RP 1

Anise frowned slight and nodded to her, guess she was fast yet like her father. She walked over and sat down next to Artemis. ' I wonder if there are things I havent tried yet with the glyphs.. should as dad later..' she thought to herself.

Artemis nudged her and Shadow, " Hey we are all learning here. So dont be down. Its not the end of the world and it's the first day" she said as she leaned back on her chair. "We'll learn alot in the next few days, so lets try to keep up"


@Flame Demon

"It is, I've been trained by my dad since I first started showing signs of my super strength, but I can't even do something as simple as teamwork" Luna says and she gets up grabbing her back "Guess it's better if he doesn't train me anymore" she says leaving, she never wanted to be like that, bad at teamwork and what not. She walks to the small pond and sits down "Too much of a bat, thought that was the case" she mumbles with a sigh, what had happened to her teamwork anyway, she couldn't remember that, only that it stopped after a League mission where she had come along because they needed pepple who could fly and she probably screwed up because of her bad flying.

M'gann finishes quickly and Black Canary says "Good job, class dismissed for today, take a break before you go on with your day, we'll do the rest next week". She leaves the building and goes of to find Shadow, or she could go straight to Batman to speak her mind, guess she'd do that, so she starts heading for the building.
Malcolm looked on and returned to class...but before he did he approached Luna. .."you did very well. ..but records show robin had the same problem to so dont feel bad as look Kaldur leads the team when you'd expect robin to its humbling to know that someone as advanced as you is not perfect but your too hard on yourself" he says 

"Take a chill pill Shadow Angel you need help controling Super strength then Captain Marvel is here to help" he says flying down

"It took a while for me to stop hot dogging it you know"

@Flame Demon
"And how are you doing to help me with my super strength?" Luna asks and she looks at Malcolm "Robin was the youngest, not to mention we don't need words within the bat family, so both Robin and I tend to disappear from time to time, but no one ever complained, I think that even mom is starting to get how we work, took her a while to get used to things at the batcave" she says and lays on her back "Besides, dad hasn't been training me lately, maybe this is why. I work well alongside Wally, Robin and Kaldur, but that's about it" she says.

"Uhh hello strength of Hercules im a big gun i can match supes and wonderwoman in terms of strength. ..i know how little or how much to use" he says 

Malcolm made it back to class as it ended... Wally zipped around him.."so figured out what your gonna do" he says 

"Actually yes i have i will train my physical body and i will learn how to use my powers but i need a good teacher and who better than you all well the experienced ones.." he says this in front of them all.

"But i figured out a training regiment that should help me I just have to ask my father and Batman for help" he says 

@Flame Demon
Anise got up and looked at her schedule, " hm...English" she mumbled as she started walking. Artemis got to her feet and followed after Anise.

" What a coincidence I have english too" Artemis said with a smile.

Anise smiled a little, " let go together then" she said as she walked with the blonde.

"yep" Artemis said as she put her hands behind her head as she walked.


@Flame Demon

"I've got other lessons, but I'll think about your offer" Luna says getting up, she runs to the building and sees Artemis and Anise "So... what do you two have, I have advanced science" she says and sighs, she was still down that she couldn't work in many teams anymore, it was annoying, mostly because she didn't remember why it suddenly stopped.


Wally walked with Malcolm. .."well good luck so whats your next class" he asked 

"Im not sure think my dad messed up with the class so i have to go get my paper copy from my...." he began to say but 

"Hey i got it and he sped off"

@Flame Demon


(What other classes are there and teachers i don't wanna say a class and its for girls only or wrong time)
Anise and Artrmis looked at Shadow, " We have english together and then I have music then advanced cooking" she said to her as she walked.

" Your not still down are you?" Artrmis asked the girl. " Even if you have been training with Batman your still learning" she said to her.

Anise smiled, " she is right. I have been training with my dad and I am still not fast as him." She said scracting the back of her head. " and I am sure Batman is still learning too. My father always told me that no matter how much experience someone has people never stop learning and from what I heard so far... it sounds like Batman is still learning how to be a father..." she said to her softly hoping she doesnt get mad at her or anythig.


@Flame Demon

"You have three lessons and then lunch" Luna says and she sighs "And no, not about that, I just can't remember something" she says and heads to her locker "Guess I should go and get my books, normally combat is until lunch, but it's the first lesson and things didn't go as planned" she says.


Wally sped back to  Malcolm. "Looks like you have English oh wish you had power control  with  Captain Marvel" he says 

Malcolm looks at his bracer " Captain Marvel identity restricted. ...class S hero demigod " it says

"Demigod....I've heard about him in Faucet city but i thought it was superman" he says 

"I got power control as well. ..yeah they say he went head to head with Superman and almost won...cant wait to see what this class is like i get the best of him then Superman would have to acknowledge me" Connor says leaping away

Malcolm looked confused....

"Let's just say Superman is not a dodding father. ..Connor seeks his approval as a successor" Wally says speeding off...

"Hey Connor no need to be reckless ...."he says channeling a Falcon and flying off to English 

@Flame Demon

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" you are being too hard on yourself Shadow" Artemis said to her as she took books out her locker as well. Anise hummed softly as she took her books for english and cooking out. She hummed a little and felt like she was forgetting something important. She shrugged, ' i am probably over thing it' she thought.


@Flame Demon

"I guess, but something made me lose my trust in others and I wanna know what it is" Luna says closing her locker "Maybe if I remember it I will be ably to work in a team again, there's nothing wrong with my fighting style as far as the league is concerned" she explains before walking of "Don't piss of your teacher and don't fall asleep unless you want a month detention" she advises them before she starts running to her class, if she remembered correctly Robin has the same schedule as her, she'd see him there.

Wally runs towards his classroom and enters to see Batman looking at the clock "One more minute and you would have been late" the Dark Knight says and Wally wants to argue, but Batman adds "Only those coming from combat have 5 minutes extra to get here", Wally takes his seat and he sighs "Sorry Malcolm forgot his schedule and I went to get it" he says and Batman nods "Just try to stick around your group, it's hard fitting into one for new students, you 6 have known each other for quite a while" he advises before he starts the lesson. Wally sighs in relief and looks outside, almost late on his first day, the school was just too big to make it on time if you didn't fly over the students, which most can't do.
Artemis headed to English class

Malcolm flew from above he saw her Artemis and landed quickly causing Artemis to ready her bow with a trick arrow.

"Whoa...umm didn't mean to interrupt just wanted to ask Luna something thought she was with you" he says with his hands up

Artemis lowers her bow...

"Can't you see animal boy?" she asked 

"Well im not experienced with my animal powers i just caught her scent with you i just wanted to ask her to train me but I'll see her in class"

This caused Artemis to scoff "typical Poindexter after one loss has to ask the number one student for help rather than grow on his own" she says

Malcolm looks her way ..."what's your problem anyway that sass will get you nowhere its not wrong that I wanna improve as fast as possible" he says 

"Oh please money bags you have been the top intellect all your life i bet n now your out of your comfort zone your looking for a bailout from her...you wanna improve so damn bad work at it" she says firing a glue trick arrow at Malcolm so fast he didn't notice till the sticky substance foamed around him and hardened

"See you in class" she says she arrived in class a brief moment later

@Flame Demon

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Anise frowned a little at what she saw happen. Her baton turned into a chinese long sword and she skillfully cut the harden foam around Malcom. " Are you ok?" She asked him as he sword change back to a baton. " And there is nothing wrong with asking someone to help you, so dont feel bad about it. Some people learn on their own, while other learn better from others." She added wirh a smile and looked at the time. " oh.. I need to get going. See you later" she said to him before running off to English.



@Flame Demon
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Time skip to lunch

Luna walks to the pond after buying some food in the cafeteria "I hate flying lessons" she complains, she was limping slightly and has hurt her arm, she plops down only to moved aside by Wally who's putting a blanket down and he puts her on there once he finished "Heard from M'gann what happened, Superman really should pay more attention" he says as he sits down as well. M'gann flies over and says "Batman gave him an earful about just letting you fall down", she sits down between Luna and Wally putting down her lunch "Where are Robin, Kaldur and Connor of to?" she asks. Luna shrug putting down what she bought "Now I remember why my teamwork is so bad" she says taking a bite from her donut "Superman let that happen before, only back then they needed people that could fly because the ground was full of mud and sand, Batman and Wonder Woman weren't happy about it" she explains and sighs "Captain Marvel got me up before I was stuck completely, must be why I prefer keeping my feet on the ground".

@Evergreen98 @Midnite
Robin came running over with Kaldur, "are you ok?" Robin asked worriedly.

" We geard what happened. Superman should really be more attentive" Kaldur said to her.

Robin nodd d in agreement, "seriously..." he sighed a little as he sat down next to her.

Kaldur did the same, " you should go to a healer..."

"yeah.. you look like you're in pain" Robin added.


Anise was at her locker where she grabbed her lunch her mom made and a book to read. She hummed softly as she went outside to eat. She found a spot under tree and took out her lunch and ate it as she read her book quietly.


@Flame Demon

Malcolm went over to "Anise nice day isn't it...but why are you sitting alone." He says as he uses eagle vision to see the others. .. 

"You should go be with them i saw you being friendly with Luna and Artemis dont think you have to eat alone is it ok if i sit with you" he asked

Connor walked up..."don't blame superman. ..she cant be babied if shes batmans daughter. ..i haven't seen batman do the same when you got hurt" he says 

"Muscles has a point. .. dont think she wants daddy fighting her battles" Artemis says twirling an arrow

@Flame Demon

"You're not invited to join us" Luna says taking another bite from her donuts "And it's not because it's me, if M'gann had suddenly fallen down he'd have done nothing as well, it's about the fact he let it happen, it's pretty well known I suck at flying too, might drop out of flying first chance I get" she says and looks at Connor "And I don't want to be babied, but falling down from that high wouldn't make anyone happy" she says and adds "Also me being Batman's daughter has nothing to do with it, I will never be in his shadow, so I don't plan to start now". M'gann sighs "She was pretty high when she fell, give her a break will you?" she asks looking at the two "And this spot it for our group only, don't see your name carved in the tree". Wally sighs "Can you guys not argue during lunch and M'gann is right, we have no place for you here Artemis" he says and adds "Besides, what does a new girl know about anything?" "Wally you can stop, I'll trow her back to the building if I have to, only need one arm for that" Luna says putting some of the food she got in her bag "Anyone else got an invite to join the technical engineering club?" she asks changing the subject as she starts eating her chocolate bread, she looks in her bag and sighs, she forgot to buy something to drink since she was hungry.


Artemis readied her bow...

"Look i didn't ask to be here nor do I care about your acceptance my Uncle Green Arrow brought me here" she says

Connor gets in front of her.. "what the hells going on Luna since when were you the type to act high and mighty all she did was agree with what i said. ..you have super strength like me we can fall from much higher" he says 

"I don't need you defending super brat...im over this" she says walking off

Connor didn't care about what she said but he didn't like how they banded against Artemis like that especially when he started it off.

"You know M'gann I appreciate you trying to keep the peace but if we have to be a team we have to work with all personalities" he says 

@Flame Demon
M'gann sighs "We don't even know if we're going to be a team yet" she says, Luna stands up and says "Well everyone's always expecting me to act like it so why not?!" she asks and walks of towards the Zeta tube "See you guys after school!" she says and goes through. M'gann looks at Connor as she stands up as well "Connor there was no reason to say that, you know people expect things from Luna that are impossible because Batman and Wonder Woman are her parents, go talk to her now!" she says and adds "Her parents may care about her, but they're also putting a burden on her, one where everyone things she can do anything because they trained her, but you know what? She's also a person and she can't and I doubt they even know they're doing that in the first place". Wally sighs and wants to speed of, but M'gann stops him with her powers "No Wally, Connor has to go" she says and sits down again.

Anise looked up from her book and smiled at Malcom, " of course you can join me" she said to him softly. " and I am a bit socially awkward, so yeah.." she said as she looked at her book a bit embarrassed. She may have been nice to them, but it disnt mean she was friends with them. Then again her mother would say to go talk to them. She mentally sighed to herself. As she ate a devil egg her mother made for her.


Kaldur sighed at how fast everything went out of control and looked at Robin who also look like he disnt really know much to say. "If we are going to be a team then we have to be respectful for everyone's weaknesses Conner. Luna may have super strenght but she doesn't have the same edurance as you Conner. Go talk to her now" Kaldur said to the ravene head as Robin got up and ran off to check on the girl.



@Flame Demon
Connor looks at her..."Yea well some of us dont have parents who care at all... some of us cant say that maybe she was wrong to kick someone out for speaking their mind. Some of us wish we had a parent I'll go talk to her but i think she's wrong as well" he walking to the Zeta Tube and following Luna....

Malcolm sat with her..."so where do your powers come from" he says as he noticed Artemis walking alone looking upset

@Flame Demon

Luna sighs as she enters Mount Justice and she walks to the living area where she sits on her couch, she didn't want to be compared to her parents anymore "Some great parents I have" she mumbles, everyone was always expecting too much of her, she wondered how much long it was until she snapped, she wasn't Batman and she wasn't Wonder Woman, she didn't want to be any of them, she just wanted to be herself, guess that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

"No one even invited Artemis to come over" Wally mumbles and he asks "How long do you think it'll take before she finally snaps at someone for thinking she's the perfect student?" "Not long, what Wildcat said is still bothering her, not to mention what Artemis and Connor said as well, she doesn't want to be any of them at all" M'gann says looking at the water "Guess it'll be just us 6 forever"


Robin arrived and went over to Luna, he gave her a tight hug, " dont let what the other said get you... You're still trying to find you own identity like that rest of us" he said to her softly.

Kaldur sighed, " i hope that doesnt happen. I dont want to see anyone to get hurt..." he said to Wally as he leaned back on the tree behind him and sighed again.


Anise looked ar Malcom, " my powers come from my dad. I believe he is known as the White Knight?" She said as she also noticed Artemis walking off looking upset. She wondered what happened to cause that.


@Flame Demon

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