RP 1

Flash looked at Anise and nodded, " sure, why don't I take you there? This place is big and you can get lost" he said to the auburn hair girl.

Anise nodded with a smile, " that woukd be nice. Thank you sir" she said to Flash as she looked back at Artemis and Megan before following her teacher to the Dark Knight's office. He seemed really nice during english, she wondered what he is like as a principal... probably the same behavior and attitude. 

" so how do you like school so far?" Flash asked the girl tryingto strike uo a conversation.

Anise looked at him, " It very nice" she said with a smile as she adjusted her hold on her book, "everyone I met so far is really nice. The teachers are also nice too and serious" she said to the male.

" Oh good good. I heard what happened in combat. You're the atudent with the glyp magic ability right? If you need power control help you can asked Batman to put you in power control" he said to her.

Anise smiled and shook her head, " no need for that. I have my dad's ability so I can ask him to teach me how to fight without my weapon" she said as they arrived at the office.

" Alright... if you say so" he sais and gestured to the door. " here is it and good luck" he said bfore running off back to class. Anise warched him go and then looked at the door. She gently knocked on it and waited for a response.


@Flame Demon

Malcolm looked at Artemis. .."Follow me i can get her scent" he says as a bear aura enveloped him ...."not many know bears are the best trackers" he says  as he walked in the direction of the Power control class...

Artemis shrugged. .."no need for the fun facts but Green Arrow went on a mission without me again" she says 

Connor just sulked for a moment. .."yea thanks ..and im sorry guys btw" he says 

@Flame Demon


" You got us out of a class, do some more and we might get out of school early " Claire said  it was the first day and already she knew she wouldn't mind cutting class often  to do other things " You could come surfing with me somewhere " she said having taken that up as a hobby once she got a handle of flight. 

Claire knew all this stuff was needed and very helpful to the whole fighting crime thing but still it was school and she woudl rather relax and have informal training over something like school. It might be a lazy way of thinking but she was a rather chill person  and really school was not her thing it was normally dull the super hero classes could be fun but the rest she could do with out. 
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Luna grabs Claire's shirt and gives her a batglare "Batman made this for us with a reason, we won't be joining the League or go on real mission if we don't finish these three years and if you think this is just to teach you things you can learn at any other school then you're wrong. It's to teach us how to live a double life for those who have a life outside of crime fighting which you probably don't have, to help us become responsible and if we would for some reason decide to stop being heroes we'd be able to go to a normal school because we didn't fall behind on the subjects and we learn how to work in teams, we're not here because we want to, but because we have to, sure some of us actually enjoy it here, but with that attitude you won't" she let's go of Claire and walks of as the bell rings, so she's of to find Robin so they can head to history together.

M'gann sweatdrops "You two should head to your classes" she says and adds "I'll be outside", she flies of and sighs, it seemed Shadow's mood just wouldn't increase at all, maybe some shopping after school would cheer the girl up.

Batman sighs "Enter" he says, he was looking through the files of each student, so he would know who to partner up as roommates at the mountain, he had put Artemis and Luna together in a room, mostly because they were so different and could help each other out, but he wasn't sure about the others.
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The door knob turned and Anise looked into the room to see Batman was busy with with work. " Sorry to bother you sir.." she swid as she entered the room and quietly closed the door. " someone pointed out that my schedule is a bit weird and recommended i should get it fixed by coming here..." she said to him politely as she walked over to the desk.


@Flame Demon
Batman sighs "You're not the first, Zatanna came by earlier too" he says and adds "Let me see your schedule", he puts the papers away and says "I'm making you and M'gann roommates, any complaints about that?" he asks putting the files of Anise and M'gann back where they belong, he gets an alert and sighs, really, couldn't Gotham go one day without him, the police could handle this one, hopefully.



Anise shook her head, " I have no complaints about that sir" she answered politely as she handed her schedule over to Batman as she looked around the office for a moment before looking back Batman. She blinked when the alert went off and curiously looked over at the computer. 


@Flame Demon
Malcolm looked at Artemis. 

"Guess she's right. ..plus i hear we have to wear uniforms. ..so i gotta go find my dorm to change...I'll say go see Batman" he says flying off.

Artemis headed to the headmaster 

Malcolm arrived first...his nanites brought him Batman's invitation. ...

"Oh come on..i need it more than you im tired of using queen tech robins wayne tech is better" she says 

"Wayne corp is a bigger company so they have more engineer's on payroll" he replied to Artemis 

"Yea yea kid terrific your dad works for who?"

"I can ask my dad to look at your tech" he says waiting for his time with the headmaster 

@Flame Demon
Luna walks over looking at her very confusing schedule and she says "Robin's not the only with Wayne technology, I have it too" she says and asks "So we're all waiting for Batman to finish talking to Anise?", she puts her schedule away and smiles slightly "But I do highly doubt he'll give you two the tech we use, it's a Bat thing" she says tossing a batarang up and she catches it before looking outside "Oh yeah Arty, we're roommates in the mountain" she says putting the batarang away, she then remembers something and asks "Wanna play a card game while we wait or a boring game of chess?" she asks, not sure how busy Batman is at the moment, probably busy since most have already went here with confusing schedules.

Batman takes the schedule and opens a file on the computer "You have combat until lunch, but other classes are put down in case Black Canary is busy, a Flash made your schedule, he loves messing with things like this" he says and prints a new one "This one is correct, don't be late for your next class, also call in the other three when you're leaving" he says.


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Anise nodded to the male as she took her schedule, " thank you and I will" she said to Batman as she walked off to the door and open to see Luna, Artemis and Malcom, " oh.. hi, you can go in now" she said to them before walking off as she looked st her next class which was history with Superman. She hummed softky as she quickly headed off to class.


@Flame Demon

Malcolm stepped into the office  next...

"Nice to see you again sir...just wondering who my roomate will be and my schedule is a little messed up as well"

Artemis sighed. .."you know we may have gotten off on the wrong foot but im dedicated to making this work" she says

@Flame Demon
Batman looks at him "And that's not why you're here is it? You want the same technology as Robin and Shadow" he says and adds "My answer to that is no, as for your roommate, you share a room with Kid Flash", he crosses his arms and says "And your schedule can't really be confusing since I made it, why do you want to use Wayne technology anyway?"

"We won't have much of a choice anyway, since we'll be stuck with each other for the full three years, I do hope there are some interesting missions though" she says and sighs "Wonder what Bats was thinking when he picked people to share a room, we're the exact opposite"


"Well its at the pinnacle of technology. .im like my dad i like inventing and tweaking tech...i was hoping that i could be like my father in that sense. I mean no disrespect im perfectly fine with my brand of technology the name behind it doesn't make it superior just when you compare wayne tech to lexcorp and Queen industries it is superior " he says 

"I know my role batman i know robin and Luna have access to wayne tech and Artemis has queen tech but my father's company was cyber wear" he says  pulling up a holographic projection of a newspaper. ...

"As you can see Wayne tech now owns cyberwear so my dad sold it and can't give me tech and i can't use tech on my dad's server because my dads servers are so encrypted its not possible to crack with modern technology but its ok i will make due with what i have and great wally is my roomate got it" he says getting up to leave 

Artemis nods "well we will see how it goes but I'll play nice and hopefully we won't but heads" she says 

@Flame Demon
"You can just be yourself" Luna says with a shrug "Why do you need to see Batman anyway?" she asks while stretching "I think I'm going to join horseback riding as well, we're allowed to have two clubs as long as they don't fall on the same days" she says, she wondered what Claire was doing, the superhero classes were over for the day, so she hoped the girl wouldn't skip the rest of the day.

"Why did he sell it in the first place? Besides, if I did decide to allow you to use it then there isn't much tweaking to do, or inventing" Batman says, he had made sure that was pretty much impossible "But you'll get to work with it, it just won't be for making gadgets and other stuff you can use in combat" he says.



Anise hummed as she found Superman classroon about a minutes before the bell rang. She quickly entered the classroom and looked around for a moment before sitting down. Superman wasnt int thr classroom, she wondered where he was as she took out a book and started reading a book as she waited for him to arrive so class can start.


@Flame Demon

Malcolm  looked at Batman. .."Bruce Wayne made him a multimillionaire and gave him stock options. ..he's still a capitalist at heart...and everything can be changed to serve a new purpose or studied to make sure my tech operates in a similar fashion." He says 

"I just came with Malcolm and was looking for robin but it doesn't matter anymore. ..horseback riding with Wonder woman i might take up cooking" she says 

@Flame Demon
"I think Robin has history with me, but why did you need to see Robin?" Luna asks and she thinks for a while "IF she had to share a room with Artemis then she'd have to discus something with Batman first, she did want to put pictures in the room "Really Arty, you should take up archery instead" she says.

Batman sighs "But I cant give you Wayne tech, not without discussing it with the one who helped make this possible first" he says and adds "You can go now", he wondered what else could happen today.



"Im not taking archery because i am already an expert level archer im no red or green arrow but i practice constantly with my uncle im sure that when your in gotham your working on your skills as well. ..also me and Robin are the only pure humans in the school i just wanted to talk to him in that sense i had some questions for him but I'll see him when i see him i guess" she replied walking off

Malcolm left the office thanking Batman

@Flame Demon
Luna enters the office and hands Batman her schedule "It says history and flight" she says and Batman hands her the right one "You have history" he says and Luna says "So since Artemis and I are roommates, am I allowed to tell her? I mean she's going to find out anyway" "Only her, no one else" Batman says earning a nod. Luna leaves again and runs after Artemis "So what's your next class? And should we go and decorate our room after school is over?" she asks putting her schedule away.



Artemis pulls out her schedule. ."looks like i have history and last is math but sure we can decorate our room and paint to just not the color green because of my uncle im looped into the whole green motif but yea... so what decorative ideas do you have" she asked 

@Flame Demon
Claire had  gone to her next class after everything and it was history with her dad, well considering he could pretend one of his kids didn't exist she was sure he wouldn't treat her special. That honestly was rather sad but she could live with it, it would get weird if he was trying to be her dad while teaching.  She did wonder how people like batman  who taught a ton of classes and was doing super hero stuff managed it but he was batman so that should answer the quest her, dad had at least build some doppelgangers  to do some work for him. She really should show then to Conner he woudl likely love to break a few. Well anyways she hurried to class  actually planning on staying the whole day despite what she had said, as well that had been a joke  a lack of humor that seemed to run in the bat family .

Claire soon arrived in the history class and took her seat.  Her dad didn't seem to be there but for a guy who could move far faster than the speed of sound he needed only second to get around the school and he woudl still have time to spare. 
"Well some pictures and maybe some flowers would be nice" Luna says and she gets into the classroom "Guess most of us have history, how odd" she says and sits down somewhere in the back, she really wanted to punch Superman who letting her fall during flying lessons, but she'd have to wait for that until Friday she guessed.



"Really the daughter of the dark knight likes flowers never would have thought that" she says entering history class

Malcolm stared at Claire for a minute as he sat in front of her it was his first-time seeing her.... "Hi im Malcolm. ..i heard Superman had a daughter but didn't think you'd attend our school" he says to her 


@Flame Demon
Claire was a little confused by the surprised she would be here thing as why wouldn't she. Well her dad did have a perfect memory of all he heard saw and read so  if she had that she wouldn't needed to go to school.  Well it was no big deal it might just be  surprise with  two super kids running around. 

" Yeah  dad has super memory I do so i have to come, unless you listen to the bats" she said as they seemed to have far more grim idea of why they were here. 
"Hey, my mood isn't as good as normal, first I get told I'm lacking teamwork skills, then your father lets me fall down in flying class, not really a great first day" Luna says crossing her arms "He seriously just looked at me when I lost focus and didn't even come to help me up after I hit the ground" she says and she mumbles "Really wanna punch him for that", she turns to Artemis and she sweatdrops saying "Wonder Woman is my mother. Why do people only link me to Batman?"

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