RP 1

Luna shrugs "Guess so and I'm not awesome" she says and adds "Batman made the schedule with Flash, so I don't know who else is showing up, can I just sit here or do I have to work on controlling my super strength?" she asks.

"You can't go to class without wearing your uniform" Batman says and he sighs "Why do I even bother making rules for you guys" he mumbles.

Flash smirks "Well then, since no one actually succeeded and you all mixed it faster then you should let's try again, we still have 10 minutes before class ends" he says and adds "Only this time I was something that can harden any liquid, you'll need the same things, there's extra in the cabinets, we careful when taking them out"



" i brought it  just i wasn't wearing it here i didn't want it to get dusty"  Claire said and that was  true as she did't know what the uniforms could take o she didn't want to stress it.  " I'll change  before i get to class which is.." she siad   looking about for the slip of paper that held her schedule " I think my schedule flew out of my pocket on the way here" she mused 
"Aww you are awesome and hey you got the second best teacher other than wonderwoman. ...amazon super strength is a gift given to them all by the Greek Pantheon of Gods although your mom is a special case but im 6 gods in one and the Greek god of strength is one of them" he says 

"First lets see how strong you are so hit me as hard as you can" he says 

Connor dropped in from above and punches shazam as hard as he can causing him to slide back a good distance...

"I got this class to" he says 

Shazam shakes his head..."nice surprise attack you can leap as high as me....well Luna your turn" he says 

Malcolm sighed...."ok M'gann how do you wanna tackle this" he says 

Artemis groaned. .."i want this class to be over" she says 

@Flame Demon

Anise gently patted Artemis' back before getting the material and setting it on the table. She hummed softly knowing she may be able to do this assignment. ' it should be easir to figure out how to keep things together than to break things about...' she thought to herself as she looked st the ingredients for a moment before she started to carefully mix them.



@Flame Demon
Luna sighs and she gets up "Well then" she says and runs at captain Marvel "Just don't expect me to hold back" she says punching him without even trying to hold back her strength "Nice to see I'm not the only one here" she says looking at Connor before turning to the teacher "Also, the only thing worse then getting punched by someone who is giving you his hardest punch on purpose, is getting one from someone who has barely any control over it" she says with a smile.

M'gann shrugs "Chemistry isn't my best subject" she says and sighs "I wish this lesson was over with already"

Batman hands her a schedule "Power control" he says and adds "There shouldn't be many others there, also take the zeta tube tomorrow, I want you to show up in uniform tomorrow, and not coming through the roof"



" Yeah roofs are annoying to go through, though walls are worse" she said with a chuckle before taking the schedule. 

With schedule in hand she actually flew out of the hole she made in the roof.  Batman might be a friend f her father but she just could not see why he was so damn dower she doubted he could even smile at all. Really she knew how screwed the world was but she had realized something else it didn't matter for every gang they busted another came, every villain they arrested broke out a short time latter, it was all just one endless cycle the earth was never safe just allowed to live another day. She had decided instead of being dower and brooding about it  she would instead enjoy what she could and find fun in the world, she might be fighting a pointless war but that didn't mean she needed to get depression. 

Claire looked down skipping the changing into her uniform for now maybe during a break period and instead decided to just go to class. She looked at the paper an scanned the campus soon finding who she was looking for captain marvel the apparent teacher of the class. Having found her target she launched herself   towards the teacher and student slowing herself before she slammed into the ground and landing on the ground instead of crashing into it.

" Hey there i miss much?" She asked with a big silly smile.


@Flame Demon

Captain Marvel took her punch flying back as well....

"Whoa I really felt that one....awesome looks like superman and wonderwoman have competition" he says 

He floats back to the duo..."ok first step to controling your strength now that i know how strong you two are is to learn to use minimal force....all your enemies won't be able to deal with your strength and you don't want to kill someone so who is it that you guys care for" he  asked

This caught  Connor off guard.... "what who do we care about how is that going to help....and I could just hit you harder and harder to see my limit... im sure Luna has more in her" he says 

"Yea im sure you guys are gonna surpass your parents someday but think about someone you care for" he says seeing claire....

"...do you have control over your powers?"


Malcolm and M'gann actually came up with a functional solution.

Artemis looks at Anise. .."ok careful don't wanna blow this up... Poindexter and mini martian seems like they did it"

@Flame Demon

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Luna sweatdrops "Well I care about Robin, but how is that going to help me control it?" she asks and adds "Yeah probably, last time I did use full strength was on the Joker, he couldn't even try to escape from Arkham with several broken ribs", she then looks at Claire "And that's Superman's daughter, she's still a half Kryptonian though" she says floating up slightly, something that tended to happen unintentionally from time to time "Also I though Batman wouldn't let anyone go to class without wearing a uniform" she says, obviously unaware she's not touching the ground at the moment.

M'gann sweatdrops "Why'd he give us a hard task first?" she asks and adds "This is simple if you know what to do", she then remembers the conversation she had with her friends during lunch "Hey Malcolm, what club are you joining? Didn't you get an invitation that the technical engineering club?" she asks.



" As much as the next person i mean  don't break to many walls" she said with a shrug  while being honest she managed to get the worst kinks out  but she still had quite a few fluctuations in her control.  

Luna  doubted she woudl have this much control her her mom hadn't talked her dad out of  increased gravity training yeah she would be stronger but then every wall would be dust.  She also noticed Conner  and gave him a wave .

" Hey little bro how are you its been while?" she half said half asked the class almost forgotten  as  luna spoke up about the whole uniform thing really what was with the whole uniform thing it was like they ere a bunch or pampered rich kids going to pampered rich kid high with them. 

" Well i was going to change  but i couldn't find a phone booth" she said with a laugh " Also i guess he can bend the rules comes with being a vigilante i would assume" she said s still joking.


@Flame Demon

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Malcolm smiled. ..."horseback riding. ..i want the invitation from Batman so hoping for that" he says 

Connor looked away ..."i think that magic girl Anise is pretty" he says hating to admit it....

He saw Claire and greets her shes good and everything but her dad doesn't accept Connor. ..."so hows your father doing Claire" he says 

Captain Marvel eyes glowed....as he used magic to make doppelgangers of Anise, Robin and Lois.... and magical lightning hit the trio

"Ok now the wizard granted me these temporary doppelgangers...they will attack the three of you but if you use too much strength you'll feel their pain they have a fraction of god strength so they can hurt you so defend yourself but no gadgets awesome girl" he says to Luna specifically 

@Flame Demon


Luna sweatdrops "Great" she says and adds "Do they have the same abilities as us, if they do we're in trouble", if they did then she'd be in trouble, sure she could take a few clones, but still "And Connor, give her some time, I think you freaked her out a little bit" she says as she finally realizes she floating, so she lands before jumping backwards "Can't punch them too hard, that's gonna be a problem", her mother had tried to help her control her strength, but given up after a few weeks, well at least she got a challenge if she had to fight a clone of Robin.

M'gann sighs "You really should check your locker then, Wally said Batman put one in" she says and adds "And I don't see you on the back of a horse just yet, maybe in a kitchen or something, or you can join soccer, Wally and Kaldur are joining that, you can have two clubs after school, as long as club activities don't clash", she thinks for a while "I think technical engineering is on Wednesday and Friday" she says.



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Anise nodded to Artemis as she check the measurement before adding the last ingredient. She let it sit there waiting for the solution to become blue which it did. "Ok..." she mumbled before pouring some water into a pan and then poured a drop of the blue solution into it. The water turned pink before it hardened. Anise sweatdropped, " i dont think that was suppose to happen..." she said and looked at Artemi and then at Flash.


@Flame Demon

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"Dont look at me...i don't know if its supposed to be pink...." Artemis says 

"Sorry i dont know how to approach her i am not that social" he replied looking at Luna..."seems you two can fly and i still cant"

Captain Marvel looks at Luna..."hey you were just floating. ..but yea they have your skills" he says 

The Anise clone punched Connor  and Robin clone flipped around and kicked at Luna

Connor blocked the punch with a punch of his own but when their fist collided Anise flashed yellow

Connor looked confused but then magical lightning struck him from above. .."gaaahhh....what magic hurts me just like regular Kryptonians 

"Oh yea they change color when their attacked with too much force so as long as they stay green your good if they go to yellow you're going to feel a mild shock if red well don't make them turn red" he says 

"Malcolm well i will look into it maybe soccer will be interesting" he says 

@Flame Demon

Claire  soo paired up with her clone and   suffered the same issue as conner and punched it to hard and got shocked. She  tried to adjust her strength but she was used to fighting robots and her father meaning she only held back some  and he held back  enough.  Still this meant she had  a slightly screwed view of punching strength. The lightning flashed down and  she gritted her teeth as the magic flowed through her.  It hurt  but it was not a crippling pain like she half expected maybe her combo of human and  kyrptonain dna renders her less  susceptible to magic or maybe she just could take a punch it was hard to tell. Well  that didn't  matter to much what mattered is after the third time this happened she finally managed to get to the green and not get shocked.  

The clone  held its own  and threw combos of punches and kicks that kept  Claire mostly on the defensive as she debated using her other powers wondering how they would affect the clone. Still when in doubt don't try it till you feel safe and given what she knew marvel could do, well she knew some of what he could do.  That meant she could not know what to expect from these clones and instead relied on  physical might and skill to block and punch when she thought she could take the clones punch  herself.  
 Luna looks at Connor "I can't fly that well, in fact I rather don't fly at all" she says making a backflip to dodge before punching the clone and it glows green "Knew it... I automatically hold back, I can't fight this clone" she says, it was true though, she always held back against Robin, no matter what other always say "Can't you give me a clone of my dad to fight against?" she asks staying a good distance away.

"Well most boys are going for soccer, but if you're lucky you'll get in the team" M'gann says and she sighs "3 more boring minutes". Flash runs over to Anise and Artemis and inspects the pink stuff "It's not, you won't pass if you can't make it right, though it did do the job"
Anise sweatdropped, " I gjess I could try again..." she said wondering what she did wrong. Maybe she added something that changed the color of the water. ' but which one was it?' She asked herself as she stared at the ingredients again.


@Flame Demon

He saw Luna hit the Robin clone and it glowed green. ...she asked for a different clone...

"If i change the clone you have to punch it with the same level of strength you would use against robin" he says turning the clone to one of the joker....

"Hahaha bat twerp... its your uncle J you gonna break my ribs like last time" he says flipping around. ..

"Ohhh look i can fight like the bat and im super strong" he says punching her

Connor punches at Anise but stops his fist short..."i cant hurt her...." he says getting kicked up in the air

Shazam saw supergirl ready to use her heat vision. ..."NOOOO!!" he shouted 

"Their made to match you as opponents whatever you show it you can do it will adapt" he says 

Malcolm smiled at M'gann ..."so is soccer different here or can we use powers" he asked 

Artemis took the mixture. ."i got this i think i know how to fix it" she says as she remembered green arrow trying to teach her she wasn't completely listening but listened well enough to fix the mixture. ...

"Yea we rock " she says 


@Flame Demon

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Luna sweatdrops "I'll try" she says blocking the punch, he just had to pick the Joker "What exactly does happen if one of us punches too hard to cause it to glow red?" she asks, if he didn't answer she'd probably find out on her own with the first punch she threw at the clown clone. She blocks a kick and narrows her eyes, just seeing the Joker pissed her of, she does several backflips to dodge as she waits for an answer "I won't punch him until you tell me".

M'gann "Ask the coach, but I think it's normal soccer, can't have someone walk in if the gate is ledt open and see a bunch of weird super powered kids play soccer, that being said, we're only allowed to use our abilities and tools when we're allowed to"
This was one of those things that always confused Claire, people like  marvel and fate existed and could make copies that could in theory match their opponent  so why didn't they do it more often? Was it really so bad to have three supermen   two being fake but as strong as the original with that kind of fire power what villain could stop them.  To her that actually answer her question because it would make things to easy they wouldn't get to play their part in the cycle of things.   Still she couldn't dwell on this for every long as she was still mid fight  and she was holding back while she  fought the illusion taking off and fighting in the air.  This might seem and odd choice but it afforded her a far greater range of movement to dodge which was her main goal instead of blocking, she could block the attacks but there was little telling if a bone might be broken from constantly blocking the assaults. Honestly she had assumed the goal was to not get people into the red so Luna picking to change her target was a bit odd to her, though  maybe she just wanted a challenge in her control.  There was little time to wonder as she  maneuvered in the air    blocking and punching her clone  trying her hardest to avoid getting past green. 
"Well just try to fight back keeping robin in mind you have to learn to control your strength the real joker is not super strong when you broke his ribs you could have killed him and heroes dont kill... but if it glows red you get hit with enough power to make batman probably attempt to kill me" he says 

Shazam saw that this method wasn't working with Connor and changed his clone to superman. ...big mistake.

Connor got upset...."WHY WON'T YOU ACCEPT ME" he screamed and punches the Superman clone full force repeatedly causing it to flash red multiple times. ...

"CONNOR" he screamed as a magical storm gathered....Shazam used the speed of mercury to move the students out of the way as the bolt hit him instead. ...."Gaaahhh!!!" He screamed 

He didn't expect Connor to attack full force repeatedly 

...."ok umm lets take a break" he says collapsing. ...

Malcolm nodded "so whats your next class" he says 

@Flame Demon

"I can agree with that" Luna says and she sighs "I didn't hit the Joker that hard, just hard enough to break most of his ribs, he had nothing else" she says plopping down "Also are you okay captain Marvel?" she says and looks at Connor "It was just a clone, relax"

"I have a free period" she says and adds "So I'll probably hang around the pond, not sure about the others though", she hoped no one was at the group's hangout, but then again, she didn't know the schedule of every other student.
Anise smiled a little at the mixture, " great we got it!" She said with a smile as the bell rang. Anise wrote down the lab experiment and the ingredients into her notebook so she can look over it if a test came up on it. She looked at Artemis and smiled, " it was nice working with you" she said to her kindly before looking at Flash, " um.. can you give me directions to the headmaster's office? My schedule is a bit weird so I need to get it fixed..."


@Flame Demon

"Actually a broken rib could travel and pierce the heart....just saying wisdom of solomn" he says getting to his feet.

Connor looked away. .."im sorry. ..Luna i just can't control my rage sometimes" he says 

Malcolm heard the bell "do you wanna see if we can check on the others" he says 

Artemis walked up to M'gann "can you sense where Robin is i want to compare gadgets think his tech is a lil better than mine" she says 

@Flame Demon
Claire had seen  Conners rage against her or rather their dad, to her they were both his kids and he should care for conner she just couldn't get him to get past the whole clone made by evil thing.  Her clone soon vanished and she flew down towards Conner and luna really rather have been the one to get to him first as she did want him to see her as his sister  most of the time and well family was the first to help or at least they should . 

" Well i don't blame you , dad is a super dick to you " She said honestly " If i were you i would have done the same  ' she continued because she knew that was true she was a hard person to anger but like any kent when she got mad she got really mad
"Trust me, I would have gotten the same punishment for punching the Joker clone, I do not like that clown at all" Luna says and she adds "Which is why I didn't punch it,  don't want my overprotective father to fire captain Marvel, it's a pain to have Batman almost always watch my every move, last time I sneaked out of the batcave I was grounded for two weeks, no patrol, nothing", she walks to Connor and says "I might not know how you feel, but I know what's it like to be in the opposite situation, so I guess that counts right?"

M'gann shakes his head "I can't, not with this many students, but if you find Angel you'll find Robin, they mostly have matching schedule" she says and sighs "Maybe I'll just start on my honework, does anyone know why Green Arrow is suddenly gone, I had math, but I guess he was send on a mission or something"

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