Roommates! [Inactive]

Charlie knocked on her door quietly, Then leaned against the wall to wait for her response. She was probably writing again, she enjoyed that. Charlie smiled a little to himself and put his hands in his pockets.
Charlie opened her door and walked in, then shut it again. He sat down on the bed that was taken, Kyle's he thought it was. He looked at Miki, unsure of what to say, he just wanted to come. He pulled up his legs so he was sat cross legged on the bed.
He looked at her katanas, and told himself that getting on the wrong side of her is fatal. "I er... I just wanted to thank you for earlier. Just for saying that you won't tell anyone.." He looked anywhere but in her eyes.
"Your welcome." Miki said. She noticed him looking at her boobs. "Eyes are up here." She said, glaring at him.
"Fanfictions, roleplay, novels. It really depends." Miki said. She looked up at him though her big glasses. She smiled at him.
"Ah but, what are you writing now." He laughed. She looked cute like this, glasses, messy hair. Charlie smiled to himself, and had a great idea. Pulling out his mini sketchpad and pencil from his pocket, that was always there much to his disgust, being that its uncomfortable to sleep on, he flipped to a new page and leaned back a bit.
"Yeah. If you want to see." Miki said. She pulled up the drawing on her laptop and turned it around. "It was the first thing I drew here." The picture was of Rin and Len with there faces smushed together.
He looked at it and grinned. "That's really good," he laughed. "I used to draw anime but I moved onto real people." He started to draw her again, shading in her hair and ears and all the appropriate features on her face.
Miki smiled and went back to her writing. She concentrated on the love scene she was writing. She got frustrated when she couldn't get it right.
Charlie grinned to see her frustrated. "I'd help you but I'm useless at anything to do with writing." That and you look cute frustrated, he thought, and was nearly finished with his drawing.
Charlie closed his sketchbook, and put it on his lap. He watched her growing more and more frustrated, a grin spreading across his face. He leant back against the wall.
He just let it go. "Youre cute when youre frustrated." He shrugged, trying not to notice his cheeks were feeling a little red. He relaxed his body posture a bit more.
Charlie smiled, and looked down at the floor. He was the happiest he'd been in a while, comfortable, relaxed. She sent out this vibe to him that everything was okay, made him believe that for a while everything could be. He watched her silently, liking the silence but not knowing what to say to her at the same time.
Miki hurriedly went back to her writing. She stared at the blank page for a few seconds before realizing she was at a complete blank. She smacked her forehead and leaned backwards. "Ita." Was all she said as she rubbed the spot on her forehead.

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