Roommates! [Inactive]

"Sounds fun." Miki said. She smiled at him and gave him a peck. "I'll go change." She said. Miki got up and grabbed her bikini, changing in the bathroom. "Ready." she said as she came back down.
"Easy enough." Miki said. She put on her shoes and opened the door. She turned to the right and headed towards the bridge.
Charlie followed her happily. As she lead the way, he watched her from the back, her tail swishing with every step. He laughed a little to himself and grabbed her hand as they walked.
Miki smiled and swung there hands as they walked. She smiled at him as she walked. When they reached the bridge she turned right and walked towards the shore.
Charlie followed her lead, smiling, and when they got there he was speechless. The lake was large, there was no denying that, but it was the trees around it that made it something that stuck out to him. The light from the slowly setting sun was dancing on it softly. "Wow."
"Yeah. It's really calm here." Miki said. She smiled and squeezed his hand, tugging him towards the water. She giggled a bit, placing her stuff by a tree on the shore.
Charlie laughed when he hit the water. Even though he was fully clothed he didn't really care. He loved water. He looked at Miki, feigning angriness. "You're gonna get what you deserve Miki, just you wait." He grinned at her as he concentrated on the water, waiting till she didn't expect it.
Miki laughed at him. She rolled on to her back and started going into fits of laughter. That was until she felt the water bubble a bit.
A wave of water came splashing over Miki, as Charlie laughed. When she recovered from it, he laughed even more. Her face was priceless. He began to swim away from her before she could splash him back.
Miki swam after Charlie. She grabbed him by the shoulders and dunked him under. She laughed, releasing his shoulders so he could breathe.
When he came up for air he laughed, turning to face her. "Okay you got me back! We're even!" He laughed. He'd get her again when she least expected it, but not now. His shirt was clinging to his thin body, and he probably looked like a drowned rat right now seen as he'd been dunked.
"Your face. It looks cool in the sunset." Miki said. At this point she had no regrets, although her cheeks were still a bit pink.
"That depends. Do you want to lose?" Miki asked. She darted towards the island, reaching there in 10 seconds. She hauled herself up on the shore, breathing heavily.
Charlie wasnt so far behind, but by the time he got to the island, she was breathing heavily and had won. "If i had known you could swim that fast, i may have reconsidered the whole race thing." He laughed a little and got himself up on the shore. He wasnt so out of breath.
"I'm not gonna lie, I thought that Neko's would hate swimming." He shrugged his shoulders. "I have been proved wrong." He laughed a little to himself and considered taking off his shirt, it was making him uncomfortable.

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