RP 1

Connor came in looking for Luna he was mad but he calmed down a bit...

"I wanna say im sorry. .. i dont apologize much but i was wrong for thinking that Batman shouldn't baby you i was just upset you have a parent that cares...superman doesn't even look my way or care about me... i was made to be a weapon if i got hurt no one spoke up for me i had to deal with the pain. I know being their child is probably a lot but you shouldn't be upset with Artemis i brought her over and she just agreed with me" he says to her

@Flame Demon
"You should be glad, once Superman starts treating you like his son people will expect too much from you, everyone does that to me" Luna says and she sighs looking at Robin "I can't find my own identity if I hang around my parents each time" she says and she adds "You two should go back to the school, tell Batman I'm only coming back for club activities", she had to talk to Batman later on and maybe to Wonder Woman too, she hoped they understood it.

Wally looks at the sky "Yeah let's hope not, don't want her getting a speech for sending someone to the hospital" he says, M'gann nods "That'd be bad, but if it happens that person probably asked for it" she says "Shadow won't beat someone up without a reason".

@Evergreen98 @Midnite
Malcolm waved Artemis over...

"Oh don't know much about him..." he says to Anise

"What do you want Poindexter. .." she says 

"Nothing just looked like you could use a friend. ..but think i have you figured out though" he says biting into his sandwich 

"Oh really you know nothing about me" she says 

"Let me guess no one here has been through what youve gone through. ..you carry yourself like we all look down on you" he says 

"Thats because you all do i dont have the powers or smarts or come from some great lineage and i speak my mind and you guys can't take it so if thats how it is i dont need this" she says 

"Have you tried just giving us a chance. ..." he says gestures for her to sit down

Artemis looks at Anise and sits

Robin looked at Shadow, " you sure you're going to be ok?" He asked her as he looked at Superboy before back at Luna worriedly.


Kaldur nodded, "that is true. So we dont have to worry too much about it..." he said to them with a sigh as he looked st the sky.


Anise looked at Artemis and softly smiled, " you dont need to be from a great lineage or have powers to become a hero. You already have the smarts, it's just different from everyone elses" she said to her as she closed her book and set it down on the ground. " and trust me.. having powers isnt as great as it seems. My mom kinda freaked out when she found out I have powers and told my dad to train me to control them so i dont get hurt and people around me doesn't get hurt" she sais to her.


@Flame Demon

"You dont get it its not about having powers i just don't belong here...during my training my father could care less about me and i come here to where most of you have parents that care...only Connor seems to understand so when Batman or one of these heroes stick up for you all it shows me how different we really are but it doesn't matter im always wrong" she says 

Connor walked off... "im heading back and Luna don't assume that superman not caring is better i would rather feel like my parent cared" he says to them and uses the zeta tube

@Flame Demon

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"I'll be fine, eventually" Luna says, she'd rather deal with the media right now, maybe she needed a break from all this "Hey Robin, what if I explained it to Batman, do you think he'll understand?" she asks taking out a batarang as she inspects it for a moment before trowing it and it stays stuck in the wall "I just need some time alone right now".

Wally sees Connor coming back and M'gann flies over to him "How did it go? Is she coming back?" the Martian asks. Wally looks at Kaldur "So what if we do become a team? Everyone is different, especially Connor and Shadow, those two are the complete opposite of each other, one wants to be recognized by a great hero and the other sometimes wishes she had different parents, it's probably going to end in a disaster"
Malcolm  looks at Artemis. .."Your right we don't understand but that doesn't mean we can't co-exist my dad clashed with many people didnt make the others less important on the team" he says 

Connor came back..."it went well but she wants to be alone for the moment"

@Flame Demon

Anise gently put a hand on her shoulder, "hey... Your not the only one that thinks they dont belong here.." she said to her with a smile, " To honest I feel out of place here... everyone I met so far has been out on real mission and got real world experience.. I was trained my father and never got to fight an actual villians.. So I am a bit nervous about being in this school with everyone" she said looking at the ground. " And Malcom is right...we need to accept each other if we are going to work as a team." She said softly and sighed. " We all have our burdens, so if you need someone to talk to... I am always willing to lend an ear" she said to Artemis.


Robin nodded to Luna, "Of course he'll understand.. and so will Wonder Woman. They are your parent and they care about you" he said to her as he gave her another hug. "They wont know what to do until you tel them what's wrong" he added


Kaldur nodded, " alright... it seemed like she need it anyway" he said to him as he looked at the time. Lunch seem to be almost over.


@Flame Demon
"Just go back Robin" Luna says and she sighs "Bats will come looking for us if neither of us shows up" she says, she couldn't use Batman at the moment, she wanted to talk to someone who understood her, so far that was no one at all, she missed the circus at this point, there she wasn't the daughter of the richest person in Gotham, she was just a friend and a little bit of a rookie, but she didn't mind that for once.

M'gann nods "Let's leave her, she'll show up when she calmed down" she says and adds "But I guess no one of us can actually understand her, I mean she's the daughter of Batman and Wonder Woman, don't think we'll ever understand that", she floats back to the others and asks "So anyone decided what club they are going to join?". Wally nods "I wanted to the join the technical engineering, but it's for invite only. I can understand why that is, but still, they get to make their own car as last project before they graduate and so far I know of only three who got one" he says and sighs "So I guess I'll go for soccer" he mumbles. M'gann smiles slightly "I was thinking of joining dance, but I'll pick the second one later"


Artemis actually smiled "thanks so anyone gonna join the archery club with me and horseback riding?" She asked 

Malcolm looked at her "i actually wanted tech engineering but horseback riding seems fun...or dance" he says messing with his nanites 

"Aren't you already a tech genius" Artemis says 

"Well i am but there is always room for improvement"

Connor sighed..."im just joining gardening and nothing else" he says to the group 

@Flame Demon

Anise smiled and hummed a little, " well I definitely want to joing the cooking club.. but I cant decide between gardening and horseback riding... my dad promise me to take me horseback riding so I may join gardening instead" she said to the two with a smile.


Kladur thought for a moment, " Ill do horseback riding and Soccer" he said to the group as he looked at the group. He wondered what Robin and Shadow are planning on doing.


Robin sighed a little before nodding , "alright..." he said to her softly. " if you need someone to talk to Ill always be here" he said to herbedore letting go off her and leaving throught the zeta tube.


@Flame Demon

Luna sighs and she pulls her knees to her chest, she had to find a moment to talk to her parents, for now she was fine there, it finally gave her time to think.

M'gann thinks for a while "Gardening sounds fun" she says and adds "I think I saw Luna take out an envelope from her locker before she went of to buy lunch" "See she got invited tot he technical engineering club, I think I saw Bats put one in Robin's locker too, so far there are only three people who are smart enough for it" Wally says and he adds "So jealous... I wanna join too", maybe he wasn't cut out for it, since Batman only picked the people who he knows won't mess up too badly. M'gann shrugs "Maybe you'll get a chance next year, but who's the other one anyway?" she asks and Wally says annoyed "That tech kid, you know the one that got beaten up by Wildcat, doubt he needs it, he can just ask his dad to help him build a car".



Artemis looked at them "well i will think of what club to join as a second choice. ..you wanna help me practice my archery Anise i will use regular arrows and see how you do in a combat situation?" She asked

Malcolm looked at her surprised as she gave him hell for thinking about asking Luna for help and training.

Connor walked up behind Anise as she backed up into her.

"Your Anise right they say you know magic" he asked 

@Flame Demon

Two months and every thing had changed for Raine, from a normal person to a super hero in training.  Really she didn't exactly want to be a hero she was not hero material in her mind what passed for her powers didn't seem to be useful for any superhero team in fact they would likely hamper them. Still it wasn't  like she had much a of a choice her family had never existed, same with her friends and their families and her neighbors and so she really had no one to go to that could help her.  So she would be a superhero or at least one in training, but after two months in a containment cell somewhere she was rather impressed with the size of  the outside world being locked up for your own good wasn't exactly stimulating and she had been half sure they wouldn't let her even ever leave the little room.  Today had been really the confirmation that she woudl be let out, thought that came in a simple statement of put this uniform on. There was no real point in staying  locked on this morning, or afternoon, or something being locked away from sunlight  and natural methods of telling time had really made her forget time. She had been given a schedule and sent through a zeta tube to the school with little information just that she had already missed half the day and she should not be late for her next class. 

Now as great as it might be being free and able to take more than nine or ten paces Raine was completely lost, likely any of the other superheros could easily figure out what that all meant and not mind the treatment, in fact even he kind f understood it, but really for a normal person she was still in shock. She really needed to find someone to ask about where she even was going and what she was going to be doing, for all she knew math meant like some kind of crazy hero math as they always had the best toys that no one else was allowed to use and only they were smart enough to build.  Soon enough  Raine found someone a girl, she didn't know who in truth she didn't really know who any of the heroes was she knew the big names of the justice league but really that was the end of her superhero knowledge , that and hoping her city had no need of them. Still she went up to the girl hoping whatever powers the girl had weren't required for her to live for as Raine got closer her powers would ebb away until she would be  almost human. 

" Um hey I hate to bug you but I am kind of lost and not sure what I am doing, can you help me?" Raine asked  hoping that the girl would be more knowledgeable than she was about all this. 

@Flame Demon
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Anise giggled a little, " sure, but I gotta warn you. I am pretty hard to hit.." she sighed, " then again I can't do anything with my weapon, Slicer" she said as she took showed her sliver blue baton to her, which she dropped due to her getting startled by Conner. She picked it up and looked at Conner, " Um... well I can't do magic spells, but my ability is a form of magic" she explained to him.


Robin came walking back to the group, "she is very upset..." he sais with a sugh not knowing what to do at the moment.

" Lets just leave her alone... she looks like she really needs it" Kaldur said to him with a soft sigh. 

Robin nodded slowly, " so what are you talking about?" 

" what club everyone is planning on joining" Kaldur answered

" ohh... Well I am joining engineering since I got an invite" Robin said with a small grin and looked at Wally. "What's wrong?" He asked him.


@Flame Demon

Connor looked at Anise in amazement. ...magic was one of the few things that could hurt a Kryptonian.....

Connor grabbed her by the hand... "Show me please hit me with what you got....im not a full Kryptonian but i need to see if magic harms me the same way" he says still holding her hands and looking at her

"Ummm Connor my powers stem from inate magic honestly you could have asked me for help" Malcolm says...

Connor didn't hear Malcolm. ...

Artemis looks at Malcolm. .."think the big guy is smitten " she says 

Luna looks at the girl "Ah the new new girl, you're at mount Justice, this is the normal hangout for students, you just went to the wrong place, that's all" she says slightly annoyed "Dad told me we'd get a complete rookie, just go through the ze ta tube to get to the school" she says as she goes back to trowing batarangs at the wall, by now she had made half the batman logo out of batarangs that didn't explode alone. Maybe she could see the room arangements once she ran out of useable batarangs.

M'gann smiles "Wally wants to join too" she says and adds "But how come both you and Shadow got an invitation for it". Wally wants to complain, but the bell rings "Hey Connor, time for class!" he calls before running of so he won't be late for chemistry. M'gann sighs "We can continue talking later, I might need some help with math, so let's all go to the mountain after we finished club activities", the mountain also acted as a dorm of some sort for students who were too tired to head home or if they didn't have one.
Most of what the girl told her just flew over her head things like zeta tubes and  mountain hide outs really were not her things.  This was not to mention she didn't have a clue how to use the tubes if she did she wouldn't be here. That also brought up a new question if this girl was a student then why wasn't she at the school? Did she have special training that meant she didn't need to go to wherever this school was? Really  Raine was just kind of lost , cone might call her slow but well before a few minutes ago she didn't know that zeta tubes even existed.

" Um how do I use them if they were that simple then I would be wherever this school is" She asked" And shouldn't you be there as well"
Anise blinked a little when Conner suddenly grab her hand and asked her to use her magic abilities on him. She was very surprised by this sudden request, "um.. w-" before she could answer the bell rang and it was time for her language class with Batman. " I am not sure if I am the right person to ask. I am still learning how to control my abilities" she said to Conner as she gently pulled her hand away and started to gather her things. She got up and looked at him, " but if you really want me to I can spar with you later.. ok?" She added with a smile.


Kaldur nodded as he got up, "well I gues I should head to class then... see you guys after school" he said as he walked off.

Robin looked over at Conner and the saw him with a new student with a weird look in his face, ' Ill ask him about it later..' he thought and ran off to his next class which was languages with Batman.


@Flame Demon


Connor looked sad as she pulled away...."fine later then" he says leaping to his next class

Malcolm looked at Artemis and saw M'gann flying and Wally racing off...

He flew up and intercepted M'gann..."where is Luna...i wanted to congratulate her on getting into Batman's invite only club.... i see Robin and will say the same to him" he says flying with her

Artemis just walked. .."ugh i need a motorcycle. ..I'll call it the arrowette cycle or something catchy" she says as everyone except robin had powers to make their trips to class easier 


@Flame Demon
"You got here using a zeta tube and as for if I should be there then yes I should, but I need some time to think right now" Luna says and she sighs getting up to get her batarangs back "Whoever told you to get to the school didn't inform you very good, there are several zeta tubes and the school and the others should be programmed to bring you there" she says dragging the girl along to the zeta tubes in the mountain "Just go through any of those and you'll get there" she explains before walking of.

M'gann sighs "She's currently at the mountain thinking" she says and flies after Anise "I thought we had chemistry together, besides didn't you have English already?" she asks floating besides the girl.
Rain could  go and get to class , but well apparently she must have been sent here or something really how else could she get here.  It was also nice that this girl apparently had no super powers as otherwise she would likely feel them missing  from being so very close to Raine as her field was not something she could turn off or control.  It was actually nice to have someone who didn't seem off put by her because she was rendering them little more than and average human on accident. They of course were  more than average  even right next to her but still they were severely hampered. This  together with the fact the girl didn't seem fine made Raine sure that someone knew a student was having troubles and sent her here for some reason, likely to get her to go back.  It wasn't the best logic but to Raine it made perfect sense given what little she knew of superheros their skills could easily allow them to set this up in her mind so this was a test. 

SO instead of going into a tube she ran after the girl " Hey if you need someone to talk to I can listen I mean your the first person to not recoil from me in awhile, I think." she said still unsure when days had come and gone she had  a clock in her room but well she couldn't tell if it was accurate or a lie. 
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Anise frowned a little at Conner's sad face and wondered if she said something wrong. She looked at Megan before looked at her schedule, "this is confusing..." she said with a sweatdrop. She went to a normal school before coming here and English was a normal class where she wrote essays and such and languages was another class where she learned another language. She was learning french at her last school. " well.. Yes I did.. but my schedule said I have languages with Batman..." she said to her. " I think they got the schedule from my last school mixed up with this schedule..." She said as she looked at Megan also wondering how the girl knows her real schedule 




@Flame Demon
Luna rolls her eyes "Look newbie, I don't need someone to talk to,  if I did I would go to Robin or one of my other friends and not a complete stranger" she says turning to the girl "You got here by accident, now get to school or the headmaster is gonna be pissed at you and you don't want to get a batglare on your first day, also yes, I'm positive he knows I'm here, but he wouldn't send someone after me, I'd be surprised if you lasted a week, you really should get more knowledge about superheroes", she heads of again wondering how the hell that girl ever got into the school if she knew nothing at all.

M'gann smiles "That's because Batman teaches more classes then just English, I think Flash made the schedules, which is why some are very srrange, you should see the headmaster about it" she says as she stretches "Well of we go then, don't wanna be late" she says dragging Anise along.
This should deter Raine and she honestly should have left but well it kind of annoyed her that someone who apparently knew what she was doing and had actual talent was sulking instead of actually trying to get out of the school and do some actual good. Really ti kind of ticked her off that someone would be so selfish as to reject a call like that she they clearly were suited for it. She also disliked the idea of someone just telling you to go look it up yourself  it just wasn't a good response.  While the idea of a batglare,and whatever that entailed, was threatening she guessed  well Raine would ignore it if it meant getting someone where they needed to be and this girl needed to be at the school. 

Raine followed after her a smile on her face as if she wasn't phased " Well if I won't last a week I should do one good thing" she said not taking no for an answer " You should be in the classes you must have skill and talent its a waste if you skip and they keep you back or give you detention and you can't help people" she continued obviously thinking that was the goal of a hero to help people.

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