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Realistic or Modern Roommates

"I guess when I came back to reality it started"James said holding his head then looked over at Aylessa seeing her look away.Thinking that the blush was making her shy side come out he giggled a bit and also flinched since it kinda hurted at the same time.Leaning back down he started to sweat so he got up and quickly took off his shirt"Why is it so hot dangit"he exclaimed while jumping up.
Aylessa looked at James once she felt her face return to normal temperature. "Hmm, weird." She mumbled and then jumped a bit when James exclaimed it was hot and took off his shirt. Aylessa blinked. "It's not that hot in here... James I think you're sick." She said looking at him now concerned. @Raidenxp
"What sick im never sick"he said amused"I mean I broke my leg before and my ribs also my arms but im never was sick".James really not convinced laughed not really concerned then looked at Aylessa."Your really serious"he said looking at Aylessa face which to him looked serious"Well if your so sure check me"he said sitting down not really sastified"I bet you im not though"he said with a sudden smile.

Aylessa raised an eyebrow listening to James claim he never got sick. "Well there's a first time for everything James." She said with a chuckle and went into the bathroom grabbing the thermometer from the cabinet. She walked back out and stood beside James handing him the thermometer. "Here put this in your mouth." She said. @Raidenxp
" We'll see about that"he said looking at Aylessa walk into the bathroom.After twiddling his thumb for a few seconds Aylessa come out with a thermometer"Now let we play the waiting game"said reaching for thermometer.Taking the thermometer he put in his mouth and then waited for a minute before giving it back to Aylessa"Alright lets do this moment of truth baby"he said closing his eyes and closing his fist.

Aylessa rolled her eyes playfully and looked down at the thermometer. "The moment of truth... It says... 100.2 degrees! James... You ARE sick." Aylessa said laughing a bit at her dramatic charade with James. "But don't worry being the nice roomie that I am. I will take care of you so just ask if you need anything." @Raidenxp
"Nooooo dangit well I guess your right first time for everything"he said playfully and laughed."Aww thanks Aylessa I knew you would be the doctor"he said amused and was patting Aylessa on the head."Oh yea Aylessa one more thing I forgot to ask why were you blushing after I woke up I mean before I called you cute"he said now getting kinda close to Aylessa but never really notices"Did something happen"he asked really curious and was literally in Aylessas face now.

Aylessa chuckled when he pat her on the head. She was going to put the first aid and thermometer away until James was close to her face. "Um. W-well you called me beautiful and I'm not use to complements like that, especially from guys." Aylessa' said, her blush returned to her dismay. "I guess it made me flustered a bit." @Raidenxp
"Ohhh hehe well you first time for everything"he said smiling as wide as he can now.Sitting back on the bed he felt really thristy and remeberd he had some powerade in his backpack and reached over to grab it when his headache bothered him again.Getting hit with the headache again he sat back down and looked at Aylessa"Can you get my bag please"he said pointing to it.

"Hey don't be using my thing against me." Aylessa said with a chuckle and walked over to James' bag grabbing it. She walked back over to James and handed him the bag. "Here ya go." She said with a small smile. @Raidenxp
"Dont worry I dont plan to yet"he said smirking devilishly.Grabbing the bag from Aylessa"Thank you my lady"he said with a funny sounding british ascent.Checking the time it was 5:26 and then he remebered"Yo Aylessa wanna come to the pool with me"he asked sounding excited more than a kid getting 5 years supply of candy.

Aylessa chuckled a bit at his accent and sat down on her bed. She looked at him when he asked her to go to the pool with him. "I would love to but do you think you'll be okay with your headaches and all?" She asked tilting her head a bit. @Raidenxp
"I'll be fine"he said patting Aylessa on the head again"Im glad that you care though"he said smiling one of the smiles that you might see the cute guy do in movies.Getting up he grabbed his towel and shorts"To the POOL"he said pointing to the door and looking at Aylessa"Come on slow poke before I have to carry you to the place"he said with his tongue out.

Damian walked up the the Oakwood Dormhouse. He stop and looked at the newspaper. 'What's the catch' he thought. He walked in fiddling with the duffle bag on his shoulder. It only carried the bare necessities. He went to the person at the counter. "Hi I'm here for a dorm."
"Alright if you say so." Aylessa said chuckling. She stood up grabbing a towel and bikini. "Okay, okay I'm coming." Aylessa said rolling her eyes playfully and sticking her tongue out at him back. @Raidenxp

Sarah did her hair in a bun and walked in the swimming pool area. She put down her white towel on a chair and stepped into the pool. She heard voices coming and the first thing in her mind was, Go, leave Sarah! but she was kinda new. So she would stay and see who comes.

She wanted to meet the people!
Arriving at the pool area and saw another girl and stopped and waved"Hey"he said before walking into the boys changing room.Getting out his stuff he started to change putting on his swimming shorts he realized he his watch was gone.Looking around he found it"So you decided to hid under the bench"he said to the watch as he put it in his bag.Done changing he went outside placed his towel on one of the chairs took off his slippers and sat by the six feet part of the pool checking the water.


Damian git to his dorm and set his things down. He plopped onto the bed and staired at the ceiling. "I wonder who my roomate will be." He slowly drifted to sleep.
Aylessa followed behind James to the pool. When she saw there was another girl already talking to James she waved at her and went into the changing room. She stripped off her clothes and put on a black with white polka dots bikini. Aylessa stretched her arms in the air before walking out of the dressing room and sitting at the edge of the pool sticking her feet in. @Raidenxp @Polefox
"I'm Aylessa, and yes him and I are roommates." Aylessa said with a smirk knowing what the girl was implying. She moving her feet around in the water. "Do you have a roommate Sarah?" @Polefox
Aylessa held her arm up and it took most of the splash when Sarah jumped in. "I plead the fifth and will not answer that question." Aylessa said putting her arm down in her lap. "You'll get one soon don't worry." @Polefox
"No"James said in a amused voice since Aylessa was being a bit shy"But im pretty sure you'll get a roomate soon enough"he added doing his wide smile while putting his arm around Sarah's neck.Seeing Aylessa still not in the pool he had a idea"Hey Sarah distract Aylessa for me would ya"he whispered while moving his head close to Sarah.Starting to swim near the edge of the pool he waited for Sarah to start her part.


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