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Realistic or Modern Roommates

Wendy sat up abruptly, she had accidentally fallen asleep. "Dammit," she whispered under her breath. Running back up to her room, she decided to grab her bag and go for a walk. She had heard several people talking about a cafe and she was asking around to see if anyone knew of its whereabouts. She could go for a good croissant right about now...
"Ahh, well that's interesting. I've been to Georgia before, and I would go back, but the mosquitos almost killed me" He laughs and leans against the wall next to the line of people.

"As far as ancestry goes, nowadays everything is mixed up" He takes his wallet out of his pocket as they inch nearer to the cashier.

@sarahbella (sorryy for the short post)
|| Aylessa Kyo ||

Aylessa chuckled a bit listening to James sing. Once he came over to her she looked at James shaking her head. "N-no I'm not bored. Beside I don't dance." She said and looked back at the ceiling with a yawn. She felt bad turning down her new roomie since he looked pretty excited to dance with her but she doesn't know how to dance and she didn't want to embarrass herself on the first day of bunking with James. @Raidenxp
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James Rite

"What do you mean you dont dance come on"he said pulling her up."Come on just copy me"he said doing a small and easy move and motioning for her to copy.

Theo Matthews

The tall boy stood happily watching as Neveah became more excited about her music. Theo hadn't known whether or not she would be willing to share more with him, but he was happy that she had decided to. He actually was really serious when he said that he had like her music, he had never heard anything like it before and to have watched the girl turn the simple vocal melody into a full fledged song, it was amazing to him. The left side of his mouth began quirking up in a smile as he grabbed the red headphones from the girl. Placing them over his ears he looked straight at Neveah as the music began to play. It started off with a violin and piano, it was pretty yet it held a certain energy that seemingly whispered of what was to come. As the song progressed Theo listened happily as more and more traces of dub step sounds were incorporated. It was really good, one of those songs that you listen to over and over again because you just can't get enough of it and how electrified it makes you feel. As the song ended Theo raised his eyebrows and slowly removed the headphones, staring at Neveah. "You did this?" He asked amazed. "I cannot believe you made that." He stood gaping at the girl.


Neveah Jacobs

Neveah looked at Theo while the song was playing, a little nervous to see what he would think. She could tell that as the song went on he seemed more and more into it, she started messing with it a little bit messing with the volume at certain points emphasizing either the singing or the different elements in the music. Once the song was over she looked at Theo, at first when he took the headphones off slowly and looked at her. The fact that he actually wanted to hear it, was enough that she wanted his honest opinion on it. When he asked her how she did it, she shrugged her shoulders. "It's not too difficult, plus with that I got to use a different program so that's why the sound is a lot more defined" she figured she was babbling on too much, "So what should we do now" she looked up at him

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|| Aylessa Kyo ||

Aylessa watched James show her a dance move and sighed. 'This guy does not take no for an answer.' She thought and copied his move but, it was like a robot trying to dance. "Okay there I dance, can I go back to my bed now?" She said awkwardly with a small blush. @Raidenxp
"Hmmm let me guess you not so great at dancing"he said looking at her dance and her annoyed attitude."Dont worry your secrets safe with me but first lets learn how to dance"he said then noticing the small blush on her face"Huh kinda......cute"he thought to himself then realized he was staring and looked away."Anyway question what is your favorite dance move or dance"he said putting his arm around her neck.

|| Aylessa Kyo ||

Aylessa felt her cheeks become warm from the small blush and looked away trying to hide it from James hoping he hadn't seen it already. She gave a small nod still not looking at James when he offered to help her dance. Aylessa never tried dancing, being on the street and bouncing from orphanage to orphanage she never had a chance to. Aylessa jumped a little from the sudden contact but soon relaxed once more getting use to James physical contact. "I dunno, I wasn't really into dancing as a kid. What kind of dance styles are there?" She asked. @Raidenxp
He saw Aylessa blush some more and giggled and answered"Well theres Disco,Street,Freestyle,and Classic"smiling at her.Then he walked over to his latop and said"You might want to learn something simple"he sat down and looked at her."But you can chose what kind of dance style you want to do first"he started pen tapping and huming a song in his head.

|| Aylessa Kyo ||

Once Aylessa's blush went away she looked back at James by his laptop. "I guess Freestyle. It sounds easier than the others." She said rubbing her arm a bit. @Raidenxp
"Your right you really werent into dancing well if I teach you freestyle you have to keep up cause its hard"he said doing a little dubstep beat with his pens."If you've ever seen a person dance to a dubstep song you know its like the robot but more faster and extreme"he said pulling up a video then doing a hand motion for Aylessa to come over here.

|| Aylessa Kyo ||

Aylessa sighed. "Is there any easy dance style?" She mumbled and walked over beside James looking at his laptop screen. "What's dubstep?" Aylessa asked tilting her head a bit. @Raidenxp
"Wait you dont know what dubstep is"he said astonished"Never heard of Skrillex or dubstep remixes"turning to his computer he types in Skrillex First of Year on youtube and started the video.

|| Aylessa Kyo ||

Aylessa looked at him with a blank face. "Am I suppose to know what a Skrillex is?" She asked looking at him then back at his laptop leaning over his shoulder curious her cheek close next to him. @Raidenxp
"Have you at least heard of him"he said then started blushing on how close they were"Heres one of the songs he made"pointing to the screen.Right when he pointed to the screen the beat dropped"That drop tho"he said bobbing his head"You have to at least tell me you heard of something like this before"he looked at her then looked back at the screen with his face red as a rose.

|| Aylessa Kyo ||

Aylessa shook her head a little. "Never heard of him." She said watching the screen listening to the song. "Hm, I think I have heard some music like this." Aylessa said nodding her head to the beat. "I like this." She saod giving a small smile. @Raidenxp
"Oh cool well if you want to party you can use my laptop"he said giving Aylessa a thumbs up."Only if you dont want to buy a dj though"going to his dubstep album and sliding it to her"If you want to you can listen to my dubstep"he said smiling as wide as usual.

|| Aylessa Kyo ||

Aylessa nodded putting his laptop on her lap looking at the screen. She was no longer really close next to him, she looked around at his album to see a song that pops out at her. "Hm." She mumbled. @Raidenxp
"Well why you listen to my jams im just do a few things"he said walking out the door.Walking through the hallway James pulled out his car keys and started spinning them in his finger laughing.Getting in his car now he set his GPS to Baskin Robins and started driving.
|| Aylessa Kyo ||

Aylessa nodded and set down his laptop on his bed. She got up and grabbed her earbuds. Aylessa sat back down on James' bed putting his laptop on her lap once more. She plugged her ear buds into his laptop and put it into her ears. She continued scrolling until picking one song. She laid back on the bed with the laptop on her stomach. @Raidenxp
Arriving at his destination he got out the car and walked inside.Since today is a hot day he decided to get something cold.He didnt want to leave Aylessa out he bought one for her to though it took him a while to figure out what to get but he got her cookies and cream.Paying the man and walking back to his car he unlocked the door and put the ice cream in the passenger seat in the shade.Arriving back at the dorms he walked up the stairs and entered the building and started to spin his room key in one hand.Walking inside he sees Aylessa laying on his bed listening to his album"Break time"he sat down next to her putting the ice cream down in front of her.

|| Aylessa Kyo ||

Aylessa stopped the music and sat up. She took her ear buds out and gave a small smile. "Thanks." She said and took the ice cream her smile growing. "Cookies and cream! My favorite!" She said and started eating the ice cream sighing happily. @Raidenxp
"Your welcome and I stand corrected cookies and cream always win"he said eating his choclate ice cream.Stuffing his face into his ice cream he had a beard like Chuck Norris"Enjoying the ice cream"he said with the giant ice cream beard.

Aylessa nodded eating her ice cream. She looked up at James and blinked tilting her head. Aylessa couldn't help but to laugh a little. "You have a little something everywhere." She said chuckling. @Raidenxp

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