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Realistic or Modern Roommates

Waking up he got up but slowly and heard Aylessa mumble something but it didn't matter.Dressed now James decided to go to starbucks"Hey Aylessa im going to starbucks want anything"he said leaning down over her.

Aylessa turned over her eyes still close. "A grande hot chocolate with double whip please." Aylessa said opening her eyes slowly. @Raidenxp
"As you wish my princess"he said in the alfred voice again.Ready to go he snapped his fingers"My keys"he said walking back in and grabbing them."Sorry sleeping beauty I forgot my keys"he whispered when he saw Aylessa move around a little.Finally escaping the room with sleeping beauty he set off to Starbucks.

Aylessa smiled a bit and watched him leave. She sat up and stretched looking around the room. "Guess I'll take a shower." She mumbled and stood up walking to the bathroom. Once she was undressed she stepped in the shower, humming softly. @Raidenxp
Knocks on door and says in a deep monotone voice "have you got time for your lord and saviour Jesus Christ"
In the line of starbucks he saw his friend Leeroy and the first thing that came out of his mouth was"Wasuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup".While being joined by his friend they did there special handshake"Upstairs,down low,Dodge them haters"Dodge them haters,Yeet,Yeet,Yaw"he said doing the movements.After talking about life James finally got the coffee and left.Arriving at his room he realized he had to go pee like a mofo.Getting inside the room he walked into then realized Aylessa was in the shower and tried to slowy sneak out.

Aylessa washed up and turned the water off grabbing a towel that was beside the shower and wrapping it around her. She walked out and almost screamed but covered her mouth looking at James sneaking out of the bath room. She didn't say a word, she simply tighten her towel and grabbed another drying her hair. @Raidenxp
Seeing Aylessa get out the shower before he was able to leave he did a"I can explain"smile.Expecting to die now he said"Aylessa friend,homie,sister I can touc I mean explain"he said laughing nervously and scratching his head"So you wont have to kill me right".

As he was talking Aylessa continued drying her hair glaring at him a bit. "Okay then, explain. I would love to hear this explanation." She said and finished drying her hair, wrapping the second towel around her neck her hands on her hips. @Raidenxp
"Well you see I just came back from starbucks and I realized I had to take a massive piss and well you know the rest so im just gonna go"he said creeping towards the door and reaching for it.

Aylessa glared at him for a little while and sighed. "Fine I believe you but if you have to go next time, try using the one in the lobby." She said and shooed him out of the bathroom. "Now gooo so I can get dressed." @Raidenxp
"Already beat you to that"he said closing the door.Sitting on his bed now drinking his ice coffee he pulled out his phone and started playing music and got hyped real quick.Turning up all the way he some how he ended up with his shirt of and fell asleep on Aylessa's bed.

Aylessa sighed and brushed out her hair. Once dry she got dressed in a black t-shirt and blue jean shorts. Aylessa walked out of the bathroom putting her hair in a pony tail and looked at the shirtless sleeping James. She chuckled and turned off his music. Aylessa then walked over to her hot chocolate and started drinking it looking out the window. @Raidenxp
Hearing Aylessa exit he moved over slighty and looked at her looking out the window."Looking good"he said tiredly with one eye open"As usual though"he added smiling tiredly and leaned back over.Asleep again James moved a bit and flung his hand on Aylessa's arm.

Aylessa jumped a little when she heard James speak. 'I thought he was asleep.' She thinks and was about to respond until she noticed he fell asleep again. She smiled a little and rolled her eyes looking out the window again. When she felt his hand on her arm Aylessa looked back down at him and giggled. Aylessa set her hot chocolate down on the nearest surface and put James' arm back on the bed. @Raidenxp
Having his arm moved he turned facing the wall he started to talk."Bear is that you"he mumbled quietly then started moving a bit and hugged the pillow."Good boy good boy"he kept mumbling then stopped"Yay a teddy bear"he said a bit louder then started cuddling with the pillow"Oh her shes cool whaaaa well she is but just because shes cute doesnt mean I like her whaaa im serious...well ok maybe a little but"he mumbled then stopped and just stayed quiet.

Aylessa grabbed her hot chocolate before sitting down on James' bed watching him cuddle with the pillow and talk in his sleep. 'I wonder who he's talking about.' She thought sipping her hot chocolate. Once he stopped mumbling in his sleep she set her hot chocolate down and grabbed her laptop. Aylessa sat back down on his bed and began to look on random websites what to do. @Raidenxp
Still cuddling with the pillow inside James dream was rather odd.He was playing five nights at freddys 4 well in it to be more detailed he was in it and he was not about that life"Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"he cried while checking a door.Checking the closet is what scared him the most when he went to go check foxy was there after opening and closing doors foxy turned into a plushie.James being as real as he can get he threw the plushie out the window now James heres something behind him.After crying for a bit he turned on his thug life mode and turned around it was a mini nightmare freddy and it then zoomed into the darkness.James now not caring he burnt down the house"F that"he said walking away from the house.Then "CLANK"James fell of the bed landing head first he hit the sharp wood end of the bed with his arm and getting up it was bleeding a bit"Ow"James said before walking towards his bed then passing out on Aylessas lap.

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Aylessa finished her hot chocolate and set it on the table and continued playing with her laptop till she heard James say "ow!" She looked over at him seeing his arm was bleeding and set her laptop to the side. Once she did that's when she felt James on her lap and she blushed a bit. Aylessa careful moved James off her lap and went to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit. She walked back out and kneeled down on the floor in front of James and his bed. Aylessa started treating his arm wound starting by cleaning up the blood and put some alcohol on it. @Raidenxp
Being moved he woke up and grabbed his head"Aww man what happened".Looking at Aylessa come out with a bottle of alcohol and then he realized his arm.Before he even thought about looking he felt a sting in his arm and stiffened"Hey your cute I like cute girls"he said a bit tired to Aylessa though he didn't even know"Hey cutie your pretty good at this I mean a lot of people would do this but you do like a professional and maybe your just good out of skill or whatever but correct me if im wrong but do you want to be a nurse"he said still a bit dazed.

Aylessa continued fixing James cut trying not to laugh at the boy's behavior. She put a band aid on his cut and looked up at him. "Thank you for the compliment James. I don't believe I'm a professional at fixing a cut but thanks again and I don't want to be a nurse." She said giving a small smile. @Raidenxp
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"Its a shame you would of done great"he said while she was finishing his new scar."Thanks cutie and also you look like my friend Aylessa but shes more.....weelll not to be rude but beautiful than you"he said in his most kind and innocent voice and then gave her a small hug.Still down he started to feel a bit better and was back to normal"Uhh Aylessa thanks"he said giving Aylessa another hug.

Aylessa giggled a bit looking at James. "Thanks I'll think about." She said smiling and listen to what he had to say. She blushed when she called her beautiful, she was not use to the complement. When he was back to normal and hugging her Aylessa gave him a little hug back. "N-no problem." She said her face still red and warm. @Raidenxp
Letting Aylessa go he noticed her blushing and then blurted out"Your blushing awww so cute".Realizing what he said he was going tp try tp take it back but decided not to so he can see her reaction.While waiting the extreme headache knocked him off his feet and stumbled on to his bed"This headache is killing me"he said like he was about to pass out and maybe he was but he just relaxed on the bed.

Aylessa's blush deepen when he talked about her blush. She wasn't sure to say but then James fell back onto his bed talking about he had a headache. Aylessa stood up realizing she was done fixing his cut and looked away from him trying to hide her blush. "When did you get your headache?" She asked still not looking at him. @Raidenxp

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