Roommates! [Inactive]

It was awful not knowing what to say to her, but the silence wasn't uncomfortable. He reached out a hand and moved a stray hair from her face softly. He wanted to show her more of his magic but... He didn't want to ruin the moment.
Miki smiled and touched his hand. She looked at him with this funny smile on her face. She giggled a bit and leaned into his hand.
Charlie leant down and kissed her again, short and sweet. He smiled. Staying with her till she fell asleep, Charlie was in Heaven. When she did fall asleep, he silently walked back to his own room, fell onto his bed, and fell asleep fully clothed and grinning.

(Sorry i really have to go :( bleh, but see ya :3 )
Miki loved the kiss. Short, but sweet. She smiled and laid down. She soon fell asleep with him sitting next to her.

(See ya!)
Charlie woke up, still happy, and walked around the room with a dim light in his hand that wouldn't disturb his roommate. He went and showered, then got dressed into his uniform. It was very early in the morning, but Charlie had slept so much yesterday he didn't really care. He walked outside and sat underneath a tree to watch the sunrise, bringing his book with him, but not reading it until he'd fully taken in the view.
Conner sat petting Gypsy. He didn't have to punish her, being stuffed down his shirt was bad enough. After a while, he stopped and got ready for bef, this time setting his alarm.
Charlie went inside after the sun rose. It was nothing compared to the ones in New Orleans, but still beautiful. He got his laptop from his room and an apple from the kitchen, and collapsed on the couch in the living room. Opening his laptop, he prepared to watch some awful horror film for like the fifth time until someone woke up. He began to watch Saw with his earphones in.
Conner's alarm went off. Roling over to turn it off, Conner slowly gets out of bed. Why did school have to start so early. Getting dressed and ready for the day, Conner walks into the common room with his eyes nearly shut, ears back, and tail almost dragging. Seeing Charlie, he mummbles a "Mornin" before going into the kitchen to get something to eat.
Miki woke up to the morning sun. She smiled like and idiot and got out of bed. She opened the door and walked down, spying Charlie on the couch. "Mornin." She said, grabbing a bagel.
"Mornin." Conner mumbled as Miki came in. He was staring into an open cabinet, not really seeing what was there but knowing it was food. Finally he grabbed some Captain Crunch a bowl and some milk. Walking over to a table, Conner sits down and begins to eat.
Miki toasted her bagel and sat next to Charlie. She poked his nose, smiling at him. She took a bite of bagel as she watched the stupid horror movie.
Charlie grinned at her and took an earphone out and paused his movie on one of the less gorey scenes. "morning" He said to her and nodded his greetings to Conner. Charlie took a bite of his apple, which he had neglected due to being immersed in watching the Lotus trap.
Charlie hadn't realised, he looked out of the window. "I guess it is." He looked at her and smiled, then closed his laptop down. (sorry for being gone for so long there was pizza involved)
Miki smiled at him and licked the butter of her lip. She placed her plate down on the table and turned back to him. She giggled and stared into his eyes.
Charlie took another bite of his apple and looked back at her. He swallowed his apple and grinned again. Eye contact made him nervous, but he kept it anyway. He assumed a really serious face, looking at her blankly, then wiggled his eyebrows at her. Wow, A+ for you friend, he thought to himself. "How'd you sleep?" he asked
(Yay time skip!) Charlie walked in after the exhausting day of school and went upstairs to get changed. He put on a gray shirt and black jeans, then walked downstairs and into the kitchen. He looked in the fridge.
Miki walked out of her room with some sweatpants and a baggy t shirt. She poked his back before sitting on the couch. She smiled and turned on the tv.
Charlie turned around and looked at her. "If I get any more homework I am not gonna hesitate to blow the school up." He sighed and closed the fridge with his foot as he poured some orange juice for himself. "Like my potions homework is extremely undo-able." He leant against the kitchen side and drank a bit of his juice.
"Well I already finished mine. Do you think I actually listen?" Miki said. She smiled at him before turning back to the tv.
"Anime." Miki said. She curled her knees to her chest and continued to watch. She smiled and looked back at him.

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