Awwwww~ That girl had a little flower in her hair and it matched her emotions! That was so cute!

Focus. She stood with the sisters, carrying her suitcase and smiling.

"Yeah, let's go."
As they slipped in, she turned to wink and blow a kiss at the woman she'd noticed earlier. It was a harmless gesture, if you asked her, it wasn't her fault if the woman found it "offensive" or something. 

"I wonder what the teachers are like, too. Maybe they'll be mutants too! Like the X-men or something!"

The thought had occurred to her once or twice before, on the way here. It would make sense, but then it would also make the school even more suspicious for the kind of people like those damn protesters.

"So you three are sisters, right? Sorry if you already said, I was dazing out..."

@twilight sparkle
Luna said"yes she's my younger sister." Pattune nichole's shoulder lightly I'm an attempt to calm her down. "My name is Luna kudo, and this is my sister Nichole kudo. What's yours if you don't mind me asking?" She said as she took a pocky stick from Nichole's bag, her voice as soothing and smooth as ever.

Nichole pouted and grabbed her pocky hiding it from luna. "You have your own." She said softly and munched on a chocolate one though it was sorta pointed at the mystery girl. (Pocky game XD)

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Abigail noticed Nichole hugging a teddy and smiled widely.
"I'm Abigail! Your sister's adorable!"

She had a bound in her step now, giggling a bit.
"Got any for meeee~?"
She asked, making something of a puppy dog expression. She could use a snack and she was somewhat fond of pocky. Plus sharing food was a fun icebreaker, and she'd be lying if she said playfully using her powers like that wasn't fun.

@twilight sparkle
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Nichole blinked before giving her some of the strawberry pocky to eat. She then looked up at the ceiling and tall windows in awe. "So pretty.." Nichole whispered softly and thought before making a small sphere of water. It morphed into different shapes, a moon, a butterfly, flower and a star. She stopped at the star and lightly touched it freezing it as the sunlight shown through it.

Luna smiled at her sister and lightly wrapped some thin vines on the ends. "There now it's even more beautiful." She said with a light chuckle and thanked Abigail for the compliment on her sister slowly moving Nichole closer.

    Julian lifted an eyebrow at the girls' display of power. "Wow. So, I guess you control water, then? And you do plants?" The frozen water reflected the light like a diamond. It was pretty, Julian thought, certainly a better visual display than anything his powers could do. "I'd wondered what kind of powers the people here would have. I've seen news reports, but..." Since everyone seemed to be ready, Julian slowly headed for the doors, dragging his suitcase behind him.
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Rowanna tilted her head, listening intently. She popped her fingers to release any air that had built up, resulting in a sharp pain shooting up her arm. She winced almost indistinguishably and shook out her hand to relieve the slight pain. Transformation did cause her enormous pain, but over the years she was able to become used to it, and therefore not respond when it happens. In life or death situations, being affected by the pain would slow her down and thus make her more vulnerable. She couldn't afford to be vulnerable. Rowanna knew how to fight in her animals forms, she had practiced them for many years. However, she never had anyone to teach her to fight in her human form, making it her most vulnerable persona of them all.

Rowanna unzipped her usual black jacket and pulled it off. She tossed it to the side, oblivious to the fact that she had revealed her bare arms to him as she was wearing a tank top underneath the jacket. Scars of all shapes and sizes were scattered across the otherwise smooth skin of her arms, though not as many as he seemed to have. Some were light scratches, and some were much deeper and therefore had darker scar tissue. The most of impressive of them all was a large, dark bite mark that covered from the top of her shoulder on her back and over her shoulder and almost reaching her collar bone. It was a perfect depiction of a large felid's entire mouth, a jaguar to be precise. At the time, the bite had nicked a main artery and would have killed her if it weren't for her regeneration abilities. However, it still wasn't a walk in the park to go through. She gave him a determined look and asked, "Could you show me?"

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Luna picked up his suitcase with one of her vines and placed it with the others for him. "What do you think it would be like here?" She asked as they walked the thin curly vines still holding up Nichole's frozen star as they continued walking.

Nichole continued munching on her pocky happily and offered Julian some smiling softly. She them put her stuffed animals in her backpack for safety.

@King in Yellow
Abigail decided it would be remiss not to mention hers.
"Mine is kind of underwhelming, it just makes people like me. Pheromones or something."
She happily nommed on her pocky, chewing it with a look of satisfaction. Her eyes were on the girl who gave it to her; she'd seemed practically mesmerized, making her even more endearing. Abigail made a mental note to beat up anyone that tried to bully her, although it was unlikely that they would or that she'd be able to.
"That, and it makes girls think I'm hot. Which is pretty awesome if you ask me, except that it doesn't have an off switch. Fun, and it's certainly useful, but nothing impressive and much less effective in a fight. Granted, it burns really well, but so do I."
She swallowed, grinning from ear to ear.
"But yeah, that's awesome! So pretty!"

@King in Yellow @twilight sparkle
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    Julian thanked Luna as she deposited his suitcase with the others, and gladly accepted Nicole's pocky offer. He had to admit, he was feeling optimistic about this school. That attitude took a bit of a dent when Abigail mentioned her power. "Makes people like me?" So it messes with their minds? That... was a bit disturbing. Still, Abigail had mentioned that she couldn't do anything about it, so he couldn't really judge her for it. And she was willing to joke about it, so she couldn't be that bad. "Well, if we're all sharing our powers, I can control time. Not time travel, or anything fancy like that. But I can slow down time around me, or look through it. As for your power, Abigail, it seems useful to me. Properly honed, you could probably charm your way out of all sorts of situations. Ethically questionable, sure, but effective."

    Julian remembered that Luna had asked a question. "I really don't know what to expect. I heard we'll continue getting a standard education, but I'm less sure about the whole 'train you to master your powers' thing. Our powers all seem to be unique, so how are the people who run this school qualified to train us? Or is just an excuse to get us contained?"
Nichole blushed some and thanked her softly before munching on more pocky. She then blinked a few times smelling something even more sweet coming from Abigail. "Pheromones?" Nichole asked tilted her head.

Luna blinked picking up the scent as well."lavander?" She asked trying to pin point what it smelt like."We will just have to wait and see I suppose." Luna said to Julian. She then took another pocky stick from Nichole just to mess with her a bit. Luna then looked around in a bit of thought.

@King in Yellow @Mane 
Abigail smiled and visibly relaxed, 
"Yeah, it's almost unfair sometimes. Although as a note, it has really short range and gets stronger when people are closer to me. Like this!"
She chose Luna as the victim of her demonstration, her logic being that Nichole already seemed pretty deep under. Pulling the girl into a tight hug without warning, she put her arms around Luna's neck and squeezed their bodies together for a moment before letting go. She had a mischievous grin, and downed the last of her pocky before making another innocent expression.
"How'd that feel, Luna~?"

@King in Yellow @twilight sparkle 
Luna's eyes went wide and she gasped gripping her jacket biting her lip. She backed away quickly her eyes a bit glossed over as she panted. Luna quickly told Nichole to splash some water on her to try to get the scent off quickly.

Nichole bit her lip and nodded splashing luna with a bit of water to help her then took the water off of her making a big sphere. "D-did that help?" She asked worried for her big sister. 

Luna coughed and shook her head with a sigh keeping a good distance from Abigail now.

@King in Yellow @Mane
It was Matt's turn to laugh. A sarcastic one, but a laugh nonetheless.

"Yeah, I wish. I haven't seen my parents for... what, like two years now? They don't even know I'm here."

He didn't hate his parents for kicking him out of the house - it's not like they really had any choice, and he was independent enough to almost get by, even without his powers. But even so, he couldn't help but feel somewhat disappointed in them for seemingly not caring about him at all after he left, not even bothering to check if he was doing okay. Even when he lived with them... well, it's hard to give all your children equal attention when there's eight of them.

Regardless, he was aware that he'd come across a little bitter just then, so he quickly changed the subject.

"So, uh, what do think this place'll be like? I haven't been to a school in a while, so I'm not super sure what to expect."


Silva O'Connor


She was quite, a small frown on her face. It's not because she felt bad for him, which she did but it wasn't the reason. She was frowning cause she understood how he felt. Though, not having any siblings, neglect was so thing she was all to familiar with, both with her birth parents and most of the adults she had met. A few even used her for various reasons, be it for her power of pretty face. 

"I understand. I haven't seen my parents for a while either," she finally said, though it was quiet. There was a pause in her happy persona, a moment Matt saw trough the cracks of her happy and upbeat attitude, before her smile was back on, and her light gray eyes were shimmering again. 

"I think it's gonna be fun. We're safe here, right? I mean, the school is pretty big, so was shouldn't get bored easily. And I know we're gonna learn how to control our powers much more than waste already know how to." Silva said this with a waste arm smile.
"O-oh, sorry!" 
Abigail backed away as well, hands up in a "I mean no harm" position.
"It doesn't wash off, but it'll wear off soon. Sorry! I forget sometimes people don't all like hugs as much as I do..."
She smiled awkwardly, clearing her throat.
"I promise not to do that again! Sorry sorry sorry!"
Looking around for a distraction, she found nothing.
"No harm intended, promise!"
She reached into her suitcase and pulled out an apple.
"I know this really isn't fair, but truce...?"
She extended the apple towards Nichole, not wanting to approach Luna for obvious reasons. She had a very forced smile and was obviously shaken. 

Well, I've had worse experiences with people. But they were usually racist, so I could just hug them again and not feel bad about it.
Nichole softly thanked her and gave Luna the apple after washing it off. She apologized."it's ok i-I think your scent was too strong that's all." Nichole said softly and rubbed her arm lightly. She then made herself a bit relaxing.

Luna thanked her and sighed biting into the apple. She relaxed and closed her eyes going to breathe in fresh air. "It's ok abi. Just don't surprise me like that please." Luna said keeping calm and looked out the window at the sky thinking a bit.

@King in Yellow @Mane
    As the situation had quickly gotten awkward, Julian was eager to redirect it. "OK," he said, glancing around the room." It looks like we can leave our bags there for now. Then, I guess we can just go anywhere. Did you guys want to pair off, or just go as one giant group?"

@twilight sparkle @Mane
Abigail saved face quickly, zipping her bag shut again and returning to her usual sense of bubbliness.
"Any idea if the cafeteria's open! I'm hungry!"
She hopped up and down, mouth salivating a little at the thought of food that wasn't a dollar cheeseburger with something not even trying to be meat instead of a patty. 

"And I'd much rather stay as a group. I'm not sure if everyone's power fits their personality like mine does, but I like people."

@King in Yellow @twilight sparkle
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"We can pair off so we can explore each area." Luna said with a shrug. "Hurt my sister and it's the end of you." She warned Abigail. Luna patted her sister and gave her her favorite soda. She then walked over to Julian.  Luna gripped her bottle of green tea and looked up at him. "So what do you like to do?"

Nichole blinked when Luna left her with Abigail and looked up at her giving a small awkward wave. "We can go to the cafeteria if you want." She said softly and sipped her fruit juice. 

@King in Yellow @Mane
    Julian wasn't sure where they ought to go first. He usually wasn't one for planning too far ahead. "Want to just pick a hallway and see where it goes? unless you have somewhere specific you wanted to check out." Julian peered down the one of the several hallways leading from the entry, but couldn't see any details beyond more painting-covered walls.

Mira Teller


Mira turned around and was instantly hit by a flurry of questions by a boy with messy brown hair that cascaded around his face. She was caught off guard and looked at him with surprise for a moment before taking a deep breath and answering him. "Im Mira... Mira Teller and i teleported here... that's my power, what's yours?" She smiled back widely at him, she was always up for making new friends even if they did talk to much or were a bit strange, she didnt care.

Of course I won't, she's adorable.

"She's safe with me!"
Abigail struck a corny pose for a second before catching herself and trying to save face.
"Yeah, that sounds excellent. Shall we get going, then?"
She was unsure whether to take Nichole's hand. On one hand she'd already put her power out there, but on the other she felt protective of her. Instead she put her hands on her head and took charge...only to realize she had no idea where they were.

"Um....did you ever get a map of this place?"

@twilight sparkle
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Luna smiled softly. "Can we check and see if they have a garden? I want to see what kind of plants they have here." She said sipping a bit of her tea. "Unless you would like to find the library or see the classrooms." Luna said with a shrug before offering him some of her pocky.

@King in Yellow

Nichole shook her head no and blinked smelling the food following the smell. She led Abigail the food smelling very good. Nichole wanted to see if they had cheeseburgers, she was hungry. She smiled happily when she saw there were cheeseburgers!"they smell so good." Nichole said softly making her way to the burgers and fries.

"Do they smell better than I do?"
Abigail playfully teased, patting Nichole on the head and tracing her nose with a finger before bounding off to load up on pasta and soda. She made small talk with some of the employees, taking in the sights before returning to Nichole with a wide smile, practically bouncing up and down with excitement. 

@twilight sparkle
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   Julian took another stick of pocky and mindlessly ate it. "Garden sounds good." Looking for an exit other than the one they'd just come in, he caught sight of a small wooden door with sunlight streaming through a window in it. "I think this way leads out." Julian pushed through the door, blinking into the sudden brightness.

@twilight sparkle
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Nichole blushed a bit and thanked the employees for the food. She walked over with her tray of a swiss burger with mushrooms, some fries and her fruit juice. Nichole then went to find a place to sit with Abigail. She then noticed the sweets and made a beeline for them quickly seeing parfaits.


Luna took in the sunlight and walked out with him before smiling at the beautiful garden. "It's so beautiful and peaceful here." She said admiring the beauty. When she walked out into the grass Julian would see the plants actually grow a bit more.

@King in Yellow

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