RP 1

Anise blinked as she got dragged away, "um... who is the headmaster?" She asked her as she started walking so the martian wasn't dragging her. She held her books and baton securely as she walked with her easily keeping up.


@Flame Demon
Luna growls on annoyance "It's a school for superheroes, they don't give you detention unless it's for a good reason, now bye" she says and she stops walking, she trows a smoke pallet and 'disappears'. She finds the door with her and Artemis' name on it and goes in locking the door, for once she disagreed with Batman on something and that was letting that girl into the school. She lays on her bed, she can tell since her half of the room is black, and stares at the ceiling

M'gann sweatdrops "Batman is obviously" she says and adds "But you'll have to go and see him after classes are over, he's pretty busy and we don't want to be late or Flash is gonna give us more homework then the others"
Raine was rather annoyed she could see why there were so many villain if the future heroes were jerks.  Well there wasn't much she could do after that girl had pulled a batman whatever she needed to think and talk about it was apparent that she just wanted to sulk. That wasn't a bad thing  but telling someone you want to think when you want to sulk was misleading. Still at least she had directions to where she needed to go, though she was likely late and that girl was only going t skip it seemed.  Raine did wonder if this was just her luck which was apparently tied to her power, her luck being bad  as if she had any luck she would have met a more talkative person to be the first to not have powers she would drain, if she did they must be so weak she didn't notice it. 

" Well i guess it was good meeting you " she shouted before she walked to the Zeta tubes and went in. 

This time she ended up at the school for sure though now as that girl had been actually more harmful than helpful to talk to she would need to ask another. She did wonder if everyone would be like that  a bunch of would be heroes tied up in personal drama instead of working to go out and help. Well she wouldn't have any personal drama, no family issues, no parents worry  or friends to lie to, so in that was she was lucky likely some of these people had to manage two lives. 
Anise nodded slowly, "Oh.. that makes alot of sense..." she said with a sweatdropped as she remembered ber mother's description of the headmaster. She can see why her father said her mother was exaggerating. ' he didnt seem that bad in english...' she thought out herself as she quickened her pace and arrived at Flash's chemistry class in time. She frowned slightly since she didnt have her chemistry stuff with her. She mentally sighed to herself and sat down at a lab table, wondering what they are going to do today.


@Flame Demon
Batman walks to Raine giving her a glare "What part of don't be late didn't you get? Also if you met Shadow, she's just in a bad mood, she's actually pretty nice" he says and adds "To my office, now!", he walks of expecting her to follow, now he was sure he wouldn't see Luna at school today.

Luna checks if that girl is gone before changing into her outfit and heading to Gotham using the zeta tubes, she might as well get some work done, she arrives at the Batcave and checks for any huge villains on the loose.

M'gann sighs as she sits down as well "At least we won't have extra homework" she says as Flash speeds in saying "Now then let's not waste any time, today we won't be using fire, in fact I already made the things we're going to use, your goal is to create a mixture that can melt away any metal".
Raine didn't see how she couldn't be late given his tubes had been  bad and  she didn't see why the kipper was being left alone when she was going to to apparently be given detention or something.  This whole school thing hadn't even been her idea she had been forced into it and told where to go and she had taken it in stride. Still  as scary as batman was she was rather calm  even he had some standards for punishing people otherwise the joker wouldn't be an issue. She also wondered why he seemed to know that shadow girl  that well she assumed that shadow was just a more experienced student and a headmaster no matter what would be super detached.  well no point in  trying to run or not following him the justice league had dictated her life ever since she erased 60 people, their homes, their pets, and a large area from existence, not that anyone but her remembered to all others it had never been made and none of those people had ever been born. 
Anise looked st Megan and nodded to her, " yeah thats a good thing.." she said before she blinked a little at the assignment. ' A substance that can melt any metal?' She thought to herself as she started thinking. Her father would be able to easily come up with something like that since he is a teacher and can teach almost any subject. ' is it possible to make a substance like that though?... different metal have different properties. But they should have one thing in common right? We could make some sort of acid...' She thought as she opened her notebook and started writing stuff down. 'So something that can increase the heat and soften the metal... no that's not possible unles it reaches a really high temperature...'


@Flame Demon
Malcolm looked at the flash he was excited to learn more he was a tech specialist but his dad had more PHD's in almost every field...

Artemis listens..."great would be awesome to add more chemical arrows to my arsenal"

@Flame Demon

Batman enters his office and sits down on his chair "I'm going to ask you a few questions before giving you everything you need" he says mentioning to the chair in front of his desk "And if you're wondering, Shadow Angel is my daughter and she just needs time to think some things through, if you had left her alone she might have shown up later today instead of doing something stupid" he says crossing his arms "But on to the questions, what do you think being a superhero is about?" he asks.

Luna smirks seeing the Joker escaped again and she heads of, it shouldn't be hard to find the clown, she stops at a roofstop to look around, but doesn't really see anything abnormal yet "Well he only recently escaped" she mumbles as she sits down waiting for any sign of trouble.

"But you'll have to work in pairs, Artemis and Anise you guys will pair up and Malcolm and M'gann as well" Flash says as he starts to pair everyone up "How well this goes will depend on your teamwork"

@Evergreen98 @Midnite @Karcen
Raine sat down in the chair the first question he asked  implied she had done something wrong. She didn't believe she had, she had tried to help someone in need that to her was what being a hero was about.  She did think that perhaps Batman was so far removed from such thoughts that to him being a hero that just helped anyone you could was below him so much he only saw stopping the villains. 

" A hero should help those in need, that might mean stopping a villain one day and trying to talk to someone another, to helping fix a flat if you have the time there isn't a job to high or low  to be helped with" She said and that was what she had always been told heroes were about they saved people and helped them they were humble and good, but perhaps they were just to distant and their flaws were scrubbed clean. 
Batman sighs "A hero stops villains, saves the world on occasions, but we don't get too attached to people, we could die on each mission" he says and looks at her "And if you're referring to Shadow, she can handle herself and she'll come to talk once she is ready to, you can't force others to tell you their problems and if people need time alone then you respect that. Also if we do everything then people will stop relying on themselves, which isn't good either. If something does happen that causes us to be unable to do our job for a short time then the normal people need to be ready to do things themselves if the situation asks for it. We're crime fighters so we don't stop to help fix a flat, we save people's lives, so if a flat is on the verge to collapse we save the people who are trapped inside, fixing it is someone else's job" he explains and thinks for a while "If we did everything then there would be a lot more people without work, besides we all have different abilities and there isn't an infinite number of us, so we keep the people and the planet save" he says and types something on his holographic computer "What do you think is the most important thing for a superhero?"

Raine honestly didn't agree fully with that there was logic in it but it only really mattered to those that could help people, not her. While the others could fight a giant monster   or save the world she could tell people which way to run you needed both not every could save the world and she was one who couldn't. The difference between their arguments was she said if they had time if they weren't doing anything more important, but well there was always a villain on the lose always a crime being committed and even then they couldn't help everyone.  Still she wouldn't think in such a pragmatic way she wouldn't put different weights on different lives, she wasn't some god who could say these peoples deserved help and theses people didn't.

" The desire to help people, and the willingness to do anything to to do so." she said  still going about her desire to do good.
Anise looked at Artemis and smiled a little, " so you have any ideas?" She asked her as she continued to write down some ideas and a few possible formulas. She hummed a softly to herself wondering if one if these will end up blowing up in her face. She looked at Artemis to hear her idea.


@Flame Demon

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"Being a hero isn't all about helping people, also you shouldn't be talking about doing good things when you wiped an entire area from existance and before you ask how I know that, I know everything concerning that, but just how many innocent people did you wipe out?" Batman asks and he adds "People rather rely on the police then on us most of the time, if I have to stop the Joker and a few building get patrly destroyed then it can be fixed, but villains like the Joker and Poison Ivy belong in an asylum for a reason, they, like many many, other villains don't care about the lives of others and we all have our reason for becoming a hero, but as I said before, we're crime fighters, we fight crime" he was about ready to give up with her "Come back once you have some real answers for me, you won't work well in a team with any student, here they learn how to fight crime and work together, not how to fix a building. Stopping villains and saving the world is the only way for us to help others, but if you think we should all do good then you aren't at the right place, because sometimes the right thing isn't always the good thing. You should tell Martian Manhunter he made the wrong choice and that he can send you back home, before you do that however, tell me how many innocent people you wiped of the face of the Earth leaving only yourself with the memories of them, people already see you as a monster" he says showing the front page of a newspaper that said 'Girl destroys large area for no reason, if you see her, please contain her and send her to the authorities'. Shadow opens the door to the office and goes in "I see you have a visitor, I'll come back another time" she says, but Batman says "I'm sending her home, her reasoning is the worst" "Ah the 'we should all do good' thing" Shadow says and she sighs looking at Batman "Anyway I just threw the clown back in the asylum, they said they'd make sure he stays there for now" she says rubbing the back of her head "Did destroy part of the police building though, they weren't happy about that fact, but the commissioner said they'd rebuild it" she says and adds "And he told me to be more careful as I nearly got myself killed in the process of destroying the building and the list of people who hate me continues to grow", she almost always destroyed things when fighting villains and it wasn't making her all too popular.


M'gann floats over to Malcolm, she didn't trust him at all, partly because she just met him that day.

Artemis looked at Anise. .."don't look at me Uncle provides me with everything but I know a little something here let me see something" she says 

"Hey M'gann im no chemist like my dad but i have basic knowledge. ... can you hand me  the sulfur. ..." he says to her


@Flame Demon
Anise nodded ans gave her notebook and pencil to Artemis to write on. " I guess I should get started on gathering the materials for the lab.." she said to her as she got off her chair.


@Flame Demon

Batman sighs "You ready to talk or not?" he asks looking at Shadow who shrugs saying "Maybe, at least not with her in the room, she honestly thinks you're gomna give me detention for skipping a few classes" "Even if you did you'd still be on top of the class along with Robin" Batman says and he thinks for a while "We'll talk after school" he decides and he ears a nod "Got it" Shadow says before leaving the office, she had power control with captain Marvel, not something she was lookong forward too.

M'gann sweatdrops "Why are yoy ordering me to get stuff?" she asks and adds "I don't trust you and if you were wondering, everything Flash made is in the cabinet behimd us, probably so we won't have to use fire during out tests", she floats a bit away and says "And why do you need it?"



Malcolm looked at her confused. .."i didn't order you i just asked if you could hand it to me ...unless im mistaken flash said we have to create a mixture that can melt any metal...thought he just had the ingredients for us to use" he says 

Malcolm stopped what he was doing...

"We are in class im just following directions whats there not to trust?"


@Flame Demon
"That I'm completely clueless on what you want to do, and we have to work as a team, not everyone is as smart as you, I'm taking this class because I want to learn something and he said he made some stuff for us to use" M'gann says sitting down and she adds "Which probably means it can either be very complicated or very easy and I would say this is going to be very complicated as all the things for the easy way are already taken". Flash looks at M'gann and grins "And that's where you're correct, it is however possible to make with any combination, but yet, from what's left it's going to be very complicated" he says and adds "You have until the end of the lesson to finish".

Malcolm scratches his head..."i know that its why i asked you to pass the Sulfer i didn't order you to i was going to show you what i know" he says walking over to grab the Sulfer himself. ...

"We have to work as a team i just wanted to get the ingredients in order....acid is sulfer oxide and hydrogen mixed but what i dont know is how to create one to melt any metal. ..do you have any ideas on how" he asked her

Malcolm could have programmed his nanites to do it for him but they had to learn on their own.

Artemis looks at Anise.   "Dont u have some magic mumbo jumbo to make the vials move on their own" she says 

Artemis thought of just using the acid in one of her trick arrows

@Flame Demon

Claire flew through the air at top speed she was late very very late, one  stop for a few hours  to have some fun at Hawaii and she was out over half the day. While a Zeta tube could take her right to the school she woudl have to go to one then us it to go there when her flying was so much faster.  This was not exactly a good first day  or a good way to prove she didn't need all that training the dad put her through. She needed to get there   even faster  maybe if she was was fast as her father she woudl be there already  actually given how fats he seemed to be she might have been there on time as she had heard  he could fly fast enough to time travel, but that was insane.  It took only minutes to get from one side of the world to the other and  only a little longer to find her way to where she was going, batman's office through the roof. 

Mere seconds latter  Claire crashed through the roof of his office  , she honestly didn't mean to do that " I'm ok i'm ok" she said getting up and dusting herself off " Sorry i'm late" she said with a smile.
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Shadow jumps back as Claire crashes through the roof "You know, Zeta tubes are saver and faster" she says and sighs "Anyway Bats, I'm of to Gotham again" she says, but Batman stops her "Go to class Shadow" "Just let me get changed dad" Shadow mumbles as she leaves the office, once she changed she heads to power control and she plops down on the grass, seeing Captain Marvel "Yo" she says. Batman sighs "Use the door next time" he says and adds "And why do you think we have giant walls protecting the school from preying eyes?" he asks as he opens a file on the computer "Why were you late?"

"I'm here to learn, I don't have a smart father who could teach me this" M'gann says and she adds "That's why we have classes, to learn, besides, he said it's possible, let's improve and hope it doesn't explode or something", she really didn't like this, she had zero knowledge of how this works and he was asking her for ideas.



" Well  i had an hour to kill so i thought i would go surfing in Hawaii for a little bit   before class , time got away from me" She said being honest. 

She might not seem serious but she just didn't like the super serious all the time thing so she tended to temper it with light heartiness. She likely should have been more wary of what time it was  but well live and learn was h er motto for such situations. 

" Any ways can i go to class now i'll catch up with the classes i missed latter, maybe check in with my little bro see how he is doing" she mussed getting lost in her thoughts a little but still more than aware enough to pay attention to the conversation. 
Captain Marvel was floating he was actually communicating with all the gods in him till Luna said something. ...

"HEY if it isn't the most awesome one" he called her...

"Ready to learn how to control that Amazon strength. ...hmm is it only you on the roster" he says coming down to earth 

Malcolm looks at her.."im not saying you do...just that we have to teach each other just how you have the psychic power to learn more than me. Luna is the most advanced combat wise if this was combat i'd try to learn from her" he says. ..

They began to work together but ultimately failed it didn't blow up but wasn't potent enough to melt any metal.

Artemis began mixing and her attempt did blow up but not too destructive

@Flame Demon

Anise looked st Artemis as she came back carrying a few ingredients for the formula, " my ability is magic based. I dont think I ever tried using my glyphs like moving platfrom b-" before she could finish her sentence Artemis already mixed the ingredients she got. She could tell it was going to blow and quickly pulled Artemis away from the mixture. Luckily it wasn't destructive. " um.. can you tell me what you mix next time?" She asked the girl as she let go of her. 



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