Roommates! [Inactive]

"Not so familiar with that one." He grinned at her purring, he'd heard Neko's had sensitive ears. "Ive watched Corpse Party.. Another..." He scrunched up his face trying to remember. "Soul eater and Deathnote, but not all the way through. And er, some others that my friend made me watch."
Conner walked into the common room, and noticed Charlie and Miki sitting in front of the TV. Trying not to seem like he was sneaking into the kitchen, which he was trying to do, Conner grabs some raw beef. This would be Gypsy's food, she was probably hungry and would make noise if she had to. Now trying to sneak upstairs with the beef, Conner hopes those two would stay in their little world long enough for him to escape without being seen.
"Well you have watched about every violent popular anime to date." Miki said. She smiled and twitched her ears.
"What can I say." He laughed and carried on playing with her hair. "I really like horror and violence." He laughed to himself. He couldn't go a week without watching some kind of horror movie.
Miki giggled and flicked her tail. She looked at him. "I don't bite you know." Miki said, basically signaling to come sit next to her.
Charlie had scrunched up his nose when she flicked her tail across it, but then grinned after wards. He sat cross legged facing her. "Okay.. First question to you..." He thought of a question. "Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?" He laughed.
"Whats your least favorite movie?" He asked, this was question two. He was already struggling on which questions weren't lame, too personal and so on.
"How to train your dragon. And yes I am in to animated children's movies." Miki said. She laughed a bit at the thought of what he would say, but brushed it aside.
"Who isn't into animated kids movies?" He laughed, thinking of disney and dreamworks and studio ghibli. "Question 3," he smiled, "When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?"
He blinked back at her. "Do you believe in ghosts?" He layed backwards on the couch so that his back was on it but his legs were still bent at the knee.
"Nope. Don't believe crap I can't see." Miki said. She had never been religious and probably never would.
He grinned, he didn't know what he'd expected. "Tea or coffee?" Charlie's questions were so lame, but he was just coming up with random ones in his head, and he just didn't wanna be too personal. Maybe he'd ask a personal one to get her thinking and really get to know her, but he didn't want to make her uncomfortable.
Charlie considered this. "How old were you when you had your first kiss? Who with? That counts as two questions." He'd asked 9 so far. Eleven left... He looked at her to see if she was getting bored.

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