Roommates! [Inactive]

Charlie grinned. "Really? Aww" He blushed a little, and laughed quietly. "Cute." He waited a moment. "Alright... What's the worst thing anyone has ever said to you?"
"That I was underlying scum of the sewers and that I should have never existed." Miki said. She was starting to get a bit sad, all the memories that she had lived though bubbling to the surface.
"Well they were wrong. You're definitely not scum and I'm pretty damn glad you exist." He smiled at her reassuringly. "Whats the nicest thing anyone has said to you?" He decided to take the questions two at a time. "What makes you happiest?"
Charlie laughed. "It's true though, you do look cute frustrated. If you could see it you would know, so don't question it." He grinned at her, and layed his legs on her lap, its not like he was heavy. He looked at her as if to ask if she minded, then continued the questions. "Favourite song? And your favourite book?"
"I think I've heard that.. Miku right? My friend liked that song." He smiled at her choice of favourite book. "What job do you want to do when you're older? Where would you want to do it?"
"I want to be either a animator or a writer, with some voice acting on the side." Miki said. She smiled at her crazy dream before tickling his feet.
Charlie grabbed at her hands to stop while laughing, squirming about. He was extremely ticklish. "So cruel!" He pouted when she stopped, and he removed his feet from her reach by sitting cross legged again. "Whats your favourite memory? Like ever." He grinned at her.
Charlie blushed, his smile turning into a grin. For a moment he was speechless. "I'm glad I made your favourite memory," he said, and then looked at the floor. "Last question. What's the darkest thing in your past?" He wished he didn't ask it straight away but it was out in the open and he couldn't exactly take it back now.
"The fact that I lived in the dark though divorce and no friends for years." Miki said. She looked downwards a bit at those words.
Charlie smiled sympathetically at her and grabbed her hand. "Well you're still here today, and you lived through it, and you have friends now, and everything is okay, and if it isn't then it will be. And don't you say it won't because I know that it will." Charlie didn't have a clue what he was saying, the words were coming out of his mouth, but he meant every single one of them.
"Thanks." Miki said. She rubbed her thumb on the back of his hand. She smiled at him, her ears all perked and happy.
He smiled back at her and leaned back. "Now, do you wanna ask me questions or shall I remain mysterious?" He laughed a little, and pulled a mocking serious face.
"You can remain mysterious as long as you want." Miki said, she readjusted herself to sit next to him. She leaned on his side, her tail brushing his leg.
"Ha, well more mysterious that me." Miki said. She flicked her ear, brushing his arm with the tip of her ear.
"oh yes so mysterious." He pretended to be looking off into the sunset. "If of all words of tongue and pen,

The saddest are, "It might have been,"

More sad are these we daily see:

'It is, but hadn't ought to be.'" He quoted, pretending to be serious.
Kyle had slept till lunch time, he wasn't feeling quite well. Eri wasn't there when he woke up, he coughed a few times before standing up. He felt somehow dizzy and sweaty.
"Your cute when you quote things." Miki said. She looked into his eyes and kissed him with no hesitation.
Conner was coming down after feeding Gypsy and gave her a good petting. He came down, only to see Charlie and Miki kissing. Feeling incredibly awkward, Conner walks out the door to continue having a look around the campus.
Eri had woken up before Kyle, and had already eaten something for breakfast earlier. She was in the kitchen reading a book on the kitchen table, immersed in the book and its story. Her ears twitched occasionally.
Kyle walked out of the room,inside his head it felt like some dwarf was hammering his brain. His walk was awkward and when descended the stairs, he ended up stumbling the last few steps for the 3rd time that week. He stood back up tiredly mumbling a few curses under his breath and panting. He felt hot and his skin was moist with sweat. He walked down the hall towards the kitchen, he tried eating but it just wouldn't swallow.
Eri's ears flicked at the sound of footsteps in the kitchen. She turned around to see a pretty pale Kyle. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked, standing from the table and walking over to him cautiously.

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