Viewpoint What's a thing you wish people payed more attention to in RP?

I love these. I'm lucky that the people I write with are pretty good at it. One of the places where the characters frequently hang out, has a horse-shaped plaster patch on the wall from the time someone brought a horse indoors and it shoved through the wall to leave, making a hole. It's a bit cartoon-physics but that was the start of the building really being shaped by the story happening in it.

Keeping track of what characters look like right now can enrich the story, too. Who stayed up all night and looks exhausted, who got punched in the face recently, who had to borrow someone else's clothes and looks goofy in stuff that doesn't fit. That sorta thing. Sometimes I remember something that happened a day or more ago in-game but would still have visible effects, and describing that (sometimes even if my point of view character doesn't know what caused it) can make a funny scene funnier or an emotional one hit harder.

That sounds awesome, and yeah. Sometimes even a minor mention of something that references what happened before can make events feel so much more connected, cohesive and appreciated.
That sounds awesome, and yeah. Sometimes even a minor mention of something that references what happened before can make events feel so much more connected, cohesive and appreciated.
Appreciated - that's huge. It's such a good feeling when others go above and beyond to use the stuff in your post.

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