Silva O'Connor


The girl cocked her eyebrow, watching the boy wave his arms around. What did he want her to do? She started giggling, this was kinda funny to watch. Then she looked in the way he was waving his arms in. "Your bag?" She asked, "You sure? Wait, well, of course your sure. You are telling me to get soemthing from it." 

Silva grabbed the phone, and read through he text. "Oh!That's really cool. Wait, do you go really flat like in cartoons or soemthing?" She asked with another uncontrolled bout of giggles. 

Matt was slightly embarrassed that Silva found his power so... amusing, but she seemed pretty entertained by it, which was probably was the most positive reaction to his power he'd ever had. Actually, it was probably the only time anyone had ever cared about his powers, now that he thought about it. Either way, it could only be a good thing.

The texting seemed to have worked pretty well as a way of communicating, even if it was a little slow. Looking back down at his phone, he typed out another response:

Haha, no, I don't think it quite works like that. I think I go, like, kinda... goopy or something. To be honest, I don't know exactly what it looks like - I don't really get the best perspective on it...

And with a tap of a button, it was sent.


Silva O'Connor


She smiled, "Well, I'm not gonna step on you to find out." She giggled. "That would just be rude, and I'm not really a rude person." Silva paused, "Well, I'd suggest that I'd show you my power, but I'm huang your figured it out earlier. "

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Rowanna heard the dark, threatening tone of his voice, but it didn't faze her. The tone was very similar to the one her father used when she did not want to comply with his experiments. It was crazy to think that he was a mutant to. At the time, she was sure he didn't realize how important that moment was to her. He taught her that killing someone was just plain murder. If it is for the greater good, whether that be for yourself or someone else, it was acceptable. Even though the death was a shocking memory for her, she no longer felt bad that her father was her first victim. Rowanna hated that she killed someone, yes. But she definitely did not regret it. She tucked her brunette hair behind her ear and stuck out her hand as a gesture for a handshake. 

"Thank you," she said, bowing her head slightly as a sign of appreciation. "Thank you for saving that shopkeeper and, well, me too. It was a very brave thing to do, and your skill was quite amazing. I'm sorry I wasn't able to help." It was nice to see him again, so she could thank him but also for there to be a familiar face in this crowd of unknown people. It calmed Rowanna.


Of all the things he expected her to say, when her guiltless blue eye shined as of all the things she could have done thanked him for his role in killing those three and saving the shopkeeper and possibly herself. A flicker of confusion entered his features. He could not remember the last time he had been thanked, especially not for killing someone. Fear is what he was used to, he had no use for gratitude or so he told himself. He didn't take her hand but it was obvious she set him off balance as all threat seemed to leave his expression. "Your not supposed to thank someone for ending a life." Akio said still a bit confused as he looked at her inquisitively, leaving his voice more steady and calm rather then threatening. "Your a strange girl." He said, having given up driving her away after a moment, she obviously did not fear him so he would not be able to just force her away like he had done to many others, at least not in school. 
Matt wandered back over to his little pebble, sitting down on it once again. He was slightly concerned that she'd ever considered stepping on him, but he was pretty sure she was just joking.


Crossing his legs over, he typed out yet another reply:

Yeah, I guess stepping on people is kinda rude :-P I'm assuming your powers are all... electric-y, right? That seems pretty cool.

Sending it off, he suddenly became aware that they'd been standing outside for quite a while. The sun was out, and it was a pretty nice day, but they couldn't just stay out here forever. He quickly typed out a message:

Hey, uh, should we head inside and check this place out now? Or do you wanna just stick around here for a bit longer?

Even if it wasn't quite talking, it was nice to have someone to talk to for once.

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Rowanna noticed his expression change, lightening ever so slightly. "You're not supposed to thank someone for ending a life," he said, the previous chilling tone replaced by a more level one. She dropped her hand and shrugged, giving him a smile instead. "You're a strange girl," he commented.

"I've been told," Rowanna replied with a light laugh. "The way I see it, in some cases taking a life is necessary. If it is for the betterment of other people, whether that be yourself or others, it is worth it. Like snipers fighting in a war, or even police officers protecting the streets," she stated, gesturing to the cops guarding the gates. "It's nothing to be ashamed of."

Rowanna tucked a loose strand of her wavy brown hair back behind her ear, having been misplaced by the slight breeze. She continued to absentmindedly run her fingers over the light pink scar that covered the majority of her right palm. 


Silva O'Connor


"Yep, it's rather shocking," She giggled. "Oh, and I'm not gonna step on you, that was a joke. Incase you were wondering." Silva paused, and looked around. There were still a lot of protesters, which was a little disappointing.  "Can't they just leave us alone?" She muttered, before noticing the next text. 

She nodded, "We should. We can go along nd explore, it'll be fun!" She said happily, standing up, after placing the phone back in his bag. She grabbed the purple messenger bag, and the hand of the white suitcase. "Although, you may wanna change into a normal size to prevent people stepping on you."

She was right. Matt stood back up, and once again focused intently on himself. His body grew over a period of a few seconds, bones and muscles re-solidifying, until he was back to normal size. He immediately took a hasty step back, having reappeared quite a bit closer to Silva than he'd intended. Yet again, he found himself looking down at her, being able to see the entire top of her head. This was definitely gonna take some getting used to.

He stepped over to his bag, and stuffed his red jacket back into it. It was nice for being noticed, but it was a little too bright to wear all the time. Zipping it all up, he slung it over his shoulder. He looked back at Silva, smiling, and gestured towards the entrance.

"Lead the way."

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Rowanna noticed his expression change, lightening ever so slightly. "You're not supposed to thank someone for ending a life," he said, the previous chilling tone replaced by a more level one. She dropped her hand and shrugged, giving him a smile instead. "You're a strange girl," he commented.

"I've been told," Rowanna replied with a light laugh. "The way I see it, in some cases taking a life is necessary. If it is for the betterment of other people, whether that be yourself or others, it is worth it. Like snipers fighting in a war, or even police officers protecting the streets," she stated, gesturing to the cops guarding the gates. "It's nothing to be ashamed of."

Rowanna tucked a loose strand of her wavy brown hair back behind her ear, having been misplaced by the slight breeze. She continued to absentmindedly run her fingers over the light pink scar that covered the majority of her right palm. 


After he didn't take her hand she still managed to seem unfazed, instead simply giving him a wide smile that made him feel slightly uncomfortable for not taking it. "I see." He said not disputing her words though he felt perhaps she was misunderstanding why he killed, he didn't do it it for the shopkeeper and she was, in his mind, forgetting one more aspect of what it meant to kill. Never the less he didn't linger on it for it wasn't his job to dispute her point of view. He instead turned to her, she had grown in the years since they met and both of them were no longer children. She was a pretty in an innocent sort of way with guiltless blue eyes and pretty brown hair. He himself knew he had changed from the thin, half starved kid he had been back then but he didn't pay attention to it.

He glanced back at some of the students, beginning to leave for their rooms or to explore and he decided to do the same, for different reasons. He needed a place to train and knowing the lay out of the school could help him in case of an attack. "Im gonna go see what this school has to offer. Without even a word he started to walk down the hall, half expecting her to follow. Unlike most he brought no supplies with him, instead they were already in his chambers thanks the head master who invited him so with nothing to carry he could easily explore without worry.

Silva O'Connor


Silva smiled up at him, "Ok!" She said happily, walking twoards the entrance of the academy. She was, actually a little start struck at how nice it was. She couldn't wait to explore more than the entrance place. "Well, I really don't know where to go from here. You wanna pick a direction?" She asked, looking up at Matt. 

Rowanna watched him walk a way and shrugged, unfazed by the abrupt end of the conversation. She, too, wanted to explore the what this massive, impressive building had to offer. More than that, she needed to explore the grounds, find a place for her to practice her shape-shifting. She found that shifting too quickly could cause morphological deformities in her forms, and thus wanted to work of the kinks of the process.

Rowanna turned to see if Abigail had also disappeared, and instead saw her talking to someone else. Shrugging, Rowanna grabbed the handle of the turquoise blue suitcase and headed for the main office. Once inside, she saw a older woman with glasses falling down the bridge of her nose, typing away on her computer. "Excuse me, ma'am. Where do I put my things until I am assigned a room?" The woman silently gestured to a where a few other bags were sitting in the corner. Above them, there was a sign stating all items would be moved to their respective rooms upon request.

Rowanna shrugged indifferently and put her bag there as well, leaving the office. Once in the hallway, she began to shift. The cracking and shaping of her bones seemed to echo around the area, making more noise than intended. Over the years she had become accustom to the pain of transformation, and coul simply ignore it. In seconds, Rowanna had become a striking chocolate brown wolf with stormy blue eyes.

She padded through the building's foyer, passing a fairly tall, slender boy accompanied by a significantly shorter pretty brunette girl. As she passed, she gave them a nod, but continued on. Walking though the hallways, she also passed the mysterious man she had been talking to earlier. She realized she never got his name, but she couldn't ask in this form. Instead, Rowanna followed the scent of maple and pine, finally reaching the double doors that led to a gated semi-forested area of land. Hopping up on her hind limbs, she pushed the door open with her front paws and exited into the fresh air.

(Open for interaction)

@Akio @FireMaiden @WhipDing
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Matt peered into the entrance of the main building, sticking his head in slightly to get a better view of the inside. He was immediately dazzled by the number of hallways and rooms, even just sprouting from the reception area. The walls and furniture were fairly modern and clean in this first room, but this quickly faded away into much more traditional, sophisticated decorations in the hallways, which were littered with what he assumed were priceless and tasteful paintings. Not really his kind of place, but he could appreciate the effort nonetheless.

He paused momentarily when a wolf sauntered past him, heading deeper into the building. At first he felt like he should probably say something, but it simply nodded at him and moved on. Weird. But that was to be expected in a place like this, really.

He looked down one of the hallways which seemed to lead to a lounge-type area. Still somewhat bemused, he turned back to Silva.

"Uh... how about down here?"

@FireMaiden @Eternal-Weekend
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Silva O'Connor


The girl was mesmerized by the wolf, since not only was it a very pretty one, Wolves are her favorite animal. Though she had heard Matt, she didn't answer right away. She just stared, puzzled by the animal, before actually looking down the way he wanted to go.  "Yeah, let's go on that way." She nodded. @WhipDing
Akio as he walked off saw the girl turn away from him and head in the opposite direction which caused him a strange sense of disappointment he banished immediately as he went to explore on his own, his expression chilling against as he began to recon the school and memorize the landscape. He made not of windows, vents, floor layouts, and even good defensive points. It was not just that he expected an attack may one day occur, but it was in his nature to act like this. He was more soldier then student, that once again made him wonder why he was here. 

After scouting a good portion of the school he came to a soft clearing, a circle of grass, the sun beating down its warm rays while threes around it spread into the sky, providing shade and even more green to the pretty landscape. This would do for his training, and was an appropriate training ground. Given the warmth of the day he took off his cloak, draping the heavy black material over the tree, now revealing his features clearly. A somewhat thin but handsome face off set by his dark eyes that gave him a mysterious feel. His body was lean but powerful under his short sleeve shirt but his arms, despite the obvious power in them were a horror to look at. Most of the damage was covered by the shirt but certain features were still very visible. Three small, circle like burns on his forearms that looked as it had been pushed against his skin forcefully. There was a large skin scaring on the back of his upper right arm right above his elbow where it looked at if his skin had been slowly stripped in a methodical and cruel manner, and his hands were full of callouses and scars from a life time of conflict and abuse that gave them a dark aspect. These scars were only few of many but he paid them no mind and sighed in the warm sun, enjoying it for a moment before starting his sequence, slowly rotating around the glade in a constant spinning motion that did not even seem to change his stance, but gave him continuous movement over the small glade, facing the center though his wide circle around the glade seemed slower then walking so to someone who didn't know what he was practicing the movement would likely look odd.


He slowly walked down the hallway, inspecting the paintings briefly as he moved. Most of them portrayed people, some in classic regal poses, some in more natural poses, and others were just... bizarre. Of course, he didn't recognize any of them - for whatever reason, none of them were named, with only small signatures in the corners to identify them. He would look closer, but he was sure there were more interesting things elsewhere.

He walked through the doorway, which was adorned with a massive painting of some kind of natural landscape sitting over the top of it. The lounge itself was full of old-looking (although not particularly tattered) furniture, with long sofas and heavy armchairs stuffed into every corner of the room. The majority of it was centered around a traditional fireplace that looked designed to take actual wood, which was currently off, probably because it wasn't actually particularly cold. That said, some hints of modern times had slipped in - a large TV was hanging on one of the walls, and there was a very out-of-place pile of beanbags sitting near the singular window in the room.

"Huh... cozy."

That said, it struck him as odd that the room was entirely empty of people. Perhaps lessons were going on or something?

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Rowanna sauntered throughout the forested area, smelling different plants and finding a small stream to drink from. Eventually, she saw a clearing up ahead. She could smell the soft flowing grass, hearing the gently shaking of the trees the wind moved through their canopies. Somewhere in the mix the scent of wildflowers found her nose, slightly overwhelming her for a moment before mixing with the other plants to create the perfect scent of nature.

She lightly jogged towards the clearing, excited to habe found a place for her practice. However, once there, she found the clearing was already occupied by another person. The mysterious man she approached earlier was moving around the glade in an interesting motion, almost like a dance. She wasn't sure what the movement was for, but it was extremely. Rowanna sat down on the edge of the circular opening, watching him. 

She couldn't help but notice the spotting of nasty scars across his body. Some seemed far worse than others. But she knew there was a story behind each in every one. The scars saddened Rowanna as she realized he must have grown up in a vicious, unforgiving childhood. Her own body too had many scars from animal attacks her father forced on her. But nothing even remotely to closed to how much he must have sufferes.

Rowanna's wolf form was one of her favorite. Her chocolate brown fur shined in the sunlight, glistening as the breeze moved through it. Her eyes were the same deep blue as her human form. She wrapped her tail around her body, perked up her ears, and continued to watch him silently.

Rowanna sauntered throughout the forested area, smelling different plants and finding a small stream to drink from. Eventually, she saw a clearing up ahead. She could smell the soft flowing grass, hearing the gently shaking of the trees the wind moved through their canopies. Somewhere in the mix the scent of wildflowers found her nose, slightly overwhelming her for a moment before mixing with the other plants to create the perfect scent of nature.

She lightly jogged towards the clearing, excited to have found a place for her practice. However, once there, she found the clearing was already occupied by another person. The mysterious man she approached earlier was moving around the glade in an interesting motion, almost like a dance. She wasn't sure what the movement was for, but it was extremely. Rowanna sat down on the edge of the circular opening, watching him. 

She couldn't help but notice the spotting of nasty scars across his body. Some seemed far worse than others. But she knew there was a story behind each in every one. The scars saddened Rowanna as she realized he must have grown up in a vicious, unforgiving childhood. Her own body too had many scars from animal attacks her father forced on her. But nothing even remotely to closed to how much he must have suffered.

Rowanna's wolf form was one of her favorite. Her chocolate brown fur shined in the sunlight, glistening as the breeze moved through it. Her eyes were the same deep blue as her human form. She wrapped her tail around her body, perked up her ears, and continued to watch him silently.


Akio was getting into the first part of his form, a simple step motion called Go that was specialized to keep someone in a single continuous motion and allow for quick movements in close quarters. With was a basic ability that contributed to almost every martial art he practiced so he always came back to practice some of these fundamentals when he started training. As he glided around he suddenly became aware of a wolf sitting on the edge of a clearing. For a moment he stiffened stopping his steps and reacting quickly in the face of danger, sliding one foot back and turning his body side ways, placing his front arm back, crossing it over his back wrist so that his wrists held against each other and bending his knees as if about to pounce, his stance odd to someone who didn't know martial arts but it was obvious his eyes were lethal and cold, the same way she saw them after he killed those men on that day.

Even as he did this he was thinking, "Why would a wild wolf be on school grounds?" He questioned to himself only to notice something was odd about this wolf. It seemed to be watching intently in a non-aggressive unanimal like manner as it watched him and he eyes seemed familiar. Then he noticed they were the same shade of blue as the girl he had just finished talking too and he remembered the leopard walking into the school, carrying her bag between her teeth. "So thats how it is." He said with a sigh, dropping his stance and looking at her. "Im guessing thats your power, shapeshifting correct?" He said, his tone just as before as he looked at her, waiting for her response. 

Silva O'Connor


"It is cozy. Surprisingly cozy," The girl said, looking around. It was warm, and really inviting. Which, to be honset, is a little weird to Silva. Well, that and the fact that she and Matt were the only ones in there. Maybe everyone else was headed to their rooms, or had already explored this part of the school. That's when it hit her. 

"Oh my gosh, I have no idea where my room is!" She suddenly said, a bit loudly too. Which she didn't mean to do. "Well, it can't be that hard to find right?" She then muttered to herself.

Oh, right... rooms. Matt had kind of forgotten that detail entirely, what with not really living anywhere for the past couple of years. Bit of an oversight between the two of them, really.

"Oh yeah... me neither. Maybe we should check back at the reception? That woman at the desk seems like the kinda person who would know this stuff."

He turned back towards the way they came in, looking to see if Silva would follow him. Because, to be honest, he wasn't going to go if she wasn't - he wasn't even sure if he would use his room for anything more than a glorified storage space. Living and sleeping freely, wherever he wanted, was something he'd gotten pretty accustomed to, and this building had more than enough places to do that. Or maybe he'd warm to the idea of sleeping in the same room every night. Who knew?


Silva O'Connor

Silva grabbed the handle of the white suitcase again, and quickly followed after him. "Well, I'd hope she'd know about this place, she does kinda work here," She giggled. "It'd be pretty awkward if she didn't." Silva reached up to brush a peice of hair out of her face, cause it kept pricking her eyes. "So, Matt, your parents bring you here?" She asked.

It was Matt's turn to laugh. A sarcastic one, but a laugh nonetheless.

"Yeah, I wish. I haven't seen my parents for... what, like two years now? They don't even know I'm here."

He didn't hate his parents for kicking him out of the house - it's not like they really had any choice, and he was independent enough to almost get by, even without his powers. But even so, he couldn't help but feel somewhat disappointed in them for seemingly not caring about him at all after he left, not even bothering to check if he was doing okay. Even when he lived with them... well, it's hard to give all your children equal attention when there's eight of them.

Regardless, he was aware that he'd come across a little bitter just then, so he quickly changed the subject.

"So, uh, what do think this place'll be like? I haven't been to a school in a while, so I'm not super sure what to expect."

\Rowanna watched his movements closely, trying to understand what the purpose of his movements was. Eventually he became aware of her, and stiffened. He stopped and moving into some sort of offensive position she hadn't seen before. His eyes, though cold and harsh, did not jolt her. She knew he would eventually recognize her. After all, her eyes were the same and her fur matched the color of her hair in human form. She saw a slight inquisitive look, as most do when they see a specific species outside of its natural habitat, She enjoyed confusing people that way. "So that's how it is," he stated and sighed. She watched as he moved from the position before and gave her a look. Rowanna couldn't decided if it was tired, annoyed, or apathetic. Either way, he then asked, "I'm guessing that's your power, shapeshifting, correct?"

Rowanna gave a wolfy grin then began the reversion to her human form. The sounds of transformation had long ago stopped bothering her, and she didn't expect the gruesome noises to bother him at all. Eventually, she was human again, crouched in a position similar to how her wolf-self was sitting before. Standing up straight, Rowanna quickly combed her fingers through her hair and smiled at him. "Yeah, only animals I've..." she paused, searching for the right word and settling on, "...encountered." She walked a little closer to him, about 8 feet left in between them. She had noticed his scars, but she was unsure how to ask about them without coming off as ignorant or rude. So instead she simply asked, "What were those movements you were doing?"

    "Julian Graves, nice to meet you too." Both Nicole and the blond-haired girl seemed nervous, so he decided to throw in his two cents on the mob. "I hope it's not just blind hatred..." People had to be better than that, right? "Trying to keep us from using our powers makes sense. Or else they're just scared; I mean, I bet this is pretty world-changing for the normals." Fear of the unknown, confusion, jealousy. That was a pretty volatile combination, aimed right at the mutants. He didn't want to believe actual violence could result, but he really didn't know.

    Before he could say anything more, he saw that the others were drifting through the Academy's doors. Excellent, a distraction! "Looks like everyone's going inside. You guys want to have a look around the building?"

@twilight sparkle @Mane
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Rowanna watched his movements closely, trying to understand what the purpose of his movements was. Eventually he became aware of her, and stiffened. He stopped and moving into some sort of offensive position she hadn't seen before. His eyes, though cold and harsh, did not jolt her. She knew he would eventually recognize her. After all, her eyes were the same and her fur matched the color of her hair in human form. She saw a slight inquisitive look, as most do when they see a specific species outside of its natural habitat, She enjoyed confusing people that way. "So that's how it is," he stated and sighed. She watched as he moved from the position before and gave her a look. Rowanna couldn't decided if it was tired, annoyed, or apathetic. Either way, he then asked, "I'm guessing that's your power, shapeshifting, correct?"

Rowanna gave a wolfy grin then began the reversion to her human form. The sounds of transformation had long ago stopped bothering her, and she didn't expect the gruesome noises to bother him at all. Eventually, she was human again, crouched in a position similar to how her wolf-self was sitting before. Standing up straight, Rowanna quickly combed her fingers through her hair and smiled at him. "Yeah, only animals I've..." she paused, searching for the right word and settling on, "...encountered." She walked a little closer to him, about 8 feet left in between them. She had noticed his scars, but she was unsure how to ask about them without coming off as ignorant or rude. So instead she simply asked, "What were those movements you were doing?"


Once he had guess who it was the wolf gave a grin, confirming his suspicions about the identity of the animal. Now revealed she started changing back into her shape, brutal cracking sounds coming from her skeletons that caused him to do no more then blink. She was correct in thinking the sounds would not bother him, he had heard them before in the snapping and breaking of bone but it made him wonder if she felt pain from the process. If she did he might have to reevaluate his measure of her, not many could take that kind of pain without screaming, he should know. 

Coming her hair she explained a bit about her powers, saying that she could only use the forms of animals she encountered in the past. Unless she had ties to wildlife preserves he doubted she got the two forms she used from anywhere but a local zoo where even the smallest ones had many exotic beasts, she couldn't turn into something extinct but overall a very useful ability. Asking about his form he thought for a moment before deciding it would change nothing if he told her. "I was practicing Go, a stepping motion in martial arts." He explained, knowing more questions would follow as he kind of gave up the idea of convincing her to go away so he could go back to his sequences. 
Nichole nodded and blinked looking up at the blonde girl. She had pretty violet eyes in her opinion. Nichole  shook the thought from her head and sighed. "Yes let's please get inside. I don't want something thrown at me again.." she said softly hugging her toys closer. 

Luna narrowed her eyes at the mob and the flower in her hair began to wilt. She calmed herself and it went back to normal. "Let's see what this place has to offer." Luna said fixing her hair rhen picked up her things moving them to where the others belongings were. She used some vines to do the same with nichole's. 

The sisters waited for Julian and the blonde to come in as well wanting to see what the academy was like on the inside. "I hope the teachers are nice.." Nichole said softly rubbing her arm and bit her lip which were some of her bad habits. 

@King in Yellow @Mane
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