RP 1

Ted Grant looks at Canary.. "The bat ain't so scary don't tell me your gonna let her skate cuz shes his daughter im a old man and i aint changin for no one you should know that Dinah" he says 

"And if their offended then they should expect to be called much worse by villains and i know Bru..... i know batman if he comes after me for calling anyone dolly then hes lost a step" he says 

Sitting down he just waits for them to begin.

Malcolm heads to the math as he figured out a mistake was made...

He sees Robin and Kaldur again and red arrow wally walked in with him..

"Hey you should have seen it he took a beating from wildcat....i dont envy him...but it was cool heard he trained Canary and other league members"

Wally says 

Malcolm sits down not wanting to acknowledge what happened 


@Flame Demon  (not trying to undermine your post idk if you saw the Justice League episode he's like a father to canary and hes older and stuck in his ways and mean hes only soft around dinah just staying true to his character)
"I am treating everyone here normally" Black Canary says and she says "Start!", Luna dodges the lasers the dummies shoot and trows batarangs in several of them before landing on the ground again, this was too easy for her, well Batman wasn't going to let her go if she couldn't handle this, she makes a few back flips before destroying several more and she smirks before using one of the dummies to destroy the rest. M'gann sweatdrops "Well she makes it seem easy, where did she train anyway?" she asks and she looks at Ted "And you're at a school that's going to train future superheroes, calling me dolly will be one mistake" she says as she sits down on one of the chairs, though this wouldn't take long.


@Midnite (he shouldn't be calling a student dolly, especially not when they will save the world one day)
Ted laughed. .."your not from my generation i served in wars in 1942 i paid my pound of flesh... im no chauvinist hell i trained Canary. .. so let a old man be...and Dinah doesnt she have super strength like her mother you gotta go harder on her you know the bat put her through worse..." ted goes over to the computer. ..he scratches his head..."ahh its all gibberish to me...Dinah put in robins training sim just on her drones she wont grow if shes not challenged" asked nicely 

Malcolm was solving mathematical equations easily ...

"Impressive you are the child of Michael Holt..." he says 

"Thanks but don't compare me to my dad I want my own out of his shadow" he says 

"Yea how you think i feel im kid flash I did everything the flash did and hes still leagues above me in speed and rep... well we all go through it except Kaldur. ..." he says 

@Flame Demon

John sighed a little as Anise watching in aw at how amazing Shadow was. Her mother wanted to teach her close combat, but since she had her father's abilities her father trained her with her glyps. She has got the basics down cold and can do several things with them, but she has been able to do the summons creature thing her dad can do. She wonders what her summon is or will she have multiple summons. She looked at John, " thank Mr.John" she said wirh a polite bow before walking over and sitting down next to Megan. She was a bit nervous, she left her weapon Slicer and her cloak at her locker and she is practically useless without it. She'll have to use her glyps ans move around quickly and used the robot's own attacks against them. Her dad added a new feature to it. It can now collapse into a carriable item and well she can carry it around everywhere now and people thinks it's a baton.


@Flame Demon

"This is their first combat training, besides I think it's her choice if she wants to do something more difficult "Black Canary, this is easy" Luna says breaking apart the last one "If we have time after everyone went I'll give you a harder one" Black Canary says and Luna walks back to the group as she tosses a batarang up and she catches it again before putting it away. "Alright Artemis, you're next" BC says as Luna plops down next to Anise.


Malcolm asks to be excused from class he is granted his request. ..

Going outside his nanites leave his bracer and create a projection of his father. ...

"Malcolm im in the workshop hows your day going son" he says while working on Red Tornado.

"Aside from being beaten up by wildcat ...its interesting seems like kid flash has taken a liking to me i guess but haven't made friends yet if that's what you're wondering. ...wheres mom" he asked 

"Fashion show...you know she likes to be seen" Mr Terrific replied 

"How did you two ever become an item.."

"Well son i can spout off theories but sometimes opposites attract im not in her world she's not in mine and we had you so we're happy a genius with mystical powers" he says 

"Power and genius but lacking skill and combat expertise i asked you to train me"

"Training you would be a waste you need to learn your way not be spoon fed but here's some advice find a teacher "


@Flame Demon  
Artemis sweatdropped at BC as she got up, " This will be interesting..." she said as she took out a hidden knife to take out the robots.

Anise looked at Luna and smiled, " That was amazing. You are very skilled." She said to her softly as she smoothed out her uniform again. She was getting nervous again. 'Stay calm and you'll be fine..' she thought to herself as she looked up to watch Artemis as she started the training.


@Flame Demon
"Thanks" Luna says rubbing her head "Guess Batman's training really payed of, this was easy" she says and adds "I didn't even have to use my special cards", she looks at Anise "But you'll do fine, the robots may be quick, but the lasers they shoot aren't harmful to us yet" she says and smiles as she watched Artemis "It also helped I trained in the circus" she says, well if she hadn't been send there she wouldn't have met Dick and he wouldn't have started living with them.


"Find a teacher ...Aaahhhh" he says being punched into a wall by Connor. ..

"He means find the right person to teach you because he's not right to teach you new kid even I understood that" he says 

As he got to his feet Red Arrow flipped over him and had two electrified arrows in his hand swinging at Malcolm. ..he did his best to dodge the strikes

"You have power and tech Mr Terrific relies on human skill and tech like me" he says hitting him in the chest... shocking and causing him to stumble back

Corror came to punch him but Malcolm put the weight and strength of a humpback whale behind his hand to hold the punch back or power and instinct like me" he says....

Wally comes speeding creating a mini vortex around Malcolm. ..

"Or just use your powers and mind like the flash and me" he says then stops

Malcolm looks the trio "thanks for explaining. ..so you guys just left class for this" he says 

"Well you seemed a lil down about wildcat and from what I saw you haven't found your style" Wally says 

"Well i have super hearing... and heard your dilemma so he let us out to talk to you" Connor says

"Very observant. ...well thank you actually makes me feel good to get help being an outsider and you guys have a group already" he replied 

@Flame Demon

Batman walks up to the four "If you hadn't entered the combat room it wouldn't have happened at all, now Malcolm, please come with me, the rest of you, go back to your class" he says and adds "Being strong isn't everything either, you should know that", he walks towards the combat room and sighs, he actually didn't want to bother them, but it was needed to show Malcolm that he didn't have to be strong to be able to win a fight, he'd have to remind Wildcat to go easy though, he didn't want anyone to end up with broken bones.


The training started and Artemis ducked out way from a laser as she dashed over to a robot, stabbing it in the head and before jumping before dodging again.

Anise slowly nodded, " ok.. that's good. My parent would freak out if I came home on the first day injured" she said with a smile. " but ai am not that worried about their speed... they dont seem that fast to me.." she said quietly as she looked at the  robot. " oh.. My name is Anise. Nice to meet you" 


@Flame Demon

"Well not from this distance" Luna says and she stretches "You can call me Shadow, or Angel" she says. M'gann looks at Luna "When are you going to tell us your name?" she asks earning a shrug "When Batman finally allows me too" Luna says, she honestly didn't care and Diana still had to fulfill her promise to take her to her home island "Which might take a while" M'gann says with a sigh "Hey Wildcat, you said I need to be challanged right? Then let me spar against you" Luna says looking at the male.
Malcolm was surprised to see Batman approach him and he followed along ...

"It is an honor to meet you batman" he says 

Wildcat shrugged "im no challenge for you im a old man... your ahead of the class that boy earlier was really green could tell he hasn't fought much...but your mom and dad are warriors honestly seems like everyone else needs this school more than you and red arrow...robin also but it is how it is besides black canary would be best to give you a challenge not a old brawler" he says 

@Flame Demon

"But I hoped you'd be able to tell me on what points I have to improve, my dad just always tells me I'm almost there or that I have to figure it out on our own" Luna says and she adds "And I studied Black Canary's fighting style", it was true that she was ahead of the class, in everything, but she couldn't skip conbat, Batman would be pissed if she did that and she didn't want him getting angry again "But fine, I'll ask Black Canary" she says as she continues to watch Artemis. M'gann smiles "Shadow you need to work on your teamwork, there's nothing wrong with how you fight, maybe you could learn how to fly better and control your strength" she says and adds "You're the best fighter I know"
Wildcat got up..."hmm well ok then Shadow you call yourself lets see what you got..." he says getting in a boxing stance he waits till she's ready. ...

"Lets start off with traditional orthodox boxing" he says swinging haymakers and hooks left and right his foot work was great as well short movements to minimize openings

@Flame Demon

Malcolm awaited what batman would have him do or see patiently 
Luna walks over and gets in a fighting stance "Seems simple enough, I'm not much of a boxer tbough" she says and adds "And it's actually Shadow Angel, but that's too long, so people can either call me Shadow or Angel".

Batman knocks on the door and opens it to see Wildcat and Luna across each other "I see I don't even have to ask, I'll leave Malcolm here for a few minutes so he can see strength isn't everything, on the condition he returns to his normal classes once he gets it" he says and Black Canary nods saying "Sure, have him watch those two spar", she honestly didn't mind as long as no one got seriously hurt, besides, Luna could use the challange.
Artemis soon finished up by hitting the last robot in the head with her knife. She huffed a little as she walked back to where the girls are sitting and sat down. Anise looked at her and smiled, " good job."

" Could have done a much better job with my bow and arrows" Artemis said to her.

" Well we do need to learn how to fight without our weapons" Anise said to her. "My mom wanted to teach me close combat, but since I had my dad's powers she wanted me focus on that since my powers could have gone out of control" she said to her and Artemis nodded to her. " I am Anise by the way"

" Artemis " Artemis said to the girl. Anise smiled and looked at Luna and Wildcat. 'this is really an interesting school..' /

she thought to herself.


@Flame Demon

Wildcat switched from traditional boxing to grappling as he faked a punch and was able to grip Luna by the wrist placing her in a submission hold with her wrist twisted up bringing  her to the ground. ..

"I know bats showed you how to get out of holds or why not use that Amazon strength" he says this to see what Luna favors there were many options to choose but it was important to learn your opponent. ..pros like batman could anticipate what way someone would attack by muscles

@Flame Demon

Malcolm observed as he was told
Luna smirks reaching for one of her cards and she trows it up releasing smoke, she throws Wildcat of her and says "Yeah, but I'd rather not risk breaking any bones, also you're not just an old brawler", she catches her card again and charges, she knew where he was now since she threw him of "But if you insist" she says, Batman had taught her, but even with her amazon strength she probably wouldn't be able to do much, well she had to hit him first to see how much her strength would do.

Black Canary nods "Anise you're up" she says and turns to the two sparring "Please refrain from using smoke Shadow" she says before turning back to the others.

Batman watches and sighs, last time Luna used her full amazon strength she ended up breaking someone's arm, he hoped she could control it this time "I'll be preparing for after school, Shadow, check your locker during the break" he says and leaves again.
Wildcat lands on his feet. ....the smoke impaired his vision not his hearing as he couldn't hear her footsteps but Wildcat was trained well enough to deal with superhumans...

"You made this interesting" he says 

@Flame Demon
" do you want to use my knife?" Artemis asked as Anise got up.

The girl shook her head, " No, that wouldnt be fair to you or to me. Dont worry I can handle myself somewhat well without a weapon" she said as she walked over to the training area. Once it started Anise ducked out if the from a laser beam. One robot got behind her and a glyph appeared below her to increase her speed and she dodged it. She notice another robot about to shoot at her and she got in front if another robot, before using a glyp to jump up in the air to dodge and have the laser shoot the robot instead of her. She noticed another robot about to shoot her and made a glyp appear next to her to block it as she landed in the ground and immediately dodge another close attack from a robot.

"oh.. she is using there attacks against them.." Artemis mumbled to herself as she walked Anise.


@Flame Demon

"You know what they say" Luna says landing behind him quietly and she kicks him in his side "Bats fight best in the dark, guess smoke counts" she says. Not to mention she could go by her usual tactics of surprising others, she realy needed to stop hanging around Robin so much, though she may have gotten it from her dad, she wasn't sure.

Black Canary nods "Yes, but these are just robots, enemies aren't that stupid, so she does need a different fighting style if she ever gets disarmed on a mission" she says and sighs, she was going to be very busy this year with training them "Anise stop" she says stopping the program "Before I give you this test again you have to do something about how you fight without a weapon" she says.


Wildcat grabbed her leg and dropped her to the ground. .."being the bats kid doesn't make you a master...all of us fought in life and death situations you may have had your adventures solo with your mom or dad but you cant beat 40 years of experience. ..if so you dont need a team and your wasting everyones time" wildcat stopped fighting....

"My assessment is your just like Robin so use to being like the bat your fighting style doesn't fit right with a team you know too much" he says 

@Flame Demon
Anise landed on the ground and looked at Black Canary, "What do you suggest I should do? " she asked her as she walked over to the lady.

Artemis leaned back on the chair as she watched Black Canary, before looking back at Wildcat dropping Luna to the ground. ' this was going to be a long year..' she thought to herself wondering what else was going to happen today. 


@Flame Demon

"I'm learning, besides, I can work great in a team if I know them well enough" Luna says twisting her body to make a flip using her hands and land on her feet "It also doesn't help that mom almost never trains me" she says crossing her arms, she could work well with Wally and Kaldur, Connor as well, but she still had to get used to how M'gann did things "And I shouldn't have held back, but hey, at least I got one of my tools stuck on you", she jumps away just as the card explodes covering Wildcat in a weird sticky substance "And I may not be good in a team yet, or strong, but I have my tools, I'll leave you to figure out how to get free" she says walking back to the others "Oh yeah Wildcat, one day I will beat you in a fight, for now that will do, since you're stuck, thanks for letting me spar with you" she says taking her seat again 'Must be why dad is getting more and more hesitant to train me, he's scared I'll become like him' she thinks pulling her knees to her chest, she used to work great on teams, so why not anymore?

Black Canary sighs "You need to find ways to attack, enemies won't shoot themselves, so at this rate you'll be left with one choice in those situation, you'll have to run and flee, you'll also slow whoever you're working with" she says and adds "I suggest you ask advise, this will also be your first test in two weeks, so if you haven't found a way to fight without your weapom by then, I'll have to take you out of combat lessons", she looks at M'gann "You have a go" she says and M'gann sweatdrops as she floats over to the circle and the program starts.

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