Other Roleplay Pet peeves

I don't remember if I mentioned this before, but I get pretty peeved about RP's that expect you to make a character sheet even when there's no guarantee you'll be selected to participate. Sorry, but no. If you only want a limited number of people and want whoever fits the roles best, fine. However, don't expect me to make an entire sheet, only to get rejected. A simple character pitch should be good enough for you to determine whether someone is the best fit. Character sheets are already practically a chore so I don't want to do one for a character I may not even be writing.
Well I think I often have the entirely opposite of sheets Jannah Jannah does I gotta at least agree with the sentiment that I really hate having my time and effort wasted through submitting a character sheet with the prospect of just having to trash it on the horizon, let alone it actually happening.
The one that's bugging me right now is when people just... ignore the setting we've decided on and the worldbuilding we've done when they reply. In one roleplay I'm doing, we specifically decided on a fantasy setting. It was made clear, we mentioned the details of said fantasy setting a couple times, my rp partner seemed to understand what was going on. Then, a couple of IC replies later, their character suddenly has a phone??? Like... That is clearly not what we decided on. I don't understand how people can forget these basic details about a roleplay. Yes, everyone forgets little details, but how do you forget the entire setting?

Although, the person I'm rping with for that roleplay didn't really have any detail or contribute any ideas to start with, so I guess I shouldn't be that surprised...

Sorry if that sounded aggressive, I'm a bit frustrated by it at the moment.
The one that's bugging me right now is when people just... ignore the setting we've decided on and the worldbuilding we've done when they reply. In one roleplay I'm doing, we specifically decided on a fantasy setting. It was made clear, we mentioned the details of said fantasy setting a couple times, my rp partner seemed to understand what was going on. Then, a couple of IC replies later, their character suddenly has a phone??? Like... That is clearly not what we decided on. I don't understand how people can forget these basic details about a roleplay. Yes, everyone forgets little details, but how do you forget the entire setting?

Although, the person I'm rping with for that roleplay didn't really have any detail or contribute any ideas to start with, so I guess I shouldn't be that surprised...

Sorry if that sounded aggressive, I'm a bit frustrated by it at the moment.
Oh no, that wasn't aggressive at all and I too have had this happen. I was pretty miffed.
My peeve aligns to this one in a way.

I despise watching bullies. Especially one's who MASK HARD. It's a typical narcissistic trait and I detest it.

I have a really really hard time watching a roleplay be taken over by a bully. Who is pretending to be nice. Then they take over someone's entire roleplay. They change aspects of the story to align with their characters. They manipulate the players by pretending to be invested in theirs but if you really look closely, man, all those posts are "aggressive pick me posts." I just can't handle people like that. On the internet and life. Like, it's always that one person doing this again and again and again and again and again and again.

There is a difference from being helpful and manipulative.

Being helpful is like taking someone's trash out at work without being needed to be asked. It's not punching in for someone else job.

I don't know if that makes sense this is before coffee and I'm just really disgruntled and disgusted. HA
When somebody has way more characters then need (and then they don't even give the characters distinct personalities)
As a role-player and someone who draws, I enjoy making art of other people’s characters, but I can’t make anything if the only description I’m given for a character is artwork taken from Google images.
not fitting in sucks. going through the effort to submit a character sheet and trying to accommodate the worldbuilding lore, trying to make your own lore to complement the initial setting, and making a variety of characters for the sake of exploring central themes to the lore and unfortunately never getting anyone to rp with you as extensively as you wanted. even sacrificing some parts of a character to try to "get more engagement" with other people didn't really get much track. while i could suggest it as a problem with myself, more often than not, im always seeing groups rp with their og's, and so it just sucks investing a lot of words and ideas for a collaborative vision that'll never come to life because of favoritism, of incompetence; actually, the reason doesn't even matter because the end result is still the same, putting in a lot of work for something intended for collaboration but doesn't get any is a downer no matter which way you slice it.
When someone ruins a plot you had set up with a different person with a character that's op in comparison to your character
not fitting in sucks. going through the effort to submit a character sheet and trying to accommodate the worldbuilding lore, trying to make your own lore to complement the initial setting, and making a variety of characters for the sake of exploring central themes to the lore and unfortunately never getting anyone to rp with you as extensively as you wanted. even sacrificing some parts of a character to try to "get more engagement" with other people didn't really get much track. while i could suggest it as a problem with myself, more often than not, im always seeing groups rp with their og's, and so it just sucks investing a lot of words and ideas for a collaborative vision that'll never come to life because of favoritism, of incompetence; actually, the reason doesn't even matter because the end result is still the same, putting in a lot of work for something intended for collaboration but doesn't get any is a downer no matter which way you slice it.

I know you weren’t looking for advice but I have found for myself thinking of it as an independent writing excerise helps.

I usually put a lot of world building into my individual characters and roleplays (like at least two 10 page Google docs and sometimes a full spreadsheet)

The vast majority of the information is never really relevant to the RP (because it ends or because it’s not gonna come up in the story).

But it’s a fun writing excerise and it keeps me busy.

As for my latest pet peeve, this is just a minor one ::

Mobile incompatible character sheets. Like I love that you made your character sheet pretty but it’s a pain if I have to wait until I can get on a computer to actually read it.
It's always so frustrating when someone is playing a character they clearly have no interest and/or muse for, but when you ask them if they'd like to drop the character, they insist they are invested despite their posts (and sometimes ooc chat) showing otherwise. The worst is when this happens in a 1x1 doubling situation. I rather someone be honest about it than half heartedly keep going on. It'll be more fun for everyone that way
I like joke characters they do spruce up the role play there’s a time and place for them. It’s jarring to see a joke character in an otherwise scene that’s suppose to be serious.
I am in no way getting political. Please remain respectful. But I'm a little peeved at the moment by what I'm witnessing in the rp world.

Inaccuracies when people take the LGBTQ+ community and have absolutely no knowledge of the culture and history or the educated part of it all ; then proceed to make a character which is nothing but offensive stereotypes. To watch this unfold in a conversations is interesting but I'm getting pretty peeved I'm seeing it more often.

It takes a small amount of time to do research. To have a basic understanding of the labels and titles you as a player are slinging out. A lot of people fought really hard to get to a place of recondition in society. They fought hard so YOU could be artistically creative without fear of judgement. Don't make us feel like a freak show. A bait trap . A kink. Or a fetish, please.

Be respectful. It's okay just to accept you are uneducated about a topic and need to educate yourself or don't play the characters at all...


I'm feeling a little spicy today. I'm sorry.
I am in no way getting political. Please remain respectful. But I'm a little peeved at the moment by what I'm witnessing in the rp world.

Inaccuracies when people take the LGBTQ+ community and have absolutely no knowledge of the culture and history or the educated part of it all ; then proceed to make a character which is nothing but offensive stereotypes. To watch this unfold in a conversations is interesting but I'm getting pretty peeved I'm seeing it more often.

It takes a small amount of time to do research. To have a basic understanding of the labels and titles you as a player are slinging out. A lot of people fought really hard to get to a place of recondition in society. They fought hard so YOU could be artistically creative without fear of judgement. Don't make us feel like a freak show. A bait trap . A kink. Or a fetish, please.

Be respectful. It's okay just to accept you are uneducated about a topic and need to educate yourself or don't play the characters at all...


I'm feeling a little spicy today. I'm sorry.
I totally get it. It's why I only play cis characters. I have no experience or personal connections with the trans community so it's really not a topic I'm knowledgeable about, especially as a cis person myself. The one time I tried to play a trans character (because I do try to be open-minded about writing characters outside my comfort zone) they were rife with stereotypes.
I totally get it. It's why I only play cis characters. I have no experience or personal connections with the trans community so it's really not a topic I'm knowledgeable about, especially as a cis person myself. The one time I tried to play a trans character (because I do try to be open-minded about writing characters outside my comfort zone) they were rife with stereotypes.
Hey I actually really really respect you for saying this Jannah. I will also admit. There are a lot of things I can not write about because I'm just not knowledgeable nor have I been exposed to said culture. (not the LGBTQ+ culture) But say a culture across the ocean. I'd have a hard time writing about that.

Although, if it's something you want to explore don't let my post deter you for that. No one should ever feel shamed into not exploring things. Though I can completely understand your point.
I am in no way getting political. Please remain respectful. But I'm a little peeved at the moment by what I'm witnessing in the rp world.

Inaccuracies when people take the LGBTQ+ community and have absolutely no knowledge of the culture and history or the educated part of it all ; then proceed to make a character which is nothing but offensive stereotypes. To watch this unfold in a conversations is interesting but I'm getting pretty peeved I'm seeing it more often.

It takes a small amount of time to do research. To have a basic understanding of the labels and titles you as a player are slinging out. A lot of people fought really hard to get to a place of recondition in society. They fought hard so YOU could be artistically creative without fear of judgement. Don't make us feel like a freak show. A bait trap . A kink. Or a fetish, please.

Be respectful. It's okay just to accept you are uneducated about a topic and need to educate yourself or don't play the characters at all...


I'm feeling a little spicy today. I'm sorry.
This also happens with characters of different races and ethnicities. I mean people are free to write whatever they want in the end but if someone is looking to actually make a well thought out, complex, non-stereotypical character like you said, it only takes a moment to do some research. Or ask. I for one am open to talking about some of those things but it is what is.
This also happens with characters of different races and ethnicities. I mean people are free to write whatever they want in the end but if someone is looking to actually make a well thought out, complex, non-stereotypical character like you said, it only takes a moment to do some research. Or ask. I for one am open to talking about some of those things but it is what is.
I completely agree on this too. It's not that I don't think people can't write all : races, gender, cultures and sexualities right. People just have to take the time to do authentic research so their work sounds authentic and not like some offensive clown version with canned laughter going on in the background. Sometimes there is very little nuanced differences. I'm totally understanding to that. Basic research goes a very very very long way.

Also, just adding, I really hate it when race is also fetishized the same way lgbtq+ is but that's another peeve for another day. XD
I say this all the time - write characters based on people you know.

You don’t have to make a carbon copy but a lot of the problems with tropes and stereotypes is because people write a character without context.

They get so fixated on one aspect of the character that they make that one thing (gender, sexuality, special abilities, ethnicity, whatever) literally the characters only personality trait.

As for one of my pet peeves, when people can’t handle it when you don’t love their OC as much as they do. Like I am sorry I know you are really emotionally invested in this character but I am not gonna treat them like a flawless angel just to spare your feelings.

If there is a part of the character that is annoying I’m gonna mention it.
I totally get it. It's why I only play cis characters. I have no experience or personal connections with the trans community so it's really not a topic I'm knowledgeable about, especially as a cis person myself. The one time I tried to play a trans character (because I do try to be open-minded about writing characters outside my comfort zone) they were rife with stereotypes.
I *am* trans, and my first trans woman RP character was too stereotypey for me when I look back. (I'm a trans guy, and we face different problems.) Writing something you haven't lived is hard.

If you ever give it another go, someone who started transitioning years a go and is mostly at peace with how they look and how others precieve them may be easier, and its a kind of representation we tend not to get at all in mainstream media. Not writing a relatively uncommon experience that you don't know much about is also 100% valid, of course, especially since we're all just here for fun.

This is probably a very basic peeve, but, characters who are unrealistically skilled or accomplished for their age. In real life, some people are extra smart or talented, but it only gets them so far because we all get 24 hours at most, and mastering skills and getting ahead in life takes time.
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I don't like when people are insistent about there being an even split of men and women among the characters of a roleplay. Even if we ignore the issue that comes with characters who don't fall into either category, it feels a bit weird to me. I just can't see how it'll matter in literally any way.

Don't get me wrong, I get why it's done if it the plot revolves around arranged marriages or anything else where romance is going to play a big part. I can understand why it's done then. So I just want to make it clear that I'm specifically talking about roleplays where romance isn't the main focus.
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I have no problem passing over samples of my writing if someone asks. What does get under my skin is to give a sample only for the person to turn around and try to pass it off as theirs. Not even discreetly either.
I have no problem passing over samples of my writing if someone asks. What does get under my skin is to give a sample only for the person to turn around and try to pass it off as theirs. Not even discreetly either.
Wow, that's insane lol, this is one I've never heard of before
I'm pretty sure you can report that to the mods if it happened onsite? I'm 99% sure that breaks RpN's guidelines
Wow, that's insane lol, this is one I've never heard of before
I'm pretty sure you can report that to the mods if it happened onsite? I'm 99% sure that breaks RpN's guidelines
Oh heck yes report that stuff there are also apps you can use to prove that the stuff's been written before.
It will scan the internet for it's original source so just for a back up there too.
There is also a rule on most roleplay sites for copy cat roleplaying. Though, not always enforced it's something to consider too.

Adding a peeve here too. I'm always really really disheartened when someone takes over someone else roleplay. I think I've said this before.
I just get so disheartened for the person who created the roleplay. I'm like, what are they going to feel when they come back?
I have a really hard time when someone takes someone elses hard work and turns it into their own. Sort of along the lines of post stealing.
It is a steal. It isn't your authentic work and to act superior or like a leader isn't a win. You need to drop that roleplay out of respect and just re create your own.
It's super simple. It's very helpful. It's not rude. It's a huge peeve of mine because I've had it happen to ME!

I've had my content stolen before. I've had roleplays swiped from me like in front of my eyes. It made me feel so inferior as a creative writer and I'll NEVER
EVER forget the gut sinking feeling it gave me. Especially around times where being creative was the one thing holding it together. I'm a bitter old bean. I have lots to say.
Life's not perfect but writing helps me cope.

I think if you feel your content has been stolen be vocal about it. See if it can be remedied at least for closure sake.

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Funnily enough I have run into the exact opposite problem. Where the GM was so obsessed with their own narrative that they refused to let anyone else have a say in the story.

You were basically their personal ghost writer for the fanfic they had already pre-written in their head and you better be happy about that.

By no means a good way to write but now I kinda wonder what kind of chaos would ensue if one of those hyper controlling types met one of the spotlight stealers.

It would be some kind of drama and I think at least amusing to watch from an outside perspective.
Funnily enough I have run into the exact opposite problem. Where the GM was so obsessed with their own narrative that they refused to let anyone else have a say in the story.

You were basically their personal ghost writer for the fanfic they had already pre-written in their head and you better be happy about that.

By no means a good way to write but now I kinda wonder what kind of chaos would ensue if one of those hyper controlling types met one of the spotlight stealers.

It would be some kind of drama and I think at least amusing to watch from an outside perspective.
I honestly wouldn't find it amusing at all.
I would just feel incredibly sad for both of them.

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