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Realistic or Modern Roommates

Damian drifted of into his thoughts. He sat down and staired at the wall. He zoned out with his thoughts clouding his mind. He waited for everyone's food to finish.
Aylessa walked over and sat next to him. She looked over at Sarah and James to see if they'll join them or sit at another table. The idea of them alone together again made Aylessa feel weird so she just looked down at the table. 'Then I also have Damian...' She thought. @Tazmodo
Aero said:
Aylessa walked over and sat next to him. She looked over at Sarah and James to see if they'll join them or sit at another table. The idea of them alone together again made Aylessa feel weird so she just looked down at the table. 'Then I also have Damian...' She thought. @Tazmodo
Damian looked up at her. "Hey are you ok?" He said worriedly. When he saw her his mind cleared up and focused solely on her.
Damian smiled. "Yeah me too. What about?" His curiosity was growing but he had an uneasy feeling inside him. He dismissed this and went back to thinking about her.
Aylessa shrugged. "I dunno just life, pizza, what to do after pizza. Regular things like that." She said which was a partial lie. She was thinking about those things but also a few more things she didn't want to talk about at the moment. @Tazmodo
His smile faded. "Oh ok." He looked down at the table. "So about earlier with the whole kiss thing.... you probably felt uncomfortable. But if you want we can put that all beside us and forget it ever happened." He looked back up at her.
Aylessa rested her chin in her hand. "Yeah it was pretty surprising kiss attack... But I kind of don't won't to put it behind me. It was... Nice." She said glancing at him her face slowly turning red. @Tazmodo
Damians face started to turn red. "Really I'm glad to hear that." He went back to normal. "Your so cute when you blush." He put his head down as well. "Does this mean we have a chance?"
Aylessa blushed more. "Shut up, it's not cute it's annoying..." She mumbled averting her eyes. "Yeah I guess..." She whispered. @Tazmodo
Damian smiled. "The more you blush the cuter it gets." He heard her whisper. "What I couldn't hear you could you say it again?" He said messing with her.
Aylessa hid her face in her hand trying to hide her blush. "I'm not repeating what I said!" She mumbled through her hands hoping her blush will go away. @Tazmodo
"Hey Cuties, you are for me now official together cuz you are cute." Sarah said walking with her pizza and two other pizza's. "Here Damian, Here Ay."
Damian took his pizza and smile. "Thanks. Are we eating here or back in the dorm?" He looked back at Aylessa. "I'm sorry you don't have to repeat yourself I heard what you said. I was just trying to mess with you. You can come out now."
Aylessa pulled her hands away from her face and took her pizza box. "Thanks Sarah." She said the blush still showing a little. "Meh." She mumbled. "I don't mind eating back at the dorms." @Tazmodo @Polefox @Raidenxp
" I say eat the dorms but we dont have to"he sayed taking his pizza and sat down next to Aylessa.Opening the box revealed a Hawaiian pizza with sasuage and James took the smell all in"Thats some good pizza"he said smiling now.

@Aero @Polefox @Tazmodo
Aylessa nodded and opened her pizza to make sure they got it right. "Yup this is right." She said and closed the box. "So we all agree on heading back to the dorms and eating?" She asked. @Tazmodo @Raidenxp @Polefox
Damian checked his box and nodded at the two. "That sounds good to me." He took a bite of one of his slices then put it back."

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