Roommates! [Inactive]

Charlie laughed at her, then thought of a few words of wisdom to help her through her writers block. "If you get stuck, get away from your desk. Take a walk, take a bath, go to sleep, make a pie, draw, listen to music, meditate, exercise; whatever you do, don't just stick there scowling at the problem" He grinned at her.
Charlie blushed and looked away. He was gonna do something stupid if he kept looking at her. Like offer to kiss her head better or something. Charlie didnt want to seem like a creep...
Miki looked at him strait in the eyes. "Something wrong." She said. She was inches away from his face, her hair falling over her eyes.
Charlie bit his lip. Someone had once told him to live in the moment. Her face was inches away. He closed his eyes for a second and gathered as much courage as he could. He kissed her.
Alexander was laying in his bed for about half an hour trying to sleep but just couldn't get himself to. The room seemed really hot plus the voices his sensitive ears picked up weren't helping. He walked out of the room after putting on his hoodie, which would seem to do the opposite of getting cool, so that his Neko ears weren't seen. For some reason the idea was instilled in him that he would be made fun of for that even though there were a ton of other Nekos running around the school. In fact, he had just been with a few of them that night when running around. He walked down to the living room and laid on the couch in weird positions while sort of doing stretches all while in the dark.

His mind wondered around from the relationships he saw forming to school and back to the relationships. They were quite cute to him, to be honest. Sort of made him wish to be in one, though he knew that wasn't happening for a while. Quickly he changed his thoughts before going into depressed hopeless romantic mode and kept flopping around on the couch.
Miki's eyes widened in surprise. She surprised herself even more when she closed her eyes and kissed him back. When they broke away she hid under her covers, her tail poking out.
Charlie blushed and looked down at the floor, a smile plastered onto his face. He laughed at Mikis hiding, and her tail poking out. She was so cute... And she'd kissed him back!
"Nothing," He was still grinning. Still looking at the floor. He was tempted to go and remove the covers from her face, but he didnt wanna move. Afraid that if he moved he'd snap out of it. It'd be a dream.
Miki poked her head out a bit, her ears showing over the edge of the covers. She twitched her ears and looked at him. "Are you trying to stare a hole in the ground?" She said.
"Maybe I can burrow to Australia." He laughed and looked up at her. So cute, thought, why would she want to kiss me back? she didnt, she felt she had to. the voice in his head whispered, he ignored it, nothing was going to ruin his mood.
"Well good luck because by my calculations you'll melt by the time you get there." Miki said. She smiled at him, moving her covers away.
"So practical." He laughed, suddenly he had an urge to show her what he could do. He didn't know... He didn't want to weird her out. He grinned at her. "Can I show you something?"
Miki smiled. "Sure I like interesting things." Miki said. She flicked her tail across her lap in anticipation.
"Okay please dont like freak out or anything." He lifted his hand up and concentrated, an orb of light appeared. He smiled to himself, then looked at Miki nervously.
He grinned, she didn't think he was a freak! He changed the light into an orb of fire, and then put it out with his other hand, water. Finally, came Earth, and he tried to do something he'd never done before. Before he did it, though... "Whats your favourite colour?"
From the hand where the water came from, Charlie produced a turquoise rose. He hadn't pinned himself as the romantic type, but there was always time for surprising ones self. He gave her the rose, blushing a little.
Miki looked at him, strait in the eyes. She smiled. She didn't care if it was late, she never wanted this to end.

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