Roommates! [Inactive]

His eye were red and hurted him a lot, he rubbed it a little. ''I dunno...I woke up like..this.'' He said panting slightly. He coughed a few times before pushing her away,''don't come close..I probably got sick yesterday.'' he said coughing a few times more.
"Sick from what? I was with you quite a lot yesterday," Eri said, taking a small step back. She leaned against the counter and looked at Kyle with a worried expression.
Kyle leaned on the counter, ''I have no id...'' he suddenly felt like vomitting his guts. He ran outside like a mad man before barfing everything next to the entrance.
Eri winced where she stood, knowing exactly what Kyle had run off to do. She waiting inside for him, figuring he didn't want her to see him like that.
Kyle walked back in after wiping his mouth slightly, he didn't like the state he was in. He walked back inside and noticed Eri, he didn't want to be burden to her for now. He looked down at the floor, ''I'll go take a shower..'' he said. He started walking back up to his room and took a quick shower. He walked out of hs washroom with a towel, he felt too hot to wear a shirt and only wore a pair of sport shorts. He sat on his bed not feeling right but eventually dozed off once on his bed.
Eri roamed around the dorms for a while to give Kyle some space. After a while, she ended up walking quietly into his room and sitting at the dye of his bed. She watched him for a moment and smiled. He looked better than he had earlier, and his hair was still damp. She grabbed her book and read there until he woke up.
Kyle woke up feeling slightly better, he still had a headache and felt his body temperature higher. He look next to him Eri reading, He groaned in annoyance trying to stand up but in capable.
"Need anything?" Eri asked, having heard him groan in attempt to sit up. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. She could feel the heat radiating off of him too.
Kyle sighted, '' No thank you..'' he said closing his head and resting it on his pillow. He opened one eye and looked at her book, ''What you reading?'' he asked .
Eri shrugged. "It's just some fantasy book I grabbed from the shelves. It's pretty good," she replied with a small smile.
Kyle smiled slightly, ''You like books don't you?'' he said shifting his eyes to the window. He didn't feel like staying here all day just because he was sick. He even skipped classe to have fun and here he ended up staying in bed and waste his time. He sighted out of boredom.
Eri nodded. "Yeah every now and then. Sometimes I just don't have the time to read them," she admitted. IF there was one thing she enjoyed shopping for, it was food and clothes.
He pushed himself up growing tired of resting, he felt a bit better. He threw his legs from the bed and stretched but sat back on his bed wincing when he felt light headed. ''Wanna do something? i don't feel like staying here.'' he said smiling
Kyle stood up walking towards his closet, he grabbed a casual tshirt and wore it. He looked back at her, ''Ready to go? '' he asked slightly smiling on the smile.
"Yeah, sure." She followed Kyle out of his room to the motorcycle. They rode together to town again where a bunch of shops lined the streets.
Kyle parked his motorcycle at the corner of a street. Shoving his keys in his pocket we bowed to Eri playfully, ''My dear Lady, Shall I escort you to any shops that picks your interest?'' he said leaning his arm for her to hold on to.
Eri laughed and picked a clothing store that seemed to have a lot of things that fit her style. She had Kyle pick out a few himself and she tried them all on. She fell in love with a soccer tank top, because it was her favorite sport, and a hoodie.
Kyle looked at Eri changing, he liked every piece on her, they all fitted her curves perfectly. He had tried a few items on him, but didn't like them very much. He took her soccer tank top she practically fell in love with at first sight(and that he loved seeing her wear it.) and the hoodie and went at the cashier to buy for her. ''It's your day today, I'll buy you anything..'' he said smiling at her. He liked cherishing her with gifts and since he was feeling generous today, might as well buy her stuff she liked.
Eri blushed. "I don't want you spending a bunch of money on me, okay? You already got me that really expensive dress," she said with a shy smile, meeting his gaze with hers.
Kyle chuckled removing his card from the machine, he took the shopping bags and looked at her chuckling. ''Hey.. I feel like it. You won't change my mind.'' he said chuckling and walking out of the store, ''And I have gallore money, and I don't see the point on spending on me.''
"I guess so," Eri said, walking into another store, this time it was more dressy. She needed more dresses so she picked a few purple and black ones she liked.
"Oh was it really?" He laughed and raised an eyebrow, smiling. "I can top it I'm sure." An idea popped into his head. "Are there any lakes around here?"

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