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Realistic or Modern Roommates

Damian smiled. "That's so sweet. I recordered every bit of it. Even the tid bit afterwards." He put his phone back in his pocket.
"Dare for days"he said to her raising a eyebrow.Looking at Sarah's smile"Feeling lucky much"he said commenting on her smile while doing a small smile.

"Not that bad"he said to himself getting up to go and grabbing his phone.At the door he heard Sarah a say something and looked back"What was that"he said to her with one of his cool but small smiles.

"I said, I love you James, you do to, do you?" she glanced at him and wanted to kiss that lips of him again.
Aylessa chuckled at James and Sarah's awkward kiss trying to push down the want to throw a pillow at them. She tried to hide it well knowing that her new friends were smart and would figure out she was feeling uncomfortable if she did anything weird. Aylessa sat and watched as Sarah gave James his dare and a little extra information. Aylessa squeezed her pillow not too much but a small amount to make a tiny crease in the pillow as she waited for James' answer. @Raidenxp @Tazmodo @Polefox
"Oh ok want me to get something for you guys"he said looking in and out the door.While looking he saw Aylessa looking well James dont know what to call it but out of character"I wonder whats wrong with her"he wondered.

@Polefox @Aero
"I believe it's ten something. I can go for some food as well." Aylessa said with a small shrug. She thought about what she wanted for a minute pushing the whole love you thing aside. @Polefox @Tazmodo @Raidenxp
Damian yawned. "I'm hungry too. Anyways I'm just glad we got passed all the awkwardness." He leaned on Alyssa. "I'm hungry what should we get."
Tazmodo said:
Damian yawned. "I'm hungry too. Anyways I'm just glad we got passed all the awkwardness." He leaned on Alyssa. "I'm hungry what should we get."
"I'm up for anything really, but I'm also craving for something with meat." Aylessa said scraching her chin trying to think of what to eat. @Raidenxp @Polefox
"Oh god no"he said to himself"Do you want uhhh Chipotle"he added looking at Aylessa.Having a few girlfriends before he learned that it takes almost the whole day to figure out what they want to eat"Damian back me up here think of a restraunts or fast food"he looked at Damian snapping his fingers thinking of other things.

@Aero @Tazmodo @Polefox
"I just want Pizza, boy," Sarah smiled at James and throwed up some money. "I'll pay for you all, let's go to pizzahut." She said and stood up.
"To the car!" Sarah smiled. "Sorry, My parents gave me 100.000,–, the millionaires." She said running to the car. "I'm getting my jacket!"
Damian got up. "What kind of pizza. My favorite is Hawaiian. How about you?" He said to Alyssa. @Aero (sorry guys I had no wifi or data but I got my phone bill paid and I'm at my dads so I got wifi)
Aylessa got up and stretched her arms in the air. "I like a meat pizza, pepperoni, bacon, ham, you name it. But since it's not a healthy choice I usually just do pepperoni." She said and walked over next to Damian. @Raidenxp @Polefox

Tazmodo said:
Damian got up. "What kind of pizza. My favorite is Hawaiian. How about you?" He said to Alyssa. @Aero (sorry guys I had no wifi or data but I got my phone bill paid and I'm at my dads so I got wifi)
Aero said:
Aylessa got up and stretched her arms in the air. "I like a meat pizza, pepperoni, bacon, ham, you name it. But since it's not a healthy choice I usually just do pepperoni." She said and walked over next to Damian. @Raidenxp @Polefox
Damian smiled. "That's a close second. Anything with meat is good." He playfully bumped into her.
Tazmodo said:
Damian smiled. "That's a close second. Anything with meat is good." He playfully bumped into her.
Aylessa chuckled and nodded. "Yeah. Hawaiian pizza is pretty good too." She said grabbing a hoodie and wrapping it around her waist.
Aero said:
Aylessa chuckled and nodded. "Yeah. Hawaiian pizza is pretty good too." She said grabbing a hoodie and wrapping it around her waist.
"Well im glad you like it." He tickled her sides. "What do you guys want?" He ask the other two. "You two lovebirds might just share bites." He said jokingly. He was still tickling Alyssa.
Tazmodo said:
"Well im glad you like it." He tickled her sides. "What do you guys want?" He ask the other two. "You two lovebirds might just share bites." He said jokingly. He was still tickling Alyssa.
Aylessa tried her best to hold in the laughter but after a minute she gave in and was laughing. She couldn't even feel uncomfortable with the idea of Sarah and James together she just laughed. @Raidenxp @Polefox @Tazmodo
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