready to train. "Do you need the entire clearing to train? I was gonna practice my transformations. So if you do or you simply want me to, I can find somewhere else," Rowanna said, her voice polite.

Ouch. Yeah, he probably shouldn't have said that - he could tell that he'd brought back some memories that weren't all that pleasant. Even so, in a way it was nice to know that he wasn't the only one with those kinds of experiences. Heck, maybe that was pretty normal here - maybe mutants in general just weren't treated all that well. Or maybe it was just a coincidence. Either way, it wasn't a topic he needed to pursue right now; the last thing he needed was to make the first person he'd met all sad.

"Yeah, I'm sure it won't be boring, at the very least. Not with this many people with this many powers all in one place."

Matt finally reached the reception they'd come through earlier, with the woman right where she was before. He glanced around nervously, before approaching the desk.

"Hi, uh... could I get my room key, or whatever it is I need here?"

The woman looked up from her computer, and asked him a few simple questions - name, age, address (which he'd just used his parents' one for). After he was able to give her his details, she handed him a plain silver keycard, with a small printed room number on one side, and some writing he couldn't read engraved into the other. It pretty much echoed the rest of this place - modern, but really trying to hide it. He thanked the woman, and stepped away to let SIlva get what she needed.

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Rowanna shrugged, unfazed by his annoyed tone. She wasn't afraid of him, something about him just didn't instill that feeling in her. She knew she wasn't stupid, and therefore took no offense to his snarky remark. Akio then proceeded to tell her about killing animals, and she surprisingly found that fact incredibly interesting. She had never purposefully hunted, but she had encountered a few animals she had no choice but to slay. Shrugging, Rowanna stuck her hands in the pockets of her jeans, meeting his gaze and smiling lightheartedly. "As they say, survival of the fittest. So far, the fittest has been you," she responded, noticing he was getting ready to train. "Do you need the entire clearing to train? I was gonna practice my transformations. So if you do or you simply want me to, I can find somewhere else," Rowanna said, her voice polite.


Once again, despite his annoyance, she did not even flinch and addressed him with a casualness that half annoyed him, half intrigued him. Most people had been scared of him all his life so to have someone seemingly be so in-concerned was still out of the norm for him though he found himself getting used to it. "Perhaps it is her mutation that gives her that fearlessness." He thought to himself. "Indeed, the strongest always survives. I will only be doing muscle training today, you can stay and watch if you like." He said as he finished stretching, waiting to see what she would do.
"Sure, that would be fine. As long as you don't mind me being a couple of different animals throughout the process," Rowanna joked, giggling ever so softly. She stepped a little ways away from Akio and sat down on the ground. Crossing her legs, Rowanna folded her hands in her lap and closed her eyes in meditation. It was something she did before every training method to focus her mind on the task at hand. Breathe in. Breathe out. Concentrateshe reminded herself. She wasn't sure how Akio would respond to her momentary disassociation. But, honestly she didn't care for the time being. Rowanna needed to be in full control of her body, and so she pushed herself to the furthest point in her mind. Once she had reached the state of being she wanted to achieve, Rowanna opened her deep  blue eyes like the calm of a storm. She looked up at Akio, waiting for him to begin so she wouldn't distract him as much with her transformation.

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"Sure, that would be fine. As long as you don't mind me being a couple of different animals throughout the process," Rowanna joked, giggling ever so softly. She stepped a little ways away from Akio and sat down on the ground. Crossing her legs, Rowanna folded her hands in her lap and closed her eyes in meditation. It was something she did before every training method to focus her mind on the task at hand. Breathe in. Breathe out. Concentrateshe reminded herself. She wasn't sure how Akio would respond to her momentary disassociation. But, honestly she didn't care for the time being. Rowanna needed to be in full control of her body, and so she pushed herself to the furthest point in her mind. Once she had reached the state of being she wanted to achieve, Rowanna opened her deep  blue eyes like the calm of a storm. She looked up at Akio, waiting for him to begin so she wouldn't distract him as much with her transformation.


Akio grunted, seemingly in asset as he turned to his own training. Obviously right now he didn't have many of his tools with him he might have used to help train so instead he went back to basic training. Getting down on all fours seemingly to start push ups he suddenly pushed his lower body up, balancing on two hands as if doing a hand stand, before drawing one back and going only on one arm which didn't even tremble as he started lowering himself as if doing a push up. "One... Two.... Three...." He said counting out just loud enough to here as he continued, doing a training that for most you would only see in movies as if it was normal and even expected as he slowly counted upwards, not rushing nor slowing down as he pushed into the thirties, seemingly ignoring her and letting her be.  
Rowanna watched his movements for a moment, seemingly shocked. His strength was quite astounding, and solidified her opinion on not wanting to get on his bad side. She caught herself staring, and shook out of it. Rowanna stood up, trying to decide what species she would attempt to rush transform through. She decided it would be better to stay in a category of similar species, like types of cats. "Lion, tiger, jaguar. Oh my," she muttered with a slight smirk gracing her lips. The first transformation began, forcing her muscles and bones to contort and move to create a sand-colored lioness. She was only in this completed form for a second before transitioning again into the beginning of a lovely Bengal tiger. However, rush metamorphosis put a huge strain on her bones and muscles. The point of training is to push myselfRowanna thought as she was nearing the complete tiger form. One more transformation in the sequence. Seconds after the powerful tiger appeared, it was gone in a mixture of morphological distortion. You can do this, almost thereRowanna thought, trying to motivate herself. 

Just as the jaguar form reached completion, a louder-than-usual crack echoed around the clearing. Rowanna's green cat eyes widened ever so slightly, before fading back to the distinct ocean blue of her human form. Rowanna reverted back, appearing crouched on the ground with her arm cradled to her chest. She assessed it quietly, trying not to disturb Akio as well as ignore the fiery pain shooting up her arm. The ulna bone in her lower arm had completely severed from the pressure of multiple transformations. It could clearly be seen jutting out from her arm, creating a large gruesome bulge beneath the skin. Assessing the damage, Rowanna placed the hand of her non-injured arm at the perfect angle to push the broken bone back into place. Bracing herself for the impending pain, Rowanna pushed with all her strength and forced the bone back into its original location.

Rowanna watched his movements for a moment, seemingly shocked. His strength was quite astounding, and solidified her opinion on not wanting to get on his bad side. She caught herself staring, and shook out of it. Rowanna stood up, trying to decide what species she would attempt to rush transform through. She decided it would be better to stay in a category of similar species, like types of cats. "Lion, tiger, jaguar. Oh my," she muttered with a slight smirk gracing her lips. The first transformation began, forcing her muscles and bones to contort and move to create a sand-colored lioness. She was only in this completed form for a second before transitioning again into the beginning of a lovely Bengal tiger. However, rush metamorphosis put a huge strain on her bones and muscles. The point of training is to push myselfRowanna thought as she was nearing the complete tiger form. One more transformation in the sequence. Seconds after the powerful tiger appeared, it was gone in a mixture of morphological distortion. You can do this, almost thereRowanna thought, trying to motivate herself. 

Just as the jaguar form reached completion, a louder-than-usual crack echoed around the clearing. Rowanna's green cat eyes widened ever so slightly, before fading back to the distinct ocean blue of her human form. Rowanna reverted back, appearing crouched on the ground with her arm cradled to her chest. She assessed it quietly, trying not to disturb Akio as well as ignore the fiery pain shooting up her arm. The ulna bone in her lower arm had completely severed from the pressure of multiple transformations. It could clearly be seen jutting out from her arm, creating a large gruesome bulge beneath the skin. Assessing the damage, Rowanna placed the hand of her non-injured arm at the perfect angle to push the broken bone back into place. Bracing herself for the impending pain, Rowanna pushed with all her strength and forced the bone back into its original location.


Akio was in the middle of getting ready to switch hand when he took a moment to glance at her training, ignoring the sweat that came from the warm sun and his exertion that slid into his vision to see what she was doing. The brutal cracking sound started again only this time they didn't stop, as she shifted from one animal to another. He found himself curious and actually pausing, coming back to crouch on his feet as he watched her change from Lion, Tiger, To what seemed to be a jaguar or the beginnings of one before he heard a distinct sound of a snap that echoed across the clearing and made him sit up straight, seeing her eyes widen before she turned back to normal, arm cradled against her chest in obvious pain. Suddenly, and irrationally concerned he got up and with massive effort to control his pace started to approach. He saw the massive bulge under her skin and could tell or rather at least make a guess about what happened. Swallowing he started to approach as he saw her put a hand on her injured one and pushed the bone back into place. He felt he underestimated this girl, she was far stronger then he gave her credit for. "Are you alright Rowanna?" He questioned as he walked closer. His voice was still the same but his eyes were a bit more wide and there may have been a hint of concern in there, though it was very difficult to tell.
Rowanna had closed her eyes in hopes of tempering the pain. She was not one to cry or scream when under agony.  As a child, her father would scold her for having overly emotional reactions to different animal injuries. From the grizzly bear event, she learned that any intense emotion could cause a domino effect and force her into transformations she didn't intentionally initiate. So, no matter how bad the injury or the pain, she couldn't let emotion overwhelm her for fear and transforming again and worsening the situation. 

"Are you alright Rowanna?" she heard Akio say. Rowanna opened her eyes and looked up at him, meeting his gaze. She could detect a look of slight concern there, but knew better than to point it out and risk annoying him. Instead Rowanna gave him a weaker-than-normal smile and nodded. "I'm ok, I'm pretty much used to the pain now," she responded with a tone that wavered ever so slightly. Realizing the wound was beginning to swell, she knew she had to cut it open somehow to release the pooling blood. 

Rowanna met Akio's gaze once again with a slightly embarrassed expression. "You wouldn't happen to have a knife on you, would you? It's bleeding internally and, though I am able to heal fairly quickly, wounds like take more time and tend to pool blood. But, um... because my cells regenerate so quickly, it will have to be cut over and over again until the deeper wound is healed." Rowanna shrugged sheepishly, used to having to perform procedures like this on herself as well as having her father conduct them. When he found out about her regeneration abilities, he would spend hours in the lab slashing cuts across her body in variable depths and measuring how long it would take for them to completely heal. She was barely nine years old at the time, and couldn't ignore the pain as well. But her father simply ignored her screams.

"Sorry if this is weird. You don't have to help if you don't want to. I just need to find something sharp to cut this open with," Rowanna concluded, gesturing to the now apparent swelling of her forearm.


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