Roommates! [Inactive]

Kyle walked out of the changing room after trying out a few clothes. He liked a dark colored blue veston that he wore with a black V neck shirt. He had black pants. He walked towards Eri who seemed hesitating between two dresses. ''I like that short purple dress better.'' he said smirking.

"Okay, I guess I'll get it then," Eri said with a smile. She changed out of the purple dress into her normal outfit. She came out with the dress on the hanger and paired it with some sandals she found.
Once she came out, he went behind her and just grinned at the mirror in front of him, he liked how they looked together. He kissed Eri on the cheek sweetly, ''I swear you look amazing in anything you wear.'' he said smiling, he felt a bit tired but being with made him feel better.
Eri blushed and kissed him back on the lips briefly. "Thank you, handsome," she quipped, looking at them in the mirror for a moment before heading to the checkout. She was incredibly happy to be with Kyle, and smiled at the thought every time.
His lips burned with the touch, he was craving for more, but he couldn't do anything here. He wasn't the kind to show exaggerated affection in public. The compliment she always gave him brought heat to his face, he felt proud somehow. He walked into the changing room and checked out the items. Eri was looking at some jewel vitrina while waiting for him. He walked beside her, ''What you looking at?'' he asked quite curious.
Eri glanced at Kyle briefly before turning to look back at the jewelry. "Just browsing. I'm not a huge jewelry fan but i love necklaces and anklets," she said, studying some of the delicate chains that were hanging on the hooks.
He looked at the necklaces, he spotted one that she seemed interested in but immediately shifted his eyes to the new batch of watches that were in display. Wide eye he looked at the new Bulova model, a black mate colored with silver inside. He was practically drooling at the vitrina, ''I want...this.'' he said amazed.
Eri laughed softly, watching his face as he admired the watch. She took it off the vitrina and handed it to him. "You have the money and it matches everything you've bought today. Buy it," she suggested with a smile.
Kyle chuckled, ''You look more like you are ordering me to buy it,'' he said smirking, tho he didn't mind, it was a nice watch. He tried it on and looked at it in the air. Yup..That's for me. He said while handing it to the jewellers. He commented on how it was the new model and how it was a special edition, Kyle really didn't care. He just took the watch while exiting the store, but before he looked at the necklace Eri was staring at. I'll come back here sometime soon. He said smiling while replacing his old watch with this one.
"What next? Are you well enough to eat, because I haven't had lunch yet," Eri mentioned as they strolled out of the store. She looked at Kyle's new watch and nodded in approval. "Nice."
He took her hand in his, ''Well, I know that nice restaurant next to the beach if you want?'' he said walking down the street still looking at his watch. He always liked those stuff, he had a drawer with any of them. He wasn't collecting them..It was more like earings for girls.
"Yeah! That sounds like the perfect combo. Beach and food," Eri replied, walking with him. She glanced down at her new sandals with a smile and soon enough they arrived at the restaurant and got a table for two out on the deck facing the water.
After ordering their food, he looked at the ocean in deep thoughts. It always fascinated how he could never see the other-side of it. When he was young, his mother would always bring him here and talk about different cultures, they would stay until dawn admiring the unknown over there. He sighted in nostalgia, '' Have you ever been on the other side?'' he asked pointing at the ocean
Eri looked out at the ocean with a small smile. "No, I haven't. To be quite honest I have trouble going out deep at all alone. Sharks," Eri stated with a shudder.
Kyle laughed, ''No like those other countries beyond the ocean.'' he said still laughing. He looked back at her, ''And anyways, i bet you could beat the crap out of those sharks with your fighting skills.'' he said smirking.
Eri laughed. "Oh yeah, I'd scare them all away for sure," she quipped. "And I've been to Europe with my family. What about you?"
Kyle looked at the plates that was brought to him, ''And here are your plates lovebirds!'' the waitress said winking at both of them. Kyle blushed and a small shy smile surfaced in his reddened face. He looked back at her, ''No, I wish I could tho. Hopefully once i become journalist.'' he said eating a fry, he wasn't really hungry, but he didn't want to make her uncomfortable eating alone.
Eri nodded. "I'd love to travel the world someday. And being a journalist would definitely make that happen," she said with a smile at Kyle. She ate some of her food and took a sip of her water.
'' Is that a plan?'' he said smirking. He pushed his half finished plate, he felt a little sick and didn't want to push himself.
"Well, you're the one that wants to be a journalist. I want to see the world, but getting the money to do that would be tricky. The line of work I want to get into does involve potential travel though," Eri replied, having finished her meal and leaned back in her chair.
Eri smiled and looked out at the ocean. "Marine biology, actually. My mother was one of the head vets of the big aquarium back home until she died, and I've found the ocean and everything in it fascinating. Weird, I know, coming from someone who is half cat, but I love it," she admitted.
Kyle stared at her talking with great passion, it made him feel fuzzy and bubbly inside. A smile creeped up his face, '' It's not weird..I find it quite fascinating.'' he said folding his arms and leaning on his chair until the waiter came with the bill to check out.
Eri smiled back at him and looked out at the ocean once more, watching some seagulls catch fish from the water. She felt a pang of sadness talking about her mom, but she knew her mother would be proud. At least, that was what she hoped. She still had to graduate high school and attend college.
Kyle took care of the bill and looked back at her, she seemed a bit sad compared to 5mins ago. ''hum...Do you want to go back?'' he asked , the sun was going down and it looked beautiful over the sea.

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